Write about the femicide epidemic in Mexico highlighting how lack of government intervention is making it worse.

Femicide in Mexico

Write about the femicide epidemic in Mexico highlighting how lack of government intervention is making it worse. Talk about what femicide is and how it targets women in color. Also discuss the movements associated as a result in femicide in South America. Provide potential solutions to stop or prevent femicide from occurring.

How did the actions of Confederate women affect the development of international war law? Think about the intersection of gender and citizenship and how the debates changed over the course of the war.

Women’s War

Book: Women’s War Fighting and Surviving the American Civil War by Stephanie McCurry

Answer the Following Questions:
1.What is McCurry’s main argument?
2.Why have other scholars ignored the influence of women in war and how does McCurry demonstrate their importance to fully understanding this history?
3.How did the actions of Confederate women affect the development of international war law? Think about the intersection of gender and citizenship and how the debates changed over the course of the war.
4.Discuss the transformation of enslaved women to “soldiers’ wives.” Think the about the importance of (coverture) marriage as a political foundation for the United States and its impact on war policy.
5.Describe Ella Gertrude Clanton Thomas’ experience with Reconstruction. How did she (or how did she not) reckon with major structural changes to the southern way of life?

How can racism affect a woman’s ability to access quality prenatal care? How could this impact her health and/or the health of her child?

Public health issue.

First, read this article c-, which discusses racism as a public health issue.
Now thinking about access to prenatal care: How can racism affect a woman’s ability to access quality prenatal care? How could this impact her health and/or the health of her child?



Are the main arguments of the two readings summarized briefly and correctly? Do you build adequate connections between the two readings and analyze them?

Audre & Monique article reflective paper

The purpose of this assignment is to: first, hone your summarization skills; second, develop your ability to synthesize different arguments and analyze texts closely; and third, build your own theoretical opinion about texts and convey them clearly.

Instructions: You are required to write a reflection paper on any Two Readings from the course. Your reflection paper should include the following components:
1. A brief summary of the main argument of both texts.
2. An analysis of how both texts connect with, differ from, or build on, each other.
3 .Your brief and informed position on the analysis.
4. Do not refer to any additional texts for this assignment.

Grading Criteria: Reflection paper will be graded on the basis of the following;
Summarization: Are the main arguments of the two readings summarized briefly and correctly?
Analysis: Do you build adequate connections between the two readings and analyze them?
Opinion: Do you offer your own perspective and/or take a position on the main points you analyze? Do you explain/justify your position adequately?

Describe and discuss hooks’ critique of feminism. Why is this discussion important for younger 3rd wave feminists in particular and all women, in general? What new insight does she offer re: love and patriarchy, love and feminism?

Introduction to Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

Communion Essay

  • Choose five out of the seven questions provided below. If you choose to answer six or all seven questions, the 6th and 7th will count as extra credit @ max 10 extra points/each.
  • While the questions specifically ask you to reflect on what you’ve read and learned in Communion: The Female Search for Love, your answers should not be limited to Communion. The questions are broad enough to incorporate the terms and concepts that you’ve learned throughout the semester in your readings and through lecture.


  • What is the main point of the book? Why did bell hooks write this book?
  • Describe and discuss hooks’ critique of feminism. Why is this discussion important for younger 3rd wave feminists in particular and all women, in general? What new insight does she offer re: love and patriarchy, love and feminism?

NOTE: A helpful post to read is The Other L-Word: How bell hooks Dared Me to Love: http://bit.ly/9YJrhw


Discuss and describe some of the biological factors that influence gender differences in STI rates. Discuss and describe some of the social factors that influence gender differences in STI rates.

Discussion Prompt # 4:

Women are more at risk of contracting an STI compared to men due to biological and social factors.

• Discuss and describe some of the biological factors that influence gender differences in STI rates.

• Discuss and describe some of the social factors that influence gender differences in STI rates.

Comment on the author’s intention and craft, and, in doing so, you want to sound intelligent, insightful, fair, and more kind than critical. Include at least one section where you address a personal connection: what spoke to you, and why, and what did not resonate, and why?


In both of these stories the protagonist is a young woman. One is an adolescent, and the other is a young college age girl. What do you think the author wants us to consider about how the modern world treats young women, and how the women themselves see it and attempt to deal with it? What do young women get right, and why, and what do they get wrong, and why? Is there a commonality between the two narratives? What do you think the author wants us to feel, to contemplate? Remember, check your moral soap box at the door! No one wants to hear you proselytize! This is not really about any errors of judgment by these individual characters (they are not real people!), but rather the author’s attempt to comment on themes she feels exist in the world we live in.

Your job is to comment on the author’s intention and craft, and, in doing so, you want to sound intelligent, insightful, fair, and more kind than critical. Include at least one section where you address a personal connection: what spoke to you, and why, and what did not resonate, and why?

Be certain your essay has structure. In supporting your claim, you will need to include at least three quotes from each story, and you must thoroughly ‘unpack’ each one. Take care not to discuss one story separate from the other; you should ‘weave’ your golden lines, utilizing one from “Virgins” with one from “Harvest” to support a key point. Each quote needs to reference the correct page number from the book. Your essay should also contain a clear introduction and an intriguing final paragraph. You can and should add personal experience and commentary when relevant.

Write an essay on the Impact of the Queen Bee syndrome on breaking the glass ceiling and the glass cliff.

Queen Bee syndrome

Write an essay on the Impact of the Queen Bee syndrome on breaking the glass ceiling and the glass cliff.

Evaluate contemporary gendered public policy debates, using political science methods and approaches.

MAJOR ASSIGNMENT: Public Policy Paper

Work on this assignment once you have worked your way through the unit(s). This is your opportunity to demonstrate you have achieved one of our course level objectives.

Associated Course Level Outcome:
Evaluate contemporary gendered public policy debates, using political science methods and approaches.

Associated Minor Assignment(s)
Completion of this summative assignment is supported by the following formative assignments: ALL

For this assignment you will pick a public policy area to focus your paper on. It could be one we covered in class such as health care rights, discrimination in the workplace, and or in the military, or it could be a different public policy area of your choice.

Provide a 2 pages, double spaced essay in which you describe the act and its after-effects and how it is empowering to women and/or girls.

Empowering to women

Provide a 2 pages, double spaced essay in which you describe the act (something you’ve never done before) and its after-effects and how it is empowering to women and/or girls.