Consider an American Indian proverb and reflect your thoughts, analyze your own online being by referring to Goffman’s ideas on self-presentation.


Consider an American Indian proverb and reflect your thoughts, analyze your own online being by referring to Goffman’s ideas on self-presentation (performer, setting audience).

Read the given pdf since it has all details and instructions regarding structure and information to be included.


What do you make of Karl Marx’s contributions to sociology? What perceptions of Marx have you been exposed to in your society, and how do those perceptions influence your views?


Week 1 assignment:

For this assignment you are required to answer the below question

What do you make of Karl Marx’s contributions to sociology?

What perceptions of Marx have you been exposed to in your society, and how do those perceptions influence your views?


Analyze interracial marriage using the three major theoretical paradigms: The Functionalist Paradigm, The Conflict Paradigm, and The Interactionist Paradigm.

Interracial Marriage

Analyze interracial marriage using the three major theoretical paradigms: The Functionalist Paradigm, The Conflict Paradigm, and The Interactionist Paradigm.

How does racial background influence intergenerational upward mobility of contemporary African American students?

Draft / Summary / Abstract Page:

Provide an extra 275-word draft of the paper / a 275-word summary of your paper’s main points / a 275-word abstract page)

How does racial background influence intergenerational upward mobility of contemporary African American students?


How does Nickle and Dimed challenge assumptions about American prosperity and poverty? Ehrenreich’s “experiment” took place in 1998-2000; do you think her experience would be different today? Why?

Response to Ehrenreich

Select and answer two questions (see below). While composing your answers, refer to specific examples/pages from the reading but respond with your own words (do not copy and paste large excerpts from the article!). Each response should be approximately 250 words in length (2 short paragraphs).


1. How does Nickle and Dimed challenge assumptions about American prosperity and poverty?

2. Ehrenreich’s “experiment” took place in 1998-2000; do you think her experience would be different today? Why?

3. Ehrenreich is a white, middle class, and native English speaker woman. Do you think her experience would have been drastically different had she been a person of color, a single parent, or an undocumented immigrant. How?

4. After reading this article, do you agree that having a job is better than having no job at all? Why?

5. Ehrenreich complains about “management.” Summarize the many problems that she had with managers and how this relates to being among America’s lowest paid.

6. In addition to not being paid enough, what other challenges do low-paid workers face? How do they affect their living situations (e.g. health, nutrition, ability to keep other jobs, etc.)?

What was the trials of the doctors about? etc. Research the Tuskegee Experiment noting when it began, what was the purpose of the study, how long it lasted etc. What did you learn from your research?

Research The Trials of German doctors / Nuremberg code

Research The Trials of German doctors / Nuremberg code. What was the trials of the doctors about? etc. Research the Tuskegee Experiment noting when it began, what was the purpose of the study, how long it lasted etc. What did you learn from your research?

Participate in eight class discussions/debates pertaining to the topics listed below. Take a for/against stance and present your views on these topics, as well as argue against the view(s)/post of another classmate.

Are American families falling-off?

Discussion/Debate Posts:

This activity aims at engaging you in in-depth research and analysis of information. Also, it will facilitate your ability to make reasoned and well thought out arguments and test your perspectives against your peers.


This activity requires you to participate in eight class discussions/debates pertaining to the topics listed below. You will take a for/against stance and present your views on these topics, as well as argue against the view(s)/post of another classmate. Use the assigned reading (i.e., your textbook) and outside materials (i.e., data and research from think tanks, such as Pew Research Center or from government published data sites, such as U.S. Census Bureau or Data.Gov, and peer-reviewed journal articles and books; see the suggested list of journals on page 4) to prepare your position/views/arguments and submit them by the scheduled dates and time. Make sure to present your position/views/arguments based on scholarly research and cite it as well; no personal opinion will be considered as a valid view/argument.

Write a 3-4 sentence about each question (4)that you create. What was interesting about this chapter and why?  What didn’t make sense and why?  What did you think was important and why? 

Discussion post for socail work students: Theortical Perspectives


Theoretical perspectives for direct social work practice: A generalist-eclectic approach (4th edition).

Chapter 1: An overview of and rationale for a generalist-eclectic approach to direct social work practice


Submit 4 well thought out questions PER CHAPTER and YOUR OWN ANSWERS.

Students are expected to read all required material prior to class time each week, and to prepare two well thought out questions and write their answers to their questions for each assigned chapter or reading.

Questions and your answers must be submitted on Canvas by midnight the day before class each week.  ex: For a Monday class, questions are due by midnight on Sunday.  For a Tuesday class questions are due by midnight on Monday, etc.

I will grade your QUESTIONS only, not your answers.  Asking thoughtful questions is a key skill in social work practice. See the rubric for grading criteria.

Questions will be graded on correct format and the thoughtfulness of the questions.


  • Questions must be OPEN ENDED- Open questions invite the speaker to elaborate.  Closed questions can be answered completely in a few words.
  • Questions must be well thought out based on chapter concepts and ideas.
  • Questions cannot be ‘trivia’ questions or questions one might find on a quiz or test.
  • Questions cannot be scenario based
  • Imagine you and a classmate have both just read the assigned chapter and you’re discussing what you read. 

Write a 3-4 sentence about each question (4)that you create.

What was interesting about this chapter and why?  What didn’t make sense and why?  What did you think was important and why?

Write 4 excellent opened ended question pertaining to the chapter

Write (create)4 thoughtful questions with answers along with answering the questions above that are highlighted in the discussion.

Only write a pages nothing longer! My semester is just starting and I have 19 more chapter to go and I’ll need some help. I have attached a few pages from my textbook. Select anything to write about as long as the questions are thought-out.


Ex. In the First chapter of Theoretical Perspectives for Direct Social Work Practice, the primary focus of the text is the method of practice referred to as eclecticism. As the authors attempt to defend this practice they demonstrate the historical resistance to this approach. What I found most interesting is how the authors suggested “a grid-match within the social work profession where the strength-based practice is pitted against a problem-focused approach.” (Mc Millen, 2004) Would you agree or disagree with Mc Millen in his opinion that there is a divide in the Social Work community pitting strength-based practice against problem-focused approaches? Elaborate on why or why not.


What is the research question? Does the paragraph clearly explain why the research question is important? Are there at least two citations to peer-reviewed scholarship?

Elder abuse research question

Research Question and Paragraph

 Turn in a preliminary research question accompanied by a paragraph explaining why you think that question is interesting and important to answer. Include citations to at least two peer-reviewed scholarly sources that you would anticipate using to inform a research proposal around that question. Use APA or ASA format to cite those sources in the text and to list references at the end of the document.

This checklist is designed to help you review and edit your work before submission. The checklist should be copied and pasted at the bottom of each assignment before you submit it on Blackboard. If the checklist is missing, the grade for that assignment will be reduced by 10 percentage points. If more than three items are filled out incorrectly, the grade for the assignment will also be reduced by 10 percentage points.

Directions: Mark a Y next to each line to indicate “yes” and an “N” to indicate “no.” Where needed, write in an answer in the space provided.


Big Picture:

What is the research question?

Does the paragraph clearly explain why the research question is important?



Are there at least two citations to peer-reviewed scholarship?

Are all in-text citations in proper ASA or APA format? (For instance: check to be sure that periods all appear after parenthetical citations and that all citations include both author name[s] and year.)

Is there a full reference in the bibliography/reference section for every cited source?

Is every item on the list of references written in ASA or APA format?



Does the document have the author’s name and the date on the front page?

Does the document have 1 inch margins on all sides?

Is the document double-spaced?

Is the document written in Times New Roman size 12 font?


Writing and Grammar:

 Are all sentences complete? (For instance: check for sentence splices and sentence fragments.)

Are all sentences easy to understand? (For instance: check for run-on sentences, awkward wording, and grammatical mistakes.)

Is all punctuation correct?

Is the document free of typos?



What did you notice about how older adults were portrayed? Do you think the portrayal was accurate? How might this portrayal contribute to ageism or help fight ageism? What other thoughts did you have about your observations?

Portraying an older adults in the “media

Observe how older adults (65 years old and above) are portrayed in the “media”. Observe at least one of the following:

TV shows
News programs
Radio/podcast, etc.

Observe how that TV show, movie, etc. talks about/to, treats, and interacts with older people. Once you have made your observations, write the answers to the following questions in the textbox or download your document to this assignment.

1.) What did you notice about how older adults were portrayed?

2.) Do you think the portrayal was accurate?

3.) How might this portrayal contribute to ageism or help fight ageism?

4.) What other thoughts did you have about your observations?