
What is the slope of the plotted data? What is the value (including units), and what does it mean?

The Photoelectric Effect (at home)

Purpose:To investigate the nature of the photoelectric effect and determine the work function of an unknown metal

Apparatus: Computer, Simulation: “Photoelectric Effect” (available at, spreadsheet software (Microsoft Excel or equivalent)


When light shines on a polished, unoxidized metal surface, electrons can be ejected from the metal. This is the photoelectric effect, a cornerstone of our understanding of light as a particle. When we discuss to the particle nature of light, we refer to light particles as “photons.” The use of photons to generate an electric signal is used in light-activated circuits and in the soundtrack strip of cinematic films. It was Einstein’s explanation of the photoelectric effect, not his work on relativity, that was honored in his Nobel Prize.



Step 1:  Open the simulation. It runs in Java so if you have problems open it in another browser. If there are still problems make sure Java is installed. Get it running somehow. Set the metal to Sodium and the wavelength to 400 nm. In the Options menu, select “Show photons.”

Step 2:  Slowly move the intensity slider from 0% to 100% and observe the photoelectric effect. The electrons emitted from the metal are called “photoelectrons.” They have the same mass and charge as any other electron.

Step 3:  Move the wavelength selector back and forth and observe the results. Try changing the intensity at various wavelengths to see what effect that has.

Step 4:  Carefully find the threshold wavelength for sodium. What is the wavelength of the lowest energy light at which electrons are emitted?

Threshold wavelength = ____________________ nm

Step 5:  Use the threshold wavelength ( λ0) to calculate the threshold frequency (f0). Show the calculation and solution.

Step 6:  Use the threshold frequency (f0) to calculate the work function of sodium. Show the calculation and solution.

Step 7:  Set the wavelength to 400 nm and intensity to 100%. Notice the value of the current in the circuit. Adjust the setting on the battery to cut off the current. That is, set the voltage so that the current is just barely brought to zero.  cut-off potential at 400 nm = ________________ volts

Step 8:  Change the wavelength by 100 nm in such a way that there is once again current.  wavelength = ____________________ nm



Step 1:  Switch the metal to zinc.

Step 2:  Find the threshold frequency and the work function for zinc. Record your data and calculations in the space below.

Step 3:  From the “threshold frequency arrangement,” set the wavelength to a smaller value by no fewer than 20 nm and no more than 40 nm. Record the new wavelength.

Step 4:  Adjust the stopping potential of the battery so that it just barely stops the current. Notice that there are two methods for adjusting the potential. Use the method that allows for greater precision. When the condition is met, electrons are ejected from the zinc and almost make it to the opposite electrode. But they return to the zinc, and the current remains zero. Record the minimum stopping potential for this wavelength.

Step 5:  Repeat the process of reducing the wavelength by 20—40 nm and changing the stopping potential. Mix it up a bit! Record the wavelength.

Step 6:  Repeat until you have four data sets.

Step 7:  Make an appropriate data table in the spreadsheet software (Excel). Include wavelength λ, stopping potential V, incident photon energy E, and ejected photoelectron energy KE.

  1. What is the equation for photon energy?
  2. What is the equation for the kinetic energy of photoelectron?

Step 8: Make a graph of photoelectron energy vs. incident light frequency.

Step 9: How can the graph be used to determine the value of the work function?

Step 10: What is the slope of the plotted data? What is the value (including units), and what does it mean?


Step 1: Change the metal to calcium.

Step 2: Repeat the photo circuit experiment.

Step 3: What are the similarities and differences for the calcium results compared to the zinc results?


What is the metal labeled “?????”? Describe the method used, record appropriate data, and show calculations.

Demonstrate depth and complexity of your own original thoughts on issues raised in the readings, NOT verbatim ideas from the readings.


Create a 8/5/3 List: List 8 interesting ideas + 5 analytical questions + 3 connections

List 8 interesting ideas (75-100 words each): 6 about the book + 2 about the


  • What ideas did you find especially interesting and why?
  • The 6 ideas from book(1 per chapter) + 2 ideas from essay.

List 5 analytical questions (50 words each, max.): 3 about the book + 2 about the essay.

*What are the most pressing questions that come to mind?

  • List 3 connections between the book and the essay (75-100 words each).

*What connections can you make between the two texts?


8 Interesting Ideas

  1. List idea (cite author of text, page number)
    2. same as above
    3. etc.
    4-8. etc.

5 Analytical Questions

  1. List question (cite author of text, page number)
    2. same as above
    3. etc.
    4. etc.
    5. etc.

3 Connections

  1. List connection (cite authors and page numbers)
    2. same as above
    3. etc.


Grades will be based on the originality and insight of your ideas, questions, and connections.

Assignment Guidelines

The objective here isn’t sophisticated writing, it’s sophisticated thinking.

Technical Information

  • Limit your submission to 3-5 pages total.
  • Even though this is not a formal essay, the language should still be formal and error-free.
  • Avoid first person and personal opinion.
  • Use footnoted or parenthetical citations for everything!
  • NO repeats of topics either within a section or between sections! Cover as much material from the readings as you can.

The Best Lists

  • Avoid direct quotes in this assignment. Rather, use your words to explain your ideas, questions, and connections.
  • Demonstrate depth and complexity of your own original thoughts on issues raised in the readings, NOT verbatim ideas from the readings.
  • Explain why an idea is interesting! You must explain the nature of the connection you’re making, not just repeat ideas from reading.
  • Rather than listing less important facts from the book, grapple with substantial historical ideas, events, processes, and changes.

Asking Strong Historical Questions

Questions should be of a historical nature, avoiding the following:

  • Philosophical musings (What if…)
  • Policy-related questions (Why doesn’t the government…)
  • Psychological questions (Why would they do that?)



Base your analysis on the following – identify the customer, brand equity, brand elements, brand positioning, brand portfolio; targeting, segmentation and marketing mix.

Brand Management Exercises:

Each Exercise is separate, so they should each be a separate page. Please list references as well. Each exercise should address criteria 1-4 as well as the corresponding requirements in each subsection. Company: Pepsi and Coca-Cola

  1. Select two different brands in the same product category marketed to the individual consumer. The brands could be a tangible good, (e.g. razor blades, soft drinks, computers etc.) or a service (e.g. insurance, banks etc.). No alcohol or tobacco products please.
  2. Make sure the brands are comparably similar. For example, if we were going to use the automobile market as a category, you can compare Ford to General Motors (both automobile manufacturers). You can compare a Jaguar to a Lexus (both luxury automobile brands). You would not compare Advil to Tylenol for children (two different products & markets). Advil could be compared to Aleve. Both are adult pain relievers.
  3. Base your analysis on the following – identify the customer, brand equity, brand elements, brand positioning, brand portfolio; targeting, segmentation and marketing mix.
  4. Identify which brand you feel is more effective and support the reasons for your decision based on branding principles. You will create a running report with response to instructor feedback from the previous Unit. Instructions: In this assignment, you will select two brands:

Exercise 1

  • Segmentation
  • Targeting
  • The marketing mix

Exercise 2:

  • How they are building the brand?
  • How are they maintaining the brand?
  • How are they measuring the strength of the brand?

Exercise 3

  • Discussion on which brand you feel is more effective.
  • Support the reasons for your decision based on branding principles.

In your own words, describe the specifics of what this study involved. What where the samples? How were they grouped? What analysis did they complete? Under what conditions? For how long? What was measured? What was being compared?

Critical Reflection of a Journal Article (USE THIS AS A GUIDE –  REFERENCE THE SAME ARTICLE)

Summarizing research articles will help you to develop your critical thinking skills and your ability to express yourself in the written form. A research article is written to get across a lot of information quickly to a reader. Reading such articles can be tedious and sometimes frustrating unless you are familiar with scientific writing and the reasons for this style. Research articles are highly structured to make information easy to find. Unlike literary writing, scientific writing emphasizes quantifiable information; as a result, the writing is very lean and extra words are avoided.

A research article has the following major sections: Title Page, Abstract, Introductions, Method, Results, Discussion, References, Tables and Figures. An article summary highlights the information in the Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion. Before you can write such a summary, you need to read and understand the article.

Reading the Article

  • Allow enough time. Plan to spend at least one half of the time you devote to this assignment to reading and understanding the article. Before you can write about research, you have to evaluate it. Before you can evaluate it, you have to understand it. Before you can understand it, you have to digest it. Before you can digest, you have to read it, thoroughly. This takes more time than most students realize.
  • Scan the article first. You will get bogged down in detail if you try to read a new article from start to finish. Initially you should briefly look at each section to identify:
    • general information about the study (stated in the Abstract and Introduction)
    • the hypothesis (-es) or research questions (in the Introduction)
    • the test of the hypothesis, including the sample, variables and operational definitions, and the procedures used (in the Methods)
    • the findings (in the Results, including tables and figures)
    • how the findings were interpreted (in the Discussion).
  • Read for depth. After you have highlighted the question, hypothesis, findings, and interpretations, go back to the article to read about each area in more detail. Now you should expect to read each section more than once. Expect not to fully understand the article the first time. You will have to read it more than twice before you can talk about it in your own words.

Remember that you are digesting information, not swallowing it whole. If an idea is relevant to your topic, you should be able to summarize it in your own words. If you can’t, you probably don’t understand it.

Article Conditions:

  • Must be from a peer reviewed source
    • American Chemical Society and Royal Society of Chemistry are two of the biggest publishers
  • Cannot be more than 50 years old
  • Must be a chemistry research article (not a review article)
  • Must be related to your approved individual proposal topic

Article Critical Reflection Questions

Bibliographic Information:

Article Title: Spectrophotometric Determination of Vitamin C in Pharmaceutical Preparations using Ammonium Metavanadate.

Journal: Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry

Year: 2017   Volume: 10, Issue 3    Page Numbers: 341-344

Other Identifying information if not a journal:

How did you locate this article?

I found this article by logging onto the library database website. I clicked on “New search” and typed “Determination of vitamin C by titration” and I didn’t find anything I was interested in. So, I typed “Determination of vitamin C by spectrophotometry” and refined my search from newest to oldest, peer-reviewed, and articles only. This article was the third up out of 10,333 search results.


  • In 100 to 150 words summarize the main idea of the paper in laymen terms (non-scientist). Include your word count at the end of the summary.

The aim of this experiment was to test the Spectrophotometric method for measuring the concentration of vitamin C in pharmaceutical products such as Orange peel, Alma squash and Astymin C in order to compare the values obtained to the values on the manufacturer’s label. A Spectrophotometer is an instrument that passes light through a solution and measures how much light it has absorbed (Absorbance, A), but there has to be a color gradient based on the concentration of vitamin C. To accomplish this, ammonium metavanadate was added to the vitamin C, forming a green color which was bolder with increased vitamin C concentration. Using portions of known vitamin C concentration and getting their absorbances, a Beer’s law plot of Absorbance vs Concentration (μg/cm3). Unknown concentrations can be found using the equation of the trendline, of this graph: Absorbance, y = Slope, m (Concentration, x) + y-intercept, C.

(147 words)


  • In your own words, describe the specifics of what this study involved. What where the samples? How were they grouped? What analysis did they complete? Under what conditions? For how long? What was measured? What was being compared?

In this experiment, each of the pharmaceutical products such as Orange peel, Alma squash and Astymin C were prepared differently based on their stock solution, to 1000ppm. For the Orange peel power, they weighed out 10 grams of the powder, diluted to 250 mL of distilled water, boiled for 5 hrs., filtered using Whatman 41 paper, and 5mL was used. For the Amla squash, 10 mL of stock was diluted to 100 mL and 10 mL was used. Lastly for the Astymin C drops, 0.1 mL of stock was diluted to 100 mL and 1 mL was used. Their recommended procedure was to use 1 mL of a solution of 1000 ppm vitamin C with 1 mL of a 0.5 % w/v ammonium metavanadate (prepared by dissolving 0.5g of ammonium metavanadate in 100 mL of distilled water) made to a 25 mL solution using distilled water. This solution was in the 5.0-6.0 pH range.

The maximum wavelength was 395 nm and this was gotten using an absorption spectra of the complex against a blank. It was found that the complex and color was unstable past four hours, however, the color showed instantly. A Beer’s law plot of Absorbance vs Concentration (μg/cm3) was done for known concentrations of vitamin C, and then used to find the concentration of the Unknowns using the equation of the trendline, of this graph: Absorbance, y = Slope, m (Concentration, x) + y-intercept, C. There was no table showing the data values for the known compounds. The results of this method was tested using the pH metric method to validate the results, but this was done only with the Orange squash sample.

For the tools, a. Boush and Lomb spectronic-20 was used with 1cm matched glass cell. Potassium chromate in KOH solution and potassium permanganate in sulphuric acid solution was used to calibrate the spectrophotometer, using an absorption spectra. This was not explained in detail. The pH meter was also calibrated, done pH 4.0, 7.0 and 9.2 buffer solutions.


  • In your own words discuss the major findings and results. How useful or significant is this (what did the author(s) say about it?)

For the calibration curve the line was y= 0.009x + 0.014 with an R2 value of 0.9951. Because the R2 value is strong, the correlation is also strong.

For the Orange peel powder, the Spectrophotometric method gave 52.00 ± 4.62 μg/cm3 and the pH metric method 49.00 ± 3.35 μg/cm3 which is very close. There was no data on the manufacturer’s concentration.

For the Amlasquash (Nutri value) the Spectrophotometric method gave 63.33 ±5.76 μg/cm3 with a factory value of 65 μg/cm3, which is also close.

For Astymin C drops the Spectrophotometric value was 66.66 ± 5.77 μg/cm3 and the factory value was 70 μg/cm3 . No data for pH method.

The precision and accuracy of the method was tested by doing 8 replicate sampeles of each solution of 200.0 μg of vitamin C. The average was .94±0.028 at 95% confidence level. The standard deviation was 0.0394 and the variance was 0.0016.

Personal comments:

  • Give your reaction to the study? Such as: What did you learn from the study? How might you apply the results in a future application? Explain how this study might relate to the lab, lab topic, and/or your project. Do you think this is scientifically valid? You must defend your answer.

This was an adaptation of what was learned in class. I believe it was necessary to do both pH metric and spectrophotometric methods to test the result.

Critical Reflection of a Journal Article (USE THIS AS A GUIDE –  REFERENCE THE SAME ARTICLE)

Summarizing research articles will help you to develop your critical thinking skills and your ability to express yourself in the written form. A research article is written to get across a lot of information quickly to a reader. Reading such articles can be tedious and sometimes frustrating unless you are familiar with scientific writing and the reasons for this style. Research articles are highly structured to make information easy to find. Unlike literary writing, scientific writing emphasizes quantifiable information; as a result, the writing is very lean and extra words are avoided.

A research article has the following major sections: Title Page, Abstract, Introductions, Method, Results, Discussion, References, Tables and Figures. An article summary highlights the information in the Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion. Before you can write such a summary, you need to read and understand the article.

Reading the Article

  • Allow enough time. Plan to spend at least one half of the time you devote to this assignment to reading and understanding the article. Before you can write about research, you have to evaluate it. Before you can evaluate it, you have to understand it. Before you can understand it, you have to digest it. Before you can digest, you have to read it, thoroughly. This takes more time than most students realize.
  • Scan the article first. You will get bogged down in detail if you try to read a new article from start to finish. Initially you should briefly look at each section to identify:
    • general information about the study (stated in the Abstract and Introduction)
    • the hypothesis (-es) or research questions (in the Introduction)
    • the test of the hypothesis, including the sample, variables and operational definitions, and the procedures used (in the Methods)
    • the findings (in the Results, including tables and figures)
    • how the findings were interpreted (in the Discussion).
  • Read for depth. After you have highlighted the question, hypothesis, findings, and interpretations, go back to the article to read about each area in more detail. Now you should expect to read each section more than once. Expect not to fully understand the article the first time. You will have to read it more than twice before you can talk about it in your own words.

Remember that you are digesting information, not swallowing it whole. If an idea is relevant to your topic, you should be able to summarize it in your own words. If you can’t, you probably don’t understand it.

Article Conditions:

  • Must be from a peer reviewed source
    • American Chemical Society and Royal Society of Chemistry are two of the biggest publishers
  • Cannot be more than 50 years old
  • Must be a chemistry research article (not a review article)
  • Must be related to your approved individual proposal topic

Article Critical Reflection Questions

Bibliographic Information:

Article Title: Spectrophotometric Determination of Vitamin C in Pharmaceutical Preparations using Ammonium Metavanadate.

Journal: Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry

Year: 2017   Volume: 10, Issue 3    Page Numbers: 341-344

Other Identifying information if not a journal:

How did you locate this article?

I found this article by logging onto the library database website. I clicked on “New search” and typed “Determination of vitamin C by titration” and I didn’t find anything I was interested in. So, I typed “Determination of vitamin C by spectrophotometry” and refined my search from newest to oldest, peer-reviewed, and articles only. This article was the third up out of 10,333 search results.


  • In 100 to 150 words summarize the main idea of the paper in laymen terms (non-scientist). Include your word count at the end of the summary.

The aim of this experiment was to test the Spectrophotometric method for measuring the concentration of vitamin C in pharmaceutical products such as Orange peel, Alma squash and Astymin C in order to compare the values obtained to the values on the manufacturer’s label. A Spectrophotometer is an instrument that passes light through a solution and measures how much light it has absorbed (Absorbance, A), but there has to be a color gradient based on the concentration of vitamin C. To accomplish this, ammonium metavanadate was added to the vitamin C, forming a green color which was bolder with increased vitamin C concentration. Using portions of known vitamin C concentration and getting their absorbances, a Beer’s law plot of Absorbance vs Concentration (μg/cm3). Unknown concentrations can be found using the equation of the trendline, of this graph: Absorbance, y = Slope, m (Concentration, x) + y-intercept, C.

(147 words)


  • In your own words, describe the specifics of what this study involved. What where the samples? How were they grouped? What analysis did they complete? Under what conditions? For how long? What was measured? What was being compared?

In this experiment, each of the pharmaceutical products such as Orange peel, Alma squash and Astymin C were prepared differently based on their stock solution, to 1000ppm. For the Orange peel power, they weighed out 10 grams of the powder, diluted to 250 mL of distilled water, boiled for 5 hrs., filtered using Whatman 41 paper, and 5mL was used. For the Amla squash, 10 mL of stock was diluted to 100 mL and 10 mL was used. Lastly for the Astymin C drops, 0.1 mL of stock was diluted to 100 mL and 1 mL was used. Their recommended procedure was to use 1 mL of a solution of 1000 ppm vitamin C with 1 mL of a 0.5 % w/v ammonium metavanadate (prepared by dissolving 0.5g of ammonium metavanadate in 100 mL of distilled water) made to a 25 mL solution using distilled water. This solution was in the 5.0-6.0 pH range.

The maximum wavelength was 395 nm and this was gotten using an absorption spectra of the complex against a blank. It was found that the complex and color was unstable past four hours, however, the color showed instantly. A Beer’s law plot of Absorbance vs Concentration (μg/cm3) was done for known concentrations of vitamin C, and then used to find the concentration of the Unknowns using the equation of the trendline, of this graph: Absorbance, y = Slope, m (Concentration, x) + y-intercept, C. There was no table showing the data values for the known compounds. The results of this method was tested using the pH metric method to validate the results, but this was done only with the Orange squash sample.

For the tools, a. Boush and Lomb spectronic-20 was used with 1cm matched glass cell. Potassium chromate in KOH solution and potassium permanganate in sulphuric acid solution was used to calibrate the spectrophotometer, using an absorption spectra. This was not explained in detail. The pH meter was also calibrated, done pH 4.0, 7.0 and 9.2 buffer solutions.


  • In your own words discuss the major findings and results. How useful or significant is this (what did the author(s) say about it?)

For the calibration curve the line was y= 0.009x + 0.014 with an R2 value of 0.9951. Because the R2 value is strong, the correlation is also strong.

For the Orange peel powder, the Spectrophotometric method gave 52.00 ± 4.62 μg/cm3 and the pH metric method 49.00 ± 3.35 μg/cm3 which is very close. There was no data on the manufacturer’s concentration.

For the Amlasquash (Nutri value) the Spectrophotometric method gave 63.33 ±5.76 μg/cm3 with a factory value of 65 μg/cm3, which is also close.

For Astymin C drops the Spectrophotometric value was 66.66 ± 5.77 μg/cm3 and the factory value was 70 μg/cm3 . No data for pH method.

The precision and accuracy of the method was tested by doing 8 replicate sampeles of each solution of 200.0 μg of vitamin C. The average was .94±0.028 at 95% confidence level. The standard deviation was 0.0394 and the variance was 0.0016.

Personal comments:

  • Give your reaction to the study? Such as: What did you learn from the study? How might you apply the results in a future application? Explain how this study might relate to the lab, lab topic, and/or your project. Do you think this is scientifically valid? You must defend your answer.

This was an adaptation of what was learned in class. I believe it was necessary to do both pH metric and spectrophotometric methods to test the result.

Can different training approaches in non business sectors be applied in business sectors? Do authors highlight problems in introducing and developing different training approaches?

Literature Review
Literature review sources examples;
Relevant – Academic books, articles, journals, institutes, expert unbiased statements etc
Linked to your research project, undertake a wide literature review to identify;
Expert opinions – Proven facts – data – evidence
Qualitative and quantitative secondary information and data.

Analyse and critically compare (eg agreements / disagreements)
Form arguments and conclusions.
Analyse quantitative research (Form conclusions, do not simply state facts)
Project:- How can training and development positively impact on employee performance and productivity.

Hypothesis:- Continuous training and development contributes towards achieving organization aims and objectives.
You are researching into different forms of training and development approaches which contribute to achieving organization objectives.

Example approaches, you could;
Different authors views on different training approaches – agreements/disagreements
Is there evidence that certain training approaches work in certain circumstances.
Do authors promote deploying certain training and development approaches.
Can different training approaches in non business sectors be applied in business sectors?
Do authors highlight problems in introducing and developing different training approaches?
Are there errors in authors methods, perspectives and conclusions?
Are authors past perspectives no longer relevant.
Are sources valid/invalid? Biased/unbiased?
Are there gaps in authors research which questions validity of their views?

Discuss various methods healthcare organizations may use to allocate costs. Make recommendations to your client on the cost-allocation method(s) appropriate for its operations.

Assume the role of a healthcare financial management consultant (choose a place or hospital or insurance in state of New Jersey) for a healthcare organization striving to manage its costs more efficiently. In a five-page paper, address the following:
Complete an introductory discussion related to the importance of effectively managing costs of healthcare organizations in the context of reducing cost of care while improving quality of care.
Discuss various methods healthcare organizations may use to allocate costs. Make recommendations to your client on the cost-allocation method(s) appropriate for its operations.
Discuss how the cost-allocation method and and cost-assembling method you have recommended may help the organization identify wastes in resources and manage costs more efficiently.
Discuss how effective cost management may have far-reaching impact, such as on organizational bond ratings.
Your paper must also include a title page, abstract, and references; these are not included in the five-page count. . Your paper should be written following current APA style guidelines. Use up to date references Journal USA sources.

Discuss any problems or shortcomings with the way the study was conducted (if any) If necessary, describe methods of improving the study.

Write a formal business report to your “boss” at the company. The purpose of this business report is to permit you to show what you have learned in the course about statistics, in particular what you have learned about correlation and regression, and what should be included in a practical business report using statistical analyses.
Students must submit a concise business report for which they should:
Utilize appropriate statistical analyses of the sample data provided.
Interpret the results in the context of a business situation.
Discuss the statistical results in the context of the business situation.
Discuss any problems or shortcomings with the way the study was conducted (if any)
If necessary, describe methods of improving the study.
Discuss any recommendations you think appropriate.

Assume that you are writing this report so that it can be read by two types of readers: those who know no statistics (such as your “boss” at this company) and those who know statistics (such as her statistics expert assistant who will want enough information to know if you analyzed the data properly and whether you have drawn the correct conclusions). Use anything you have learned throughout this course when composing your comprehensive, yet concise, well-organized and well-written report. Instructions: The business report is strictly limited to a maximum of 3 pages, 12-point, double-spaced, Times Roman (not including title page, graphs, tables, references, or appendices). Ensure all Excel analyses are attached. This report should be written in essay-format (i.e., sentences and paragraphs), not point form.
Criteria for evaluation will include appropriateness and correctness of analyses; quality and thoroughness of analyses; quality of organization and writing; clarity and correctness of interpretation; professional quality of job performed.

Why was Rome so successful in expanding its power and influence throughout Italy, other parts of Europe, and around the Mediterranean?

Select any three (3) questions below answer 2 pages per question:

The text of your answers must be double- spaced and typed using Times New Roman font (12-point size) with one-inch (2.54 cm) page margins. Number your answers with the corresponding numbers of the questions as they appear above. Footnote citations for each answer should be single-spaced and typed in Times New Roman font at 10-point size.

  1. Because of the strong patriarchal elements of Roman society, does this mean that Roman women had no influence or power at all? Justify your position by examining the roles and rights of women within the contexts of both household and community life.
  2. In surveying Rome’s history, from the monarchy, through the Republic, to the Principate, and the Dominate, one might be justified in describing the Roman state as an oligarchy. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Justify your position by outlining the main institutions and offices of Rome’s government at each of the major stages of political development noted above.
  3. Why did Rome’s Republican system of government become increasingly unstable during the second and first centuries BC, and how was this instability resolved? In answering this question, describe various social, political, and military factors that contributed to growing turmoil from the time of Tiberius Gracchus onward, and explain how Augustus restored political stability to Rome.
  4. Explain why Rome became such a formidable military power during the Republic. In doing so, be sure to address key forms (and changes) of organization within Rome’s armies as well as technological, demographic, and cultural considerations.
  5. Why was Rome so successful in expanding its power and influence throughout Italy, other parts of Europe, and around the Mediterranean? Can Rome’s imperial expansion be explained in strictly military terms, or were there important political, demographic, cultural, and geographic influences?
  6. Would you describe Roman culture as inclusive or exclusive when it came to matters of religion? Provide evidence to support your stance and in doing so account for the development of Christianity within the Roman Empire.
  7. Consider the roles and relative influence of the lower classes of the Roman population in such developments and processes as the Struggle of the Orders, movements for land reform, expansion of citizenship, and recruitment for Rome’s armies. Would you say that the lower classes were relatively powerless, or did they exert some degree of influence?

How does the state, law and policy (state institutions and policies: federal, local, agency, institutional, etc.) impact racial and gender hierarchies in the United States, from the colonial period through the 1990s?

Put together a guide for the paper to go based off of. 3 big points should be hit. No citations needed. Here’s the prompt:

How does the state, law and policy (state institutions and policies: federal, local, agency, institutional, etc.) impact racial and gender hierarchies in the United States, from the colonial period through the 1990s? What are some of the lasting legacies and consequences of the state’s role, law, and policy in constructing and perpetuating inequity?

How has “Social Media” and its platforms helped women of colour to pressurize the beauty industry to become more inclusive?

Dissertation Proposal Draft 2

“An exploration on how social media is changing the beauty industry in regards to the lack of representation of black women shown in advertising ”

The cosmetic industry is mainly known for setting the standard of beauty for our society. In spite of this ,the very definition of beauty has remained narrow and discriminatory, a fault for which the industry has been criticized for over the years.

Historically, the beauty community has not had a platform where women of colour could vocalize their beauty frustrations, now, through the use of social media, they can. Social media and online platforms make it easier to create outlets for black women to see themselves in different areas and celebrate their beauty. Instagram, a social media platform, showcases an array of black beauty and positive engagements between account holders.

The awareness created by social media about issues surrounding representations forces beauty brands to change their tactics and make strides towards change. Lancome, signed Lupita Nyongo as the brand beauty ambassador, a women who is very vocal about her African heritage and fully embraces her natural beauty. Rihanna released a cosmetics line called “Fenty beauty” in 2017, which was an instant success and resonated so much with women of colour, as it shade range included 40 shades of foundation.

Brand are now beginning to extend and embrace other shades.  Now, any brand that seems to be launching anything less than Fenty is considered to be “slacking”. With that being said, the issue is really not about foundations but about representation and equality in the media and in products, which the industry still hasn’t grasp.

A recent study by the Institute of the practitioners in advertising, estimate that black British women spend up to £4.8 billion on beauty products and hair treatments, that is almost six times more than their white counterparts. However, even with such an impressive spend, black women remain drastically under-represented in the beauty industry. In 2016,Superdrug, a highstreet cosmetic and drug store, reported that 70% of black and asian women in the UK feel that high street stores do not portray or cater to their beauty needs.

My dissertation will be exploring the lack of representation in media for women of colour when it comes to the beauty industry and how social media has helped in make changes for the future.  I will be investigating various research questions(below) and weighing up the impact it has on black women.

Research Questions:

How has “Social Media” and its platforms helped women of colour to pressurize the beauty industry to become more inclusive ?

What is the current standard of beauty and how does this standard impact black women?

Do cosmetic brands really care about representation/equality for black British women or is it all for financial gain ?

Research paper/journals/articles:

  • Fetto, F. (2019). The beauty industry is still failing black women | Funmi Fetto. [online] the Guardian. Available at: [Accessed 13 Oct. 2019]
  • Banks, I. (2000). Hair matters : beauty, power, and Black women’s consciousness. New York : New York University Press.
  • Evans, P. C., & McConnell, A. R. (2003). Do racial minorities respond in the same way to mainstream beauty standards? Social comparison processes in Asian, Black, and White women. Self & Identity, 2(2), 153-167.
  • Gleason-Allured, J. (2016). Is the beauty industry listening to multicultural consumers? People of color face difficulties in finding the right products, creating both frustration and new innovation. Global Cosmetic Industry, 184(4), 42-46.
  • Muller, M.G. (2017, September 19). How Rihanna’s Fenty Beauty Is Ushering in a New Era of Inclusivity in the Beauty Industry. W Magazine. Retrieved from

– Wilson, C.C. & Gutierrez, F. (1995). Advertising and people of color. In Dines G. & Humez, J. (Ed.), Gender, Race, Class in Media: A text-reader (pp. 283-292). Sage: Thousand Oaks, CA.

– Nast, C. (2016). Social Media Is Taking the Beauty Industry By Storm. [online] Allure. Available at: [Accessed 31 Oct. 2019].