
Discuss the concept of Community of Practice. Describe the key components of a community of practice. Compare and contrast some different types of communities of practice. Describe how they would differ with respect to their goals.

Mgt403 E

Assignment Questions

Part 1. Answer in 500-600 Words. ( 7 Marks)

Read chapter 5 from the book and use other sources to answer the following questions.

  • Discuss the concept of Community of Practice. Describe the key components of a community of practice. (1.5 Marks)
  • Write a detailed note on: (2.5 Marks)
  • Compare and contrast some different types of communities of practice. Describe how they would differ with respect to their goals. (3 Marks)

I). Sociograms and Social network analysis.

II). Knowledge Sharing Communities.


Part 2. Read Chapter 7 and 9 from the book and answer the following questions. Answer in 500-600 Words. (6 Marks)

  • Discuss the following Knowledge management maturity models. (3 Marks)
  • What are the major steps involved in developing a KM strategy? What sorts of

I). Forrester group knowledge management maturity model.

II). Community of Practice Maturity model.

Information is needed in order to recommend a KM strategy to an organization. List the major categories of stakeholders who should be involved in the strategy formulation process. (3 Marks).

References:(2 Marks). 0 Mark for No references, Less than 5 References (1 Mark) More than 5 references 2 Marks.

How are the amendment’s elements relevant today? What are the modern-day challenges of applying them to current issues.

Hist RT

First write a Discussion

  • This week’s discussion focuses on the Bill of Rights. Select 3 of the amendments. For each amendment, discuss:
  • The historical background: why are these things included? (Experience under the British, colonial beliefs about government, etc.)
  • How are the amendment’s elements relevant today? What are the modern-day challenges of applying them to current issues.

Second, write a reflection

  • In this reflection paper, refine and expand your answers to our discussion questions. Be sure to develop your answers more fully than in the discussion. You can use additional material, ideas of other students, new thoughts. For this assignment, focus on just TWO amendments. You should have several paragraphs on each amendment, intro and conclusion.For each Amendment:
    • The historical background: why are these things included? (Experience under the British, colonial beliefs about government, etc.)
    • How are the amendment’s elements relevant today? What are the modern-day challenges of applying them to current issues?

Identify the problem in the joint venture that triggered the conflict between the two companies and discuss the differences of each company’s understanding of their own respective roles and responsibilities in this venture.

Danone’s Wrangle with Wahaha

After reading the case, discuss the following:

  • Identify the problem in the joint venture that triggered the conflict between the two companies and discuss the differences of each company’s understanding of their own respective roles and responsibilities in this venture.
  • As a leader, discuss ways you would handle conflict when it arises from organizational culture or national culture?

A case study is a puzzle to be solved and here is a strategy for formulating your paper:

  1. Read the case study to identify the key issues and underlying issues. These issues are the principles and concepts of the course module, which apply to the situation described in the case study.
  2. Study the facts and focus on relevant information; the case may have extraneous information not relevant to the current module.
  3. Describe actions that would address or correct the situation and who should act upon what.
  4. Draw from experience, course readings or real-life experience.

Explain the epidemiology, pathophysiology, types, risk factors, symptoms, signs, and prevention of two common diseases in Saudi Arabia.

Introduction to Disease

Explain the epidemiology, pathophysiology, types, risk factors, symptoms, signs, and prevention of two common diseases in Saudi Arabia.

Write a program to find the largest element in an array of integers. Write a program to reverse a string. Write a program to find the factorial of a given number using recursion.

Solve the java Questions

  1. Write a program to find the largest element in an array of integers.
  2. Write a program to reverse a string.
  3. Write a program to find the factorial of a given number using recursion.
  4. Write a program to check if a given string is a palindrome.
  5. Write a program to sort an array of integers using the bubble sort algorithm.
  6. Write a program to implement a stack data structure using arrays.
  7. Write a program to implement a queue data structure using linked lists.

Which trend do social optimists point out to support their view? A-Economic and demographic stagnation during the 1945-72 period. B- Comprehensive urbanization, an urban lifestyle predominates.

EXP 3680C 29 Multiply choice questions

  1. Which trend do social optimists point out to support their view?

A-Economic and demographic stagnation during the 1945-72 period.

B- Comprehensive urbanization, an urban lifestyle predominates.


  1. What is TRUE about how French society is interpreted?

A- Images of rural life pervade French and foreign analyses.

B- French and British societies have converged, and they resemble each other.


  1. What has been the trend for French firms in the 21st century?

A- Foreign corporations have taken over major French firms.

B- The French state has continued with Thatcherite privatization.


  1. Which of these is a problem with France’s welfare policy?

A- The French complain the retirement age is too low.

B- France has very low population growth, with a 1:1 ratio between workers and retirees by 2030.


  1. What is a fundamental tenet of French Republicanism?

A- All citizens are equal in a publicly acknowledged diverse setting.

B- All citizens are equal and are the same, regardless of differences.


  1. What is the FN/RN’s attitude toward France’s Muslim minority?

A- Under Marine Le Pen, the FN/RN wants privileged status for Catholicism and Islam.

B- The FN/RN wants to ban public manifestations of Muslim practice.


  1. What is TRUE of post-1945 immigration to France?

A- Most immigrants come from the Maghreb.

B- It has been primarily from European Catholic countries.


  1. What does the ONI do?

A- It regulates immigration.

B- It supervises drug use.


  1. What is the French official attitude toward ethnicity?

A- The government forbids the collection of ethnic data.

B- Christians can identify ethnically while Muslims cannot.


  1. What de facto policy has France pursued toward the Muslims?

A- Cooptation, ensuring Muslims conform to the dominant culture.

B-Acceptance, giving Muslims full freedom to practice their faith.


  1. What is the French government attitude toward European integration?

A- France has half withdrawn from it.

B- France has used it to enhance its international standing.


  1. What did Pompidou do that De Gaulle refused to do?

A- Pompidou held up British EC membership but allowed in Ireland and Denmark.

B- Pompidou allowed Britain into the European Community to counter Germany. *


  1. What did Hollande do to demonstrate French leadership?

A- He organized a conference of France, Germany, Russia, and Ukraine to deal with the Ukraine crisis.

B- He categorically bemoaned BREXIT.


  1. What did the French Council of State do in 1989?

A- It rejected the primacy of EU law in favor of national law.

B- It accepted the primacy of EU law.


  1. What is an example of an institution that predates the Fifth Republic?

A- The Republican party (Les Republicains)

B- Prefect


  1. What events induced parliament to consider depriving terrorists of French citizenship?

A- The 1988 Lockerbie and 1989 Niger bombings

B- The 2016 Charlie Hebdo and Bataclan attacks


  1. What is hysteresis?

A- A tendency to cling to a certain paradigm in the face of changes.

B- A tendency to adapt one’s thinking to changing circumstances.


  1. What is true about the Third and Fourth Republics?

A- There was a separation of powers between the executive and legislature.

B- Their parliaments were set up to prevent the emergence of a strong leader.


  1. What is the significance of the October 1962 referendum?

A- It confirmed parliamentary sovereignty.

B- It led to the direct election of the president, which strengthened that office.




  1. What is the significance of Article 5 of the 1958 charter?

A- It can be interpreted to mean the president is at the political center, upholding the constitution.

B- It means the president is a figurehead symbol of national unity.


  1. What is the structure of the French Parliament?

A- A bicameral body made up of the National Assembly and Consultative Council.

B- A bicameral body made up of the National Assembly and Senate.


  1. What is France’s position with regard to subnational units?

A- France is a federation of 13 historically based regions.

B- France is a centralized, unitary state of 96 departments.


  1. What is TRUE about France’s regions?

A- They cannot impose their authority on lower-level governments.

B- They have the most power of subnational units.


  1. What is TRUE of the French Senate?

It has a conservative bias, representing departments and communes.

It has a liberal bias, representing major cities.


  1. The FN/RN has harmed which group of parties the most?

A- Mainstream right-wing parties.

B- Mainstream left-wing parties.


  1. What was the first de facto presidential party in Fifth Republic France?

A- The right-wing UMP

B- The Gaullist UNR


  1. What type of government did Jospin lead (1997-2002)?

A- A plural right government of four parties

B- A plural left government of five parties


  1. Which of the following is NOT in the FN/RN platform?

A- Espousal of European integration

B- Suspicion of immigrants, especially from Muslim countries


  1. What is the French government’s attitude toward interest groups?

The French government adopts a pluralist approach.

The French state discourages interest groups.

At this point, what would you do if you were the project manager? Was top management acting correctly in developing an estimate? What estimating techniques should be used for a mission-critical project such as this?


Read the Case-5.1 “Sharp Printing, AG.”from Chapter 5 “Estimating Project Times and Costs” given in your textbook – Project Management: The Managerial Process 8th edition by Larson and Gray page no: 163 also refer to specific concepts you have learned from the chapter to support your answers. Answer the following questions.

Case study questions:

  • At this point, what would you do if you were the project manager? (5 Marks)
  • Was top management acting correctly in developing an estimate? (5 Marks)
  • What estimating techniques should be used for a mission-critical project such as this? (5 MarkS)

Analyze the contribution from each of the three energy pathways; analyze the specific movement patterns and performance-related skills used in the sport.

Case Study: Pick a sport or physical event.

-Analyze the contribution from each of the three energy pathways; analyze the specific movement patterns and performance-related skills used in the sport.

-Pick a periodization scheme (i.e. block periodization, reverse linear, concurrent, etc.). Discuss why this periodization method is appropriate for the sport you chose.

-Design a 12 week program implementing your periodization scheme. The method of progression must be clear. Exercise prescriptions must be in FITT-VP format.

Read the articles below and write an informative 2-page essay about the potential risks associated with spreadsheets.

Accountant information sys.

Risks Inherent in Spreadsheets.

As part of your AOL assignment discuss the risks associated with spreadsheets.

Read the articles below and write an informative 2page essay about the potential risks associated with spreadsheets:

1. Spreadsheet horror stories: stories

2. 5 of the most terrifying Excel spreadsheet horror stories we’ve ever heard: heard/

3. Spreadsheet horror stories:

4. Spreadsheet blunders costing business billions:

5. Every spreadsheet has an error: 7 lessons motivated by Reinhart and Rogoff:

6. Eight of the worst Excel blunders:

Using three of the following four examples, discuss when and how followers of the Buddha would benefit from having stronger leadership and when and how they would benefit from a more “hands-off” approach.

Discuss when Followers of the Buddha benefit from strong leadership and hands-off approach.

We have seen diverse examples of both the problems and potentials of leadership within the Buddhist tradition. On the one hand, strong structures of Buddhist leadership have led to problems such as sex scandals within the sangha, the imposition of patriarchal systems of authority, and even political instability in the case of Tibet. On the other hand, the lack of a central leader for all forms of Buddhism sometimes makes it difficult to determine which practices can truly benefit adherents of the religion or even outsiders to Buddhism.

Using three of the following four examples, discuss when and how followers of the Buddha would benefit from having stronger leadership and when and how they would benefit from a more “hands-off” approach: a) the tree consecration movement in Thailand; b) the practice of Chan/Zen Buddhism; c) abortion rituals in Japan; and d) the Western-based “mindfulness” movement.

  • Reading: “Ordination of a Tree”
  • Reading: “The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch”
  • Reading: “Memorializing one’s Mizuko”
  • Reading: “The Mindfulness Conspiracy”