Identify a health campaign that is targeted at mental and cognitive health in older adults.

Identify a health campaign that is targeted at mental and cognitive health in older adults. You may use one of the NCOA evidence-based programs or identify your own in the research literature (see NCBI website).

Provide a review of the program, how many people, where the program took place, what the program entailed, did it work, what were limitations of the program or how would you adapt the program?

Evaluate the role of information systems in supporting organizational goals and provide examples where appropriate.

According to, an Information System is an integrated set of components for collecting, storing, and processing data and for delivering information, knowledge, and digital products.

Write a 300-word minimum, double-spaced paper on the topic of information systems.

Within the paper, describe the basic concepts of information systems. Evaluate the role of information systems in supporting organizational goals and provide examples where appropriate.

What were the author’s reasoning, theoretical support, and hypotheses for this research? Are these logical and succinct assumptions and propositions?

The standard economic theory predicts that firms will not invest in general training (trained KSAOs are transferable to other organizations) and will under-invest in firm-specific training (trained KSAOs are NOT transferable to other organizations) because firms can lose training investment to other firms if employees switch jobs. However, employer-sponsored training is prevalent in practice. Use the following link and select at least three (3) scholarly articles that discuss the topic of when and whether employers should invest in employee training and present the main conclusions of the research articles.
Note that you are required to use three (3) “research articles.” Research articles include abstract, methodology, finding/results, etc., and APA style. What should this research article include?
Why is the topic important? Why did you choose the selected articles?

Summarize and provide your assessment and critique of each article clearly. (You are not expected to understand the methodology and statistics used; however, if you do and desire to share, feel free).

What were the author’s reasoning, theoretical support, and hypotheses for this research? Are these logical and succinct assumptions and propositions?

Compare the articles. How are the articles related? Are they?

Do the articles complement each other and help to motivate research in a specific direction? Or, do the articles contradict each other and leave open questions for future research?

What are the findings (results of the study)? Were the hypotheses supported?

What are future directions for this type of research? Limitations of the research?

Critique, critique, critique!!! Is there a better way to conduct this research? Are there better questions to ask? Are there questions you wished the authors had asked? Etc., etc., etc.

Apply what you’ve learned in class and in your experience to your articles and presentation content.

Apply the findings to practice and evaluate how applicable this research and its findings are to practice! How can each article’s findings be applied to the real world? Or, can they? Can the findings help Human Resources and/or other professionals in understanding the topic better? How would you apply these findings within the workplace? Etc., etc., etc.

How can assessment be used effectively to identify learner strengths and promote learner growth?

Assignment Content

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper analyzing the multiple purposes of assessment.

Answer the following in your paper:

How can formative and summative assessment be used to inform teaching decisions?

How can assessment be used effectively to identify learner strengths and promote learner growth?

How can you incorporate technology tools to help students manage their own learning and assess their progress?

How can assessment be used effectively to support, verify, and document learning?

How would you use the data yielded from different types of assessment to inform your teaching?

What will you do to ensure that your personal identity, worldview, and prior experience do not cause bias and affect your behaviors and interactions with others?


What are the employment trends over the past twenty five years in women’s intercollegiate coaching and athletic administrations use examples from text or other resources to support answers.


for each of the 4 questions use one large paragraph for response a min of 600 words and maximum 1,000 words

1. How are human bodies used in contact sports like football and what should be done about sports injuries particularly head injuries? Discuss examples from League of denial to support answers.

5. is there social value in financially supporting women’s professional sports? use examples from the sport and the metoomovement video

6. are sports a realm for men only, or can women participate just as freely. use examples from the moving boarders reading to support answer

11. What are the employment trends over the past twenty five years in women’s intercollegiate coaching and athletic administrations use examples from text or other resources to support answers.

Identify the implications for you as the newly hired Director of Personnel Administration for Public Organization X.

Paper detalis:

you have the task of analyzing a case study entitled, Louisiana and Vision 2020. In your evaluation, avoid summarizing the case. Instead, analyze the case critically and assess how it pertains to this week’s readings. Refer to the Guide to a Successful Case Study Analysis (see slides above) for additional guidance. Remember, excellent analyses are a combination of critical and analytical thoughts connected to greater themes presented in the readings – and this is not an easy task.

Be sure to include the following personal reflections about the readings elements in your assignment:

Provide a brief description of the questions/challenges you have regarding this week’s course readings.
Explain why the case is noteworthy.
Explain how it pertains to the assigned readings (i.e., complements, contradicts, extends the readings).
Identify the implications for you as the newly hired Director of Personnel Administration for Public Organization X.
Explain how these points or issues integrate with the material covered in the class thus far and explain their relevance to you.
As you complete your analysis, keep the following questions in mind:

How might you coordinate such efforts across agencies, industries, and sectors? What state agencies might be tasked with implementing the workforce-training benchmarks?
What roles might secondary and post secondary education have in advancing toward the workforce-training benchmarks? How might community and technical colleges contribute to achieving these benchmarks?

What benefits might you champion as ensuing from the achievement of workforce-training goals for the state? What, if any, other benchmarks might be affected by achieving a more educated and better-trained workforce in the state?
Do not include the following in your analysis:

 Discuss what is meant by technology integration and what it looks like in classrooms.

The paragraph below was given by the instructor to develop this section of my assignment.

Discuss what is meant by technology integration and what it looks like in classrooms. Spend some time exploring the Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) ( Here’s a link to the Matrix : and briefly explain the interdependent characteristics of meaningful learning environments (active, collaborative, constructive, authentic, and goal-directed) and how these relate to the levels of integration (Entry, Adoption, Adaptation, Infusion, and Transformation). Include a minimum of two scholarly articles in support.

Identify and describe some factors affecting the mother’s health that can influence preterm and low-birth weight deliveries, and give a brief description of why these are factors.

Identify and describe some factors affecting the mother’s health that can influence preterm and low-birth weight deliveries, and give a brief description of why these are factors.

Identify and discuss potential diversity in the group that you anticipate teaching. (Diversity can include multiculturalism, age, gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, Limited English Proficiency (LEP), or other cultural barriers that you feel could impact your learning environment.)

Create a 5-page high-level teaching plan for a diverse learning environment that is designed around an appropriate educational theory.• Select a topic for a course that you would like to teach in an educational environment.

(patient educator for diabetes in a hospital.) Briefly describe your course and the environment that you will utilize for teaching. Also describe the intended audience for your course.

• Select an educational theory that you could use to guide the development of your course. Describe the key points of the theory you selected and explain why you think this theory fits the topic, audience, and context of your course.

o Be sure to cite textbooks or articles from peer-reviewed journals to support your choice.

• Identify and discuss potential diversity in the group that you anticipate teaching. (Diversity can include multiculturalism, age, gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, Limited English Proficiency (LEP), or other cultural barriers that you feel could impact your learning environment.)

• Use current research to describe how you will address these issues in your learning environment.

• Describe how you will manage conflict in the classroom that may arise from the anticipated diversity among learners.

Additional Requirements

• Format: 12-point Times New Roman or Arial font, double-spaced in Microsoft Word.

• Length: 5–7 pages, plus a title page and a references page.

• Use correct APA format, including running head, page numbers, and a title page.

• Writing should be free of grammar and spelling errors that distract from content.

What is the purpose of the collection today? What will be its purpose in the future?

A. Mission and vision statements: What is the purpose of the collection today? What will be its purpose in the future?

B. Acquisitions: What types of materials will you purchase for the collection? Books? Periodicals? Microforms? Maps? Family genealogies? Will you maintain vertical files of family and local history information? What materials will you not purchase? Will you welcome donations to the collection? What types of materials and under what circumstances?

C. Circulation: What materials will circulate? What materials will not?

D. Interlibrary Loan: Will you borrow materials from other libraries that your library does not own? Will you lend your materials to other libraries?

E. Reference: What reference services will you offer? Will you answer questions via U.S. mail, e-mail, Web site, telephone, or just in person? Will you charge for answering questions? Will you charge for photocopies of materials requested by patrons? Will you provide handouts and guides to genealogists, both beginners and advanced researchers? Will you provide genealogical data forms? Where will you get them?

F. Referral Services: Will you refer patrons to other organizations with genealogical sources for use by the general public? Local organizations? National organizations?

G. Equipment: What equipment will you provide for users of the collection: Photocopiers? Microfilm/microfiche reader/printers? Photographic services?

H. Security: Will users be required to sign in? Will you have closed or open stacks or a combination of the two? What other measures will you impose to protect rare and/or valuable materials?

I. Professional Genealogists: Will you refer patrons to professional genealogists in your area who do research for a fee?

J. Genealogical Software: What genealogical software programs are available? Which ones would you like to have available to the patrons of your genealogical collection?

The following websites may prove helpful to you. (Example policies) (Huge database of genealogical websites)