Demonstrate the enhanced reflective skills which contribute to personal theory and knowledge building for professional practice.
The case:
While doing my nursing placement in a rehab unit I escorted a patient name John* to the bank to help him with bank card PIN change as he has limited knowledge with modern technology. After assisting him with the PIN change, he said he wanted to withdraw some money and he would appreciate help. So I helped him to get to stage where he can decide how much he wants. So I looked at him and ask how much he wants to withdraw, without allowing me to finish asking he punched £500 button. I politely said to him that is too much cash, he said he will keep it. I was meant to return to the unit after helping him so he can carry on with his leave in town. But after witnessing the large sum he withdrew I suggest to him to return to the unit if he do not mind. And he complied so we both returned to the unit. On getting back I reported the incident strait to the nurse in charge. The nurse in charge with another member of staff approached him and explained to him the risk of keeping such cash on him on the ward and that it is a violation of the unit policy that it should be kept in the safe, he cooperated and handed the money to staff. The money was signed in. The nurse in charge commended me for handling it competently. I electrically documented everything that happens on RIO.
*Not a real name.
Format of the submission including word count or its equivalent: 1,500 words
Assignment title:
To reflect upon an incident that focuses upon one competency within the ‘Nursing Practice and Decision Making’ domain
Feedback Method:
Written feedback will be embedded within Turnitin..
Intended learning outcomes being assessed:
The learning outcome for the reflective essay is number 6 and noted below:
- Demonstrate the enhanced reflective skills which contribute to personal theory and knowledge building for professional practice.
Overview of assignment:
Consists of a written reflective essay that demonstrates and articulates a developing understanding of professional knowledge and skills in relation to practice learning during Level 5 placements (Placement experience and not simulation lab experience).
While undertaking your placement you will be assessed upon 4 domains that consist of 18 competencies. These 4 domains are:
Professional Values
Communication and interpersonal skills
Nursing practice and decision making
Leadership, management and team working.
You will select an incident from your clinical practice at level 5, which meets one of the competencies within the Nursing Practice and Decision-Making domain to reflect upon, using the Rolfe Jasper and Freshwater framework (2001/2011).
The suggested structure of the essay is as follows:
- Introduction – which competency to reflect on and why you have chosen this incident
- Description (What) – Brief description of the Incident you are using.
- Discussion (So What) – Using Rolfe Jasper and Freshwater reflective
- Explore the incident you are using. This should include
- Clear focus on one of the four competencies in the domain
- Involves a focus on Nursing Practice and Decision-Making
- Your participation/contribution to either; ‘person centred & humanised care’ (Adult) or ‘family centred & humanised care’ (CYP) or ‘the principles of personal recovery’ (MH). Please ensure you focus more on my participation in the incident this is what the lecturer emphasize.
- Endeavor to use the provided books that I uploaded.
- Please endeavor to link the discussion (my actions) to various aspects of nursing – collaboration, effective communication, care, assessment, health promotion, team work, accurate documentation, intervention, respect, patients and staff relationship, care ethics. This is only a guide, incorporate your expertise.
- References within the last 10yrs please
- Please use academic journals
- Reference style is Harvard but slightly different from the usual Harvard. Will attach a reference guide.
- The case study is a bit lengthy as you can see. Please do NOT copy what I send. Just summarise it in your own words. In fewer words please preferably less than 120 words, because the introduction and case description shouldn’t exceed 400 words. I included all the information for better understanding of the case.
- Exhaust the 1650 word counts excluding list of references. It is meant to be 1500 words but the 10% rules apply.
- Please strictly stick to the instructions.
- Please I want to see sound academic work writing.
- Includes appropriate professional references to evidence based practice and policy.
- The introduction and description should be no more than 400 words allowing 1,100 words for discussion and conclusion.
- As this is a reflective piece of work it is acceptable to write this in the first person, so no need to justify the use of ‘I’.