Explain the importance of a maintenance schedule in airline operations. Describe the attributes of an effective flying and maintenance schedule.

APA papers are a critical part of your learning in this course. Spend the time to research your chosen topic thoroughly and provide a comprehensive and pointed paper. The paper must be a minimum of 2-3 pages, APA formatted with a correct works cited page. The works cited page is in addition to the 2-3 page requirement. You must use at least 3 sources not including Wikipedia or about.com.

MLA Paper #2 Topics

1) Explain the importance of a maintenance schedule in airline operations.

2) Describe the attributes of an effective flying and maintenance schedule.

3) Describe the validity of a study of OCC operations. What are its strengths and limitations?

Discuss the performance ( growth / Contraction / stagnation ) of the airline passenger market over the last 15 years, along with the challenges faced.

Produce a report ( 2000 WoDiscuss the performance ( growth / Contraction / stagnation ) of the airline passenger market over the last 15 years, along with the challenges faced.rds +- 10% Excluding reference list, appendices, tables and figures ). The report will need to include the following :

Discuss the performance ( growth / Contraction / stagnation ) of the airline passenger market over the last 15 years, along with the challenges faced.

Discuss four examples of strategies that passenger airliners have used to not only survive but also grow over the stated period.

Need to include figures and tables to highlight your points.

Identify and analyze the dynamic nature of air transport markets and evaluate the performance of air transport markets.

The document must include, Cover Page , Contents Page And Final Reference List.

Pages must be numbered and work should be presented in 12pt black font with double line spacing. Your final word count must be included after the conclusion section.