Is equality An Idea Only in Modern Church History?

Is equality An Idea Only in Modern Church History? (Mid-17th-Late 20 Centuries)

Kindly only look at Africa, Europe, Asia, South America, Australia/Oceana (Be sure to exclude looking at North America)

What is the significance of identifying scholarly journal articles as original sources of data?

Assignment 2b: Scholarly Journal Articals Bibliography Discussion
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Last module we looked at the importance of books in our research process. In this module our focus is on scholarly journal articles. As you have identified and reviewed the 18 or so scholarly journal articles you will use in your project, what are your thoughts about the process and why it is significant?

What is the significance of identifying scholarly journal articles as original sources of data?

Initial post due by Wednesday, Week Four. Write a 300-word post discussing the significance of identifying scholarly journal articles as original sources of data pertaining to your research topic. Be sure to include information from the text and cite them appropriately using CMOS.

Reply due by Saturday, Week Four. After reading the posts of all your fellow students, reply to two fellow students with a minimum 200-word post giving them feedback on their discussion. Feel free to ask questions regarding the information they share

Discussion Board Grading Process
The following is the Discussion Board grading process.

The Discussion Board Posts will be graded throughout the week. The first discussion post is due by Wednesday, 1159pm. The post is worth 6 points.
The response to two of your peer’s initial post is due by 1159 pm Saturday. Each response is worth 2 points each for a total of 4 points.
The total points for this assignments is 10 points.
Each late submission will be docked 1 pt per day t

Produce a book review on the “Symbolism in the Fourth Gospel

Produce a book review on the “Symbolism in the Fourth Gospel: Meaning, Mystery, Community by Craig R. Koester. You should should consider every chapter and identify page number for specific remarks. The review should be at least 3 pages long.

What is the replacement “gospel” message of each?

Arnold Toynbee asserted that the great world religions were replaced in the

Twentieth century by three post-Christian ideologies: nationalism, communism and individualism. If that is so, what is the replacement “gospel” message of each?

Identify one of the reasons from the early years of the twentieth century that the Evangelical movement has had little impact on politics, education and the media.

Identify one of the reasons from the early years of the twentieth century that the

Evangelical movement has had little impact on politics, education and the media.

If you were a Christian missionary to a particular country, how would you approach the culture of the people who lived there

If you were a Christian missionary to a particular country, how would you approach the culture of the people who lived there

Define religious pluralism and identify one implication for personal spiritual life and one implication for corporate (church) spiritual life.

Christianity on the World Scene

Define religious pluralism and identify one implication for personal spiritual life and one implication for corporate (church) spiritual life.

Describe the teaching of Jesus in regards to social justice

  1. Describe the teaching of Jesus in regards to social justice
    1. What was the way of Jesus?
    2. What is social justice, and how does the teaching of Jesus embody it?
    3. How does it relate to social justice found in Judaism?
      1. Was it an unusual teaching at the time in Judaism?
    4. How central was this teaching to later Christians, e.g., Paul and John?
    5. Do the teaching and the faith of Jesus differ?

Describe faith in the New Testament

Describe faith in the New Testament

Describe the understanding of faith in Judaism

How does the faith of Jesus differ from that of his contemporaries?

For example, the Sadducees, the Pharisees, and the Essenes

How do Jesus’s Christian followers such a Paul and John understand faith?

Does it differ from the faith of Jesus?

Is faith in the New Testament more about what you do or what you believe?