
Do you prefer public speaking in more traditional, in-person environments, or do you enjoy the technology-driven presentations of the 21st century? Why do you think it will be important for you to be able to do both successfully?

Create a narrated slideshow (your voice recorded over slides) at the end of your SPCH 219 experience. This narrated slideshow will focus on assessing your public speaking and presentation skills at the end of the course as well as reflecting upon all that you have learned.
Create an introduction, body, and conclusion based upon what you’ve learned about strong, effective presentation content. Your narrated slideshow should address the following:
1. Now that you’ve developed many kinds of speeches in the SPCH 219 course, what is your comfort level with presenting in the 21st century? Describe your level of public speaking anxiety.

2. Do you prefer public speaking in more traditional, in-person environments, or do you enjoy the technology-driven presentations of the 21st century? Why do you think it will be important for you to be able to do both successfully?

3. Describe the way you now approach preparing for a presentation. What have you learned about preparing for a speech based on the presentation ecosystem? 4. Discuss your thoughts on the three elements of the presentation ecosystem. Which piece or pieces are you most comfortable with? Which piece or pieces will need additional practice in the future? 5. What are the top 3 most important lessons you learned from your experience in SPCH 219?

Rolling Stones 500 Greatest Albums. Pick an album from this list.What qualities make this album unique? Subject matter and lyrics? Social commentary? New recording techniques? New musical styles? Is it influential? WHY is this album on the Top 500 list?

Rolling Stones 500 Greatest Albums.

Pick an album from this list. Try to pick an album you don’t already own. Try to pick an album that is very different from what you usually listen to. Really sit down and listen!
1. Provide background about the artist or band. Where did the group originate? Who are the members?
2. When was the album recorded? Where? Discuss any unique circumstances about the creation of this album.
3. What qualities make this album unique? Subject matter and lyrics? Social commentary? New recording techniques? New musical styles? Is it influential? WHY is this album on the Top 500 list?
4. Discuss EACH song on this album. Title? Length? Subject matter? Musical Styles? Quality of Performance? If there are five songs on the album, you should have five paragraphs. If there are thirteen songs on the album, you should have thirteen paragraphs.
5. Discuss your REACTION to this album. Did you enjoy it? Did it “speak” to you? This is probably the most important part of the paper.
6. This assignment is part “RESEARCH PAPER.” Cite your sources. How many sources?

Briefly describe the causes or origins of the chosen literary period, including significant historical and cultural events that led to the period. Essentially, what brought about or sparked the period? How did historical or cultural events at the time influence writers?

Section 1: Historical and cultural background of the period.
■ Briefly describe the causes or origins of the chosen literary period,including significant historical and cultural events that led to the period.Essentially, what brought about or sparked the period? How did historical or cultural events at the time influence writers? (SLO 1, SLO 3)
2) Section 2: Summary of period values and characteristics.
■ Briefly describe the chosen period overall, including its key ideas,* core values* (social, moral, political, spiritual, etc.), and aesthetic principles*(including but not limited to: the period’s common themes, subject matter,new writing techniques, and preferred forms or styles). Essentially, what is
this period “all about”? What are the defining characteristics of this period’s writing? How did these defining characteristics develop? Students should connect their description of the period’s characteristics to the historical background above. (SLO 1, 3, 4)
3) Section 3: Argue that two works of literature are valid examples of the period.
■ Select two works from the chosen literary period, ensuring that each work is written by a different author.+ Then provide a clear, well-developed argument demonstrating how both works are representative of the period by analyzing how the literatures’ specific forms or styles match the
values and principles of the chosen period.* This should be the longest section of the paper. (SLO 2) Where possible, the two chosen authors should come from different geographical regions.
■ Example: A student writing about Regionalism might argue that William Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily” is representative of the Regionalist Movement because it uses dialect to convey an authentic Southern voice; depicting regional cultures as realistically as possible was a primary principle of Regionalism.
■ The student should provide and analyze specific examples (direct quotes or paraphrasing) from their chosen works of literature to support their argument.
The goal of the assignment is to demonstrate understanding of the ways literary periods shape literature and act as vehicles for expressing artistic, political, social, or religious values.

Define and use specific vocabulary relating to filmmaking and the motion picture industry. Analyze motion pictures using established criteria. Compare and contrast films according to their genres, styles, and narrative strategies.

  • Define and use specific vocabulary relating to filmmaking and the motion picture industry.
  • Analyze motion pictures using established criteria.
  • Compare and contrast films according to their genres, styles, and narrative strategies.
  • Write about specific films in depth using your knowledge of film terms.
  • Compare and contrast films and their related themes and artistic devices through discussion and writing

The Task:

In order to demonstrate your ability to do these things,write an essay comparing how a specific theme  discussed this quarter is treated or developed in three of the films that we have watched. Choose films that you think offer interesting contrasts and comparison in how the theme is treated. In your comparison discuss specific details about the portrayals of main characters, the plot / events or the film’s narrative structure, and the elements of film style and cinematic techniques. Discuss how these elements contribute to the films’ overall treatments or developments of the theme.

Write a report about the Impact of Covid19 on two markets of your interest. For every market, discuss the following points:- how the changes in the demand determinants and supply determinants affected the demand and the supply i.e, how Covid 19 affected the market supply and demand

Write a report about the Impact of Covid19 on two markets of your interest. ANY two markets you choose in ANY country you choose. Two actual markets NOT hypothetical. Examples for markets; Hand sanitizers, soap, essential food markets (like milk, eggs, meat and bread) cloth, tourism, air flights, public transportation, uber, stock market, fast food markets), etc…
step 2- For every market, discuss the following points:- – how the changes in the demand determinants and supply determinants affected the demand and the supply i.e, how Covid 19 affected the market supply and demand? – how the changes in the supply and demand affected the equilibrium price and quantity. – how the two markets affect each other. Are they complements or substitutes? How the changes that take place in one market affect the other? – the elasticity of demand in the two markets i.e, how sensitive the quantity demand is to the changes in prices. (Week 3 material) – Did the government intervene in any of your markets? How? What is the implication if any? Step 3- You don’t have to collect data for this assignment. You just need to understand how the Covid 19 affected the market supply, demand, price and equilibrium in the market in general without exact values that might be hard to collect. You can show the changes in the demand and supply graphically without values. You will need to conduct some research in order to understand how the market performed before, and after the Covid 19. Below some references where you can search for articles about the impact of Covid19 on the markets that might interest you.

Define any three of the following five terms (200 words each). Make sure you provide examples to support/illustrate your definition. – Identity -Imagined community – Orientalism – Columbian Exchange – Luxury Trap

Colombian Exchange.
Food in the Roman World.

Harrari – Chapter 3 “A Day in the Life of Adam and Eve” and Chapter 5 “History’s Biggest Fraud”.
Cuisine and Empire-  “Maize Cuisines of Mesoamerica”.

How does Belasco define “cuisine”? Give one example of a national cuisine and describe it in-depth using this definition.

2. How can one define “culture”? Can you give examples of what constitutes culture, using this definition?

3. According the Yuval Harari, the agricultural revolution is “history’s biggest fraud”. Debate arguments for and against this statement. Give examples to support your answer.

4. Define any three of the following five terms (200 words each). Make sure you provide examples to support/illustrate your definition. – Identity -Imagined community – Orientalism – Columbian Exchange – Luxury Trap

5. In the Belasco article, an Oreo Cookie is “read” to analyze some of the cultural messages carried by a food product (page 23). Can you similarly analyze a food product of your choice for its cultural messaging?

6. How is food be an agent or expression of group power in societies? Give two concrete examples of the cultural power of food from either Ancient Roman, Aztec or Post-Columbus eras cuisine to support your reasoning.

This film assignment is designed to consider how Dead Poet’s Society communicates its themes.Identify the primary focus of the film. Underline the choice made. Support the choice with clear rationale.

Dead Poets Assignment.

This film assignment is designed to consider how Dead Poet’s Society communicates its themes.

1) Begin the paper by identifying the film, the director and your subjective opinion regarding the film.

2) Identify the primary focus of the film. Underline the choice made. A list can be found in the intro lesson.

3) Support the choice with clear rationale.

4) Identify a secondary focus. Underline the choice made. A list can be found in the intro lesson.

5) Support the choice with clear rationale.

6) Determine the dramatic question and how that question reflects the primary focus presented in part 1.

In the first paragraph determine the primary focus of the film. Include a discussion that supports that choice. (parts 1 & 2 of the above rubric)

In the second paragraph determine a secondary focus. Include a discussion that supports that choice. (parts 3 & 4 of the above rubric)

In the last paragraph identify the dramatic question. This should be a central question that reflects the point of the film. Connect that to the choice made for the primary focus.

Create an overview of the HIPAA Security Rule and Privacy Rule. Analyze and describe the network architecture that is needed within an organization, including a medium-sized hospital, in order to be compliant with HIPAA regulations.

Imagine you are the Information Security Officer at a medium-sized hospital chain. The CEO and the other senior leadership of the company want to ensure that all of their hospitals are and remain HIPAA compliant. They are concerned about the HIPAA Security and Privacy Rules and its impact on the organization. You begin looking at the information provided by the Department of Health and Human Services, located at Specifically, you are asked to provide an analysis of two (2) of the cases found here with emphasis on what was done to resolve the compliance issues.

Section 1. Written Paper
Non-compliance with HIPAA regulations can result in significant fines and negative publicity. To help ensure that your organization remains in compliance with HIPAA regulations you have been asked to write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you:

1a. Create an overview of the HIPAA Security Rule and Privacy Rule.
1b. Analyze the major types of incidents and breaches that occur based on the cases reported.
1c. Analyze the technical controls and the non-technical controls that are needed to mitigate the identified risks and vulnerabilities.
1d. Analyze and describe the network architecture that is needed within an organization, including a medium-sized hospital, in order to be compliant with HIPAA regulations.
1e. Analyze how a hospital is similar to and different from other organizations in regards to HIPAA compliance.
1f. List the IT audit steps that need to be included in the organization’s overall IT audit plan to ensure compliance with HIPAA rules and regulations.
1g. Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

What are the differences between the genres of the two discourse samples? Assess how genre can contribute to meaning. Is a specific genre a better choice for conveying certain ideas or perspectives? Discuss any prior texts or discourses that might have influenced the two discourse samples.

Choose one of the following pairs of discourse to discuss and analyze: Option 1: Grit: It Takes Grit | U.S. Air Force Academy (TV Commercial)

Angela Lee Duckworth at Ted Talks Education: Grit: The Power and Passion of Perseverance  The Environment: Earth Blog: Short stories About Your Earth

Greenpeace UK

Option 3: The Immigrant Experience My Name

How I Became A Southern-Fried Nigerian

Option 4: Money: Wealth Versus Poverty Advertisement for the Waldorf-Astoria

Tickets From Poverty to a Better Future: Congress Should Move Poor Families to Healthy Neighborhoods

Option 5: Gender in the Workplace Men Seek Flexibility at Work

Sheryl Sandberg: Progress for Women Isn’t Just Slow—It’s Stalled

In your initial posting, Identify the genre of each of the two discourse samples. How do the two samples deal with the topic differently or similarly? Discuss what you observe as the features of each genre. What are the similarities between the genres of the two discourse samples? What are the differences between the genres of the two discourse samples? Assess how genre can contribute to meaning. Is a specific genre a better choice for conveying certain ideas or perspectives? Discuss any prior texts or discourses that might have influenced the two discourse samples. Consider prior texts of the same genre, as well as different genres. You may need to do a little research. Discuss the situational registers of each discourse sample (if relevant). How does the situational register contribute to enregisterment, or the semiotic and style choices that give meaning to the text? Identity specific language choices that help to convey meaning, perspective, and ideology, such as repeated words, clichés, and culturally significant language. Are these choices characteristic of the genre, the author, or the topic in general? Discuss the frames or plots that function as scaffolds, creating worlds and contexts for the discourse. Assess how genre and intertextuality influence and are influenced by contemporary ideologies, in particular ideologies of power, control, injustice, inequality, social change, or emancipation.

Develop writing that demonstrates critical reading and analytical thinking skills. Use the writing process to create well-developed research-based essays. Create an argumentative and/or exploratory thesis supported by textual evidence

Spend the last days gathering and reviewing your semester’s work. Write an essay that explains how you have met the course outcomes (listed below). Be sure to provide specific details from your writing that demonstrates how and where you met the course outcomes.

For example, one of the course outcomes is Create an argumentative and/or exploratory thesis supported by textual evidence. You should be able to point to a thesis you wrote in one of your papers and briefly summarize how you supported it with evidence.

Course Outcomes:

Develop writing that demonstrates critical reading and analytical thinking skills.
Use the writing process to create well-developed research-based essays.
Create an argumentative and/or exploratory thesis supported by textual evidence.
Summarize, evaluate, synthesize, and document source material.
Use appropriate technologies to prepare written assignments.
Control conventions of language, mechanics, and MLA format.
Describe how you have met the outcomes listed above.