Explain a problem that might be solved using hypothesis testing.

Explain a problem that might be solved using hypothesis testing. Would you use a one sample test or a two sample test and why? Run the problem in Megastat (using real or hypothetical data) and interpret the results.

In your opinion explain what Quantitative Analysis skills should be part of the curriculum obtaining a masters degree at Graduate School of Business.

Write an opinion piece and answer three questions.
1. In your opinion explain what Quantitative Analysis skills should be part of the curriculum obtaining a masters degree at Graduate School of Business. This is not a trick question.
2. Some people are very good at Quantitative Analysis, while other struggle with it. What are the advantages of having high level skills in this area. If you believe there are no advantages explain yourself.
3. In your specific career describe how do you anticipate you will be using Quantitative Analysis skills in Healthcare Systems.

How are interested people different from people who are not interested?

Template For The Data Analysis Project
MBAN 606: Quantitative Analysis

Here is a guide to the format.

1.0. What is the purpose of the survey? What are you attempting to discover? Hint – it is to assess the viability of a new business. Hint – it is not to play with a variety of statistical techniques to demonstrate you can perform them.

2.0. What are the main findings? How many people overall are interested? How many people in each condition are interested? How, if at all, does price influence interest? How are interested people different from people who are not interested?

3.0. What else relates to interest in the new service? Possibly nothing, possibly something. Other factors may be interesting, but they are not as important as the main measure. Correlating other factors to one another is OK, providing you have a good reason for doing it.

1.0. If you do calculations, show them. Be neat and organized.
2.0. Make sure you can back up any claims you make.
3.0. Assume you are writing for a stranger. This means be very clear, be succinct, get to the point, be convincing. Assume the stranger will severely criticize your work, so be careful.

If one of the subjects is randomly selected, find the probability of selecting someone who lied.


Use the data in the following table that shows results from a polygraph (lie detector) conducted by researchers Charles R. Honts and Gordon H. Barland. In each case, it was known if the subjects lied or did not lie, so the table indicates when the polygraph was correct.


  Did the subject actually lie?
No (did not lie) Yes (did lie)
The polygraph test indicated that the subject lied. 15 42
The polygraph test indicated that the subject did not lie. 32 9


  1. If one of the subjects is randomly selected, find the probability of selecting someone who lied.
  2. If one of the subjects is randomly selected, find the probability of selecting someone who did not lie and had a polygraph indication of not lying.
  3. If one of the subjects is randomly selected, find the probability of selecting someone who lied or had a polygraph indicative of not lying.
  4. If two different subjects are randomly selected without replacement, find the probability that they both lied.
  5. Use subjective probability to estimate the probability of randomly selecting a subject who did not lie and whose polygraph indicated that he or she did lie.

Discuss two ways of structuring the presentation of collected data from questionnaires.

Present and discuss two ways of structuring the presentation of collected data from questionnaires. Describe for each one how the collected data are analyzed. “slides are attached”

Analyze your data (explain what your results mean- did you confirm the correct organism?)

Lab Report Guide for a Virtual Organism
You will be writing a scientific paper which is unlike any history, English or philosophy paper. Your report should be written in prose and should follow APA format. Please pay attention to grammar, spelling and correctly writing the name of your organism. Plagiarized reports will result in an automatic F so write in your own words! The report should be 10 paragraphs (about 3-5 pages) long.
The paper is to be divided into sections. Each section must have its own heading. The Headings are:
1. Title: Choose something descriptive, for example: Identification and analysis of Bacillus cereus
2. Introduction: 1-2 paragraphs
a. Assume you are a consultant to a medical laboratory. The lab tech calls you and says, “I have been given an unknown sample. What do I do?”
b. Background information – A little information about what you tell the lab tech and why.
c. Purpose objective – what was the purpose of your advice?
3. Materials and methods: 1-2 paragraphs
a. Written in prose (not as a list) include what should be used in order and how it would be done. Use the flow charts as a guide for which test would be done in which order. In your conversation with the lab tech, if there is a choice for direction of the flow chart (for example: Streptococcus versus Staphylococcus) describe WHY you went the direction you did. DO NOT INCLUDE RESULTS.

b. This should be written so anyone could reproduce your procedure. Do NOT include unnecessary information such as ‘walk to the sink’. Remember that all this information is in a lab manual so if you can refer to that manual, do so without describing each step.

4. Results: 1-2 paragraphs AND a table/graph or figure (pictures are acceptable).

a. This is for all the tests that were done

b. Include a table, flow chart, or figures of depicting your results (both positive and negative)
c. Include text describing your results and the final outcome
5. Discussion or conclusions: 2-3 paragraphs
a. Analyze your data (explain what your results mean- did you confirm the correct organism?)
b. Based on your knowledge as a consultant, describe any other experiment or procedure that you found that we did not cover in class that would be helpful in identifying the unknown. (what would you do differently next time, etc.)
c. Discuss CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF YOUR UNKNOWN! You will need to do some research and include this in your report with references to those cited in the next section (Dolan, and Vuilleumier, 2003; Eastwood, et al., 2001).
i. Include the diseases/infections it causes
ii. Route of transmission
iii. Treatment and prevention
6. References
a. You need at least 3 references. One may be a lab manual.
b. Properly cited: use the APA format for referencing (including in the text). Examples of APA citations: (for more information visit for a tutorial)
Dolan, R. J., & Vuilleumier, P. (2003). Amygdala automaticity in emotional processing. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 985, 348–355.
Eastwood, J. D., Smilek, D., & Merikle, P. M. (2001). Negative facial expression captures attention and disrupts performance. Perceptual Physiology, 65, 352–358.

Produce a critical evaluation of the processes of talent identification considering theoretical models and real world applied applications.

This assessment is designed to allow students to consider the relative strengths and weaknesses of talent identification programmes. The aim of the assessment is toThis assessment is designed to allow students to consider the relative strengths and weaknesses of talent identification programmes. The aim of the assessment is to produce a critical evaluation of the processes of talent identification considering theoretical models and real world applied applications.

demonstrate ability to maintain a linked set of statistical investigations into what is really going on in the data, and to find/discover/invent fresh questions to be asked of it.

Main objective: To demonstrate ability to maintain a linked set of statistical investigations into what is really going on in the data, and to find/discover/invent fresh questions to be asked of it.

Examine these key findings, and comment on the success of their multiple regression equations. Explain your reasoning.

Predict success in graduate school with regression.
Go to Canvas and download SuccessInGradSchool.pdf. ETS (Educational Testing Service) Owns the GRE (Graduate Record Exam). In 2005 they performed a large study to predict success in graduate school. They used a multiple regression model with three factors Undergraduate Grade Point Average (U), GRE Verbal score (V), GRE Quantitative score. Note that they have a vested interest in proving the GRE scores have merit. The investigators are professionals from an elite institution with a sizable research budget.

Go to page 23 in their report “Table 3 Predicting Cumulative Graduate Grade Point Average.” They report the multiple R score for each of five different majors. Furthermore, they believe that the multiple R scores are underestimates, so they show “corrected multiple R” scores. Examine these key findings, and comment on the success of their multiple regression equations. Explain your reasoning.

Test the homogeneity of variance assumption on variables V3 to V10, with variable V2 as the grouping variable/factor.



ASSESSMENT 2: Data Analysis Assignment

You have been provided with the data for this assignment as an SPSS file. The data file has been provided with generic variable names (V1, V2, etc.), which you should change. You will need to provide more detailed VARIABLE LABELS and VALUE LABELS in the data file.

The hypothetical study examines the relationship between body mass index (BMI), sex, and different measures of response inhibition, delay of gratification, and positive/negative affect. The researchers recruited 120 adults and recorded their sex (V1: 1 = female; 2 = male) and BMI (V2: 1 = underweight; 2 = normal; 3 = overweight). Participants reported their level of hunger (V3) – at the start of the study – on a Likert scale ranging from 1 = “not hungry at all” to 9 = “extremely hungry”.

Participants then completed a range of self-report measures:

  • Kirby Monetary Choice Questionnaire: 27 items, each presenting two choices: either an immediate reward (e.g., “$55 today”) or a larger delayed reward (e.g., “$75 in 61 days”). The higher the overall score (V4), the more likely is the person to choose the smaller, immediate rewards.
  • Brief Sensation Seeking Scale: 8 items, scored on a Likert scale from 1 = “strongly disagree” to 5 = “strongly agree”. Example item: “I like wild parties”. The higher the overall score (V5), the more likely is the person to seek novel and stimulating experiences.
  • The Tightwad-Spendthrift Scale: 4 items, scored using either a 1-11 (item no.1) or 1-5 (items 2-4) ratings. The higher the score (V8), the more difficultly people have in controlling their spending. Tightwads (i.e., those with low scores), on the other hand, tend to become anxious and experience pain when they have to spend money.
  • The Positive and Negative Affect Schedule – Expanded form (PANAS-X): Participants are presented with a list of 60 adjectives (e.g., confident, joyful, upset, angry), and are asked to indicate the degree to which they feel each of these positive and negative emotional states in general. Items are scored on a Likert scale ranging from 1 = “very slightly or not at all” to 5 = “extremely”. V9 indicates positive and V10 negative affect scores. High scores on V9 and V10 represent high levels of positive and negative affect, respectively.

Finally, participants completed a Go/No-Go task, which measures inhibitory control. A Go/No-Go task presents two stimuli; one is a “go” target to which participants are instructed to respond as fast as they can (e.g., by pressing spacebar on a keyboard), and the other is a “no-go” target to which one must withhold responses. Failure to withhold responses to no-go targets is known as a commission error. The lower the commission error, the better is the inhibitory control. The current study used happy and sad faces as the stimuli. In the first half of the task, happy faces were the go and sad faces were the no-go targets. In the second half, the sad faces became the go while the happy faces were the no-go targets. Previous literature suggests those with reduced inhibitory control find it more difficult to resist responding to happy than sad faces. V6 represents commission errors to happy no-go targets, and V7 commission errors to sad no-go targets.

Your first task is to provide appropriate variable labels for all the variables and value labels for V1 (sex) and V2 (BMI). After this, answer the following questions. You must provide the relevant SPSS output along with any write-up that is requested. Any figures or tables must be in APA style. You are not required to interpret any of the results in “common sense” terms. The exercise is solely related to the data analysis, and the variables and their scores are somewhat arbitrary, so don’t worry if the results don’t make “real world” sense. This is not real data, so don’t worry if the results seem odd.

There are two parts to this report. The most important part consists of the write up of the analyses, including graphs and tables (if required) in correct APA style; in other words, in the style that you would use if you were presenting this material in a research report. The second part consists of the raw SPSS output of the analysis that you have carried out. Both sections need to be combined into a single Word file for submission to the online class space. Remember that SPSS provides a lot of output. Not all of this output needs to be submitted with your assignment. You should copy and paste only part of  the output that directly relates to the question that you are answering.

Please note that you are required to answer ALL SIX questions. Each question worth 5 marks.

  1. Examine all the variables from V3 to V10 for any violations of the normality assumption. Pick a variable that you feel violates the assumption. Run at least three transformations on that variable, and then make a decision as to which transformed version leads to the best improvement. If none of the transformed versions leads to any improvement (i.e., meet the assumption of normality), then continue to use the original variable. Write up the procedure you followed for that one variable (ignore the others that you tested) in the form that you would write it up were it part of a research report. For all of the remaining questions, use the transformed variable (assuming that you decide that the transformed variable is an improvement on the original; otherwise, stick with the original).                                                                    
  2. Test the homogeneity of variance assumption on variables V3 to V10, with variable V2 as the grouping variable/factor. Pick one variable that you feel violates the assumption and run the appropriate power transformation on that variable. Write up the procedure you followed for that one variable (ignore the others that you tested) in the form that you would write it up were it part of a research report. For all of the remaining questions, use the transformed variable (assuming that you decide that the transformed variable is an improvement on the original (i.e., using the transformed variable, the assumption is met); otherwise, stick with the original)
  3. Carry out a contingency table analysis using c2 to answer the question of whether there is a significant relationship between sex and BMI. In other words, are males and females equally represented across the three BMI groups? Show a bar chart of this relationship and present the descriptive statistics in a properly formatted APA table. Make sure that after running the c2 analysis you use the standardised residuals to help interpret the result.
  4. Is there a sex difference for the scores on the Kirby Monetary Choice Questionnaire (V4)? Is there a sex difference on Brief Sensation Seeking Scale (V5)? Write up the results in APA style, including properly formatted APA-style graphs of the means and an APA style table of the descriptive results (you can provide the results for both variables in the one table or in separate tables). Two separate analyses and two graphs are required for this question, and at least one table.
  5. Show a correlation matrix of the eight continuous variables, with significance levels. Present the matrix as a properly formatted APA-style table, then pick two significant correlations from the matrix and write up these results in APA style.
  6. Is there a significant difference between commission errors to happy (V6) and sad faces (V7)? Pick an appropriate significance test to answer this question, and present the results in APA style, along with a properly formatted APA bar chart and a table of the descriptive results.


The report is worth 30% of your grade for this unit.

Marking Guide

Each question will be marked out of five, giving a total grade out of 30.

  • A grade of 4 – 5 will be given for an answer that is of High Distinction standard
  • A grade of 3.5 will be given to an answer that is of Distinction standard
  • A grade of 3 will be given to an answer that is of Credit standard
  • A grade of 2.5 will be given to an answer that is of Pass standard
  • Answers that fail will be given a grade < 2.5

Each question will be assessed holistically, taking into account the following aspects:

  • Accuracy of data analysis; that is, have the correct procedures been used to answer each question.
  • Correct reporting of each analysis; that is, have the correct conclusions been reached, and accurately reported.
  • Adherence to APA style in all respects.
  • Where tables and/or figures have been reported, are they in correct APA style?

The following overall guidelines will sit atop these criteria when assigning a final grade:

HD    Outstanding work in terms of originality, understanding, interpretation and presentation.
DI     A very high standard of work which demonstrates originality and insight.
CR    Demonstrates a higher level of understanding and presentation.
PA    Satisfies the minimum requirements for content and presentation.
NN    Fails to satisfy the minimum requirements of content and presentation.