
Identify at least one national agency or organization that addresses the communicable disease chosen and describe how the organizations contribute to resolving or reducing the impact of disease.

Epidemiology Paper.

Write a paper (2,000-2,500 words) in which you apply the concepts of epidemiology and nursing research to a communicable disease. Refer to “Communicable Disease Chain,” “Chain of Infection,” and the CDC website for assistance when completing this assignment.

Communicable Disease Selection;

1). Chickenpox
2). Tuberculosis
3). Influenza
4). Mononucleosis
5). Hepatitis B
6). HIV
7). Ebola
8). Measles
9). Polio
10). Influenza

Epidemiology Paper Requirements;

1). Describe the chosen communicable disease, including causes, symptoms, mode of transmission, complications, treatment, and the demographic of interest (mortality, morbidity, incidence, and prevalence). Is this a reportable disease? If so, provide details about reporting time, whom to report to, etc.
2). Describe the social determinants of health and explain how those factors contribute to the development of this disease.
3).Discuss the epidemiologic triangle as it relates to the communicable disease you have selected. Include the host factors, agent factors (presence or absence), and environmental factors. Are there any special considerations or notifications for the community, schools, or general population?
4). Explain the role of the community health nurse (case finding, reporting, data collection, data analysis, and follow-up) and why demographic data are necessary to the health of the community.
5). Identify at least one national agency or organization that addresses the communicable disease chosen and describe how the organizations contribute to resolving or reducing the impact of disease.
6). Discuss a global implication of the disease. How is this addressed in other countries or cultures? Is this disease endemic to a particular area? Provide an example.

Assess the MBTI and its use to provide results on your chosen figure or character and describe the efficacy and reliability of this assessment as it relates to your chosen person.

For this discussion, you will be taking on the role of the intake counselor at a mental health facility. In this role, you will facilitate the evaluation of a client based on clinical personality assessments, mental status exam, and observations of the client to make recommendations to the treatment team consisting of the clinical psychologist, counselors, and case manager for the client. Carefully review the PSY615:

Week Two Counseling-Based Personality.
Assessment Scenario.
In your initial post, examine the personality assessment instrument used in the scenario and research a peer-reviewed article in the University Library on this personality assessment. Using the required articles and websites as well as your researched article to support your statements, describe the standard use of this personality assessment. Based on the scenario, evaluate the reliability, validity, and cultural considerations inherent to the personality assessment used and comment on the relevance of these elements within the scenario.

Analyze and describe some of the potential ethical issues which might arise from the use of this personality assessment in the given scenario.

Provide information from your research regarding the use of the personality measure, and assess the value of other possible instruments that could be added to create a more complete assessment of the client in the scenario.

For this assignment, choose a historically important figure or a character from a movie, novel, or TV show, then address the following in your paper:
Examine your figure or character from the perspective of Jung’s theoretical approach to personality and describe your chosen figure or character based on the dichotomous facets of personality as defined by Jung.
Evaluate the current Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality instrument, which is based on Jung’s theories, and provide your impression of your chosen figure or character through the major facets of the MBTI.
Analyze how ethical issues might affect the implementation of MBTI personality assessment in the setting native to your chosen figure or character.
Assess the MBTI and its use to provide results on your chosen figure or character and describe the efficacy and reliability of this assessment as it relates to your chosen person.
Summarize and present your opinion about how well this theory describes the person in question. Provide research to support your claims.

How does Southern Horrors and A Red Record differ from each other? Why were multiple pamphlets needed to address the same issue? Is one pamphlet more effective than the other?

Writing Assignment: Southern Horrors and The Red Record.

Following the failures of Reconstruction, African-Americans faced a segregated society. The Jim Crow laws of the South ensured African-Americans were treated as second-class citizens, while Southern society reinforced a culture of difference. Without much protection, African-Americans faced public humiliation and violence in the South, its most prominent feature being lynchings. Many African-Americans sought anti-lynching laws to be passed, one of the most fervent supports being Ida B. Wells. In this assignment, write a 3-4 page review of two of her pamphlets: Southern Horrors and A Red Record. It must answer the following questions:

Why is lynching so widespread in the South according the Southerners? Why is it so widespread according to Wells? What do these reasons for lynching tell us about Southern society and proper/improper behavior? What does it say about race, gender, and class?
How does Wells use newspaper articles and statistics to make her arguments? How does she treat her sources? What does she try to prove or disprove about lynching in the South?
How does Southern Horrors and A Red Record differ from each other? Why were multiple pamphlets needed to address the same issue? Is one pamphlet more effective than the other?

What are your opinions about IPV and disparity between males and females in both acts of violence and victimization? What pivotal factors do you think promoted the domestic violence revolution?

Domestic Violence Assignment 1.

  1. What pivotal factors do you think promoted the domestic violence revolution?
  2. What do you think are some of the ongoing philosophies that have supported the domestic violence revolution?
  3. What are your opinions about IPV and disparity between males and females in both acts of violence and victimization?
  4. Discuss how race, culture and ethnicity, criminal history and the offender’s behavior can affect the decision to arrest.

Evaluate the child’s behavior compared to what is typical of a child of that age. For physical observations, students should evaluate the child according to developmental norms.

Students must complete a childhood (between 2-9 years of age) observation report in which physical and social behavior is evaluated within the context of developmental norms.
A minimum of three physical behaviors and three social behaviors must be observed and evaluated.
When observing a child, you are required to do so in a public area (playground, mall, library, etc.) and should not draw attention to yourself so the child is aware he or she is being observed. Please get parental permission for our observation. If you need guidance in locating a child to observe, please contact your Instructor immediately.
In addition to the observation, students must evaluate the child’s behavior compared to what is typical of a child of that age. For physical observations, students should evaluate the child according to developmental norms. For cognitive/social behavior, students should evaluate the child using at least two theories discussed in class. These theories can include Piaget’s theory, attachment theory, Erikson’s theory, etc.

The observation report must be typed in 12 point, Times New Roman font, double spaced with one inch margins. The observation report must be a minimum of three pages and grammatically correct.
Examples of physical behavior can include: Approximate height/weight, fine motor skills, gross motor skills, play activities, feeding behavior
Examples of social behavior can include: Expression of emotion, language, relationship with other children, relationship with caregivers

Identify indicators related to these precursor-related objectives that can be used in the baseline assessment and for evaluation. Identify the data sources for these indicators. Describe how and when you will access and collect the secondary data.

Identify all possible precursors or antecedent factors that are linked to the prioritized behavioral and/or environmental determinants from Module 3. Be sure to explore precursors from all levels of the social ecological model, as well as both risk and protective factors. If you are using the PRECEDE model, specific whether the precursors are predisposing, enabling, or reinforcing factors.
Include a conceptual model of your health issue, which clearly depicts the assumptions underlying the relationships among your behavioral and environmental determinants and their associated precursor and your targeted health issue. Be sure to give a brief description of the conceptual model in the text to clarify the causal pathways and describe how the model is grounded in social/behavioral science theory.
Rate each precursor on importance/changeability and other criteria (if any) you have selected, using evidence from the empirical and grey literatures and (if applicable) theory.
Set priorities within the categories or organizational framework (e.g. PRECEDE) for the precursor/factors that you listed. You may want to use a table to show your inventory, your ratings, related literature, and your priorities. At the end of the process, you should have a coherent set of interrelated precursors upon which to focus your intervention activities.
Include at least one goal and one objective for each of your prioritized precursors. Make sure the goals and objectives are linked.

Identify indicators related to these precursor-related objectives that can be used in the baseline assessment and for evaluation. Identify the data sources for these indicators. Describe how and when you will access and collect the secondary data.

What physical, social, political, psychological, or spiritual challenge have you overcome?  How did your values evolve or help you through this experience? Describe one challenge, explain how you overcame it, and discuss the impact it had on you

What physical, social, political, psychological, or spiritual challenge have you overcome?  How did your values evolve or help you through this experience? Describe one challenge, explain how you overcame it, and discuss the impact it had on you
Thesis statement: Your thesis should state what challenge you confronted, how you overcame it, and what you learned. It should foreshadow your essay content.

Note: This will be an essay about one significant challenge you overcame not a life story.

Evidence: Use your experience and use “I.” Incorporate one or two short quotations from the essays or poems listed above.

As you are brainstorming ideas for your essay, consider these questions:

  1. Was your challenge physical, social, political, psychological and/or spiritual? How so?
  2. What specific tasks, feelings, events, or other aspects made your challenge difficult?
  3. What values did you learn? and/or What values helped you through this?
  4. How did you overcome your challenge? What support did you need/receive?
  5. What did you learn while experiencing and overcoming your challenge?
  6. How will what you learned serve you in your life?

Describe what type of manager you are as Director of Therapeutic Recreation for a skilled nursing facility and the manager you would like to be once you obtain the MBA degree in Healthcare Management.

A manager is a person responsible for the work performance of other people. Management is the process of using organizational resources to achieve specific objectives through the function of planning, organizing, and staffing, leading, and controlling.

In your words, describe what it takes to be an effective manager in today’s modern society.
Describe what type of manager you are as Director of Therapeutic Recreation for a skilled nursing facility
and the manager you would like to be once you obtain the MBA degree in Healthcare Management.
Use any personal organizational examples you deem pertinent to this topic.

Using the data on the “National Cancer Institute Data” Excel spreadsheet, calculate the descriptive statistics indicated below for each of the Race/Ethnicity groups.

There is often the requirement to evaluate descriptive statistics for data within the organization or for health care information. Every year the National Cancer Institute collects and publishes data based on patient demographics. Understanding differences between the groups based upon the collected data often informs health care professionals towards research, treatment options, or patient education.

Using the data on the “National Cancer Institute Data” Excel spreadsheet, calculate the descriptive statistics indicated below for each of the Race/Ethnicity groups. Refer to your textbook and the Topic Materials, as needed, for assistance in with creating Excel formulas.

Provide the following descriptive statistics:

Measures of Central Tendency: Mean, Median, and Mode.
Measures of Variation: Variance, Standard Deviation, and Range (a formula is not needed for Range).
Once the data is calculated, provide a 150-250 word analysis of the descriptive statistics on the spreadsheet. This should include differences and health outcomes between groups.
APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Analyze the toys for their effectiveness at stimulating cognitive development for the children in your group. Discuss specific cognitive skills that will be developed by each toy, and how that toy will help to develop that/those skills

You learned about the stages of cognitive development that Piaget suggested that children pass through as they develop their mental abilities. For this assignment, review the characteristics of each of those stages of development (preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational) and the important cognitive abilities that develop during each stage. Then, take a trip to a toy store (Walmart, Kmart, Target, ToyRUs, etc.) to examine the different toys.
Scenario: You’ve been hired to work in an after school program – congratulations! There are three age groups of children: Group 1 (ages 5-8), Group 2 (ages 9-12), and Group 3 (ages 13-15). Each group has 7-9 children. Your first task is to build a Toy Box of four (4) toys that will stimulate the development of cognitive skills in the children in your group. So, choose ONE group that you want to work with and complete this field observation with that ONE group in mind. Remember, age alone won’t determine the cognitive stage of the children because they develop at different rates. Remember, your focus is on cognitive development…so do not focus on if the child will learn content from the toy (math, reading, spelling, etc.) or if the child would have fun playing with the toy. Instead, focus on the cognitive skills that playing with each toy would stimulate and develop.
For your report on this activity, respond to each of the questions below. Put your answers in bold beneath each question. Refer to the Stages of Reflection document if you are unclear about what to write or the way to reflect for each question. Be sure to use the concepts and academic language from the lesson in your responses. Academic language that is appropriate for this activity includes: preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational, pretend play, schema, conservation, seriation, classification, egocentrism, hypothetical thinking, problem solving. Save the document as a Word document, then submit it through the Dropbox.
1) Describe the setting in which you completed this observation. Include where, when, and how many minutes you observed. (Take your time…remember, you need a total of 10 hours of observation for the course).
2) Describe the cognitive characteristics that you expect to find among the children in your chosen group.
3) Describe the four toys that you selected for your toy box.
4) Analyze the toys for their effectiveness at stimulating cognitive development for the children in your group. Discuss specific cognitive skills that will be developed by each toy, and how that toy will help to develop that/those skills