Describe the core opportunity, highlight the value proposition/opportunity and their accomplishments.
Discussion 5
Submit a writeup that supports your decision about the issue faced by the protagonist in any one of the cases. Limit your paper to two pages of single space text in 11-point font, all inclusive of appendices and calculations, if appropriate. No outside research is needed to analyze the cases.
Describe the core opportunity, highlight the value proposition/opportunity and their accomplishments. You will need to directly address the questions faced by the protagonist (as posed in the introduction and concluding section of each case). The recommended format for an answer is to spend up to one page laying out the descriptive of the case and the core opportunity/value proposition/functional challenges. The first paragraph/page helps articulate that you “get the high-level picture.” Starting with the second paragraph/page, you can address the questions raised in the case abstract itself, you can detail your analyses for the problems raised in detail, and also provide potential solutions that you would recommend. Include calculations and numbers all through(CASE ATTACHED).