In what ways is it important to view a biblical worldview as affecting your desires? Have you ever experienced a conflict between what you know and what you desire?

Discussion thread

You will continue to expound upon your previous discussion by focusing on the importance of one’s intellectual understanding of a biblical worldview and how the Bible shapes your desires. After watching the video presentation titled Worship and the Biblical Worldview, continue the discussion by interacting with the following questions:

  • In what ways is it important to view a biblical worldview as affecting your desires?
  • Have you ever experienced a conflict between what you know and what you desire?
  • Examine some potential pitfalls in your worldview or even the worldview you see upheld around you. How would you propose overcoming it?

In your discussion, indicate to which of the points of Worship and the Biblical Worldview you are responding throughout your post.
Review the Discussion Assignment Instructions prior to posting. You may also click the three dots in the upper corner to Show Rubric.

How do you approach this idea? Is there evidence in Scripture or in couple / marriage research that supports your position?

Couple Similarities and Differences

Discussion Assignment Instructions

Post one thread of 300 words to the below prompt and you must support your assertions with two scholarly citations in Turabian format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last ten years. Acceptable sources include journals, books, our textbook, and the Bible.

Discussion assignments are research-based threads and replies. This means that each one need to have a research citation that supports what you are saying. Without the research, it is your opinion only.


In the PREPARE/ENRICH training, Dr. Olson discusses couple strengths. There are a number of theories/ideas about what constitutes a couple’s strength(s). Some texts recommend that couples should be similar so that they have their likenesses to lean on in stressful times. Others contend that couple differences diminish the weaknesses of the other spouse. How do you approach this idea? Is there evidence in Scripture or in couple / marriage research that supports your position?

Write a short essay comparing and contrasting followership and servant leadership. Provide a strong purpose statement.

Followership VS servant leadership

Write a short essay comparing and contrasting followership and servant leadership. Provide a strong purpose statement.

Write a compliant position paper presenting your creed and examples of a Christian Worldview of leading. Write your Biblical Worldview/apologetic about three concepts – Leading, Teaching, and Consulting.

Apostle’s creed and examples of a Christian Worldview of leading,

Write a 2000 – 2500-word APA-compliant position paper presenting your creed (definition and principles – cite appropriate bases for your beliefs) and examples of a Christian Worldview of leading.

In this case, though, the assignment is to write your Biblical Worldview/apologetic about three concepts – Leading, Teaching, and Consulting.

If you have questions after watching the video and reading this announcement, let me know.

For more information on Moustakas’ heuristic concept, see:



Drawing on the course readings, choose something like the psychology of religion, the sociology of religion, the anthropology of religion, or critical theory and religion and write a 1-page summary and analysis of this approach.

Exercise 1: How to Study Religion (40 points)

Drawing on the course readings, choose something like the psychology of religion, the sociology of religion, the anthropology of religion, or critical theory and religion and write a 1-page summary and analysis of this approach.

(1) Give a brief overview of the approach;

(2) Discuss key theories or terms employed within this discipline;

(3) Overview the method’s primary thinkers; and, lastly,

(4) Identify the approach’s main contributions and, if possible, weaknesses of limitations.


These four above items include the exercise’s required content areas. As for the structure of the writing itself, do

(1) organize your exercise into coherent paragraphs;

(2) proofread your prose carefully to create strong, grammatically sound sentences;

(3) use a balanced mix of summaries and quotations, the latter of which will

(4) include at least two in-text references to authors, dates, and page numbers for the readings.


Explain and discuss the 3 leadership positions in a group. List and talk about the dimensions of spiritual leadership and the 8 Habits of small group leaders.

Discussion: How To Develop Leaders (DSMN630)

Discussion Assignment Instructions

Post one thread of  400 words wherein you explain and discuss the 3 leadership positions in a group. Also, list and talk about the dimensions of spiritual leadership and the 8 Habits of small group leaders. Share your 2-3 strongest and weakest areas from the 8 habits. YOU must support your assertions with 2 scholarly citations in Turabian format. ny sources cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable sources include the textbook and the Bible.


Read: Arnold: Chapter 3

Read: Earley & Dempsey: Chapters 16 – 21

Read: Earley & Dempsey: Chapter 30

Read: Comiskey: Don’t Over Look Anyone

Read: Comiskey: The 4 Deadly Sins of Cell Leadership


Watch: How to Develop Leaders


How do you approach this idea? Is there evidence in Scripture or in couple / marriage research that supports your position?

Couple Similarities and Differences

Discussion Assignment Instructions

Post one thread of 300 words to the below prompt and you must support your assertions with two scholarly citations in Turabian format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last ten years. Acceptable sources include journals, books, our textbook, and the Bible.

Discussion assignments are research-based threads and replies. This means that each one need to have a research citation that supports what you are saying. Without the research, it is your opinion only.



In the PREPARE/ENRICH training, Dr. Olson discusses couple strengths. There are a number of theories/ideas about what constitutes a couple’s strength(s). Some texts recommend that couples should be similar so that they have their likenesses to lean on in stressful times. Others contend that couple differences diminish the weaknesses of the other spouse. How do you approach this idea? Is there evidence in Scripture or in couple / marriage research that supports your position?

Interview a couple whom you know personally that has successfully discipled their children. Ask this couple about the methods of discipleship they used with their children. Then, post a thread of 300 words summarizing the couple’s discipleship methodologies and describe their family’s circumstances.

Interview Project (DSMN610)

Discussion Assignment Instructions

Interview a couple whom you know personally that has successfully discipled their children. Successful discipleship means that their children are grown and are following the Lord in their life. You must interview the husband and wife (and it is recommended that you take your spouse along as well). In this interview, you will need to ask this couple about the methods of discipleship they used with their children. Then, post a thread of 300 words summarizing the couple’s discipleship methodologies and describe their family’s circumstances (the family setting, how many children and their relationship to Christ, etc.).

Use Turabian format and engage the reading from this cours and any outside reading you may have done utilizing citations. You must have 3 scholarly sources. Use course readings, bible, and 1 outside source.



Since your final research paper will be submitted in module 7, begin thinking through how you will argue your thesis.

Research Paper: Outline Assignment Instructions


Good researchers plan their work and work their plan. Since your final research paper will be submitted in module 7, this is where you begin thinking through how you will argue your thesis. Of course, the arguementation will change as research is compiled, but the Outline Assignment allows your professor an oppontunity to help you prove your thesis using good polemitcal and critical writing strategies.


This assignment will have four sections. The outline must include a

  • 1) thesis statement (one sentence only that states what you will prove),
  • 2) the research question,
  • 3) a detailed outline of how the paper will prove the paper’s thesis (I.II.III.A.B.C.) including how many pages will be allotted to each section of the paper, and
  • 4) a preliminary bibliography of at least 20 sources (including at least 8 that are fewer than 10 years old).

Add 15 more sources to those uploaded.  All sources must be scholarly sources and peer reviewed.


Special Note:  See sample Research Paper Outline.


Note: Due to constant updates and revisions, you must always consult the most current style guide in completing citations and formatting.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.



Do you think Moralistic Therapeutic Deism is an accurate reflection of society today? What are relevant examples you can provide that support your conclusion?

Moralistic Therapeutic Deism

When Christian Smith and his fellow researchers with the National Study of Youth and Religion at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill took a close look at the religious beliefs held by American teenagers, they found that the faith held and described by most adolescents came down to something the researchers identified as “Moralistic Therapeutic Deism.”
As described by Smith and his team, Moralistic Therapeutic Deism consists of beliefs like these: 1. “A god exists who created and ordered the world and watches over human life on earth.” 2. “God wants people to be good, nice, and fair to each other, as taught in the Bible and by most world religions.” 3. “The central goal of life is to be happy and to feel good about ones self.” 4. “God does not need to be particularly involved in one’s life except when God is needed to resolve a problem.” 5. “Good people go to heaven when they die.”
That, in sum, is the creed to which much adolescent faith can be reduced. After conducting more than 3,000 interviews with American adolescents, the researchers reported that, when it came to the most crucial questions of faith and beliefs, many adolescents responded with a shrug and “whatever.”

As a matter of fact, the researchers, whose report is summarized in Soul Searching: The Religious and Spiritual Eyes of American Teenagers by Christian Smith with Melinda Lundquist Denton, found that American teena• -. . v ticulate about

This Discussion will serve as the first of your interactions with the text and your classmates and will assist you in thinking through one of the prevailing worldviews in American culture. Christian Smith calls this “moralistic therapeutic deism.” After watching the presentation titled Moralistic Therapeutic Deism, respond to the following prompt:

  • Do you think Moralistic Therapeutic Deism is an accurate reflection of society today?
  • What are relevant examples you can provide that support your conclusion?

In your discussion, indicate to which of the points of Moralistic Therapeutic Deism you are responding throughout your post.
Review the iscussion Assignment Instructions prior to posting. You may also click the three dots in the upper corner to Show Rubric.

Post-First: This course utilizes the Post-First feature in all Discussions. This means you will only be able to read and interact with your classmates’ threads after you have submitted your thread in response to the provided prompt.