What are some of the practical implications from this research that managers can apply as they go about leading others?

1. This week we emphasize the qualities of the leader who acts ethically in dealing with employees. We will see transformational leadership in Week 11. The “decouple” concept will also be introduced.
Zhu, W., Riggio, R. E., Avolio, B. J., & Sosik, J. J. (2011). The effect of leadership on follower moral identity: Does transformational/transactional style
make a difference? Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 18(2), 150-163. doi:10.1177/1548051810396714
As you read this article compare and contrast the qualities of the transformational leader and the transactional leader. This is the assignment. Include at least three other scholarly articles in your paper. Consider the following questions before you read the article. They will serve as an outline for you.

1. What does the article say about the effect of transformational/transactional leadership on follower moral identity?
2. What did you learn from this article that further added to your understanding of “moral identity?”
3. What are some of the practical implications from this research that managers can apply as they go about leading others?
4. What are 3-4 other key learnings from this article?
Your well-written paper must adhere to the following parameters:
1. Be 3 pages in length, not including the title and reference pages.
2. Be supported by three scholarly references in addition to the references you may use from the article. Remember, you must support your thinking/opinions and prior knowledge with references; all facts must be supported; in-text references used throughout the assignment must be included in an APA-formatted reference list.

Why is it important to know the differences between the federal and state rules?


The world of litigation is made even more complicated when the party being sued becomes the party suing others. As a paralegal, you will need to be able to navigate the rules for counterclaims, cross-claims, and third-party claims. For this assignment, you will research the state and federal rules for counterclaims.


1. Review this unit’s required readings.

2. Research your home state’s (Virginia) rules for counterclaims.

3. Research the same federal rules.

4. Describe your findings in a new Microsoft Word document:

• What are the rules for counterclaims in your home state?

• What are the federal rules for counterclaims?

• Compare the rules. How are they the same? How are they different?

• Why is it important to know the differences between the federal and state rules?

• Why is it important for you, as a paralegal, to be able to find these rules?

• How will you use these rules if you file a counterclaim?

5. Your document containing the answers must be one to two pages long, double-spaced, set in 12-point type, and framed with one-inch margins.

• Include your name at the top of the first page.

• Proofread your paper to eliminate mechanical and grammatical errors.

What should be the trade pattern of these two countries if they were only trading with each other?

International Economics (ECON 453)

Assignment (5 points)


  • This is an individual assignment. All assignments will be checked for plagiarism using the Turnitin similarity reports feature in Blackboard.
  • You are required to answer the below questions in a Word document which you will upload in Blackboard upon submission.


In this assignment you will use the World Development Indicators (WDI) database from the World Bank to compute the comparative advantage of two countries in the major sectors of gross domestic product (GDP): agriculture, industry (which includes manufacturing, mining, construction, electricity, and gas), and services. Go to the WDI website at http://wdi.worldbank.org/tables and use the sections on “People” and on the “Economy”.

  1. In the “People” section, start with the table “Labor force structure.” Choose two countries that you would like to compare, and for a recent year, write down their total labor force (in millions) and the percentage of the labor force that is female. Then calculate the number of the labor force (in millions) who are male and the number who are female.
  2. Again using the “People” section of the WDI, go to the “Employment by sector” table. For the same two countries that you chose in part (a) and for roughly the same year, write down the percent of male employment and the percent of female employment in each of the three sectors of GDP: agriculture, industry, and services. (If the data is missing for the countries you choose in part (a), go back and choose different countries.)

Use the percentages along with your answer to part (a) to calculate the number of male workers and the number of female workers in each sector. Add together the number of male and female workers to find the total labor force in each sector.

  1. In the “Economy” section, go to the table “Structure of output.” There you will find GDP (in $ billions) and the % of GDP in each of the three sectors: agriculture, industry and services. For the same two countries and the same year that you chose in part (a), write down their GDP (in $ billions) and the percentage of their GDP accounted for by agriculture, by industry, and by services. Multiply GDP by the percentages to obtain the dollar amount of GDP coming from each of these sectors, which is interpreted as the value-added in each sector, that is the dollar amount that is sold in each sector minus the cost of materials (not including the cost of labor or capital) used in production.
  2. Using the results from parts (b) and (c), divide the GDP from each sector by the labor force in each sector to obtain the value-added per worker in each sector. Arrange these numbers in the same way as the ‘Sales per Employee’ and ‘Bushels per worker’ in Table 2-2 on page 40 of your textbook. Compute the absolute advantage of one country relative to the other in each sector as shown in Table 2-2. Interpret your results. Also compute the comparative advantage of agriculture/industry and agriculture/services (again as shown in Table 2-2), and the comparative advantage of industry/services.
  3. Based on your results, what should be the trade pattern of these two countries if they were only trading with each other?

Bonus Question (3 points)

  1. Of two products, rice and paintings, which do you expect to have a higher index of intra-industry trade? Why?
  2. Access the U.S. TradeStats Express website at http://tse.export.gov/tse/tsehome.aspx. Click on “National Trade Data” and then “Global Patterns of U.S. Merchandise Trade.” Under the “Product” section, change the item to rice (HS1006) and obtain the export and import values. Do the same for paintings (HS 9701); then calculate the intra-industry trade index for rice and paintings in 2012. Do you calculations confirm your expectation from part (a)? Explain. If your answers did not confirm your expectation, explain why not.

  Just how different is sexual selection in humans when compared with other kinds of living primates? 

Term Paper Assignment 1 (Anth. 161)

1)         Your assigned reading for this semester includes an auxiliary book entitled The Evolution of Beauty by ornithologist Richard Prum.  You should have already purchased the book and be well into it by now, or at least have skimmed it in its entirety.  Prum’s publication will form the basis of two short writing assignments. You will provide answers to several questions listed below, and it is necessary that you incorporate and cite Prum’s work in composing those answers.

2)         Please answer the following questions in your paper, and support your answers with appropriate evidence:

—          First, what is sexual selection?  Contrast Darwin’s and Wallace’s opposing ideas about how sexual selection operates.  Just how different is sexual selection in humans when compared with other kinds of living primates?  How can studies of sexual selection in birds and other animals help explain trends in human evolution?  Give concrete examples.

—          Second, reproduction is essentially about using either armament and/or ornament to get the mate you desire.  Why has hominin evolution experienced a wholesale shift away from male-male competition, in favor of a more pronounced move toward female choice?  Can you envision a set of circumstances under which such a shift may have transpired?

—          Third, what effects has that shift had on the organization of human societies?  According to Prum, what roles have nonadaptive aesthetics and hedonism played in pushing behaviors away from adaptive eugenics? What further changes do you foresee resulting from sexual selection within our species?

3)         The paper will be at least six to seven pages long.  It will consist of a cover page, four to five pages of text, and one page of cited references.  You should consult and list at least five references, and one of them should be Prothero (you cannot use our main text, an encyclopedia, a dictionary, or Wikipedia as one of the five required sources).  I request that you use primary sources, i.e., that you make an honest attempt to get original source materials rather than second-hand treatments.  You may access second-hand sources (like the internet or newspapers) to help you better understand the subject matter, but it is preferable to cite scholarly, peer-reviewed sources in the paper.  It is acceptable to use online journal references (or any other sources published verbatim online with the original page numbers).

Formatting Requirements for the Term Paper (Anth. 161):

1)         Margins:  1.5″ on left; 1″ on top, right, and bottom

2)         Main Body of Text:  Double-spaced (make sure to first turn off default spacing between paragraphs)

3)         Fonts: 10 or 12 size (12 is standard); please use Times font style (use same font style and size throughout)

4)         Paper will consist of a Cover Page (1), Text Pages (4 minimum), and References Cited Page

(a minimum of five references—you cannot use your main text as one of those five)

5)         Items on Cover Page: — PAPER TITLE (3 double spaces down from top margin; all capitals; centered)

— by (6 double spaces down from title; lower-case letters; centered)

— Your Name (1 double space down from by; centered)

— four lines of information in lower right-hand corner of cover page:

Anthropology 161

1100-1150 MWF


the above four lines are left-justified (i.e., aligned on their left side)

6)         First Page of Text: Title is repeated exactly as it appears on cover page (centered, all caps, but at top margin of page one).

7)         There is no page number on the first page of text.  All subsequent pages of text are numbered either top

center, top right, bottom center, or bottom right.  Page numbers never go along the left margin.

8)         The first line of each paragraph in the paper is indented (no blocking of paragraphs).

9)         The opening paragraph of the paper starts 2 double spaces below the paper title on the first page of text.

10)       The paper should have one paragraph as an introduction (summary of the problem, what will be

covered, possible hint at the conclusions, etc.).  The ensuing parts of the paper should be organized

coherently by using subheadings to separate major sections of the paper.  There should be a logical

flow between major sections of the paper (evidenced both in thought and words).  The paper should be

well thought out in its organization, rather than merely put together haphazardly (use the subheadings to

give it organization).  The text should be ended with a short Conclusion or Summary section.


11)       Subheadings are placed against the left margin.  Use initial caps only in words of the subheading

(articles such as “a” or “the,” or prepositions such as “from” or “to” can be lower case; the only

exception is when they start the subheading, in which case they are capitalized).  Place a new subheading 2 double spaces down from the end of a prior paragraph, and then start the next paragraph 1 double space down from the subheading.  Subheadings can be bolded or underlined (not both), but whichever one you choose, be consistent in its use.  If you make subheadings bold, you must make the title bold also.


12)       All references mentioned in the text of the paper have to be properly cited on a References Cited page

that follows the main text.  You can put the References Cited heading right at the top margin of the

page, then come down 2 double spaces to begin listing your sources.


13)       All references listed in the back of the paper must be listed alphabetically by surname, and followed by

date of publication, and specific reference material.  Entries should be single-spaced, with a double-space

between entries.



14)       Examples of different kinds of references cited (hypothetical):


Linden, David J.

2009    The Accidental Mind: How Brain Evolution Has Given Us Love, Memory, Dreams, and

            God.  Cambridge (MA): Belknap Press.  [example of book title]



n.d.      The concept of trait transmission in chimps.  MS.   [example of ref where there is no

author listed, no date of publication, and it is a manuscript—avoid such refs if possible]


Camonille, Priscilla

2001     Development of Genetic Theory During the 1970s.  Journal of Modern Genetics 13(2):43-

  1. [a journal article]

2002     The Not So Selfish Meme.  Memetics Today 6(3):2-5.  [example of more than one ref by

same author]


Davou, Mara

2008    Great Ape Connections.  In New Concepts in Genetic Science, R. G. Matson and D. D.

Gish, eds., pp. 54-65.  Paris: Mouflon Publishers.   [example of article in a book]


Robertson, Marie

2001    The Dog-on-the-Leash Principle.  <http://www.memetheory.org>    [internet ref. example]


Zeta, Humberto

1999a  Imitative Behaviors.  Boston: Houghton-Mifflin.  [example of refs by 1 author in same yr]

1999b  Is the Bonobo Unique?  San Francisco: Academic Publishing House.


15)       References must be listed in the text in order to show where you got your information.  Generally, it is

done by putting the source in parentheses (Example: Davou (2001) identifies the brain as the

chief area where memes reside.).  If you give very specific information from a source, such as numerical figures or very specific knowledge from a reference, you must give the page numbers where it is found.  If you are merely summarizing the main conclusion from an entire reference, then you need not give specific page numbers (Example: Davou 2001:32).


16)       If you give a citation that is a direct quote, you must follow it with the author’s name, date of publication, and page numbers [Example:  Robertson says that, “Traits are permanently tied to genes and can never operate independently of them” (2001:13-14)].  Use quotes sparingly (short ones / no more than 4 total).


17)       If you use figures in your paper, they must be numbered and captioned.  If they are adapted from another source, then you must state that source.  Figures do not count as pages of text.  You can also use endnotes if you so desire (but I would suggest leaving them out for a paper of this short length).  And please do not use footnotes.


18)       The final paper can be stapled in the upper left-hand corner.  Please do not use paper clips to bind a paper, as they usually come apart.  It is also unnecessary to bind the paper in a folder (simply stapled will do).


19)       After submission, the paper will be graded according to the university scoring guide that we discussed on the first day of class.  You will receive feedback on your writing.  I will make red notations in the body of your paper, and I will also append a grading sheet to the back of your paper with suggestions on what you need to fix.  Before submitting the revised paper, you will need to detach that grading sheet from your first paper, and re-staple it to the back of your revised paper.  Do not re-submit the first paper; all I need is your second (revised) version with the grading sheet attached at the back.



Discuss peer pressure and conformity, noting the domains in which peers exertthe greatest influence as well as factors that help adolescents resist peer pressure.

  1. Describe the three-stage sequence in which children develop ideas of friendship, noting corresponding age range for each stage. (1-2 Paragraphs)
  2. Describe the four categories of peer acceptance, noting how each related to social behavior. (1-2 Paragraphs)
  3. Discuss peer pressure and conformity, noting the domains in which peers exertthe greatest influence as well as factors that help adolescents resist peer pressure. (2-3 paragraphs)
  4. Explain why many affluent youths are at a risk for poor adjustment. Cite examples (2-3 paragraphs
  5. Each day on the school bus and during recess, Jodee-a quiet, sensitive fifth grader was pushed, pelted with gravel and showered with insults by her classmates. Following the advice of her well-meaning parents, she tried to ignore her tormentors. What factors made Jodee susceptible to peer victimization? How can it be prevented? (2-3 paragraphs)

When is a warrant required in your state (Virginia)?


Many criminal cases are thrown out because police failed to get a warrant for a search or arrest. In your work as a paralegal, you can’t control what the police do during investigation, but you can be prepared to spot search and seizure issues in a case. For this assignment, you will research your state’s statutes to better understand when a warrant is required and specific exceptions as to when a warrant is not required.


San Francisco man Robert Park had been shipping overnight packages to different Wisconsin addresses for several months. One day, the owner of the shipping store that he often used to send his packages got suspicious. He opened one of the boxes, and inside he found a teddy bear with crude stitching and a heavy object inside. He called the police, who cut the bear open. Inside they found half a pound of marijuana. Park was arrested, but the charges were dismissed when the judge ruled the evidence found inside the bear was inadmissible. Police needed a warrant to search the teddy bear. The prosecution appealed, claiming police didn’t need a warrant because Park gave up his expectation of privacy when he used a fictitious name to send the package. The appeals court affirmed, ruling use of a fictitious name did not cause Park to forfeit his right to privacy.


  1. Read the scenario above.
  2. Research your state’s statutes on search and seizure/warrant requirements.
  3. In a new Microsoft Word document, create a checklist that documents when a warrant is required.
  4. In the same Microsoft Word document, create a chart that lists exceptions when a warrant is not required.
  5. In the same Microsoft Word document, answer the following questions:
  • When is a warrant required in your state (Virginia)? What are typical exceptions in your state?
  • Would police in the teddy bear case have needed a warrant in your state?
  • If you worked for the prosecution, what exception(s) would you argue applied in the teddy bear search?
  • If you worked for the defense, how would you counter the argument for applying an exception in this case?
  • What is your state’s application of the “good faith” exception to the exclusionary rule in U.S. v. Leon?
  1. Your document must be 2 to 3 pages long, double-spaced, set in 12-point type, and framed with 1-inch margins.
  • Include your name at the top of the first page.
  • Proofread to eliminate mechanical and grammatical errors.
  1. Save and submit your file using the Browse function below.


Discuss peer pressure and conformity, noting the domains in which peers exert the greatest influence as well as factors that help adolescents resist peer pressure.

  1. Describe the three-stage sequence in which children develop ideas of friendship, noting corresponding age range for each stage. (1-2 Paragraphs)
  2. Describe the four categories of peer acceptance, noting how each related to social behavior. (1-2 Paragraphs)
  3. Discuss peer pressure and conformity, noting the domains in which peers exert the greatest influence as well as factors that help adolescents resist peer pressure. (2-3 paragraphs)
  4. Explain why many affluent youths are at a risk for poor adjustment. Cite examples (2-3 paragraphs)
  5. Each day on the school bus and during recess, Jodee-a quiet, sensitive fifth grader was pushed, pelted with gravel and showered with insults by her classmates. Following the advice of her well-meaning parents, she tried to ignore her tormentors. What factors made Jodee susceptible to peer victimization? How can it be prevented? (2-3 paragraphs)

What impacts does this framing have on responses to the issue?

The Assignment Brief

Critical Report, 2000 words, 50%

The purpose of this task is for students to provide an in-depth report on a topic from the course covered in weeks 2-12, but NOT addressed by the student in Assessment 1A or 1B.


  1. Critically analyse how 2-4 different documents frame this ‘reality of crime’, and how these approaches may be improved. These sources should engage with different kinds of research methods/focuses. Documents must be publicly available, and address more than one of these types of publications:
  • Journal articles, book chapters, produced by academics
  • Government or non-government research reports
  • News media articles on research
  1. Write a report analysing the topic. In your report, you should address the following:
    • How do these different documents ‘frame’ the issue?
      • Where are they sourcing their information?
      • Is it qualitative/quantitative, local/international, rigorous/opinion?
    • What are they advocating through their findings?
      • How do they frame a solution?
    • What impacts does this framing have on responses to the issue?
      • How might it shape policy, or public opinion?
      • How might this have a positive/negative impact?
    • How might these research methods and reports be improved?
      • Based on your course to date, what would you recommend to improve/enhance/change research focus?

Assessment Criteria

This assessment covers CLO 3, 4. You will be assessed on the following:

  • Has the student demonstrated research and analytical skills?
  • Has the student demonstrated the benefits and limitations of research approaches?
  • Has the student conceptualised how research may be changed in order to address key issues?

Students will be assessed according to the following rubric, and it is strongly encouraged that students consult it throughout the assessment process: Contemporary Criminology Assignment 2 Marking Criteria.docx

Week 7 Overview & Readings

Key Concepts

Homelessness; Urban Space; Public Space; Criminalisation; Hostile Architecture

Required Readings

These four readings should be completed before the lectorial

Young, A., & Petty, J. (2017) Visible Homelessness: A Study in the Melbourne CBD and City of Yarra A Report Prepared for Justice Connect Melbourne Australia: University of Melbourne. Available here as a PDF: Visible Homelessness Justice Connect Report 2017.pdf

Young, A., & Petty, J. (2018). On visible homelessness and the micro-aesthetics of public space. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology. Available here as a PDF: Young & Petty On Visible Homelessness.pdf


Kawash, S. (1998) The Homeless Body. Public Culture 10.2: 319-339. Available here as a PDF: Homeless Body Kawash 1998.pdf

Petty, J. (2017) Ban On Sleeping Rough Does Nothing To Fix The Problems of Homelessness The Conversation. Available here

Readings Questions

Young, A., & Petty, J. (2017) Visible Homelessness: A Study in the Melbourne CBD and City of Yarra A Report Prepared for Justice Connect Melbourne Australia: University of Melbourne.

  1. What is ‘visible homelessness’ and how does it differ from other definitions of ‘homelessness’?
  2. What did the report find is the impact of homelessness on business?

Young, A., & Petty, J. (2018). On visible homelessness and the micro-aesthetics of public space. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology

  1. What do Young and Petty mean by ‘indirect criminalisation’? How does it apply to homelessness?
  2. What is ‘welfarist prohibitionism’? How does it apply to homelessness?

Kawash, S. (1998) “The Homeless Body.” Public Culture 10.2: 319-339.

  1. Kawash (1998: 32) argues that “the ‘homeless problem’ as it appears today in the dominant discourse of media and politics is not seen as a problem of the economy or the society that produces homelessness; instead, it is viewed as the problem that the homeless create for the economy and the society in which they live”.  What does she mean by this? (try putting it into your own words)
  1. Do you agree with her description above of how homelessness is viewed/framed? Why/why not?

Petty, J. (2017) Ban On Sleeping Rough Does Nothing To Fix The Problems of Homelessness The Conversation. 

  1. What was the proposed ‘ban’?
  2. Why does Petty argue that it is problematic?
  3. Why wouldn’t the ban ‘fix’ homelessness?

Week 10 Overview & Reading Materials

Online Image-Based Abuse

Content Note:

This weeks materials include discussion of sexual abuse, similar to that experienced by many of the people you may end up encountering if you have a career in criminal justice. If you have concerns and/or feel unable to engage with this material, please don’t hesitate to contact me (Bec) and I can confidentially assist you.

If you would like to get assistance, talk to someone, or report something either anonymously or to the Police here are some links that may be of use: 

Key Concepts

Image-Based Abuse; ‘Revenge Porn’; Sexual Abuse; Gender and violence; Online Crime; Victims; Offenders; Research; Policy; Law Reform

Required Readings

These two readings should be completed before the lectorial:

McGlynn, C., Rackley, E., & Houghton, R. (2017). Beyond ‘Revenge Porn’: The Continuum of Image-Based Sexual Abuse. Feminist Legal Studies, 25(1), 25-46 PDF available here: McGlynn Rackley Houghton.pdf

Henry, N., Powell, A., & Flynn, A. (2018) AI can now create fake porn, making revenge porn even more complicated The Conversation Available here.

Indicate the percentage worth of the final grade out of 100%. For example, this paper is worth 10% of your overall grade.

Assessment Plan
The assessment plan outlines the details of each graded assignment that occurs in the course including evidence that will determine how well the students are achieving the selected outcomes. You will need to create a rubric for your formative assessment plan. You will need to clearly explain how students will be graded for your summative assessment plan.
Assessment Title (indicate type):
Titles are usually short,, 2 to 3 words, representing the main topic of the assessment. Use a coding system to label each assessment uniquely. For example, for a discussion, use DB01, DB02, DB03….or for a written assignment use AS01, AS02, AS03…

Grade Value:
Indicate the percentage worth of the final grade out of 100%. For example, this paper is worth 10% of your overall grade.
Course Learning Objective(s):
Copy and paste the associated course learning objective here so students can easily identify and make connections with the assessment.
Unit Learning Objectives:
Copy and paste the associated unit learning objectives here so students can easily identify and make connections with the assessment.
The introduction should contain everything the student needs to know in order to complete the assessment including the purpose and how it meets the learning objects as well as how the assessment is to be completed and at what level of mastery.

Select a client or client system and then formulate an intervention plan based on your assessment of the needs of the client system and drawn from evidence-based practice (EBP).

In this assignment you will select a client or client system (e.g., older adults diagnosed with depression, women diagnosed with bipolar disorder, families in divorce, people living with food or housing insecurity) and then formulate an intervention plan based on your assessment of the needs of the client system and drawn from evidence-based practice (EBP). Include the following sections in your intervention plan:
1. Describe your client / client system and who you would include in the intervention process
o Consider micro to macro level intervention targets (This will differ depending on your choice of client / client system. In some cases, the work might focus on the micro-system such as individual, couple, family, group work. In other cases, the work might focus on macro-level public health interventions such as raising awareness about HIV/AIDS.)
o In terms of inclusion, identify which systems, agencies and institutions will contribute to the success of the intervention, according to EBP.
2. State which intervention is deemed to be effective for your client / client system (support this statement with EBP / scholarly sources).
o You can choose to base your intervention plan on any of the following practice models from our course as appropriate:
 Motivational Interviewing
 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
 Narrative or Solution-Focused Therapy
 Psychodynamic / Interpersonal Therapy
 Emotion-Focused Therapy
3. Clearly describe the proposed intervention procedures.
o What specific steps are in the intervention process (refer to scholarly sources for information)?
o What is the overall goal of the intervention?
o How long will the intervention take?
o What are some barriers to implementing the intervention?
 What are some solutions to these barriers?
o What strengths does the client (generally) bring to the intervention process?
o Why did you choose this type of intervention?
 What are some other way(s) that you could intervene, and why did you not choose those option(s)?
o Who will implement the intervention? (Explain why and how a social work professional can be effective in implementing this intervention with this client / client system.)
4. How will you evaluate your intervention? Think critically about how you will evaluate your practice / program effectiveness. (Refer to your SOWK792/3 class.)
 Be specific about what you will track and measure (Outcomes? Satisfaction? Process?) and how (e.g. standardized pre-post-tests of what? session/ outcome ratings? rating the quality of activities per week, frequency of positive / negative thoughts per week?)
 Why did you choose your evaluation measure(s)?
 How exactly will the evaluation be conducted?
• What information will you need to complete the evaluation?
• When will the evaluation occur?
• Who will conduct the evaluation?
• What are some barriers to conducting the evaluation?