
Are all sources cited in the article clearly listed in a bibliography or reference list? Are the topics in the article addressed with clearly presented arguments and adequate support? Why should anyone believe information from this source?

Data Literacy Concepts


In this reading, you will be introduced to the philosophy and principles of scientific research. Data literacy includes the ability to critically understand and evaluate information obtained from data, so understanding the underlying principles of scientific research will enable you to start to frame a conceptual definition of data literacy.

Read Chapter 6 in:

Bowling, A. (2014). Research methods in health: Investigating health and health services. Milton Keynes, UK: McGraw-Hill Education. Retrieved from

This reading explores the processes of research and data collection. Understanding these processes will help you define the elements of data literacy and how to apply them to academic sources.

Read p. 5 to the top of p. 21 in Chapter 1 in:

Kothari, C. R. (2004). Research methodology: Methods & techniques (2nd rev. ed.). New Delhi, India: New Age International. Retrieved from


Kohnen, A. M., & Saul, E. W. (2018). Literacy instruction for life online. Phi Delta Kappan, 99(6), 33. Retrieved from



This Competency Assessment assesses the following outcome(s):

SS290M1-1: Identify the concept of data literacy.

In this assessment, you will create an annotated bibliography: a list of sources with descriptive or evaluative text following each full citation. An annotated bibliography is helpful in evaluating a number of sources and keeping track of how each source is applies to the task at hand. For example, if you are writing a paper for an assignment that contains multiple subtopics, you can note the subtopic in an annotated bibliography, and that will enable you to search through sources and quickly identify the ones you need for each part of your paper.

Review Writing an Annotated Bibliography, which provides information about annotated bibliographies from the PG Writing Center.

For this assessment, you will locate and annotate five sources according to the following directions:

Locate five academic sources in the Purdue Global Library. If you have another class with an assignment that requires you to find sources, you can use this activity to do just that.

For each article, you must include (this can be a bulleted or numbered list):

  1. The full APA reference for each article.
  2. What institution (company, government, university, etc.) supports this information?
  3. The author’s names and credentials (for example, the degree earned and/or school/agency represented by each author).
  4. The audience for the source.
  5. Are all sources cited in the article clearly listed in a bibliography or reference list?
  6. Are the topics in the article addressed with clearly presented arguments and adequate support? Show one example.
  7. Why should anyone believe information from this source?

The write-up:

Begin with a four- to five-sentence paragraph that identifies and defines the elements of data literacy and how they can help to assess academic sources.

List five academic sources and answer the above questions for each individual source.

Submit your assessment to the Competency Assessment Dropbox.

What did your analysis reveal? Did you find that you improved simply because you began to measure these “defects”? How did you feel about discussing your “defects” with others? How might such a process help in a work environment?

OPM 370: Quality Management


See general instructions on the course syllabus and on the course website.
The assignment should be typed and submitted online on time. Late assignments won’t be considered.
The assignment must be completed individually. Provide your answers neatly and professionally.
The assignment must have a title page identifying student name, student id, and the course code.
Plagiarism will be sanctioned with a grade of zero and disciplinary measures.

Develop your own “personal quality checklist” that you would like to achieve each day and analyze the results over an extended period of time (3 weeks, 21 days). The idea is inspired from the 21-90 rule that states that it takes 21 days to create a habit (Maxwell Maltz 1960) and 90 days to make it part of your lifestyle. After you complete the 90 days, the habit will be as much a part of your daily lifestyle as brushing your teeth.

The listing of possible checklist standards might include but they are not limited to:
• Reduce screen time by 50%, for instance, or to 90 minutes per day
• Avoid gossiping
• Avoid complaining
• Pray five prayers on time
• Do not delay Alfajr Prayer
Review class notes after each class
• No text messaging during classes
• Limit phone calls to ten minutes
• No more than 1 hour per day spent on social networking websites
• No more than X hours of TV per week
• Update schedule daily on PDA or computer calendar
• Get up promptly-no snooze alarm
• Ensure that team members are informed on project progress, each day or each week
• Complete all reading assignments as due
• Inform professor of essential absences via email, text, or phone message at least 24 hours in advance
• Work in library (or other quiet place) to avoid interruptions
• No more than one “junk food” snack per day
• Exercise in gym for at least one hour, twice per week
• Turn off cell phone during classes
• Prepare or buy, and eat, breakfast every day
Eat 5 vegetables and fruits every day
Be the reason someone smiles every day
Ensure 20 minutes of metime every day (walking, meditation, reading, yoga, shopping, cooking, etc)

Select/develop around ten items for personal tracking. Students are not required to use only items from this list. Whatever is meaningful to you may be tracked. Failure to adhere to these standards is considered a “defect”. After you have gathered data for three weeks, review the data for the purposes of analysis and improvement. Use charts to plot and analyze weekly results. Use the following guidelines.

Each participant should initiate a personal quality improvement project and maintain and improve it during the rest of the study period.

• Consistent effort, rather than elegant precision in pursuing the project will be rewarded; that is, individual benefit, rather than “a grade,” or perfection, is to be the major objective.

After a week’s data are gathered, plot a simple graph to determine the level of “defects” encountered.

• A suggested practice is that you share your personal checklist items and goals with your instructor, a colleague, spouse, or friend. Have that person ask you about your progress every week or so. If you are making regular progress, you should be happy to discuss it, and to show your charts and graphs. Even if your progress is uneven, you should be able to show that you’ve improved on one or two items, which is progress. Don’t be too self critical!

• An intermediate progress report should be built into the process around the middle of the pilot study period (for your evaluation). The final report on the pilot project should be made at the end of the study period and submitted online. Consideration should be given to making personal quality a permanent part of your personal planning and improvement process.

TASK: After completing the project, answer these questions:
a. What did your analysis reveal?
b. Did you find that you improved simply because you began to measure these “defects”?
c. How did you feel about discussing your “defects” with others?
d. How might such a process help in a work environment?

Analyze an annual report and audit reports, and to prepare financial statements for a selected company, including an income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows.

Financial Reporting Summative Assessment:

Purpose of this Assessment
The final assessment for this competency is to analyze an annual report and audit reports, and to prepare financial statements for a selected company, including an income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows.

Items Required for Submission
In order to demonstrate mastery of your competency, you will submit:
1. A one- to two-page analysis of a selected Annual Report and audit reports
2. An income statement
3. A balance sheet
4. A statement of cash flows
5. A reflection on what the numbers in the statements mean

Write a short note on the Origin,Location, Insertion,Function, Blood supply,Nerve supply and Venous drainage of the following group of muscles.


1.Write a short note on the Origin,Location, Insertion,Function, Blood supply,Nerve supply and Venous drainage of the following group of muscles :

  • A.Deltoid
  • B.Biceps
  • C.Triceps
  • D.Thenar and Hypothenar muscles of the hand -listing the individual thenar and hypothenar muscles and their functions.
  • E 1.Pectoralis Major,Minor and the Diaphragm,
  • E 2. Rectus Abdominis and Serratus Anterior
  • F.Flexor Muscles of the Thigh-Vastus Lateralis,Intermedius,Medials and Sartorius.
  • G.Extensor Muscles of the Thigh- Gluteus Maximus,Minimus and the Hamstrings.
  • H.Gastrocnemeus Muscles and The Soleus Muscles.
  • E.Diaphragm

Functions of the muscles should include movements like Flexion, Extension ,Abduction, Adduction, Internal rotation and External Rotation.

2.List The muscles of the Rotator Cuff.

Create a visual representation of the problem you selected for the Unit 6 Addressing Client Needs Paper.

Intimate Partner Violence

Over the past several weeks, you have researched a problem and some local services that may help a client in need. In many human service professions, you may work directly with clients to offer help in resolving specific issues, however, you may also work on educating the local community about that issue.
It is important to understand what information is important to share with your community in the hopes of educating others about a common problem your clients may face.

In this assignment, you are being asked to create a visual representation of the problem you selected for the Unit 6 Addressing Client Needs Paper. You can be creative in making your infographic by using graphs and charts in Word or PowerPoint or using Piktochart or Canva. Whichever way you decide to create it, your visual representation must include the following:
• Description of the problem.
• Statistics about the problem.
• Underlying causes and impact of the problem.
• Description of the services clients may receive to resolve the problem.

• You can be creative with how you present the information.
• Incorporate all ideas into your own words.
• Use appropriate APA placement and style for in-text citations and references

How is linguistic politeness portrayed through emojis in social media?

An analysis of Whats App conversations

How is linguistic politeness portrayed through emojis in social media?

Was Darfur bloodshed or truly Genocide?

 Was Darfur a genocide or not

Was Darfur bloodshed or truly Genocide?

What topic did you choose for your APA Writing Assignment? Why did you select that topic?

Discussion 7 APA topic

What topic did you choose for your APA Writing Assignment? Why did you select that topic?

If you could master one skill instantly, what would it be and why?


If you could master one skill instantly, what would it be and why?

In what ways is voting said to be a civic responsibility? What are the consequences of voting to your community? What are the consequences of not voting to the community?

Civic Responsibility

Essay Two
POLS 2306 Texas Government

Papers should be 2-3 pages long, double-spaced with 1 inch margins, in 12 pt. font. Papers will be submitted online, through blackboard. Late papers will be penalized 10 points for each late day. You must comply with UHD’s policies on academic honesty; any violation will result in a zero on this assignment and possible failure of the course.

You will be graded on whether and how fully you have answered the question, as well as the clarity of your writing. For a review of grammatical rules, Strunk and White’s Elements of Style is highly recommend. (There is a free PDF available here:

In your own words, answer the following questions.
§ In what ways is voting said to be a civic responsibility?
§ What are the consequences of voting to your community?
§ What are the consequences of not voting to the community?
§ How would you try to convince non-voters to participate, given possible differences in age, education, culture, etc.?