
With your upcoming speech in mind, how important is it that we use accurate language versus clear language in our upcoming presentations?


Tribute speeches often evoke more colorful, and detailed language to help our audience understand the emotions we are feeling, or the significance of the person being discussed. With your upcoming speech in mind, how important is it that we use accurate language versus clear language in our upcoming presentations?

For example, your mother may be “the greatest,” but my mother could be as well for completely different reasons! What is the role we have as an ethical, but dynamic speaker in this case?

Briefly describe your role in the internship? What differences have you noticed as you have transitioned from your role as student to intern?

Internship First Discussion

Student should initiate a post and reply to at least 3 of their colleagues as this will open more interaction and expression among students as each student has his/her own unique experience

First discussion should include the following questions:

1-Briefly describe your role in the internship?

2-What differences have you noticed as you have transitioned from your role as student to intern?

3-What new knowledge or skill did you learn since the beginning of the internship?

What was the interview experience like? Did it give you any new insight on issues you learned about this semester?

Interview Write up

Because your paper will be only about 4-5 pages (double-spaced), you will inevitably not use all of the information you collect in your interview – and this is normal in any research (qualitative or quantitative). Your task will be to select excerpts from the interviews in order to illustrate several main points.

As you begin to think about organizing your collected data and writing your paper, you will need to pull out themes running through the interviews. In particular, think about similarities and differences in your informants’ experiences of being a woman/man/other gender. For instance, perhaps you find that their experiences in paid work are vastly different, but their experiences in intimate relationships have some similarities. If so, you can use direct quotes from the interviewees to illustrate the discussion of these themes. The organization of your paper will be very important to your overall grade on this assignment; the paper should include the following sections (clearly labeled):

1.An Introduction to the paper in which you briefly discuss what you see as your major findings (i.e., what interesting issues about family emerged from your interviews). The introduction should include a brief description of the key informants.

2.Results of the data will form the bulk of the paper. It is critical that you link your data to concepts, theories, and issues that we’ve been discussing and reading about in class. *Put each concept or theory you use in your paper in bold font the first time you use it (and normal font subsequent times). You can’t discuss all issues; you’ll need to select the ones that are most clearly related to your interviewees and your data. Do not simply describe the interviews from start to finish, and don’t try to include all the date you collect.

3.The Conclusion should very briefly summarize your interview experiences. You should address questions like the following: What was the interview experience like? Did it give you any new insight on issues you learned about this semester?

Read the case that is provided in CONTENT. Provide your analysis of the case using the decision making process.

Decision Making Final Case

Case Final
1. Read the case that is provided in CONTENT.

2. Provide your analysis of the case using the decision making process. See below for specific instructions.


Use information from Smart Choices to write the paper (also fine to use other materials from class, but this format for decision making is based on that book).

A summary of Smart Choices is provided in CONTENT.

Use a formal writing style well organized paragraphs and well written sentences.

Provide references at the end of the paper (this does not count as one of the pages)

Use this outline below to analyze the case (be sure to include the topic title for each section in the paper.)

The assignment will likely be at least 6 pages typed, double spaced.***

Be sure to discuss case issues throughout the different topics in a way that helps to analyze the case for that topic.

Post to DROPBOX.

Topics to Cover and Instructions:
Summary of Issue in the Case

o Be sure to describe the main points in the case that lead to the issue you define as the problem.

o this is the issue to solve in the case. Explain why this is the problem issue (be sure it is not a symptom!!)

o See Chapter 3 in Smart Choices and the handout in CONTENT.

o Select at least 2 alternatives. Explain why they are viable/good alternatives.

Consequences for Alternatives
o Provide discussion (using a table would be a good approach; like the table on p. 65 or in the handout from Smart Choices in CONTENT) that shows the assessment of the objectives for each alternative

Decision Alternative
o Select the alternative that you think best fits the problem and objectives and explain why.

Is the Error term? Are the ramifications of running your tires at 38 PSI? What is the manufacturer of the tire telling us about running a tire higher or lower than the recommended range?

Confidence Intervals We Use Everyday Discussion

Your car’s owner’s manual states that the tire pressure should be 32 Pounds Per Square (PSI) Inch + 3 PSI; what:

  • Is the range of properly operating tire pressure?
  • Is the Error term?
  • Are the ramifications of running your tires at 38 PSI?
  • What is the manufacturer of the tire telling us about running a tire higher or lower than the recommended range?

Explain what a thought experiments is. Explain the benefits of thought experiments. Explain the limitations of thought experiments.

Philosophy Question

Same formatting and grading guidelines as previous papers (5-7pgs, 12pt font, double spaced, etc). Please see other assignment sheets if you have any questions. The final paper is intended to be rather straightforward.

  • Explain what a thought experiments is.
  • Explain the benefits of thought experiments.
  • Explain the limitations of thought experiments.

That’s it. At a more detailed level –

  • Make sure to include a pair of thought experiments – like the Trolley Problem cases – where you’re supposed to draw 2 conflicting conclusions about the scenarios. These can be Trolley vs. Organ Transplant; Chairmen; your own; or other researched examples
  • Make sure to describe each scenario. Explain the conclusion. Present the basic principle that explains the conclusion. (e.g., Trolley Driver = redirect trolley, killing 1 less bad than killing 5, pure consequentialist reasoning; Organ Transplant = no surgery, killing 1 worse than letting 5 die, not consequentialist – maybe something about killing being worse than letting people die.) This will be harder if you make up your own cases, but its totally up to you.
  • When you explain what a thought experiment is, you might consider comparing to scientific experiments. Explain what is “experimental” about them? What are we supposed to be able to get from them? What is the methodology (<= super important). We said a lot about this in class, so feel free to address anything that seems important.
  • We talked about a lot of pros/cons. It is okay for you to favor one side and to ultimately conclude that they’re no good (or great!), but make sure you give each side a balanced discussion.
  • If you like thought experiments, you might focus on something more like the Trolley Problem, since it has generated a lot of important discussion. If you hate them, you might focus on the Chairmen because the study had some obvious flaws. This is not necessary however. Talk about whichever you like however you like. Use your judgment.
  • You may limit your discussion to an abstract discussion. Once you give your pair of cases, you needn’t talk about the philosophical/ethical substance of the cases or the disagreement they cause. You would only need to talk about, for example, how the method works in the context of the cases. Basically, use the cases to explain how the method works.
  • However, you may choose to engage with the philosophical debate. One place this might show up is when talking about pros/cons. For example, you might note that thought experiments like the Trolley problem can help us get to generalizable principles. While it might intuitively seem like we’re making inconsistent judgments about the different cases (and therefore getting different conclusions), it might turn out that there’s a more general explanation for our intuitions. The DDE, for example, seems to be able to explain both. The DDE is….The thought experiments helps us discover this by…You get it? You do not need to do this sort of applied work. This is just one way to approach the problem.
  • You might consider trying the new Intro. style that I suggested, but you do not have to do that. If you’re comfortable with the Intro. style I already taught you and want to stick with it – go ahead. Try the new style (just presenting the pair of cases at the intro and offering a brief analysis) only if you feel like it. Its a chance to shake things up, but don’t do it if you think you have a better way of introducing the cases. I suggested this only because I know some of you will struggle effectively incorporating the cases into the paper. This will be especially true for people who only want to do the more abstract analysis. This way, you can introduce them. Say that they’re important. Give the general intro. to say what you’ll do in the paper in light of this interesting methodology, and then just sort of abandon the cases. If you know how to tie them in more organically, please do so. There are many many ways of incorporating the thought experiments into the paper.

Determine 2 countries where you believe Jones Soda will do successfully. Name those two countries. Make sure the Jones Soda is not sold in those countries.



Promotional Activities appears to be the easiest element of Marketing 4P. However, it has its own challenges:

  • Social Media is quite prominent, but not all platforms of social media are available throughout the world
  • Internet is not necessarily available or reliable at some parts of the world
  • Traditional media (TV, Billboard, Transit Ads, Print, Flyers, etc. ) is still heavily used in many parts of the world
  • Different medium of traditional media works much better in some countries than others
  • Literacy rate is not necessarily high in some parts of the world, making written messages difficult to disseminate
  • Translation of promotional messages, slogans, brand promises have known to be lost in translation or mistranslated (e.g. Coca Cola, Nova, etc.)
  • Package Labeling practices differ globally (legal requirements, labeling standards, etc.)
    (Package is considered the last piece of advertisement consumers see before purchasing)

The objective of this assignment is to evaluate what a global company needs to consider in how to engage and stay relevant to consumers through promotional activities, considering the cultural differences.

You will be researching Jones Soda. Here is the background:
Every great product has a secret formula. Coca-Cola’s legendary recipe is locked deep within the vaults in its Atlanta headquarters. KFC mixes different parts of its 11 herbs and spices at three separate facilities to safeguard the Colonel’s secret blend. McDonald’s hunted down its original special-sauce mix for Big Macs last year as part of its turnaround effort.

Jones Soda, the small Seattle soft drink maker, has its own secret ingredient – one that has created buzz, at one point produced 30 percent yearly revenue growth in a flat beverage market, drawn major distribution partners such as Starbucks and Target, and brought in $30 million in annual revenue.

That ingredient: a small but growing following of devout customers.

These are not just any customers — Jones Soda knows its niche. It targets young buyers — 12 to 24-year-old — who appreciate the brand’s wacky, irreverent attitude. By focusing in on these customers, listening to them, and giving them what they want, Jones Soda is thriving in the shadows of the soft drink giants.

Virtually everything about a Jones Soda, from labels to flavors, comes from its carefully targeted customers. The world is not clamoring for another soda, even if it tastes like blue bubblegum. So how do you sell a non-necessity product? (“non-necessity” because it is not an essential food source you need for nutrition)

According to van Stolk (the founder, but no longer CEO), who started Jones Soda in 1986, “People get fired up about Jones because it’s theirs.” It all started with the Web site Jones Soda launched in 1997. Hundreds of comments poured in from customers, and van Stolk quickly took up their suggestions and online votes for neon colors, wacky names (like Fufu Berry, Whoops Ass, MF Grape, and Bada Bing!) and off-beat flavors (including blue bubblegum, crushed melon, and twisted lime — or even strange seasonal flavors like fruitcake of turkey and gravy). Van Stolk also encouraged customers to submit photos, and the eccentric and strangely captivating images on Jones’s stark black-and-white bottle labels have come largely from fans. Jones also stays close to its 12- to 24-year-old customers with a pair of roving RVs. The two flame-festooned vehicles spend nine months out of the year visiting Jones-friendly sites, from small skate parks in the middle of nowhere to major extreme-games competitions such as the X Games.

Whereas its mainstream competitors work at making something for everyone, Jones Soda understands the importance of sticking to its niche. “Even if you’re able to listen to customers from their perspective,” van Stolk says, “not everything we do will be right. But you’ll know more about what you have to do because of it.” So far, Jones Soda has learned that small can be beautiful — and very profitable. Jones Soda may not be in the mainstream anymore in the competitive beverage market, but it is still considered valued brand.



(1) Research the following questions below. Your responses should be detailed with no less than 500-word count for the entire submission.

(2) Global Marketing emphasis the importance of research to avoid assumptions based on ethnocentrism. Thus, college level research and critical thinking responses are expected. Include at least 3 credible research sites. MLA citation of sources is required. 5 point penalty for no or wrong citation.

URL only of “www….” will not receive any points.

Example of correct MLA format citation:
Mankiw, N. Gregory. “ECONOMIC VIEW; Too Much Wishful Thinking on Middle-Class Tax Rates.” The New York Times. The New York Times, 20 Feb. 2023. Web. 2 Mar. 2023.

(3) Use single space. Use double space between questions.

(4) Label your responses e.g. Q1 a, b, Q2 a, b, etc.

(5) Upload files in Microsoft Word or PDF. Pages (pgs) or Word Perfect (wps) will NOT be accepted.


Q1. Determine 2 countries where you believe Jones Soda will do successfully. (Do not select Canada)
Name those two countries. Make sure the Jones Soda is not sold in those countries.

Q2. Substantiate your choice with research and supporting facts and data. Hint use population, soda consumption rate, sugar consumption rate, availability of competitive brands, etc. Be sure to research and cite the sources.

    1. Facts and Data for country 1
    2. Facts and Data for country 2

Q3. Develop a very brief branding strategy for each country

    1. Design the name of the brand in country 1
      1. Will you keep the same name, Jones Soda?
      2. If you choose to keep the name, why do you think the name, “Jones” will resonate with the consumers in this country?
      3. If you choose to change the name, what will you change it to? Why?
    2. Design the name of the brand in country 2
      1. Will you keep the same name, Jones Soda?
      2. If you choose to keep the name, why do you think the name, “Jones”, will resonate with the consumers in this country?
      3. If you choose to change the name, what will you change it to? Why?

Q4. Design the product label

    1. For country 1. Explain your reason for this design.
    2. For country 2. Explain your reason for this design.

Q5. Design promotional activities

    1. How would you promote this brand in country 1?
      • Select 1 medium (traditional medium such as TV, Billboard, Transit or social such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.). Explain your reason as to why this is the most appropriate,
      • Select 1 event to sponsor or host. Explain your reason as to why this is the most appropriate.
    2. How would you promote this brand in country 2?
      • Select 1 medium (traditional such as TV, Billboard, Transit or social such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.). Explain your reason as to why this is the most appropriate,
      • Select 1 event to sponsor or host. Explain your reason as to why this is the most appropriate.

Q6. Consider the choices of countries you have analyzed.

    1. Revisit the countries you have studied in terms of (1) brand value, (2) revenue generation, (3) ease of market penetration, (4) ease of promotion execution.
    2. You will be presenting these possibilities to the CEO. Which do you think the company will wish to enter first? (consider the decision criteria listed in “A” above)
    3. Substantiate your choice with researched data and facts.

How does your price compare to that of the price in the U.S. in terms of the product price ratio to the household income? What is your rationale for the pricing in terms of the brand positioning you wish to maintain?



Price is the only element in the Marketing 4P that generates revenue. Product, Place, and Promotion all cost money. Price is the only element that makes money, but perhaps the most intricate.

  • Income Per Capita is different in different countries
  • Purchase Power Parity plays a role
  • Pricing requires basis of pricing
    • Cost Plus Pricing
    • Markup Pricing
    • Demand Based Pricing
    • Competition Based Pricing
  • Then there are various pricing strategies
    • Differential Pricing
    • New Product Pricing (Penetration, Skimming)
    • Product-Line (Captive, Premium, Bait)
    • Psychological (Bundle, EDLP, Prestige)
    • Promotional
  • For highly priced item (e.g. I-phone) the pricing has to be same regardless of Income Per Capita to avoid Arbitrage
  • Finally, the most challenging of all is the consumer’s “Perception of the Value”

The objective of this assignment is to evaluate how pricing should be determined in different countries, depending on the all the challenges listed above.

Let us assume that you are a consultant being asked by three clients: Jamba Juice, Del Monte Ketchup, and Coca Cola.

All these clients wish to research the probability of market entry into the cities they do not have presence in yet. Jamba Juice wishes to enter Lagos, Nigeria. Del Monte Ketchup wishes to enter Khabarovsk, Russia. Coca Cola wishes to enter San Salvador, El Salvador. These cities are major cities in their respective country that once these companies succeed in these major cities, they plan on expanding to other major cities.

Average household income in these cities are not nearly that of average household income in the U.S. Jamba Juice, Del Monte Ketchup, Coca Cola are perishables, so arbitrage concept does not apply. These products are consumables that should be within the range of what average household income should be able to afford…or should they?


1) Research the following questions below. Your responses should be detailed with no less than 500-word count for the entire submission.

(2) Global Marketing emphasis the importance of research to avoid assumptions based on ethnocentrism. Thus, college level research and critical thinking responses are expected. Include at least 3 credible research sites. MLA citation of sources is required. 5 point penalty for no or wrong citation.

URL only of “www….” will not receive any points.

Example of correct MLA format citation:
Mankiw, N. Gregory. “ECONOMIC VIEW; Too Much Wishful Thinking on Middle-Class Tax Rates.” The New York Times. The New York Times, 20 Feb. 2023. Web. 2 Mar. 2023.

(3) Use single space. Use double space between questions.

(4) Label your responses e.g. Q1 a, b, Q2 a, b, etc.

(5) Upload files in Microsoft Word or PDF. Pages (pgs) or Word Perfect (wps) will NOT be accepted.



Q1. Research Jamba Juice and also Lagos, Nigeria. Jamba Juice is not a necessity, but rather a premium product.

    1. What is the Per Capita Income in Lagos, Nigeria?
    2. What is the Purchase Power Parity? What can Per Capita Income in Lagos buy considering their cost of living?
    3. What is Jamba Juice company’s basis of pricing?
    4. What is the competitive environment in Lagos?
      1. Any direct competitors?
      2. What are substitute products?
      3. What is your best judgment of consumers’ perceived value for product such as Jamba Juice?
    5. Now taking 1a – 1d into consideration, what should be your pricing strategy (skimming, competitive, premium, penetrating, etc.)
    6. How does your price compare to that of the price in the U.S. in terms of the product price ratio to the household income?
    7. What is your rationale for the pricing in terms of the brand positioning you wish to maintain?

Q2. Research Del Monte Ketchup and about Khabarovsk, Russia.
(Hint: This is an American brand that may be linked to one’s status symbol)

    1. What is the Per Capita Income in Khabarovsk, Russia? You will notice the income in Khabarovsk is quite different from that of Moscow, Russia.
    2. What is the Purchase Power Parity? What can Per Capita Income in Khabarovsk buy considering their cost of living?
    3. What is Del Monte’s company’s basis of pricing?
      (hint: you can compare Del Monte and Heinz to gauge)
    4. What is the competitive environment in Khabarovsk?
      1. Any direct competitors?
      2. What are substitute products?
      3. What is your best judgment of consumers’ perceived value for product such as foreign brand (especially American brand) tomato ketchup?
    5. Now taking 1a – 1d into consideration, what should be your pricing strategy (skimming, competitive, premium, penetrating, etc.)
    6. How does your price compare to that of the price in the U.S. in terms of the product price ratio to the household income?
    7. What is your rationale for the pricing in terms of the brand positioning you wish to maintain?

Q3. Research Coca Cola and all the countries it has presence in, as well as San Salvador, El Salvador. Unlike Jamba Juice and Del Monte, Coca Cola already has presence in many countries, with all levels of per capita income. Coke has a long-standing global experience.

    1. What is the Per Capita Income in San Salvador, El Salvador?
    2. What is the Purchase Power Parity? What can Per Capita Income in San Salvador buy considering their cost of living?
    3. What is Coke company’s basis of pricing?
    4. What is the competitive environment in San Salvador?
      1. How many global soda brands does Coke have to compete against?
      2. How many local soda brands does Coke have to compete against?
      3. What is your best judgment of consumers’ perceived value for product such as Coke?
    5. Now taking 1a – 1d into consideration, what should be your pricing strategy (skimming, competitive, premium, penetrating, etc.)
    6. What is the actual price of Coke in San Salvador?
    7. How does the Coke price in San Salvador compare to that of the price in the U.S. in terms of the product price ratio to the household income?
    8. With Coke’s intention of being a global brand, what did Coke do to uphold the brand image but at the same time make the product cost cheaper so that they can sell the product at a cheaper price point?
      (hint: container)

Describe the subject matter to give the reader an overview of the artwork. Explain how the work speaks to your/our human experiences.

Art Question

  • Write a 3 page paper using the interpretive sentence as your thesis statement.

Paper Content Outline:

  1. Introductory paragraph with title, artist and interpretation.
  2. Describe the subject matter to give the reader an overview of the artwork.
  3. 3 or 4 paragraphs explaining your proofs – how the Elements of Art and/or the Principles of Design helped you discover the subtext or hidden meaning. Make sure that you include associations, ideas and feelings that are connected to your analysis.
  4. Explain how the work speaks to your/our human experiences.
  5. Conclusion that describes (again) and restates your interpretation.

Which publics (stakeholders) are affected most? How are they likely feeling and reacting to the current issue(s) facing the company?

Strategic Communications Plan for Nestle Buitoni

Organization analysis


Nestle Buitoni

1) The Situation Analysis (4 pages): Fully assesses the situation affecting the company and its current/potential impact on the organization’s results, operations, reputation, and the attitudes, commitment, and engagement of key publics (stakeholders), including employees (see provided situation analysis guide).

  1. Situation: A detailed description of the issue or event; the reason to communicate.
  2. Magnitude: The estimated impact of the situation on the company’s results, operations, reputation, and attitudes, commitment, and engagement of key publics (stakeholders), including employees.
  3. Affected Publics: Which publics (stakeholders) are affected most? How are they likely feeling and reacting to the current issue(s) facing the company?