What is the current state of the field?

Applied Sociology in Action Project

Applied sociology is a very broad field. It is important, therefore, that early in their academic career students begin exploring areas which they find particularly interesting.

The purpose of this assignment is:

1) to encourage you to build your knowledge about an area of applied sociology,

2) to help synthesize information presented in previous units of this course,

3) to help strengthen presentation skills needed by applied sociologists, and

4) to offer students a chance to get to know one another by working together in teams .

You must choose an area of applied sociology (such as education, evaluation, marketing, health care, etc.) and learn as much as you can about it. What is the current state of the field? What types of work are being done? Who are the leading practitioners? Are these practitioners academics, consultants in private practice, consultants in firms, government or NGO employees, or full-time employees of for-profit companies? Who hires and who pays? What theories and methods seem to be most frequently used? What are some of the seminal articles/books in the field? What are the big questions in this area? And what are the unique insights that sociologists can bring to these questions? What is the history of the area? Who were the pioneers and pivotal figures in the development of the field?

To gather this information, you will need to scour a wide variety of sources, including: academic/research journals; trade publications; books; newspapers and magazines; the Internet; perhaps even personal interviews with practitioners.

Obviously, this is not a project that can be completed overnight. You will have a work week at the end of the semester to put the finishing touches on your presentation. But you should settle on a topic and begin your research much earlier in the semester as soon as the teams are announced.

Your presentation should run 10 – 12 minutes. It may be done in PowerPoint, Prezi, or video. The only stipulation is that it must work seamlessly when I watch it.

Follow the ASA style guidelines for citations,reference entries and any tables you use, and be sure to include a reference list at the end of your presentation. There is no specific requirement for the number of references used, but for a team project of this scope I would think you would be in the range of 16 – 20 with at least half of them coming from peer-reviewed research literature.

Grading: The presentation is worth 450 points and will be graded using the following rubric:

       Analysis of current state of the area

Types of work are being done; leading practitioners; most common types of practitioners – academics, consultants in private practice, consultants in firms, government or Non-Governemnt employees, or full-time employees of for-profit companies. Who hires and who pays?

Prepare 3 slides stating the social impact hurricane Maria left on Puerto Rico.

For this assignment, you will be adding to your tour. Prepare 3 slides stating the social impact hurricane Maria left on Puerto Rico.

How does gender, race, class, and/or sexuality intersect shape drag identity and performance?

Students must consider how performances of drag both reproduce and complicate taken-for-granted (biological) assumptions on sex, gender, and sexuality. How does gender, race, class, and/or sexuality intersect shape drag identity and performance? What effects do these drag performances have on the Key West community? What are the implications of drag on the larger sex/gender order? (in Times New Roman 12 point font, double spaced with 1-inch margins) and use ASA or APA citation format.

Discuss the problem of survey response, its impact on social research, and the need for representative samples.

Discuss the problem of survey response, its impact on social research, and the need for representative samples.

How do you decide which false claims to respond to on social media and which to let stand?

  1. Provide a link to an online advertisement that caught your eye recently. Why did this ad appeal to you? Do you consider it to be truthful or deceptive, perhaps because it invokes an informal fallacy? What effect do you think the advertisement had on you?
  2. People say incorrect things online all the time, but you can’t respond to them all. How do you decide which false claims to respond to on social media and which to let stand?
  3. When you respond to someone on social media, how do you decide whether to respond publicly or privately? What are the general guidelines you follow, even if they are self-imposed?
  4. For much of this conversation, we’ve focused on posts and articles, but let’s not forget about memes. What is the value of memes — in other words, what can memes do that articles can’t? Finally, share a meme that made you laugh or think about something in a new way.

What are the limitations present in the social sciences that make it more difficult to have confidence in the conclusions we make in our analyses?

–Explain the differencesbetween the natural and social sciencesin terms of their capacityto propose and test explanations to research questions. What are the obstacles presented in the study of human behaviorin the social sciences? What are the limitations present in the social sciences that make it more difficult to have confidence in the conclusions we make in our analyses?2 –Explain how the core components of empiricism,objectivity and observation,provide a framework for thescientific research process. First, provide a definition for each of these terms. Give examplesof how objectivity is maintainedduring the research processandhow observations of behavior are made during the research process.Finally, explainwhy objective observation is important to conducting scientific research.

3 –Propose a theory and a hypothesis for the relationship between social media usage and the academic performance of college students.Indoingso, you must provide definitions for the terms social mediausageand academic performance…there are different ways of conceptualizingthese terms, so clearly explain how youare definingthese concepts.Youalso will need to identify and explain at least TWO assumptions that serve as the causal links between social media and performance. Finally, your hypothesis should clearly identify your expectation for the relationship between thetwo concepts above.*** For Question#3, I do not expect you to have prior knowledge on existing research regardingsocial media usage and academic performanceor to do any outside research or provide citations.

4 –Choose from oneof the following broad topicsthat are commonly subject to public debate–terrorism,immigration, abortion, welfare, healthcare, or climate change. Identify a relationship between two concepts that you think is important regarding the topic you’ve chosen(for example –effects of human pollution and changes in climate). Provide an (Question 4 continues on next page)

explanation of an existing viewpointonthisrelationship that you think is based on non-scientificresearch, is based on flawed logicor reasoning, is biased in some way, etc. Provide a critique of this viewpoint interms of how the public came to understand this relationship. Finally, propose an empirical, scientific research project that could further our understanding of this relationship(briefly provide atheory, hypothesis, what data would you look for to capture your two concepts

What is meant by the term “resocialization”?

What is meant by the term “resocialization”? Under what circumstances does it occur in our society? Be certain to provide one text based quote and a REFERENCES SECTION. Use of peer reviewed information is encouraged. APA SYTLE IS REQUIRED.

Choose twenty concepts that are demonstrated in the movie. Define each concept in your own words.

Observational Sociology (100 points)

Sociology is one of the unusual scientific disciplines where we experience relevant phenomena every moment of our lives. An important goal of this class is for you to become more accustomed to making effective and meaningful observations. Through these observations, we become more aware of their sociological significance. Motion pictures make up a significant part of our world, and this exercise allows you to demonstrate your observational techniques and sociological analysis. You are to choose any non-documentary motion picture and follow the instructions listed below. Keep in mind that all motion pictures are sociologically relevant, but for the purposes of this exercise, some may be more appropriate than others.

Section I: Introduction

Identify movie. Give a brief description of plot and describe main characters.

Section II: Analysis

Choose twenty concepts that are demonstrated in the movie. Define each concept in your own words. Provide a detailed explanation of how each concept is illustrated. Use this listing format:

  1. concept: a-definition…


  1. concept: a-definition…

.                 b-illustration…



  1. concept a-definition


(For example: If you were to watch Disney’s classic film, Sleeping Beauty, a concept that can be observed is “ascribed status”. Definition: Ascribed status is a position that one occupies within the social structure that one has little or no control over, often assigned at birth. Illustration: The Prince was born into the royal family and had no control over which family he was born into.)

Section III: Reflection

Discuss the relevance of this exercise as it relates to “thinking sociologically”. Does the movie appear different when viewed this way? Discuss the most interesting thing you have learned this semester. (Minimum 250 words)

Paper should be double-spaced, 12 font. Length usually varies between 4 and 6 pages, but there is no specific requirement. Grading will be based on following above format, adequate description of plot and characters, the accuracy of definitions and illustrations, completeness of “Reflection” and correct sentence structure and grammar.

Describe the relations between the habitus, field, and practice, as discussed by Bourdieu.

Describe the relations between the habitus, field, and practice, as discussed by Bourdieu. Provide an example from today’s society to support your answer. Please use my materials.
This concept is on chapter 14 on pages 526-534. PLEASE DO NOT FORGET EXAMPLE and do not write in British English please.

Has the need for eldercare increased in the last 25 years? If so, why is this happening and what are the types of programs for in-home care for the elderly and are they viable for most elderly people?

Has the need for eldercare increased in the last 25 years? If so, why is this happening and what are the types of programs for in-home care for the elderly and are they viable for most elderly people?