Read the attached paper and write a summary on it as per requirements mentioned here.
Read the attached paper and write a summary on it as per requirements mentioned here.
Reading assignments should be 12 point font and single spaced. The paper summary should contain no headings and should be no less than ½ a page and no more than 1 page in length. There should be no spacing between paragraphs.
The language should be written in a professional, academic manner and should read like scientific correspondence (e.g., in the style of a journal article). For example, submissions should be written in third person. Paragraphs must have a clear and logical organization. They should stick to one topic and be ordered in a logic manner to flow with the paper. In general, you should have at least one paragraph introducing the main topic of the paper and providing necessary background, one or more paragraphs summarizing the main concepts from the paper, and a one paragraph conclusion.