Find TWO relevant articles that discuss contrasting perspectives on climate change by the oil and gas industry in Canada. Your essay should argue for different solutions the industry can institute in their practices to mitigate against climate change.
Compare TWO relevant articles that discuss contrasting perspectives on climate change by the oil and gas industry in Canada.
1. Find TWO relevant articles that discuss contrasting perspectives on climate change by the oil and gas industry in Canada. Your essay should argue for different solutions the industry can institute in their practices to mitigate against climate change.
2. Identify an overall statement you might use to present your comparison. This becomes the main claim/thesis
3. The articles should be contrasting perspectives of the same idea
4. The perspective from the articles should be in alternating points or block comparison; identifying solutions that are the same and solutions that contrast
5. You will need to make claims that introduce each perspective, emphasizing their differences.
6. Include a reference page at the end.
The articles are relevant, academically acceptable, and contain contrasting perspectives.
The two Articles are attached