Using the Covey text as a basis, what will you require of yourself to learn, commit, and do to become a more highly developed person?

Using the Covey text as a basis, what will you require of yourself to learn, commit, and do to become a more highly developed person?

How much do people working in this field earn? Is there opportunity to “move up”? What qualities are desired in this field?

This assignment is a reflective paper in which you explain your career goals. Many of you entered this program wanting to achieve or accomplish something—so what is it? Why did you major in this field? What do you want to do? What are your strengths and weaknesses? What do you have to offer an organization? Provide specific examples.

If you were to go to graduate school, what program would you choose and why? What would be your dream school and where is it located? How long would it take to complete the program? How much would it cost? What would prevent you from going there? If you couldn’t go to your dream school, what would be your second choice and why?

What does the future look like for your dream job or your career field? How much do people working in this field earn? Is there opportunity to “move up”? What qualities are desired in this field? How would you fit into this field? What extra training or education would you be required to take? Is licensure or certification available in this field?

Apply concepts learned in this course and share any similarities in formation, culture and recruitment that you observe.

Read Chapter 1 and 2 of Extremism in America and view associated media.
Question: Rarely labeled gangs, extremist groups (on the left and right) have been at the center of attention for the media and law enforcement this past year. For this assignment apply concepts learned in this course and share any similarities in formation, culture and recruitment that you observe.( cite specific ideas )

How should society respond to the problem of poverty?

Unit 6 AssignmentThis is like Writing Assignment III on the DiplomaExam.Responding to PovertyYour task is to write a letter to the editor of thenewspaper on the same question:How should society respond to the problem of poverty?
Consider the concepts and ideas you have learned throughoutthe course Units 1 through 6.
Remember to include Social Studies terminology inyour response where itis appropriate.In your response you must
explorethe issue of responding to the problem of poverty
analyzevarious points of view on the issue
explainanddefendyour position on the issue
supportyour point of view using your understandingof social studiesNote the following reminders for writing.
Rememberthat you must answer the question.Organizeyour response.
Proof read your response.Rubriclook at the rubric below to see how this assignment is will be marked andhow it is marked on the diploma exam.Your Assignment will be marked according to the SocialStudies 30-2 Diploma ExaminationScoring Categories and Criteria for Writing AssignmentIII, provided below. Use this rubricto organize and proofread your response.You can be awarded a total of15 marks,broken downas follows:
Exploration & Analysis:5 marks
Defence of Position:5 marks
Communication:5 marks

an you provide an example from your own experience? How will you become an interdependent person?

Covey says that “Independence is an achievement. Interdependence is a choice only independent people can make.” What does he mean by this? Can you provide an example from your own experience? How will you become an interdependent person?

Write a  speech about dora the explorer.

Write a  speech about dora the explorer.

What is the title of the cover? Does it accurately capture the topic? If yes, talk about why

The paper will consist of two parts:
I) Explanation of the details of the cover.
II) A brief library research to locate and summarize 3 sources on the topic.
Answer the following questions in writing the first part of the paper:
I) Explanation of the details of the cover. (Write 2 paragraphs)
1) When was the cover published (date on cover) and what contemporary issue it refers to?
2) What is the title of the cover? Does it accurately capture the topic? If yes, talk about why
it works. If no, propose a different title that better suits the topic.
3) What attracted you to the cover in the first place?
4) How would you describe the cover to someone who has not seen it?
5) What questions would you ask the artist about the choices they made in designing the

II) A brief library research to locate and summarize 3 sources on the topic.
1) In this section of the paper I would like you to do a brief library research to find 3 pieces
related to the contemporary issue to which the cover refers.
2) You have complete freedom to choose where these pieces come from as long as they offer
an overarching sociological analysis of the specific issue under study.
3) They could be scholarly articles, chapters in a book, newspaper articles, statistical data on
the topic, or editorial pieces

Once you identify your material I would like you to do the following:
1) Write a paragraph summary of each of the 3 pieces (3 paragraphs total).
2) Write a paragraph tying it all together and offering your own perspective on the topic.
3) Write a concluding paragraph revisiting the issue in the larger context of social
inequalities that permeate our contemporary society

Include a reference page that lists all sources.
Use proper citations for all sources.
Give the paper a title.

Discuss marxist contribution to understanding society.

Discuss marxist contribution to understanding society.

Explain extended family in a sociological thinking.

Explain extended family in a sociological thinking.

Describe one example of a crime that has high news value.

Describe one example of a crime that has high news value.