Explain the significance of understanding the context in which a film exists. How does contextual knowledge influence our participative experience with film? Give examples to illustrate your point.

Explain the significance of understanding the context in which a film exists. How does contextual knowledge influence our participative experience with film? Give examples to illustrate your point.

Explain how cultural and religious differences affect the health care professional and the issues that can arise in cross-cultural communications.. Discuss family culture and its effect on patient education.

Write a 650-1300 word response to the following questions: I. Explain multicultural communication and its origins.

Compare and contrast culture, ethnicity, and acculturation.

Explain how cultural and religious differences affect the health care professional and the issues that can arise in cross-cultural communications.. Discuss family culture and its effect on patient education.

List some approaches the health care professional can use to address religious and cultural diversity.
List the types of illiteracy.

Discuss illiteracy as a disability.

Give examples of some myths about illiteracy.

Explain how to assess literacy skills and evaluate written material for readability.

Identify ways a health care professional may establish effective communication.


Discuss the importance of information systems producing expected outputs. Identify real-world examples.

Information Systems

Discuss the importance of information systems producing expected outputs. Identify real-world examples.

Explain the difference between data, information, and knowledge.

In response to your peers, compare your examples to theirs.


Discuss how  medieval peasant families had more of a flexible work schedule and worked fewer hours than the Modern Americans, their quality of life lacked certain basic essentials and personal liberties

Discuss how  medieval peasant families had more of a flexible work schedule and worked fewer hours than the Modern Americans, their quality of life lacked certain basic essentials and personal liberties

How can data collection and management be optimized (or improved) in clinical trials? Why is this so important to the role of the Data and Safety Monitoring Board?

Clinical trials

How can data collection and management be optimized (or improved) in clinical trials? Why is this so important to the role of the Data and Safety Monitoring Board?

What future research is needed to confirm or refute possibly unsubstantiated claims in the article?

Cyber psychology

– An introductory paragraph explaining what the article is about and what research study or studies, if any, it is based on.

– Critical evaluation of the research studies and theories you are citing in your critique.

– A concluding paragraph summing up how well the media article represents what the scientific research has shown.

– A reference list, in APA format (this does not count towards the word limit)

You may also find it useful to consider, in the closing paragraphs your critique:

– Possible implications of the media article (are there any likely harms/benefits of the article being published, based on how well it does or does not represent what the academic literature suggests is true?)

– What future research is needed to confirm or refute possibly unsubstantiated claims in the article?

The module leader will upload lecture slides and video, and give tips and answer questions, during teaching weeks 9 and 12.

While you will pick an article about one particular issue/area of cyber psychology for this assessment, each week’s session will provide you with opportunities to develop your knowledge of cyber psychological theory and literature, and to practice your critical evaluation skills.

All of this will contribute to your ability to produce a convincing critique for your assessment, so regular attendance at all the sessions is very important to help you get the best possible grade.

The learning outcomes that you should be aiming to achieve in this work are:

1) Demonstrate knowledge of key cyber-psychological theory.

2) Appraise and apply theory from a range of disciplines to explain human behavior in the online world.

3) Critically evaluate the role of the Internet in human lives.

4) Present and articulate research findings effectively, concisely and professionally.

Explain the financial consideration limitation and benefits associated with a change project.


Explain the financial consideration limitation and benefits associated with a change project.

Identify where resources would be be allocated from and where cost saving would be utilized.

would it be ethical for a criminologist to observe a teenage gang by hanging with them, drinking, and watching as they steal cars?

From what you’ve read in your textbook thus far, would it be ethical for a criminologist to observe a teenage gang by hanging with them, drinking, and watching as they steal cars? Should the criminologist report that behavior to the police?

Identify, define, and explain the concepts of information technology governance and management.

This assignment specifically addresses the following course outcomes to enable you to:
Identify, define, and explain the concepts of information technology governance and management
IT Strategic Plan for GG Freight ways
Lance, the new has asked you to write an IT Strategic Plan that he can use to guide the direction for his organization. The ITSP will be developed in two parts.

Business Statement – Summarize in one paragraph, in your own words, the business of GGFRT. Include the locations of the company/terminals/maintenance facilities, fleet information/details (breakdown), and current/future financial climate/goals (with cost savings). Refer to Case Study.

Business Strategic Objectives – In the Case Study, the management team has identified three (3) new strategic objectives.

Next add a new strategic objective of your own – one that you consider important to the current and future health of GGFRT’s business. In the explanation (for the new objective only), it should also add a statement of how the management team would improve the business of GGFRT.

It can be one of the three federal/state regulations that the company wants to remain in compliance with, or a new one that you choose.

Business Strategic Objective (BSO)  State the Objective; for the new objective, it should not discuss IT.

Explanation (in your own words for each BSO; for the new objective only, also incorporate how the management team would use the new objective to improve the business of GGFRT.
IT Mission and IT Vision Statements – Write two short paragraphs with separate IT mission and IT vision statements for the Information Technology Department at GGFRT. Label one “a. IT Mission Statement:” and one “b. IT Vision Statement:”. The format should be:

IT Governance – Using the course content materials and the case study, describe, following the format below for each section, how the IT governance process should work for GGFRT. Lance wants to engage the other senior leaders, so include:
who the participants are,

what each of their roles are on the governance board (why each is a member of the governance body, not their general roles in the company),

what specific governance methodology should be established/justification (i.e. COBIT, ITIL, etc.; documents in various weeks’ content), discussing your choice based on projects/case study
what general responsibilities the governance body would have, and
how they would prioritize IT projects to include (1) prioritization tool, (2) general criteria that is being considered for determining project importance, specific systems being planned should not be noted as the priority).

Refer to the course materials on governance, and you should supplement those documents with external research. IT Governance methodologies are covered in Week 5’s course content.

Inventory of Current IT Systems – Using the information in the Case Study, you will use the table provided to describe the current systems in use (not the systems being planned or in process of being completed, servers and PCs are hardware, not systems) and the IT resources allocated to their support (these are personnel in the IT



List three factual statements found in each book.Verify each of the factual statements.

Nonfiction book Critiques Experts urge early childhood educators to use information packaged in a “story” as a major approach in all curricular areas.
They propose that a basic characteristic of young children’s intellectual capacity is their delight and “sense-making” of stories, consequently, a prime learning and remembering mode.
More and more teachers are attempting a literature-based program. Some teachers worry that nonfiction materials may be slighted and excluded even though many nonfiction books are offered in story form.Nonfiction books make factual statements about animals, objects people, and so forth, and differ from narrative stories in a number of ways. Not all facts presented may be accurate or true so teachers must screen them carefully.Young children may list many nonfiction books among their favorites. The exclusive use of stories might be a barrier to literacy.Locate two
(2)nonfiction picture books for young children. (The books may not be books from any of the modules or books discussed in the text.)Respond to the following for EACH book:1.Cite title, author, publisher, and publication date
List three factual statements found in each book3.Verify each of the factual statements. Are they accurate? How do you know? (Do not just say you know it is true. Research it. Tell me where you learned it is accurate. Cite the source.)
4.Are there inaccurate statements in the books? How do you know?(Tell me how you know.