
Give a brief oral report to the class about their experience, removing any identifying information about the individual interviewed, and focusing on the single most interesting thing learned in the experience.

Social Science Question

Students will be required to interview someone who has been an international immigrant at some point in their lives. The purpose of the interview should be to learn more about the immigrant’s feelings and lived experience.

As a first suggestion, consider interviewing someone you know: Think first about your parents, grandparents or other relatives who have had an immigration experience. Next, think about others you might know from personal experience (a neighbor who lived down the street where you grew up, or someone from church, or a teacher/professor, etc., or possibly a friend, roommate, classmate, etc.)

You can interview a total stranger, and any students with difficulty finding a subject to interview may work with the professor to find someone in the local community willing to participate. However, please be sensitive to the fact that immigrants may be uncertain about whether they can trust telling a complete stranger about their experiences and feelings (often with good reason).
There are three deliverables associated with this assignment:

Each student must work with the professor to develop a plan for the interview, including an anticipated general theme and a specific list of questions. The interview must be scheduled, and the interviewee must be given a sense of the nature and purposes of the interview (including a clear disclosure agreement: what happens after the interview?).

Each student must write a creative piece describing the experience. Several formats are possible. For example, a likely essay format might compare and contrast what the student expected to learn from the experience, and how reality differed from that expectation.

At the end of the semester, students will be asked to give a brief oral report to the class about their experience, removing any identifying information about the individual interviewed, and focusing on the single most interesting thing learned in the experience.

Should juvenile sex offenders be held to the same legal standards as adult offenders? What are the pros and cons of treating juvenile offenders like adult offenders? What should society be doing to address juvenile sex offenders?

Criminal justice Question

Should juvenile sex offenders be held to the same legal standards as adult offenders? What are the pros and cons of treating juvenile offenders like adult offenders? What should society be doing to address juvenile sex offenders?

Conduct hypothesis testing to find significance of results, the p – value associated with each predictor variable and effect size to determine practical significance of results.


The Impact lower socio economic status delay cognitive development in language acquisition


Recruited 600 participants

Age 5 – 7 year olds

300 from Higher Socio economic and 300 from Lower Socio economic backgrounds

With exclusion we were left with 300 participants

Lower socio economic n = 150 (70 boys and 80 girls)

Higher socioeconomic n = 150 (64 boys and 86 girls)

Controlling Variables:

  • Quality of education
  • Availability of resources
  • Home environment
  • Level of stimulation the child receives

Confounding Variables

  • Genetics
  • Parents level of education
  • Teacher quality
  • Cultural background

SES measure:

  • Parent Income
  • Occupation
  • Level of education
  • Marital status



We will use MULTIPLE REGRESSION ANALYSIS to handle the confounding variable and find unique contribution of SES to language development

CODING: use 2 Coders to assess the inter – ratter reliability using SPSS

Conduct hypothesis testing to find significance of results, the p – value associated with each predictor variable and effect size to determine practical significance of results.

What are the operations performance objectives of the organisation? Is the operations strategy of the organisation aligned with these objectives? Is the operations strategy sustainable?

MG104 2022/23 Final Assessment

An airline* has approached you and commissioned a report covering analysis of their operations and advice for the operational issues they are facing. You have agreed to provide them with a report satisfying the following conditions:

  • complying with the “Final Assessment Submission Rules”;
  • submitted no later than midday (12pm UK time) on Thursday 4 th May 2023
  • subject to a limit of 2,500 words; and
  • addressing the below areas and requirements.

I. An analysis of the four areas of operations management
You are required to collect secondary data relating to the organisation’s operations and provide an
analysis of the areas (1) – (4) below. Secondary data can include information from sources such as annual report and financial statements, newspaper articles, academic readings, industry reports or any other resources relating to the organisation that you can find online or through the LSE Library. In addition to secondary data sources, you can use primary data sources (e.g., an interview or observations from a site visit) to support your arguments. However, you cannot rely solely on primary data sources for your analysis. Use of primary data sources is entirely optional. You will not necessarily get any extra credit for this. Your submissions will be judged at their own merit for the quality of the analysis and argumentation.

The organisation has provided some sample questions for each of these four areas. These questions are given to you as a guide, and you do not necessarily have to address them all. You can determine the key aspects that are critical to the organisation’s operations after your data collection and research, and focus your analysis on these key aspects within each of the four areas. Make sure you support your analysis for each of these four areas with evidence from the data you have collected and from relevant MG104 course materials.

(1) (10 marks) Operations strategy. e.g., What are the operations performance objectives of the organisation? Is the operations strategy of the organisation aligned with these objectives? Is the operations strategy sustainable?

(2) (10 marks) Operational processes. e.g., What are the key processes for the organisation’s operations? To what extent are these processes standardised? Is the design of processes aligned with the organisation’s operations strategy?

(3) (10 marks) Supply chains. e.g., What is the supply chain for this organisation? How is the supply chain organised and managed? What choices does this organisation make about managing their inventory?

(4) (10 marks) Operational improvements. e.g., Does the organisation implement any lean operations practices? Which design quality dimensions does this organisation focus on? How do they monitor and control quality?

II. Recommendations
(10 marks) Based on your analysis of the four areas of operations management, what are the TWO key operational issues (any inefficiencies or risks) for this organisation, and why?

* You can pick any airline that operates locally, nationally (in a country of your own choice) or
internationally. It is part of the assignment and therefore for you to decide which airline you would like to analyse for your final assessment.

(40 marks) Make TWO recommendations for improvement to the organisation’s management, one for each of the key operational issues you have identified above. Explain the rationale for your recommendations. Your answers should be supported with evidence from your analysis and from relevant MG104 course materials.

(10 marks) Report Structure and Presentation

Further guidance for writing the report
The organisation has asked you to make sure that the following criteria are satisfied by the report:

Briefly explain your method, i.e., make sure your report addresses why you chose to apply a specific operations management framework, model, or theory.

Briefly explain your results, i.e., make sure your report covers what your results mean for the organisation you are advising.

Make clear recommendations, i.e., make sure you clearly explain the aspects of their operations you suggest they should review, and why they should do this. You should also comment on what changes they should make in practice.

Support the arguments and recommendations you make with evidence where relevant and applicable; and make sure you provide references to any data about the organisation you have identified as part of your own research, and any readings, models, theories, techniques, frameworks, or other materials from MG104.

When doing this:
(a) Always remember to critically assess the reliability of these resources;

(b) Ensure you comply with plagiarism regulations of LSE; and

(c) Ensure they are properly referenced at the end of your report.

Identify as many Searches and Seizures as you can in the below fact pattern. State whether or not it was a valid Search or Seizure and WHY or WHY NOT.


Instructions: Identify as many Searches and Seizures as you can in the below fact pattern. Then state whether or not it was a valid Search or Seizure and WHY or WHY NOT. If any evidence is seized state whether or not it would be admitted at trial and why or why not.

• You must identify EVERY Search and Seizure Issue in the scenario
• Determine the constitutionality of EVERY Search and Seizure Issue
• Explain why the Search and Seizure Issue is or is not constitutional

  • Even if a Search and Seizure Issue is constitutional you MUST still explain why it was constitutional in the same manner
  • If exceptions to the Search Warrant requirement are used you MUST state the exception, explain the requirements for it, and apply it properly to the search

• If evidence is seized you must state whether or not the evidence would be admitted or excluded in court
• The more thorough your answer the more points you will receive
• Example: This is one example of how you would apply and analyze (This is a short example.

What role do microfinance institutions play in supporting the growth and adoption of mobile banking and electronic payment systems in developing countries?


What role do microfinance institutions play in supporting the growth and adoption of mobile banking and electronic payment systems in developing countries?

Write a report on titrimatic analysis.

Titrimatic analysis

Write a report on titrimatic analysis.

Based on the lesson, explain a term or concept that you found to be especially important and/or interesting on the theme of immigration between 1880-1910.

Discussion answers

Part 1. In the late 19th century (“the Gilded Age”) the United States came to rival Great Britain as the world capital of capitalism. But how much of a truly free market existed? Give one example of how economic or political power was used to benefit corporations while stifling competition. Give one example of genuine innovation in the economy and the impact it had on consumers.

Part 2. Based on the lesson, explain a term or concept that you found to be especially important and/or interesting on the theme of immigration between 1880-1910.

What are the most common genres among highly-rated movies on IMDB? Is there a correlation between the duration of a movie and it’s IMDB rating? Who are the most frequent cast members, directors, and writers among highly-rated movies on IMDB?

Use R for data analysis.

Research Questions:

Various factors impact the rating of the TOP 250 movies listed on IMDB. Some factors include movie ratings, IMDB voting, and the reviews left by those who watch the content. IMDB registered users can cast or leave a vote between 1 through ten for each movie within the database. Other votes are aggregated and added together as a single IMDB rating that everyone can observe on the movie’s title’s main page. There will also be some reviews of the film.

We will explore whether the Duration of the Movie will affect the rating of the movie. At the same time, whether the Genre of the Movie has an impact on the ratings of movies, and whether the sentiments of reviews of different types of movies are different. And whether the Storyline of the Movie will have an impact on the audience’s evaluation. And whether we can predict the rating of a movie based on the sentiment of the reviews, and if so, identify different segments of customers based on their reviews and sentiment.

  1. What are the most common genres among highly-rated movies on IMDB?
  2. Is there a correlation between the duration of a movie and it’s IMDB rating?
  3. Who are the most frequent cast members, directors, and writers among highly-rated movies on IMDB?
  4. What is the relationship between the number of IMDB votes and the IMDB rating of a movie?
  5. Can we predict the IMDB rating of a new movie based on its genre, cast, crew, and other characteristics?
  6. How do movie certifications affect their IMDB ratings?
  7. What are some common themes or storylines among highly-rated movies on IMDB?

Talk about a Health Disparity Uninsured/underinsured population in US. Write up about the problem in healthcare system with matrics, possible causes for it, any act or policy working for it and result , solutions to combat it in US.

Healthcare Delivery

Talk about a Health Disparity Uninsured/underinsured population in US. Write up about the problem in healthcare system with matrics, possible causes for it, any act or policy working for it and result , solutions to combat it in US. Describe it in at least 3 pages with APA format and give 3 references.