
What is a learning organization? Discuss why is this approach to strategic management better than the more traditional top-down approach in which strategic planning is primarily done by top management.

Strategic Management (MGT 401)

Learning Outcomes:

  • CLO1. Recognize the basic concepts and terminology used in Strategic Management.
  • CLO2.Describe the different issues related to environmental scanning, strategy formulation, and strategy implementation in diversified organizations
  • CLO.4. Distinguish between different types and levels of strategy and strategy implementation.

Critical Thinking:

Question 1. (8 marks)

What is a learning organization? Discuss why is this approach to strategic management better than the more traditional top-down approach in which strategic planning is primarily done by top management. 3 marks (max 350 words)

Give an example of a learning organization from the SAUDI market. Describe the mission statement and vision of this organization. In which way this organization is considered a learning organization? Is it successful? What are the main problems faced by this organization to implement this approach? Justify. 5 marks (max 350 words)

Question 2. (7 marks)

Refer to Porter’s forces driving industry competition to answer the following questions: (max 500 words)

  • a. In your opinion, what is/are the most important force(s) in Porter’s industry forces? Why? 1 mark
  • b. What determines the level of competitive intensity in an industry? 1 mark
  • c. How can a decision maker identify strategic factors in a corporation’s external international environment? 1 mark
  • d. What are the main limits and drawbacks of Porter’s forces? 1 mark
  • e. Choose an example of an organization from the Saudi market and draw the matrix of Porter’s forces. What is the main force in this case? Assess the competitive advantage of your chosen organization in relation to these forces. Suggest solutions to improve its position in the market 3 marks

Note. To improve your answers, you are requested to use at least 5 recent scientific references, following the APA style.

Identify at least two musical elements or instruments you found interesting in the pieces of music you heard in this module.

Reflection of east Asian music

For this reflection, write about eastern asian music

  1. Identify at least two musical elements or instruments you found interesting in the pieces of music you heard in this module. (Just find a song on YouTube)
  2. How has the music of East Asia influenced other music? (You can think about how East Asian music has influenced the U.S. or other countries.)
  3. Do a quick YouTube search of East Asian music and share a link to a piece of music you find interesting. List at least one reason why this piece appeals to you.

Develop a detailed comparative analysis of cloud vendors and their services. Compare the pros/cons of the cloud service providers in terms of security, ease of use, service models, services/tools they provide, pricing, technical support, cloud service providers’ infrastructure, and architecture model.

Cloud Vendor Presentation


In this project, you will develop a detailed comparative analysis of cloud vendors and their services. A comparative analysis provides an item-by-item comparison of two or more alternatives, processes, products, or systems. In this case, you will compare the pros/cons of the cloud service providers in terms of security, ease of use, service models, services/tools they provide, pricing, technical support, cloud service providers’ infrastructure, and architecture model.

You will present your findings to the owner of the company in a narrated PowerPoint presentation with 10 to 20 slides. Use the Cloud Presentation Template.

This resource can help you prepare and record your presentation: Presentation Resources.

Presentation Guidelines

Your presentation should be comprised of the following:

  • One to two slides on the company profile.
  • One to two slides on what the company is struggling with.
  • One to two slides on current infrastructure.
  • Three to six slides on the top three cloud services providers. Include their service models (i.e., SaaS, PaaS, IaaS), services/tools/solutions (i.e., compute, storage, database, developer tools, analytics tools, networking and content delivery, customer engagement), pricing, accessibility, technical support for companies, global infrastructure.
  • One to two slides on a recommended cloud service provider based on the comparative analysis and the cloud vendor’s abilities to meet the service needs of the company.
  • One slide on the conclusion.

All slides must be narrated by you, the student.

Based on Bénédicte Delfaut’s documentary, Tobacco, the industry of lies, (1 hour), explain why the United States Government (via the FDA) never manages to control the big tobacco companies and even less to prevent them from produce and sell tobacco products. From a socio-political and/or economic point of view, what are the mechanisms used to circumvent the rules?

Writing Question


Question 1.

Based on the elements learned in our course, analyze this report on drugs and identify the socio-political and economic dimensions, beyond the anecdote.

Sources that you must use:

  • Understanding Substance Use – Educators guide
  • Clearing the smoke on cannabis

This must be 1 page long. You must provide quotes as support from the sources, but providing them is not enough. You must then explain each sentence quoted in your words, and of course answer the question. Avoid putting an entire paragraph in quotes as an answer; it is best to comment in your own words on each sentence quoted, one at a time.

In your APA references, indicate the page number as well for intext citations.


Question 2.

Based on Bénédicte Delfaut’s documentary, Tobacco, the industry of lies, (1 hour), explain why the United States Government (via the FDA) never manages to control the big tobacco companies and even less to prevent them from produce and sell tobacco products. From a socio-political and/or economic point of view, what are the mechanisms used to circumvent the rules?


  • Benedicte Delfaut: “Tobacco, the Industry of Lies”

This must be 1 page long. You must provide support from the documentary. Explain them in your own words and analyse to make sure you fully answer the question.

In your APA references, indicate the time as well for intext citations



Write a literature review on 6-8 journal papers on corporate sustainability approaches. Explain how the above literature help you to develop your research question that you would like to investigate using qualitative data. State your research questions, propositions or predicted patterns clearly.

989N1: Research Methods for Accounting and Finance

Report Assignment Description

This research Report is to assess your understanding on qualitative research methods. You are required:

  • To conduct a small scale of qualitative research on exploring the corporate sustainability approaches in the samples of your choice (in a specific region, industry, sector, etc.). (80% weight of this Report Assignment).
  • To create a video presenting your key research findings. (20% weight of this Report Assignment).

Report structure and writing requirements, with the guidance on word count allocation.

Refer to the following academic paper to develop your research report.

Formentini, M. and Taticchi, P., 2016. Corporate sustainability approaches and governance mechanisms in sustainable supply chain management. Journal of cleaner production, 112, pp.1920-1933.


  1. Literature review and proposition development (20 marks)

In this section, you are required to write a literature review on 6-8 journal papers on corporate sustainability approaches. Explain how the above literature help you to develop your research question that you would like to investigate using qualitative data. State your research questions, propositions or predicted patterns clearly. (Approximately 400 words)


  1. Qualitative Research Method and Research Design (30 marks)

You are required to adopt the same method as in Formentini, M. and Taticchi, P., (2016). This section will thus include:

  • Research methodology, which details the inductive case study approach, the interviews conducted in the sampled companies, and the coding process. Table 1 Sample used for data collection is required.
  • Description of the case studies, which details the within-case analysis and cross-case analysis. Table 2 Cross-case analysis is required. Alternative presentation of the analysis results is also encouraged, such as charts or word clouds, to present the pattern of the data analysis.

(Approximately 600 words. Tables do not contribute to word count.)

Sample size required: at least THREE companies.


  1. Discussion of Results (30 marks)

In the discussion you should comment on your results (Approximately 500 words), including:

  • Summarise and find themes from your data analysis above.
  • Highlight the interesting findings and data.
  • To which extent your findings agree or disagree with the literature? Write your answers to this question as the analysis of your results.
  • Consider the accuracy and reliability of your results and especially address the limitations of your research (e.g., small sample size, limited access to data, etc.)


  1. Appendix

In this section, you are required to copy and paste the raw data and data analysis outcomes as you produced in Word, Excel and NVivo (both or the ones relevant) to evidence the data analyses and results as you reported above. There is no formatting requirement for this section, as long as the data is clear to read. Marking on this section will be reflected in the above relevant sections. Please note that insufficient data and analysis reported in this section will result in low marks on the above relevant sections, as the research originality would be questionable.

Video Requirement

Introduction to the video project

The video part (20%) of this assignment is supported with £1,700 grant as the award of Education and Students Small Grant Awards 2021/22. This project aims to support students to create high quality, publicly available video contents to show case your key findings in your research results. This project could also:

  • help students to understand and to seek more details on their interest topics
  • bring some guidelines to students about related topics
  • use as evidence of showcasing students’ work at Sussex Business School, especially support their career planning as a track record
  • improve the communication skills of students as well as public speaking, planning, and executing as well as editing and production skills
  • raise public awareness of sustainable development
  • allow students to attempt to clearly communicate complex ideas and concepts learned in class into simpler and comprehensible terms
  • build students’ confidence around using tech and public speaking

Specific Video Requirement

Video Contents:

  • Introduction to your research questions, with a very brief literature review.
  • Introduce your data collection and analysis.
  • Present the key findings of your research.
  • Discussion on the implications of your research findings.
  • Address the limitation of your research.
  • Thank you and ending part.

 Video Design:

It is the student’s decision to make, regarding the video design, including: presentation in front of camera, voice over PPT, animation, documentary format, etc.

The following examples are illustrations of the possible designs that students may choose.

Video Format for submission: mp4

Video length: around 5 minutes (+/- 1 minutes)

 Students could opt for:

  • To release the video on a YouTube channel and/or Zhihu (Chinese equivalent to the educational function of YouTube) will be created for this project and public available. Students will get funded if they opt for this option. Budgeting, getting the video production budget approved, and guidance of purchasing video editing service is covered in Topic 10. Please note, you will be asked to agree with releasing this video to the public by signing up a separate consent form, addressing the GDPR issues.
  • To upload the video on Canvas for assessment purpose only. Please note that, video production in this category is not funded.

Noted that, marks will be awarded based on the quality of the research by applying the Marking Criteria as in the section below. The funding to videos only aims to improve the visual quality to serve the purpose of releasing them to the public.

Prepare and submit a presentation (10 slides excluding name, reference, and last slide with the total of 13) with a summary of Chapters 1 – 3.

Prepare and submit a presentation (10 slides) with a summary of Chapter 1 – 3.

Prepare and submit a presentation (10 slides excluding name, reference, and last slide with the total of 13) with a summary of Chapters 1 – 3. Proposed Topic: The effect of the various virtual moderator usage in knowledge transfer and its relationship to productivity in the business by measuring the project success rate.

Problem Statement: Current organizational knowledge transfer practices have been impeded due to organizational communication channels

Methodology: The method for this study will be the qualitative approach.

Target Population and Sample Method: Employees of organizations in the construction and healthcare industries through random sampling utilizing an interview questionnaire

When you think of Oral History, what aspects of marginalized communities do you think about? Discuss the impact of oral history in light of ethnocide of indigenous material culture. The Master Narrative is represented in society as historically accurate, yet what does the examples of oral history presented in the case studies suggest?

MA posc 124 Closing Remarks and Discussion/ Introduction & Concepts/ Closing Remarks

Part one

Oral History and Marginalized Communities

Closing Lecture Remarks

Overview and Criteria

Post by Thursday, Reply by Saturday

The three (3) steps to complete this assignment are explained below in more detail, but here they are in a nutshell:

    1. Pick 2+ course concepts.
    2. Answer 2+ question(s) or prompts.
    3. Leave 2+ substantive comments.

There are two (2) dimensions that add up to 30 total points possible from this assignment.

    1. Your Post : 25 Points Max
    2. 2+ Comments : 10 Points Max

You’ll be graded on your ability to utilize course concepts to critically reflect on the unit’s lecture material. You must closely follow guidelines to earn maximum points.

25 Points: Post Guidelines

Your post should be no less than 300 words in length.

Your post is worth up to 25 points. It should contain:

  • 5 pt: proper grammar. free of spelling errors, meets min. word count,
  • 5 pt: use proper in-text citations,
  • 5 pt: apply course concepts,
  • 5 pt: incorporate lecture(s) material,
  • 5 pt: directly address all aspects of the prompt(s).

10 Points: Peer Comments

Each comment you leave is worth up to 5 points (depending on quality of post). Being nice and respectful is important, but it doesn’t get you all the points. Your comments need to be substantive and expand on the conversation or original post in a meaningful way.

Comments should contain at least one of the following:

  • Comments should provide new information about the original post (“substantive”).
  • Elaborate on a point made by the Poster or someone else on the thread (“expand”).

In other words, compliments and salutations do not count as satisfactory comments.

Pro Tips

What mistake will cost you the most points?

Use of in-text citations for all prompts is required. Every student should develop the habit of attributing information to sources in college-level writing. You can use either APA or MLA style for in-text citations. An example of citing lectures in your text is as follows: (Fuentes, “Unit #: Name of Lecture.”). Both the green number and lecture title must be changed to the appropriate source for credit.

Continuing the Conversation

You have a voice; what’s your say?

Guidance: Select course concepts (2+) introduced in this unit to answer two (2) or more of the below question(s) or prompts according Professor Fuentes’ lecture materials. You can also incorporate your own personal experiences or recent events, but there has to be a clear connection to concepts and case studies.*

  1. When you think of Oral History, what aspects of marginalized communities do you think about?
  2. Discuss the impact of oral history in light of ethnocide of indigenous material culture.
  3. The Master Narrative is represented in society as historically accurate, yet what does the examples of oral history presented in the case studies suggest?
  4. Analyze oral history as a liberatory tool for the oppressed.
  5. How do oral histories presented in the case studies complicate your own awareness of American History?
  6. Discuss the “Illiteracy Problem” and domination of American English.
  7. What is another example of an oral history that describes the socio-political conditions of oppressed groups, their lived experiences, and stories of liberation?
  8. Add your own link to an IG post, tweet, or Tik Tok and explain how it is an example of oral history; OR Write your own question and incorporate course concepts to explain the importance behind your question (and the value of the potential answer).


Part two

Settler Colonialism: Natives turned Outsiders, Foreigners bestowed Citizenship

Settler Colonialism refers to a form of ongoing colonization in which colonizing powers create permanent or long-term settlement on land owned and/or occupied by other peoples, often by force. This form of colonization is an ongoing system of power that perpetuates the genocide and repression of indigenous peoples and cultures. Settler colonialism normalizes the continuous settler occupation, exploiting lands and resources to which indigenous peoples have genealogical relationships. Settler colonialism includes interlocking forms of oppression, including racism, white supremacy, heteropatriarchy, and capitalism. This is because settler colonizers are Eurocentric and assume that European values with respect to ethnic, and therefore moral, superiority are inevitable and natural. Understanding settler colonialism as an ongoing structure rather than a past historical event serves as the basis for an historically grounded and inclusive analysis of U.S. race and gender formation. The concept is linked to imperialism, an ideology of global empire building, and colonialism which is the external control of foreign territories and indigenous people by a European-derived system of domination.

Ethnocentrism is a concept used to interpret or evaluate groups of individuals and their cultures based in terms of one’s own cultural norms, traditions, customs, and religious systems. It views one own culture as “normal” and, perhaps, universal or correct. In this way, it centers one’s ethnic experience while displacing all other experiences by other ethnic groups as outside acceptable forms of culture. Ethnocentrism is responsible for creating the idea of outside groups that are less than “insiders” within the same environment. For example, Takaki explains early in A Different Mirror that early European settlers conveniently labeled Native Americans as “savages” in order to justify European domination and indigenous extermination. In other words, the culture and traditions of indigenous people are not worth preserving from a European with an ethnocentric view. The most common form of ethnocentrism in both colonial and modern history is Eurocentrism, which privileges European culture and identity above all other human forms of expression, tradition, and worldviews.

The White Spatial Imaginary refers to the principal way the “racialization of space and the spatialization of race” take place in the United States. (Lipsitz 2007). The concept is marked by “exclusivity and augmented exchange of value” (Lipsitz: 13). For example, the creation of “white-only” neighborhoods where the monetary value of houses is exponentially more than similar homes built in segregated or racially-mixed neighborhoods. The White Spatial Imaginary (henceforth, WSI) “functions as a central mechanism for skewing opportunities and life chances in the United States along racial lines. Whiteness, as used here, is an analytical category that refers to the structured advantages that accrue to whites because of past and present discrimination” (ibid). Furthermore, it must be noted, that “not all people who are white consciously embrace the white spatial imaginary, and not all whites profit equally from their whiteness, but all whites benefit from the association of whiteness with privilege and the neighborhood effects of spaces defined by their racial demography” (ibid). WSI was necessary to ensure the fulfillment of Manifest Destiny, a white nationalist protest mission to expand the U.S. across the continent, whereby Europeans took territorial possession of much of the continent without remorse or hesitation.

Sovereignty is an idea of organized territorial authorities (e.g. states, nations) with clear boundaries. Sovereignty is expressed in the various relations and activities by “nations” or “states,” and is arguably the most fundamental idea that outlines borders where each territory is expected to have a name and government. Sovereignty as a concept first emerged with exclusive application by European powers abroad. In other words, only European empires or kingdoms had a right to claim sovereignty over foreign lands and also to have such claims be respected or acknowledged by other European powers. In this way, sovereignty emerges as a conceptual tool used to confront the challenge for Europe’s division of the world for itself. The legacy of colonial powers and influences, and the importance behind efforts to decolonize, are embedded in the concept of sovereignty. All territorial authorities seek sovereignty but it was never designed to be achieved by all equally.

Citizenship refers to an individual’s status within the law and the rights, interests, and obligations that come with the institutional status. It also refers to the perceived, fantasized, and imagined social relation among strangers where personal identity intersects nationality. Citizenship is a form of political training at an early age which reinforces not only ideological distinctions but also responses of “insiders” and “outsiders” (Burgett et al. 44). It dictates social belonging as well as legal belonging, manipulating the narrative used to describe a nation’s history and those who contribute to it. In other words, citizenship directly influences what or who is spoken about in the Master Narrativeand how they’re represented within it. Race, class, gender, and sexuality are mechanisms by which to examine the uneven access to the full benefits of citizenship in the United States.

Begin to think and think again

You have a mind; what’s it thinking?

Instructions: Write 100+ words on one (1) course concept above.*

  1. Define what the concept means in your own words (3 pts).
  2. Think of a useful description or example of the concept (4 pts).
  3. Create your own reason that explains why this concept is significant to Ethnic Studies (3 pts).

Guidance: Follow the three (3) requirements above to receive maximum points. No other rules apply (citations, format, etc.). Base your response on what you already know, not the unit lecture. In other words, use your own knowledge to create knowledge about a concept: you can tie in your own personal experiences, stories, and examples. You can also use other concepts from this course to explain any aspect of your response.



part three

Settler Colonialism: Natives turned Outsiders, Foreigners bestowed Citizenship

Overview and Criteria

Post by Friday, Reply by Sunday

The three (3) steps to complete this assignment are explained below in more detail, but here they are in a nutshell:

    1. Pick 2+ course concepts.
    2. Answer 2+ question(s) or prompts.
    3. Leave 2+ substantive comments.

There are two (2) dimensions that add up to 30 total points possible from this assignment.

    1. Your Post : 25 Points Max
    2. 2+ Comments : 10 Points Max

You’ll be graded on your ability to utilize course concepts to critically reflect on the unit’s lecture material. You must closely follow guidelines to earn maximum points.

25 Points: Post Guidelines

Your post should be no less than 300 words in length.

Your post is worth up to 25 points. It should contain:

  • 5 pt: proper grammar. free of spelling errors, meets min. word count,
  • 5 pt: use proper in-text citations,
  • 5 pt: apply course concepts,
  • 5 pt: incorporate lecture(s) material,
  • 5 pt: directly address all aspects of the prompt(s).

10 Points: Peer Comments

Each comment you leave is worth up to 5 points (depending on quality of post). Being nice and respectful is important, but it doesn’t get you all the points. Your comments need to be substantive and expand on the conversation or original post in a meaningful way.

Comments should contain at least one of the following:

  • Comments should provide new information about the original post (“substantive”).
  • Elaborate on a point made by the Poster or someone else on the thread (“expand”).

In other words, compliments and salutations do not count as satisfactory comments.

Pro Tips

What mistake will cost you the most points?

Use of in-text citations for all prompts is required as you need to develop the habit of attributing information to sources in college-level writing. An example of citing lectures in your text is as follows: (Fuentes, “Unit #: Name of Lecture.”). Both the green number and lecture title must be changed to the appropriate source for credit.

Don’t want to lose your work?

Copy and paste your posts on Canvas, but write them elsewhere (Word

Links to an external site., Google

Links to an external site., etc.). Canvas logs users out with inactivity. If this happens, you aren’t alerted and your work will be lost even if you try to “save” or hit “submit.”

Need assistance with Canvas?

VC has the Online Student Help Team

Links to an external site. who are ready to provide you with any Canvas support in real-time. If you need help using Canvas Discussions, please review the following guide: Canvas Student Guide – Discussions.

Continuing the Conversation

You have a voice; what’s your say?

Guidance: Select course concepts (2+) introduced in this unit to answer two (2) or more of the below question(s) or prompts according Professor Fuentes’ lecture materials. You can also incorporate your own personal experiences or recent events, but there has to be a clear connection to concepts and case studies.*

  1. What are ways that settler colonialism and ethnocentrism affect our understanding of American History?
  2. Discuss the concept “Exiles from Ireland” (Ch. 6).
  3. How is the White Spatial Imaginary normalized and accepted in society?
  4. Discuss the causes and effects of Exodus From Russia (Ch. 11).
  5. How did political models of citizenship reproduce racism, racial power, or eurocentrism?
  6. Discuss the American (ethnic) dilemma of WWII (Ch. 14).
  7. From your own lived experience, what is another example of ethnocentrism or White Spatial Imaginary?
  8. Add your own link to an IG post, tweet, or Tik Tok and explain how it is an example of White Spatial Imaginary or ethnocentrism; OR Write your own question and incorporate course concepts to explain the importance behind your question (and the value of the potential answer).

What is your rationale for your response? How does your response relate to best teaching practices (DAP)? Research? Guidance/Discipline policies? CLASS-Behavior Management Dimension and behavior markers?

Child Development lesson

Challenging Behaviors: Clean-Up Time Scenario


This activity will demonstrate your ability to identify and implement strategies to prevent and/or address children’s challenging behaviors.


It is free time and children are in different centers throughout the classroom. There are 18 children present and 2 teachers. Robert who is 4 years 2 months is in the block area and building with his friend Tyron. Teacher announces that it is time for cleanup. Robert and Tyron keep playing in block area. Teacher speaks directly to them and says,” Boys time to clean up”. Some children in classroom are putting materials away while others continue to play. 3 minutes go by and teacher comes by the block area again and says, “Robert and Tyron, pick up the blocks. I already told you it is clean up time.” She walks away to the dramatic play area to let children know it is clean up. 10 minutes have gone by and the areas are still not cleaned up. Teacher walks over to the lights and switches off the lights. “Is this how we clean up? I have given you 2 warnings that it is clean up time. Put away the toys, now”. Robert and Tyron leave block area and go sit down for group time without putting away the blocks. At the end of the day when Robert’s Mom came to pick him up the teacher remarked, “Robert didn’t follow instructions today. He needs to work on putting away the toys he plays with because today he didn’t put away the blocks. You really need to work with him”

In your answer you will analyze the situation and respond to the prompts.

Analysis of behavior scenario

What are the perspectives of each person involved in the scenario?

Child (ren) why do you think child is exhibiting this behavior?

  • Teacher: expectations and attitude
  • Others involved
  • Family: expectations

Other factors to consider and how they may impact behavior?

  • Physical Environment
  • Cultural influences
  • Development of child/ren

What will you do?

Teacher goals: What do you want to achieve? short term goals/ long term goals

Pro-active: What proactive steps can teacher take before behavior escalates?

Strategies: What will you try? Why?

Specific positive statements to child (ren): State specifically what you will say to the child/ren. Reflect in your answer how you will support children’s socio-emotional development and acknowledge their feelings. Use quotes.

Support your response to this Behavior Scenario.

What is your rationale for your response? How does your response relate to best teaching practices (DAP)? Research? Guidance/Discipline policies? CLASS-Behavior Management Dimension and behavior markers?

CLASS Behavior Markers

  • Clear Behavior Expectations, consistency, clarity of rules
  • Proactive-Anticipates problem behavior or escalation, Low reactivity, Monitors
  • Redirection of Misbehavior-Effective reduction of misbehavior, attention to positive, uses subtle cues to redirect

What questions do you still have?

Write an essay on how to become a successful business man, just like Elon musk and some others.

How to become a successful business man

Write an essay on how to become a successful business man, just like Elon musk and some others.

If you managed people in an organization in which there were lots of hindrance stressors, what actions would you take to help ensure that your employees coped with the stressors using a problem-focused (as opposed to emotion-focused) strategy?

Organizational Behaviour (MGT 301)

Case Study:


Read the case “DELTA” from Chapter 6 “Motivation” Page: – 186 given in your textbook – Organizational behaviour: Improving performance and commitment in the workplace (7th ed). by Colquitt, J. A., LePine, J. A., & Wesson, M. J. (2021) and Answer the following Questions:

Assignment Question(s):

1. Which motivational theories does Delta appear to be leveraging in its approach to motivation? (03 Marks) (Min words 150-200)

2. Picture being an employee of Delta during the period where the company transitioned into—and out of—bankruptcy. What motivational implications would that experience have, and how long would they last? (03 Marks) (Min words 200-300)

3. Which do you think is most motivational for Delta’s employees? Their high base pay, their generous profit sharing, or a CEO who is so accessible and communicative? (03 Marks) (Min words 200)


Discussion questions: – Please read Chapter 4 & 5 “Job Satisfaction & Stress” carefully and then give your answers on the basis of your understanding.

4. Consider the five core job characteristics (variety, identity, significance, autonomy, and feedback). Do you think that any one of those characteristics is more important than the other four? Is it possible to have too much of some job characteristics? (03 Marks ) (Min words 150-200)

5. If you managed people in an organization in which there were lots of hindrance stressors, what actions would you take to help ensure that your employees coped with the stressors using a problem-focused (as opposed to emotion-focused) strategy? (03 Marks ) (Min words 200-300)