
Find TWO relevant articles that discuss contrasting perspectives on climate change by the oil and gas industry in Canada. Your essay should argue for different solutions the industry can institute in their practices to mitigate against climate change.

Compare TWO relevant articles that discuss contrasting perspectives on climate change by the oil and gas industry in Canada.
1. Find TWO relevant articles that discuss contrasting perspectives on climate change by the oil and gas industry in Canada. Your essay should argue for different solutions the industry can institute in their practices to mitigate against climate change.
2. Identify an overall statement you might use to present your comparison. This becomes the main claim/thesis
3. The articles should be contrasting perspectives of the same idea
4. The perspective from the articles should be in alternating points or block comparison; identifying solutions that are the same and solutions that contrast
5. You will need to make claims that introduce each perspective, emphasizing their differences.
6. Include a reference page at the end.
The articles are relevant, academically acceptable, and contain contrasting perspectives.
The two Articles are attached

Describe Socrates’ argument, which spans the Euthyphro and the Apology, as to why he considers his philosophizing an act of piety. Consider the following questions: How does Socrates understand philosophy? How does Socrates describe piety in each dialogue?

The aim in this paper is to develop the first set of skills that are necessary in order to write critically on philosophical topics. Instead of focusing here on criticism, or on advancing your own argument, however, you’re first going to focus on providing a thorough and charitable reading of the text or texts that you’re working with. Providing a charitable reading means casting the argument in the best light possible. You want to depict the argument in a way that the author intends it. Focus on trying to make the argument as strong as it can be. A charitable reading is necessary before you can criticize any argument, because you need to make sure that the argument you’re criticizing is actually the argument that the author supports. It is this first skill, providing a thorough and charitable depiction of the author’s argument in your own words, that we’re focused on here.

Before turning your paper in, make sure that you’ve cited it properly. You may use any type of citation format, so long as you stick to the same format consistently throughout the paper. Failure to properly cite the appropriate sources is plagiarism and will be dealt with accordingly. If you’re unsure about what constitutes plagiarism, or how to properly cite your work, you can come speak to me about this. Alternatively, there are many online sources that you can reference, including this page from MLA (Links to an external site.).

Choose one of the following topics and respond to the prompt in approximately 3-4, double-spaced pages (12 pt. Times New Roman font). Please note that the page length is merely a suggestion – if your paper ends up being a little longer than 3-4 pages, you needn’t shorten it. If it ends up shorter than 3 pages, reconsider whether you’ve fully answered the question, but don’t add fluff or repeat yourself. Before beginning to write, please see the “paper writing headquarters” page on Canvas with advice and guidelines on how to write successful philosophical papers.

Remember to read the attached rubric thoroughly before submitting your paper. I will grade everyone’s paper against this rubric. You will be graded on how accurately and charitably you portray the arguments, how thorough your description is, how well structured your sentences, paragraphs, and the paper as a whole is, the clarity of your language use, as well as basic mechanics of spelling and grammar and citations. All of these elements are important to a strong paper.

Describe Socrates’ argument, which spans the Euthyphro and the Apology, as to why he considers his philosophizing an act of piety. Consider the following questions: How does Socrates understand philosophy? How does Socrates describe piety in each dialogue? In what sense does Socrates see himself as improving his fellow Athenians, and why might he think that the gods want him to do this? Support your description of Socrates view with quotations from the text, properly cited.
Milton Friedman advances a classical defense of the stockholder approach to business ethics. Describe in detail Friedman’s view. Consider the following questions: Why does Friedman think that the social responsibility of business is to increase its profits? Why are managers not qualified to use stockholder funds to advance various kinds of social causes? Then describe why Joseph Heath takes this view to be valid but underdeveloped. In what ways does Heath think that Friedman’s view needs to be expanded? What justifies the profit motive according to Heath? What sorts of legislation or regulation must be in place in order for the profit motive to operate how it ought to? For each thinker, support your interpretation with quotations from the text, properly cited.

Start off on the right foot by establishing a local government, a judicial system, and a law enforcement system. Describe the type of local government you would establish (e.g., county, city), the form of that government (e.g., township, municipal charter), the management system

A privately owned island off the coast of Florida has been left to you by the eccentric owner who recently died. The island is large enough for several small communities to be developed. You want to start off on the right foot by establishing a local government, a judicial system, and a law enforcement system. The only stipulation is that you cannot be the dictator of the island.
For the Unit V Mini Project, you will describe the following points:
• the type of local government you would establish (e.g., county, city),
• the form of that government (e.g., township, municipal charter),
• the management system (e.g., commission, mayor, council),
• how leadership positions would be instated (e.g., appointment, election),
• the type of law enforcement and judicial system you would put into place, and
• your rehabilitation system for any criminal offender.
You can mix and match your government, judicial, and law enforcement decisions, but you must fully explain the reasons why you chose the types of systems. You must also address how your government would work with other governments/agencies and in what ways.

Could you determine any conservative or liberal leanings by the members based on their comments or vote? What community services were addressed in the meeting? In what ways did the council/commission discuss supporting those services?

Attend a city or county council/commission meeting and present its topics, relevant discussion, and outcome. Provide an analysis of and response to the meeting and whether you agreed with the steps/actions taken by the council/commission, and explain why you agreed or disagreed.
For students unable to attend in person, viewing a meeting online is an acceptable substitute.
The name of the council/commission, location, date, and URL (if applicable) must be included on your title page. Your paper must be at least two pages in length. Include a copy of the official meeting agenda as your supporting documentation.
Be sure to include the following in your paper:
• agenda items,
• items that required a vote and the outcome of those votes,
• any contentious issues and analysis of the problem, and
• any items of particular interest.
Address the following questions:
• Could you determine any conservative or liberal leanings by the members based on their comments or vote?
• What community services were addressed in the meeting? In what ways did the council/commission discuss supporting those services?
• In what ways did individuals in the political minority influence decisions made at this meeting?
• Was the meeting what you expected? Would you have voted with the majority? Elaborate on your response.

Develop an argument based on the information provided to you in a section of ReReading America, synthesizing sources that both support and contradict your position. Also acknowledge the opposition using your own ideas in conjunction with the opposing perspectives provided.

This assignment is designed for you to develop an argument based on the information provided to you in a section of ReReading America, synthesizing sources that both support and contradict your position.

Assignment:  Compose an argument of at least 2000 words that synthesizes 3 of the sources.

It is your job to choose a side to defend. Develop your argument using support provided. You will Acknowledge the opposition using your own ideas in conjunction with the opposing perspectives provided. Remember, the goal is to offer your argument, not to be merely a supporter of others’ arguments.

Your argument will follow the pattern below as it best fits:

    • Introduction with a thesis
    • Background information that states the issue being discussed
    • Offer your point-of-view with support from the sources.
    • Acknowledge the opposing side using your ideas plus the sources listed.
    • Offer a rebuttal to the opposing side using your best argument strategies.

  Select one of the other sections we have not covered together. You may select Harmony at Home, The Wild Wired West, True Women and Real Men, or Created Equal.

How did the stories of Rosa and Chino in Living On One Dollar impact the team of college students? Select two additional points in Living On One Dollar you found impactful and share with your classmates.

  • How can immersive storytelling provide a realistic look, or a sense of “being there” into awareness of the impacts of social and economic determinants of health?
  • What consequences might result from the impacts of immersive storytelling?  Do you think it is effective in providing motivation for people to be inspired, to give charitably or to become motivated to make a difference in their own communities?

Watch both Living On One documentary films, available through UTA Library Services:

Living On One Dollar:

Salam Neighbor:

How did the stories of Rosa and Chino in Living On One Dollar impact the team of college students?

Select two additional points in Living On One Dollar you found impactful and share with your classmates.

Why would this be an important documentary to show in a school or community?  Who should be the target audience?

Now, reflect on your viewing experience with Salam Neighbor.

How does this film connect the viewer to the stark situation of refugees?

What determinants of health impacted life in Zaatari?

What two points stood out to you from this film?

Finally, which of the films did YOU find most impactful?  Why?  Which of the films would you recommend to a friend?  Why?

Obtain information on the structure of economic, political, legal and cultural institutions in chosen country, and then create a SWOT analysis for a hypothetical company that manufacturers and markets pre-packaged food products and/or consumer goods.

Obtain information on the structure of economic, political, legal and cultural institutions in chosen country, and then create a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis for a hypothetical company that manufacturers and markets pre-packaged food products and/or consumer goods (think Kraft, Nestle, Proctor and Gamble and other large MNE in those industries).

Paper must be typed and consist of 4 double-spaced pages not including the cover page, appendices, maps and bibliography. The font size must be 12pt, the page margins one inch on all sides, and the pages must be numbered (do not number the cover page). All appendices and maps must be placed at the end of paper in an appendix (before the bibliography) and appropriately referenced within the paper. Must use a minimum of six (6)references for paper, including at least four (4)recently published articles(within the last 3 years).

Identify the cyberlaw principles and explain how each applies to the business, e-commerce, or e-communication industries chosen. Describe the purpose that the application of the principles serves for the industry.

Submit the introduction for your final project. In this assignment, you will identify the cyberlaw principles and explain how each applies to the business, e-commerce, or e-communication industries chosen.

Describe the purpose that the application of the principles serves for the industry. Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed:

a) Apply cyberlaw and security principles to the business, e-commerce, and e communication industries. What purpose does the application of cyber principles serve for these industries?

b) Summarize the selected case, including the necessary organizational information, industry, problem, and time period of the incident.

Choose a country.Trace that countries sports and games history going back at least to 1800’s.List prominent sports and games for fun, recreation, leagues, professionally within and internationally.

A Countries Culture, Norms, Religion, Beliefs The Effects On Sports Participation.

1. Choose A Country- Not the United States I’ve chosen Italy.

2. Trace that countries sports and games history going back at least to 1800’s.

3. List prominent sports and games for fun, recreation, leagues, professionally within and internationally. 4. List who played them by age, gender, race, religion etc.

5. List those excluded.

6. Why were certain people/groups excluded. Were reasons religious, political, racial, social or gender based?

7. What is the situation today?

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of research methodologies used in health care settings. 2. Demonstrate an ability to underpin critical arguments with an appropriate range of contemporary literature.

This is a 2,000 word systematic critique of one research paper from a choice provided by the module leader, using Caldwell et al’s (2005) critiquing tool.
You are expected to:
Identify a research study from the selection of papers found on the NS521 Blackboard shell within the assignment Folder. The papers will be uploaded during week 4 of the module.
You will be expected to critique the identified research paper using Caldwell et al’s (2005) critiquing tool. This can also be found in the assignment folder. You must also reference according to the Harvard referencing system.
The essay should include:
1. Introduction – Clear indication of the research paper selected with a rationale for choosing. Make reference to the critiquing tool.
2. Highlight which aspects of the critiquing tool will be focused upon. Critical evaluation of the research paper systematically utilising the critiquing tool.
3. Analysis of the research findings and the implications (or not) for clinical practice.
4. Conclusion – A summary of the main findings.
Learning outcomes
This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes:
1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of research methodologies used in health care settings.
2. Demonstrate an ability to underpin critical arguments with an appropriate range of contemporary literature.
3. Critically appraise research literature using the required critiquing tool.