
Rank your Top Five entries from Meditations, using quotations to present them to your reader and developing each one through paraphrase, connection to personal experience, and justification of its place in your Top Five.

Rank your Top Five entries from Meditations, using quotations to present them to your reader and developing each one through paraphrase, connection to personal experience, and justification of its place in your Top Five.

Quote your Top Five entries in their entirety, or you may just quote an excerpt for longer entries. In any case, develop each one thoroughly with paraphrase, personal experience, and explanation. What makes each entry stand out from a text full of interesting thoughts? At least four slides per entry for five entries makes a total of 20-25 slides. Include a title slide at the beginning of your presentation, as well as some images throughout. Also explore to some degree in your presentation the stylistic features of your Top Five, such as rhythm, alliteration, assonance, consonance, diction, concrete imagery, and other creative choices in its composition. Refer to entries by their book and entry number. For example, “In Book 9, entry 17, Aurelius says, . . . ” or even “Entry 9.17 states . . . “, etc. Make your presentation colorful, consistently formatted, and carefully edited. It is possible to add audio, such as music, narration, or sound effects, to a slide presentation, and you may do so.

Analyze the business and its competitive environment, then create a strategy and implementation plan for the organization.

Analyze the business and its competitive environment, then create a strategy and implementation plan for the organization.  The project will be presented as a written document of 10 to 20 pages, double spaced, with APA formatting.

Select either an organization you work for or have worked for, or review one of these suggested companies: Apple Inc. or Toyota Motor Corporation.  The student will conduct a strategic analysis including (at a minimum):

  • a SWOT Analysis,
  • a Competitive Environment Analysis, and
  • the current performance and status of the company.

From that analysis the create a strategic direction, including (at a minimum):

  • a mission and vision,
  • the strategic pathway to success for the company,
  • the value chain for the company,
  • the organizational structure that will enable success,
  • an outline of how each functional area of the company will execute the strategy, and

A set of four to six SMART Goals for a typical employee within the company that will align with the company’s strategy

Identify the role of the social worker as a change agent in addressing this challenge and identify the organization’s readiness to change, which includes specifying existing (internal and external) barriers and supports.

Demonstrate developing analytical skills regarding community engagement and creating interventions to address unmet community needs. Students will write a focused 5 to 6-page, double-spaced paper discussing a population of interest and social issue (e.g. long-term care for frail elders; child care and single working parents; domestic violence and immigrant women) within an arena (a community in which the student lives, has field, works, or volunteers). The paper will:

    • identify the social problem using supporting literature from scholarly sources;
    • analyze how dynamics of power, privilege and oppression influence and maintain this
      social problem; and
    • develop a strategy to address this problem within the specific context of the chosen
      community or population; and
    • explain why this problem needs to be addressed using the social work values of social,
      economic, and/or environmental justice.

Briefly present an organization and summarize some problem/issue/challenge that the organization seeks to address using evidence to support their description.

Analyze how dynamics of power, privilege and oppression create, support or inhibit the resolution of the challenge. This will entail identifying factors internal and external to the organization (staff, service users, limited resources, municipal policies, etc.) that contribute to the issue.

Identify the role of the social worker as a change agent in addressing this challenge and identify the organization’s readiness to change, which includes specifying existing (internal and external) barriers and supports.

Identify three possible alternative change interventions and explain which of these they consider to be the optimal choice. They must justify this choice using social work values of social, economic, and environmental justice.

Provide an evaluation strategy to assess the effectiveness of the intervention.

Create specific instructions and guidance to the respondents on how they need to address the psychological challenges of dealing with significant loss of life.

You are a senior leader of a federal agency that has just declared a disaster event that apparently has resulted in significant loss of life. You have just reviewed the response plan for your organization and are prepared to set it in motion. Noticeably absent from the plan is any treatment of how the response team should deal with the psychological challenges of dealing with significant loss of life.

Create specific instructions and guidance to the respondents on how they need to address the psychological challenges of dealing with significant loss of life.

You are a nurse working for a public health agency. You have been asked to give a talk to the local rotary club about infectious diseases. In your presentation, you are going to include information about the treatment of these diseases.

Eight-year-old Joe has been diagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia. His treatment plan includes placement of an implanted central venous catheter and multiple administrations of chemotherapy. Joe says, “NO! I don’t want to be stuck with needles all the time!” What would you tell Joe to decrease his anxiety? How would you explain the way chemotherapy works to Joe and his parents? What would include when educating the parent on potential side effects and adverse reactions of chemotherapy?

You are a nurse working for a public health agency. You have been asked to give a talk to the local rotary club about infectious diseases. In your presentation, you are going to include information about the treatment of these diseases. In discussing the role of antibiotics in the treatment of infectious diseases, you would include definitions of bactericidal and bacteriostatic. What are these definitions? What drugs are used for bacterial infections? How is this different than treatment for viral infections?

A 65-year-old woman has just been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. She calls the clinic and asks if she and her family can come in and have someone talk to them about the disease. The nurse sets aside time for this patient and her family. In teaching this family about Alzheimer’s disease, what are the major points she should convey to them? (Include education, medications, prevention for other family members)

The parents of a 14-year-old girl come to the emergency department after being notified by the school nurse that their daughter had a “spell” during gym class and was taken to the hospital by ambulance. When they arrive, their daughter is sitting up on the stretcher, has oxygen on at 2 L/min, and is answering questions asked by the nurse. The doctor talks to the family and tells them that he suspects their daughter has asthma. What diagnostic tests would the nurse expect to be ordered to confirm the diagnosis of asthma? The parents mention that their daughter values her independence. They want to know how her treatment plan will impact her values. How would the nurse correctly respond?

A 17-year-old male is brought to the ED by ambulance, after a diving accident. On physical exam, the physician notes paralysis of the lower extremities and suspects a spinal cord injury. What confirmatory tests would the nurse expect to be ordered? When the patient’s tests come back positive for a T8 SCI, what treatment options are available for this patient? What complications should the nursing staff watch out for? What will the nurse include in patient/family teaching for this client?

Discuss economic equality, which could include the causes/effects of altruism, poverty, class structure. Specifically address content from Singer and/or Macaskill.

What caused the recent warming of the Pacific Ocean, and how did the warming affect the earth’s weather? Why do men, on average, still out-earn women in wages? What is the effect of religious oppression on a society or even more specifically on a specific gender, race, or ethnicity? We answer questions like these with cause-and-effect analysis; the method of dividing occurrences into their elements to find relationships among them. Cause-and-effect analysis can be found in just about every academic discipline and occupation, including history, law, business, science, engineering, and sports. In any of these fields, your purpose in writing a cause-and-effect essay may be to explain or persuade.
For our second essay of the semester, you will write a cause-and-effect essay on ONE of the topics we have discussed so far in class. A couple of possibilities are listed below:
* What are the causes/effects of “coming out?” How does American society deal with the issues of homosexuality, gender fluidity, LGBTQ rights? Specifically address content from Gay.
* Discuss economic equality, which could include the causes/effects of altruism, poverty, class structure. Specifically address content from Singer and/or Macaskill.
Because this is a relatively short essay assignment, you should try to focus your attention on immediate or major causes, while still avoiding oversimplification. Remember, in order to achieve a balanced analysis, you will need to shelve any emotional attachment you may have to your topic and consider all possible causes/effects.

Describe the importance of healthcare coverage (insurance).  End with a clearly worded purpose statement for this project. Discuss two ways healthcare coverage is beneficial (helpful) for the vulnerable/ uninsured populations.

Baccalaureate education includes learning opportunities of healthcare policy, finance, and regulatory environments (AACN, 2008).

Complete the Nursing Quality Indicators (NQI) virtual simulation activity to explore the impact of nursing designs on quality measures, including cost, systems, processes, and outcomes of various points of care. The goal of this activity is to think about basic quality and safety investigations that are used to create and measures outcomes of quality improvement processes.

Describe the importance of healthcare coverage (insurance).  End with a clearly worded purpose statement for this project. Discuss two ways healthcare coverage is beneficial (helpful) for the vulnerable/ uninsured populations.

Describe the purpose of Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs).  Explain the impact of DRGs on length of stay and payment of services.  Discuss how payments for DRGs are now impacted by quality indicators and measures.

Select one of the patients from the cases you reviewed in NQI.  Summarize two care options provided by the plan that facilitates access for your selected patient.  Summarize two care options that limit access to care for your selected patient.

Repeat this activity with the same patient.  Summarize two care options provided by the second plan that facilitates access for your selected patient.  Summarize two care options that limit access to care for your selected patient.

Summarize at least four priority nursing interventions or considerations to promote self-care for your selected patient to provide high quality, safe healthcare considering nursing-sensitive indicators.  Provide a rationale for each of your selected nursing decisions.

Do research and analyze based on their current situation. Look for investor relations for the best information from the company web sites (e.g., or

  • Select one of the following companies for this assignment:  Hasbro or FedEx.  Do research and analyze based on their current situation. Look for investor relations for the best information from the company web sites (e.g., or

These are public companies with a lot of information available.  The best information on their web sites is usually under Investor Relations (often in small print at bottom of the home page).

A 10-K (or annual) report is also a great resource.  For external analysis, you will need to search articles about the industry or other trends that could affect the company (searchable databases in the library – see link in Canvas).  Also use the textbook if you need explanation and examples of the terms used in the outline.

Read and analyze The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde. Choose one or two elements and write an analysis of the element/s in the short story.

In this module, we explored the elements of a short story and their significance in the writing as a whole.

Read and analyze The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde. The Selfish Giant Text.

Choose one or two elements and write an analysis of the element/s in the short story. Use the models from lesson 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4 as your guide.

Elements: plot/structure, setting, characterization, foreshadowing, literary devices (metaphor, simile, allusion, personification…) symbolism, style, irony.

In your opinion, what has been the most significant event(s) in American History (from colonization to 1877? Although these events happened long before you were born, how have they shaped your life, modern day America, and the future of this country?

In your opinion, what has been the most significant event(s) in American History covered by this course (from colonization to 1877? Although these events happened long before you were born, how have they shaped your life, modern day America, and the future of this country?

Remember the minimum requirements of the assignment: 500 word minimum initial post. 100 word minimum response post.Proper grammar and mechanics in all submitted work.Your first and last name signed to each post (initial and response). Word counts included in each post (initial and response).