Are all sources cited in the article clearly listed in a bibliography or reference list? Are the topics in the article addressed with clearly presented arguments and adequate support? Why should anyone believe information from this source?
Data Literacy Concepts
In this reading, you will be introduced to the philosophy and principles of scientific research. Data literacy includes the ability to critically understand and evaluate information obtained from data, so understanding the underlying principles of scientific research will enable you to start to frame a conceptual definition of data literacy.
Read Chapter 6 in:
Bowling, A. (2014). Research methods in health: Investigating health and health services. Milton Keynes, UK: McGraw-Hill Education. Retrieved from
This reading explores the processes of research and data collection. Understanding these processes will help you define the elements of data literacy and how to apply them to academic sources.
Read p. 5 to the top of p. 21 in Chapter 1 in:
Kothari, C. R. (2004). Research methodology: Methods & techniques (2nd rev. ed.). New Delhi, India: New Age International. Retrieved from
Kohnen, A. M., & Saul, E. W. (2018). Literacy instruction for life online. Phi Delta Kappan, 99(6), 33. Retrieved from
This Competency Assessment assesses the following outcome(s):
SS290M1-1: Identify the concept of data literacy.
In this assessment, you will create an annotated bibliography: a list of sources with descriptive or evaluative text following each full citation. An annotated bibliography is helpful in evaluating a number of sources and keeping track of how each source is applies to the task at hand. For example, if you are writing a paper for an assignment that contains multiple subtopics, you can note the subtopic in an annotated bibliography, and that will enable you to search through sources and quickly identify the ones you need for each part of your paper.
Review Writing an Annotated Bibliography, which provides information about annotated bibliographies from the PG Writing Center.
For this assessment, you will locate and annotate five sources according to the following directions:
Locate five academic sources in the Purdue Global Library. If you have another class with an assignment that requires you to find sources, you can use this activity to do just that.
For each article, you must include (this can be a bulleted or numbered list):
- The full APA reference for each article.
- What institution (company, government, university, etc.) supports this information?
- The author’s names and credentials (for example, the degree earned and/or school/agency represented by each author).
- The audience for the source.
- Are all sources cited in the article clearly listed in a bibliography or reference list?
- Are the topics in the article addressed with clearly presented arguments and adequate support? Show one example.
- Why should anyone believe information from this source?
The write-up:
Begin with a four- to five-sentence paragraph that identifies and defines the elements of data literacy and how they can help to assess academic sources.
List five academic sources and answer the above questions for each individual source.
Submit your assessment to the Competency Assessment Dropbox.