
Explain if marginal utility can be negative. Examine the diamond-water paradox. Why are diamonds more expensive than water? Evaluate the law of diminishing marginal utility.

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Farah Mohammed’s article, Why Are Diamonds More Expensive Than Water? (Links to an external site.), as well as Chapter 5 in your textbook, especially Sections 5.1 and 5.3, and respond to the following:
Amacher, R. & Pate, J. (2019). Principles of microeconomics (2nd ed.). Retrieved from

Describe the relationship between total utility and marginal utility.
Explain if marginal utility can be negative.
Examine the diamond-water paradox. Why are diamonds more expensive than water?
Evaluate the law of diminishing marginal utility.
Identify some items, explaining your reasoning, that do not follow the law of diminishing marginal utility.
Evaluate how the law of diminishing marginal utility can explain the diamond-water paradox.
The Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility paper

Identify ethical issues common to research involving human subjects. Evaluate published nursing research for credibility and clinical significance related to evidence-based practice.

There are five main topics and the accompanying studies identified under the Evidence Based Practice tab. They are as follows:

1. Evaluating Nutritional Status a. Formative evaluation of the feedback component of Children’s and Adolescents’ Nutrition Assessment and Advice on the Web (CANAA-W) among parents of schoolchildren b. Validation of the Diet Quality Index for adolescents by comparison with biomarkers, nutrient and food intakes: the HELENA study

2. Identifying those at risk for malnutrition a. Beyond malnutrition screening: Appropriate methods to guide nutrition care for aged care residents b. Population-specific short-form mini nutritional assessment with body mass index or calf circumference can predict risk of malnutrition in community-living or institutionalized elderly people in Taiwan c. Comparison of the prevalence of malnutrition diagnosis in head and neck, gastrointestinal and lung cancer patients by three classification methods

3. Malnutrition associated with specific health conditions a. Malnutrition in a sample of community-dwelling people with Parkinson’s disease b. Nutritional risk index as a predictor of postoperative wound complications after gastrectomy c. Risk of malnutrition is associated with mental health symptoms in community living elderly men and women: The Tromso Study

4. Outcomes associated with nutritional status a. Role of nutritional status in predicting quality of life outcomes in cancer – a systematic review of the literature b. Nutritional support for liver disease

5. Interventions to improve nutritional status a. Interventions to enhance adherence to dietary advice for preventing and managing chronic diseases in adults Please choose one of the topics and identify one study under that topic. Read the study and answer one of the following questions, according to the topic chosen, in a 2-3 page (not including title and reference page) summary. Topic 1 – What methods can be used to assess nutritional status? Topic 2- What methods can be used to identify those at risk for malnutrition? Topic 3- What specific health conditions increase the risk of malnutrition? Topic 4- What associations exist between nutritional status and health outcomes? Topic 5- What type of interventions improve adherence to recommendations on nutritional intake?

1. Examine the sources of knowledge that contribute to professional nursing practice.
2. Apply research principles to the interpretation of the content of published research studies.
3. Identify ethical issues common to research involving human subjects. 4. Evaluate published nursing research for credibility and clinical significance related to evidence-based practice. 5. Recognize the role of research findings in evidence-based practice.

What role do you see early learning standards playing in STEAM instruction in your classroom? What challenges do you see to implement standards-based STEAM instruction?

Learning standards are an essential element of any early childhood classroom. Since they play an important role in the STEAM curriculum we implement, it is important to have a solid understanding of the role that learning standards should be play in instruction. After reviewing The Common Core State Standards: Caution and Opportunity for Early Childhood Education and Early Learning Standards: Creating Conditions for Success, reflect on the following:

What role do you see early learning standards playing in STEAM instruction in your classroom?
What challenges do you see to implement standards-based STEAM instruction? How might you overcome these challenges?

Write an essay discussing ONE of these topics: gun violence, immigration reform, social media, and the limits of free speech.

Write an essay discussing ONE of these topics: gun violence, immigration reform, social media, and the limits of free speech.

You have many tools at your disposal now: you can use the Critical Thinking pie chart to generate ideas; you can think of premises and conclusions based on Aristotelian argumentation; you should use partly logic (logos), partly ethos (appeal to morality and creating trust), and pathos (appeal to emotions). You can think of a Toulminian structure (claim, grounds, warrants), and you have to use Rogerian elements (think of the opposite side as something you need to keep in mind, not to completely destroy in your argument). You need to show that you have learned enough about these concepts to create a persuasive argument. I am not interested in what side you are on, but on how you justify or back your position.

Identify the controversy and the problems that arise in relation to the issue. Give a definition of your own to the concepts you are using, to lead the reader better toward an understanding of what the issue or problem is (best in the first body paragraph). You should use a combination of personal experience and your own reasoning to write this paper. You will then proceed to explaining what problems you see as part of the issue you have picked, and find: what you think are the causes and effects of the issue you picked; examples; solutions that do not work, and solutions that you think will work.

Write a 2-paragraph analysis of your results and include a copy and paste of the appropriate visual display of the data into your document.Based on the results of your data, provide a brief explanation of what the implications for social change might be.

In this week’s Discussion, you determined the benefits of visually displaying your data. You also learned that different types of data require different visual displays to adequately “tell the story” of the phenomena. Although the Discussion was difficult, what is even more difficult and challenging will be deciding on how best to display the data for presentation purposes. As you move further along in your dissertation or doctoral study, you will find that displaying data will be critical component in presenting a robust and clear capstone project.

For this Introduction to Quantitative Analysis Assignment, you will explore how to visually display data for optimal use.

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources and consider visual displays of data.
  • For additional support, review the Skill Builder: Unit of Analysis and the Skill Builder: Levels of Measurement, which you can find by navigating back to your Blackboard Course Home Page. From there, locate the Skill Builder link in the left navigation pane.
  • Using the SPSS software, open the Afrobarometer dataset or the High School Longitudinal Study dataset (whichever you choose) found in this week’s Learning Resources. ( Go to discussion tab locate on the page for this assignment) Then go down to Day 5 under Post by Day 3 and Respond by Day 5 click on it to open. Once open look for THINGS YOU NEED TO DO THIS WEEK and the SPSS data sets are located there for Afrobarometer dataset or the High School Longitudinal Study click on to open
  • From the dataset you chose, choose one categorical and one continuous variable and perform the appropriate visual display for each variable.
  • Once you visually display for each variable, to understand how to copy and paste your output into your Word document.

For this Assignment:

Write a 2-paragraph analysis of your results and include a copy and paste of the appropriate visual display of the data into your document.

Based on the results of your data, provide a brief explanation of what the implications for social change might be. Early in your Assignment, when you relate which dataset you analyzed, please include the mean of the following variables. If you are using the Afrobarometer Dataset, report the mean of Q1 (Age). If you are using the HS Long Survey Dataset, report the mean of X1Par1Edu.

Use appropriate APA format.

Create a mini-unit with three lessons, including the lesson you started in Week 1. The arrangement of the lessons as pieces of a unit must include state standards, objectives, instructional practices and resources, assessment, feedback, and reflection.

Unit plans are used to organize, sequence, and content. You will create a mini-unit with three lessons, including the lesson you started in Week 1. The arrangement of the lessons as pieces of a unit must include state standards, objectives, instructional practices and resources, assessment, feedback, and reflection. If you need samples, refer to an example of a unit plan. A lesson plan is also found in Chapter 6 of your book. While there is no set format for your unit plan, it must contain:

Unit Topic/Title.
Grade Level.
Time to Complete Unit.
Main Purpose of the Unit Study: Describe the purpose of the unit and how it will fit in the overall scheme of the course.
Instructional Resources or Technology: Describe instructional materials, resources, or technology used in this unit.
Evaluation of Unit: How will the unit be evaluated? How will you decide if the students successfully completed the unit? How will you reflect on your teaching of the unit and lessons?
Include three lessons. The first lesson was due in Week 3. Please edit and revise your first lesson. Add two more lessons following the same format as the lesson in Week 3. Use the rubric and guide from Week 3 and make sure to address all the parts of the rubric for lessons two and three.

Include the concepts of juvenile delinquency and demonstrate an understanding of the content and internal logic of the theories and premises applied to juvenile delinquency.

A list of approved topics related to the subject of juvenile justice will be provided in Module 2.
You are expected to complete a research paper related to one of these topics by the end of
Module 7. No more than 20% of your paper may be attributed to referenced sources. Support
your paper with at least 5 scholarly resources. In addition, other appropriate scholarly
resources, including older articles, may be referenced.
Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are
presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic.
The paper must include the concepts of juvenile delinquency and demonstrate an
understanding of the content and internal logic of the theories and premises applied to juvenile
This paper will be presented in a typed, college-level, double-spaced format including proper
title headings, sub-topics, citations, and reference page.
Your response should reflect scholarly writing, current APA standards, and should adhere to
Saint Leo University’s Academic Integrity Policy.
The “Research Paper” must be at least 5 pages (not including title and reference pages) in
length. The research will be graded on how well the topic is presented, along with sentence
structure, spelling, grammar, and proper punctuation.

Elaborate on your philosophy’s strength and limitations.Express how your philosophy could be applied to your present nursing practice, research, administration and/or education.

Elaborate on your philosophy’s strength and limitations.

Describe the four (4) Metaparadigms of nursing as you view them and how they apply in your own practice area.

Express how your philosophy could be applied to your present nursing practice, research, administration and/or education.

Elaborate on your philosophy’s strength and limitations.

Explain the application of Lean. Adapt and arrange the five core principals of lean. Define lean and provide your personal opinion on why the concept of lean can be confusing

Read the materials provided. Produce and complete a Lean Control excel sheet (Example attached). Also, assemble an analytical essay explaining the worksheet and your input.

Excel Requirements (View example provided):

Complete excel document as indicated

-Explain the application of Lean

-Adapt and arrange the five core principals of lean

-Define lean and provide your personal opinion on why the concept of lean can be confusing.


Write a memo to your local City Council regarding an issue in public safety that would benefit from research and to introduce to the City Council why adequate funding is necessary to support these research activities.

In the Unit 1 discussion, you examined several different examples of how research is used in public safety to find areas of improvement and how it became the foundation to improve practice. Recognizing the importance of research in public safety, your task is to write a memo to your local City Council regarding an issue in public safety that would benefit from research and to introduce to the City Council why adequate funding is necessary to support these research activities. Additionally, introduce to the members of the Council the potential issues that can occur if research is undertaken that does not adhere to the scientific method.
The specific steps are as follows:
Locate an issue in public safety, within your local community, where research could help improve a practice.
Construct a 3-page memo with the following sections:
Introduction to the issue
Explanation of the importance of research as it relates to your chosen issue
Overview of the scientific method
Potential concerns when the scientific method is not used
Use no fewer than 6 scholarly resources.