
Do authors highlight problems in introducing and developing different training approaches?

Literature Review
Literature review sources examples;
Relevant – Academic books, articles, journals, institutes, expert unbiased statements etc
Linked to your research project, undertake a wide literature review to identify;
Expert opinions – Proven facts – data – evidence
Qualitative and quantitative secondary information and data.

Analyse and critically compare (eg agreements / disagreements)
Form arguments and conclusions.
Analyse quantitative research (Form conclusions, do not simply state facts)
Project:- How can training and development positively impact on employee performance and productivity.

Hypothesis:- Continuous training and development contributes towards achieving organization aims and objectives.
You are researching into different forms of training and development approaches which contribute to achieving organization objectives.

Example approaches, you could;
Different authors views on different training approaches – agreements/disagreements
Is there evidence that certain training approaches work in certain circumstances.
Do authors promote deploying certain training and development approaches.
Can different training approaches in non business sectors be applied in business sectors?
Do authors highlight problems in introducing and developing different training approaches?
Are there errors in authors methods, perspectives and conclusions?
Are authors past perspectives no longer relevant.
Are sources valid/invalid? Biased/unbiased?
Are there gaps in authors research which questions validity of their views?

Critically review and analyze the approaches to dealing with public protection, vulnerability and risk within the context of national and international investigation.

CRIM 2012 Final Assessment Contemporary Issues in Police Leadership and Management

Case Study of Policing and Disaster Prevention and Response


Walmington-on-Sea is a village in a very popular south coast tourist resort with sightseeing locations by the sea. The resort draws hundreds of thousands of people from around the world, and the UK in particular, during peak seasons. It has a lot of local day visitors and those who rent accommodation or stay in nearby hotels for longer periods.

The location is also popular with boating and fishing enthusiasts and those who enjoy waterborne activities. As a consequence both the seaside and surrounding shops and restaurants are packed with visitors and locals going about their business. One of the attractions of the place for many visitors is that the sea is close to many local communities which facilitates a good interaction between these two groups.

Particular unique features of local towns generally and those leading to the seaside are worthy of mention. Most of the roads in and out of the towns are usually old and very narrow roads which struggle to manage the heavy traffic, particularly coaches and buses going to the seaside. Some of the roads are in quite poor condition. As a consequence traffic is slow and often congested for a few miles until the dual carriageway links onto the main motorways which takes you to the major cities.

Similar to Leicestershire the location has an elaborate waterway system which consists of lakes, rivers, and canals and is below sea level which means it  periodically experiences quite serious flooding. Over the last couple of years this seems to be becoming more regular. On one of these occasions, over two billion litres of water rushed down the valley straight into Walmington-on-Sea. Floodwater gushed into houses, shops and pubs. Cars, walls and even bridges were washed away. The church was filled with six feet of mud and water. Trees were uprooted and swept into peoples’ gardens. The weight of water eroded river banks, damaged gardens and pavements.

The UK Government Environment Agency has a made an announcement that a further potentially heavy storm and rain system appears to be heading for the south coast, which is currently identified as a category three storm, but may increase to an unprecedented category four when it hits landfall. The storm is expected to hit landfall on Friday 10th April 2020 and could last for anything from two to three days if not more. This leaves the police and relevant agencies seven days (from date of your assessment) before the storm is expected to hit the South Coast potentially causing serious issues.

Police Role

The police may be the lead agency (at least in the first instance) for major incidents and unforeseen events of this kind. You are advisors based in the local area attached to the police Operational and Planning Division. As the advisor your role is to assist the development of good practice in major operations and planning.

Your task is to help develop a good and sound operational plan for disaster prevention and response to the oncoming storm. As the police and other agencies will have their traditional ways of responding to such emergencies, you will need to consider the most effective personal leadership style or approach that can be utilised in order for you to influence key individuals and groups within the police and beyond it, if and when required. You do not possess command and line authority.

Use the Joint Decision Making Model/ NDM to consider this contemporary issue. Consider the range of resources required and potential additional resources such as voluntary organisations, and charitable associations among others who can be called upon. Resources can also include technical tools and aids that you may require. Your plan (in essay form) must demonstrate consideration of clear lines of responsibility, accountability and communication. Given the impending disaster ensure you research the effectiveness of key agencies, such as the police, military or defence forces, health service, resilience forums and other organisations/institutions and the potential challenges and possible deficiencies which have to be taken into consideration.

Finally, it is important to stress even though there is a seven day window before the storm hits landfall, this is the best technical estimate, but in reality this could occur earlier. Your planning should take this into consideration.


An individual 2500 word essay answering the following:

Considering major incidents and partnership responsibilities develop a comprehensive plan for the police’s role in reducing the impact of the oncoming storm and its implications, identifying the limits of the police responsibilities and the role of other key partners.

Assessment Format: 2500 word essay

Assessment weighting: 60%

Assessment Marking guide:

  • Engage with the module learning outcomes and the module taught material and associated literature.
  • Include relevant theories, associated models or frameworks & evidence-based academic research.
  • Reflect on the learning and comments of others to answer the question.
  • Requires accurate, appropriate referencing (The Reference List will not be counted towards the word count but is required).
  • Submission via turnitin in Arial 12pt font with one and a half or double line spacing.
  • Sub-headings should not be used.
  • Diagrams should not be included.

Assessment Module Learning Outcomes:

  • Within an investigatory context critically understand and analyze the multi-agency relationships involved in identifying and reducing vulnerability, risk and crime.
  • Critically review and analyze the approaches to dealing with public protection, vulnerability and risk within the context of national and international investigation.
  • Review and critically analyze the relationship between crime prevention and community engagement in the context of legitimacy, ethics and professional investigatory standards.

What did you learn from the study? How might you apply the results in a future application? Explain how this study might relate to the lab, lab topic, and/or your project.

Critical Reflection of a Journal Article (USE THIS AS A GUIDE –  REFERENCE THE SAME ARTICLE)

Summarizing research articles will help you to develop your critical thinking skills and your ability to express yourself in the written form. A research article is written to get across a lot of information quickly to a reader. Reading such articles can be tedious and sometimes frustrating unless you are familiar with scientific writing and the reasons for this style. Research articles are highly structured to make information easy to find. Unlike literary writing, scientific writing emphasizes quantifiable information; as a result, the writing is very lean and extra words are avoided.

A research article has the following major sections: Title Page, Abstract, Introductions, Method, Results, Discussion, References, Tables and Figures. An article summary highlights the information in the Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion. Before you can write such a summary, you need to read and understand the article.

Reading the Article

  • Allow enough time. Plan to spend at least one half of the time you devote to this assignment to reading and understanding the article. Before you can write about research, you have to evaluate it. Before you can evaluate it, you have to understand it. Before you can understand it, you have to digest it. Before you can digest, you have to read it, thoroughly. This takes more time than most students realize.
  • Scan the article first. You will get bogged down in detail if you try to read a new article from start to finish. Initially you should briefly look at each section to identify:
    • general information about the study (stated in the Abstract and Introduction)
    • the hypothesis (-es) or research questions (in the Introduction)
    • the test of the hypothesis, including the sample, variables and operational definitions, and the procedures used (in the Methods)
    • the findings (in the Results, including tables and figures)
    • how the findings were interpreted (in the Discussion).
  • Read for depth. After you have highlighted the question, hypothesis, findings, and interpretations, go back to the article to read about each area in more detail. Now you should expect to read each section more than once. Expect not to fully understand the article the first time. You will have to read it more than twice before you can talk about it in your own words.

Remember that you are digesting information, not swallowing it whole. If an idea is relevant to your topic, you should be able to summarize it in your own words. If you can’t, you probably don’t understand it.

Article Conditions:

  • Must be from a peer reviewed source
    • American Chemical Society and Royal Society of Chemistry are two of the biggest publishers
  • Cannot be more than 50 years old
  • Must be a chemistry research article (not a review article)
  • Must be related to your approved individual proposal topic

Article Critical Reflection Questions

Bibliographic Information:

Article Title: Spectrophotometric Determination of Vitamin C in Pharmaceutical Preparations using Ammonium Metavanadate.

Journal: Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry

Year: 2017   Volume: 10, Issue 3    Page Numbers: 341-344

Other Identifying information if not a journal:

How did you locate this article?

I found this article by logging onto the library database website. I clicked on “New search” and typed “Determination of vitamin C by titration” and I didn’t find anything I was interested in. So, I typed “Determination of vitamin C by spectrophotometry” and refined my search from newest to oldest, peer-reviewed, and articles only. This article was the third up out of 10,333 search results.


  • In 100 to 150 words summarize the main idea of the paper in laymen terms (non-scientist). Include your word count at the end of the summary.

The aim of this experiment was to test the Spectrophotometric method for measuring the concentration of vitamin C in pharmaceutical products such as Orange peel, Alma squash and Astymin C in order to compare the values obtained to the values on the manufacturer’s label. A Spectrophotometer is an instrument that passes light through a solution and measures how much light it has absorbed (Absorbance, A), but there has to be a color gradient based on the concentration of vitamin C. To accomplish this, ammonium metavanadate was added to the vitamin C, forming a green color which was bolder with increased vitamin C concentration. Using portions of known vitamin C concentration and getting their absorbances, a Beer’s law plot of Absorbance vs Concentration (μg/cm3). Unknown concentrations can be found using the equation of the trendline, of this graph: Absorbance, y = Slope, m (Concentration, x) + y-intercept, C.

(147 words)


  • In your own words, describe the specifics of what this study involved. What where the samples? How were they grouped? What analysis did they complete? Under what conditions? For how long? What was measured? What was being compared?

In this experiment, each of the pharmaceutical products such as Orange peel, Alma squash and Astymin C were prepared differently based on their stock solution, to 1000ppm. For the Orange peel power, they weighed out 10 grams of the powder, diluted to 250 mL of distilled water, boiled for 5 hrs., filtered using Whatman 41 paper, and 5mL was used. For the Amla squash, 10 mL of stock was diluted to 100 mL and 10 mL was used. Lastly for the Astymin C drops, 0.1 mL of stock was diluted to 100 mL and 1 mL was used. Their recommended procedure was to use 1 mL of a solution of 1000 ppm vitamin C with 1 mL of a 0.5 % w/v ammonium metavanadate (prepared by dissolving 0.5g of ammonium metavanadate in 100 mL of distilled water) made to a 25 mL solution using distilled water. This solution was in the 5.0-6.0 pH range.

The maximum wavelength was 395 nm and this was gotten using an absorption spectra of the complex against a blank. It was found that the complex and color was unstable past four hours, however, the color showed instantly. A Beer’s law plot of Absorbance vs Concentration (μg/cm3) was done for known concentrations of vitamin C, and then used to find the concentration of the Unknowns using the equation of the trendline, of this graph: Absorbance, y = Slope, m (Concentration, x) + y-intercept, C. There was no table showing the data values for the known compounds. The results of this method was tested using the pH metric method to validate the results, but this was done only with the Orange squash sample.

For the tools, a. Boush and Lomb spectronic-20 was used with 1cm matched glass cell. Potassium chromate in KOH solution and potassium permanganate in sulphuric acid solution was used to calibrate the spectrophotometer, using an absorption spectra. This was not explained in detail. The pH meter was also calibrated, done pH 4.0, 7.0 and 9.2 buffer solutions.


  • In your own words discuss the major findings and results. How useful or significant is this (what did the author(s) say about it?)

For the calibration curve the line was y= 0.009x + 0.014 with an R2 value of 0.9951. Because the R2 value is strong, the correlation is also strong.

For the Orange peel powder, the Spectrophotometric method gave 52.00 ± 4.62 μg/cm3 and the pH metric method 49.00 ± 3.35 μg/cm3 which is very close. There was no data on the manufacturer’s concentration.

For the Amlasquash (Nutri value) the Spectrophotometric method gave 63.33 ±5.76 μg/cm3 with a factory value of 65 μg/cm3, which is also close.

For Astymin C drops the Spectrophotometric value was 66.66 ± 5.77 μg/cm3 and the factory value was 70 μg/cm3 . No data for pH method.

The precision and accuracy of the method was tested by doing 8 replicate sampeles of each solution of 200.0 μg of vitamin C. The average was .94±0.028 at 95% confidence level. The standard deviation was 0.0394 and the variance was 0.0016.

Personal comments:

  • Give your reaction to the study? Such as: What did you learn from the study? How might you apply the results in a future application? Explain how this study might relate to the lab, lab topic, and/or your project. Do you think this is scientifically valid? You must defend your answer.

This was an adaptation of what was learned in class. I believe it was necessary to do both pH metric and spectrophotometric methods to test the result.

On 11 November 1975, Governor-General Sir John Kerr dismissed Prime Minister Gough Whitlam. Was this action constitutionally justified? Critically discuss.

Research Essay LAWS3000 Constitutional Law Session 1, 2020
Question: On 11 November 1975, Governor-General Sir John Kerr dismissed Prime Minister Gough Whitlam. Was this action constitutionally justified? Critically discuss.

Format and Word Count:
Essays must be submitted in double line spaced text, 12 point font (use Times New Roman or Arial). The word limit is 2,000 words, excluding footnotes (there will be an allowance plus or minus 10% of the word count). Footnotes should only be used for references, with no further discussion. A bibliography should not be provided. Do not submit a pdf. Submissions must be a word document.
The essay must comply with the Australian Guide to Legal Citation. The Guide is available here < https://law.uni
Late submissions will be penalized according to the unit guide.
In your response, you are expected to critically engage with the essay question. There is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answer, provided this is strongly argued and demonstrates evidence of appropriate legal research (eg drawing upon relevant case law, academic literature and so on) going beyond the set readings for the course.
Although a strong answer would demonstrate an understanding of the social, political and historical context surrounding this event, please remember that this is a legal essay – thus the focus of your analysis should be on the constitutional issues implicated.
Assessment Grading
Please see the marking rubric on iLearn for further details.

Identify which brand you feel is more effective and support the reasons for your decision based on branding principles.

Brand Management Exercises:

Each Exercise is separate, so they should each be a separate page. Please list references as well. Each exercise should address criteria 1-4 as well as the corresponding requirements in each subsection. Company: Pepsi and Coca-Cola

  1. Select two different brands in the same product category marketed to the individual consumer. The brands could be a tangible good, (e.g. razor blades, soft drinks, computers etc.) or a service (e.g. insurance, banks etc.). No alcohol or tobacco products please.
  2. Make sure the brands are comparably similar. For example, if we were going to use the automobile market as a category, you can compare Ford to General Motors (both automobile manufacturers). You can compare a Jaguar to a Lexus (both luxury automobile brands). You would not compare Advil to Tylenol for children (two different products & markets). Advil could be compared to Aleve. Both are adult pain relievers.
  3. Base your analysis on the following – identify the customer, brand equity, brand elements, brand positioning, brand portfolio; targeting, segmentation and marketing mix.
  4. Identify which brand you feel is more effective and support the reasons for your decision based on branding principles. You will create a running report with response to instructor feedback from the previous Unit. Instructions: In this assignment, you will select two brands:

Exercise 1

  • Segmentation
  • Targeting
  • The marketing mix

Exercise 2:

  • How they are building the brand?
  • How are they maintaining the brand?
  • How are they measuring the strength of the brand?

Exercise 3

  • Discussion on which brand you feel is more effective.
  • Support the reasons for your decision based on branding principles.

Demonstrate the ability to analyze and interpret research findings and present key issues for discussion.

Assignment Guidance for Alternative Assessment

Learning Outcomes

The following learning outcomes are to be met by the summative assessment:

  1. Demonstrate and apply critical research methods and skills.
  2. Develop critical understanding of the needs and roles of different stakeholders in research discussion.
  3. Demonstrate the ability to identify issues related to an aspect of provision or practice in Early Years care and education.
  4. Demonstrate conceptual knowledge and understanding of research practice and ethics in Early Years care and education.
  5. Demonstrate the ability to analyze and interpret research findings and present key issues for discussion.
  6. Demonstrate the ability to select and utilize appropriate methodologies in the work-based research. This LO has changed to:
  7. Demonstrate the ability to select and give a critical theoretical discussion of a data collection process
  8. Engage in a small scale work-based research project and demonstrate ability to investigate in depth one aspect of Early Year care and education.
  9. Demonstrate the ability to justify personal and professional points of view based on values, knowledge, practice and awareness from a range of sources.


The assignment will report and critically discuss the findings of an investigational study of one issue undertaken in relation to an aspect of Early Years practice or provision.


The research project will run as you have planned over the year and you will write your introduction, literature review, methods and methodology as we have already discussed.

When you come to what should be the data analysis section, you will write a critical discussion about one method of data collection. You will have covered this more briefly when discussing it in your methods section alongside the other methods you were planning to use, but now you will write about it in much more depth.

An example of this is below:


In order to acquire this information, observation was a significant method of data collection.  I needed to develop an overall picture of the practice, demands and expectations, gaining a first-hand experience of the subtle innuendoes and real life experiences that occur in a setting. Observation allowed me the option of removing myself from participating in activities with the children and allowed me to record freely without becoming engaged in discussion (Stringer, 2013). Dawson (2009) also discussed direct observation, as used by psychologists where no interaction takes place between the observer and observee.  I would then be able to record what the actual lived experience is like as opposed to obtaining second-hand experiences of those events from another’s perspective (Cohen et al., 2011). This would enable me to use all my senses to understand behaviours and relationships (Marshall & Rossman, 2010), allowing different types of information to be recorded than would be in questionnaires or interviews. However, I realised that this approach would not always be appropriate for the project, as the curious nature of young children makes some of them want to engage with new adults and include them in their play. Observations can be conducted in a variety of ways and a more interactive approach would be participant observation, in which the observer is part of the activity and all of the relationships and behaviours involved in order to fully embrace the experience, which was much more appropriate. Cohen et al. (2011) and Rugg and Petre (2007) explained how this can be further divided depending on the degrees of interaction between the observer and the participants. In both the initial methodology of action research and the eventual case study approach I adopted, observation was an essential method. I required them to be detailed and to demonstrate what was really happening in the setting, relying less on prescriptive foci and more on recording the natural ebb and flow of an early years classroom (Stringer, 2013). Observation is a natural process we engage with constantly; an experienced observer can engage with this in a non-intrusive manner which does not make staff or children nervous and they are more likely to act in their usual way (Koshy et al., 2010). An advantage to this is the flexibility to vary what is being observed as well as creating an in-depth picture of what is occurring, enabling the observer to gather qualitative data which identifies reactions, expressions and other subtle indicators of what is actually occurring. However, there is also a risk of recording too much information, irrelevant information, changing the way people behave because they are being observed (ibid.).

You can then discuss your findings from the literature review and how it all fits in with your question. In your conclusion/discussion explain issues encountered and how you would change your approach if you were to do this again.

If you have any questions, please e mail me


There are a number of different of observations types, what you can’t do is make it broad and just say you’ll do 30 mins in the home corner, narrow down the focus, chose one child to observe for 3 – 10 minute intervals, long enough for you, how are you going to capture the observation, are you going to video it/permissions.. replay the video, take as long as you like to replay and analyse. More exciting, on google, methods to use, observation, lots of stuff online, time sampling, incident sampling, how many time a child uses a particular phrase or does a certain action. Chose one child or chose several children to observe over a period of a week that a time that’s convininet, might not be the child your looking at but the practitioner or it could be both. Filming interactions, talk about it in ethics form, parents consent, managers consent, practitioners individual consent so they are willing participants. Richness of the data, challenge is how your going to sift through the observations to discuss record.

What responsibility do professionals and administrators (not inventors) have, to guide and manage the effects of innovation? Discuss how THREE of the course texts explore this theme.

p.1 of 4
OVERVIEW AND MATERIALS ALLOWED DURING THE EXAM • Write FIVE separate organized essays of 750-1,000 words each
• In your answer, strong content & organization are important, as is clear and correct writing. • Open book with limitations: you can refer to • your HARD-COPY textbooks / printouts of (1) Frankenstein, (2) “In the Penal Colony,” (3) “With Folded Hands,” and (4) I, Robot (film). • a hard-copy dictionary (no Internet access to dictionaries or to other online sites)
• NO ACCESS to web sites, individuals, hard-copy or electronic sources
• YOUR INDIVIDUAL WORK IN REAL TIME ONLY: no “cut-and-paste” from the course site; no “cut and paste” from sources outside of your own ideas as you develop and phrase them
• Discuss in detail at least THREE of the main course texts, including AT LEAST TWO from the post-midterm weeks: (1) Frankenstein, (2) “In the Penal Colony,” (3) “With Folded Hands,” and (4) I, Robot (film).
• Take a position on the topic and defend your position. Use argument, not summary, and support your assertions with specific examples from the course texts. For other than the film, include specific quotes and page numbers. For the film, be as specific as possible when discussing examples. Answers that merely
p.2 of 4 summarize the “story” of a text or film will not achieve a passing grade. Assume that the reader of your exam knows the story. Instead, present and analyze examples, relating them to the specific exam question. • Use organized essay format, with a clear beginning, middle and end. Answers in point form will not achieve a passing grade. • As with the midterm exam, use good arguments, cited evidence, organization, writing / spelling / grammar. Eloquence alone is not enough to ensure a strong exam, nor is merely achieving the word-count requirements. The key thing is which words your answer uses. • Include a word Include a word count at the end of your exam
EVALUATION OF YOUR EXAM will be based on:
Content • Take a position on the topic. That is, have a clear thesis that your essay defends. • Keep your discussion balanced. Spend roughly the same space discussing each text. • “Compare” can include both “compare” and “contrast”: both similarities and differences. • Use analysis. Do more than just summarize or describe the text or parts of it. • Give specific examples from the specific work discussed (Frankenstein, “In the Penal Colony,” “With Folded Hands,” and the film I, Robot) including quotations and specific page numbers, to support your ideas. The exam is open book because this specific evidence is important.
Organization / Writing / Mechanics • Keyboard your answer in the answer box. • Arrange your answer as a cohesive essay that has: multiple paragraphs, a strong introduction and conclusion, a “middle” that’s logically and persuasively arranged, and an effective ending that makes your position on the topic clear. • Cover fewer aspects of a topic in detail rather than more aspects of the topic superficially. • Include a “Works Cited” or “References” section at the end of your answer. • Use clear sentences, paragraphs, transitions, language, spelling, and grammar. Put in parentheses the page number of quotes from or references to specific parts of the text. Include this parenthetical citation after your reference, as in the following example: (Shelley, p. 123).
HOW TO PREPARE: DETAILS • have read / viewed and reviewed all texts / viewing for this course, paying special attention to discussions of the course themes of technology, invention, power, and social organization (i.e., social organization as a product of techne) • review o course handout giving definitions of “technology,” “invention,” and “power” (posted to Module 1). o notes and handouts from the course site and your own notes o quizzes, which have often dealt with key issues in a text and in the course o your midterm exam, including comments on your exam & general comments to the class o the discussions, including the questions and answers from the class & instructor’s general comments to the class about the early discussions o secondary articles / transcripts posted to the course site, relevant to the exam topics o general course topics, as noted in the course outline • have a sense of where and when the main course texts were composed (historical / generic / cross-cultural perspective); see chart below. The more detailed original context is noted, the stronger the exam will be.
p.3 of 4
Texts are Frankenstein, “In the Penal Colony,” I, Robot [film]; “With Folded Hands.” You must discuss at in detail at least THREE of the main course texts for EACH AND EVERY QUESTION
• REMINDER: answers that merely recapitulate the story or plot details will not achieve a passing grade. In your answer, assume that the reader is aware of the story.
(1) TECHNOLOGY, INVENTION, AND SOCIAL ORGANIZATION, HUMAN AUTHORITY: Discuss the relationship among technology, invention, and social organization in THREE of the course texts / viewings, focusing on those human individuals with specific authority (civil or corporate) over others in an organized society. Consider characters such as Walton (as ship captain) in Frankenstein; the Old or New Governors in “In the Penal Colony;” Robertson or Lt. Bergin in I, Robot. How do these characters use technological innovation and/or social organization to move their societies – or those over whom they have authority – in what, TO YOU, seems a positive direction? You might consider, for example, how or whether any of these human characters become imprisoned or victimized by innovations they’ve produced or fostered. Or, how or whether any of these characters are shown to be in positions in which they’re tempted to abuse their authority.
Frankenstein Mary Shelley Romantic period (late 18thearly 19th c. CE); published 1818
England Novel (gothic novel)
“In the Penal Colony”
Franz Kafka Modernist period (early 20th century); published 1919
Czechoslovakia (written in German) Short story, satire
“With Folded Hands”
Jack Williamson Modernist period (mid 20th century); published 1947; radio version, 1950
United States Short story (science fiction); also a radio drama
I, Robot Alex Proyas, director; screenplay suggested by Isaac Asimov’s short stories
Post-modern period (early 21st century); film released 2004; stories written 19401950
United States Feature-length film (science fiction), loosely based on Asimov’s short stories
p.4 of 4
(2) THE ROLE OF THE INVENTOR: Discuss in detail the role of the inventor in THREE of the course texts. Consider characters such as Frankenstein, Dr. Lanning in I, Robot or Sledge in “With Folded Hands,” The Old Governor in Kafka’s story, among others. In what specific ways (characters, plot details & action, themes) does each text explore the responsibility of the inventor for his/her inventions? How is this responsibility assumed and / or avoided in each of the texts, and what do these representations of the inventor’s role suggest about the uses of technology? You can also consider a ruler of a state a being to some extent an inventor of the rules governing that state.
(3) THE ROLE OF THE TRAVELER / EXPLORER: Discuss the role of the traveler / explorer in in THREE of the course texts. You may consider “exploration” in a broader sense, as in unraveling a mystery (e.g., a detective plot) or as in scientific explorations – but DO NOT focus ONLY on those who are primarily inventors, or business owners. What are some of the roles and responsibilities of an explorer, as defined and expressed in these works? In which of the texts discussed is the explorer the most successful, overall? In which text is the explorer the least successful? Give reasons and evidence to support your choices. Focus on maximum of TWO or THREE topics for each text you discuss. You can consider, among others, characters like Sledge-as-atraveler in “With Folded Hands;” Walton or even the creature in Frankenstein; the explorer in Kafka’s story; and Spooner & Calvin’s explorations, in I, Robot. Include in your answer a discussion specifically of the issue of interference and/or the explorer’s being a bystander – and how this interaction or lack of it changes “exploration” for the explorer. You can also include discussion of social organization: the effects a traveler may have on a society “new” to him or her, and /or the effects the “new” place has on the explorer.
(4) VICTOR FRANKENSTEIN – ADVISING THE NEW GOVERNOR OF THE PENAL COLONY, OR UNDERHILL, OR ROBERTSON: Imagine that Victor Frankenstein, as he’s presented at the end of the novel Frankenstein (having gone through all that he experiences in the novel but assuming he was healthy enough to live for many years) has three choices. He can choose to be (a) an advisor to the new governor of the penal colony that Kafka describes; (b) an advisor to the business owner Underhill in “With Folded Hands;” or (c) an advisor to the business owner Robertson in the film I, Robot. Which option do you think Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein would choose, and why? Give reasons for your position, specifically referring to Mary Shelley’s novel AND at least TWO of the following: “In the Penal Colony,” the film I, Robot, the short story “With Folded Hands.”
Variation: argue based on Frankenstein’s process of elimination – that is, discuss in detail which options Victor Frankenstein would NOT choose, and why he would reject those options. Support your position by using specific evidence (including quotations) from the texts.
(5) RESPONSIBILITIES OF PROFESSIONALS, MIDDLE MANAGERS, BUSINESS OWNERS IN MANAGING EFFECTS OF INNOVATION: Discuss the way in which THREE of the course texts present the roles and responsibilities of professionals, “middle managers” or business owners (rather than the inventors, rulers, or gods), relative to technology, invention, and power. What responsibility do professionals and administrators (not inventors) have, to guide and manage the effects of innovation? Discuss how THREE of the course texts explore this theme. For this question, you can consider as “middle managers” the following: professionals such as teachers, “officers,” psychologists/doctors; business owners like Underhill or Robertson, among others, VIKI in “I,robot” etc. Of those texts you’re discussing, which places the greatest emphasis on the professional / business owner / “middle manager”? – the least emphasis?

Identify and categorise trusts, and critically evaluate the requirements for a valid trust.

Christie and Farrand have recently split up, having lived together for 23 years. They never married. They have a daughter, Jada, who is 17 years old. Farrand purchased the family home 20 years ago and it was registered solely in his name. At the time of the purchase, Christie suggested that the house should be registered in their joint names. Farrand responded, ‘We don’t need a bit of paper! You trust me, don’t you?’ Farrand provided the deposit. The balance of the purchase price was funded by a mortgage loan in his name. Farrand has paid all the mortgage instalments. Christie used the sale proceeds of her studio flat to furnish the purchased family home. Shortly before Jada was born, Christie gave up her job as a legal secretary and did not work again until 2007, when she got part-time work back at her old firm. Her wages were a welcome addition to the family finances, because Farrand’s business was going through a bad period. Farrand continued to meet the mortgage payments but, since 2007, Christie has paid all other household bills. Task: Advise Christie on whether she can claim a share in the family home under the rules of implied trusts (examining both resulting and constructive trusts rules) and, if not, whether any other remedies may be available to her.) • Demonstrate a systematic, contextual and critical knowledge and understanding of the key theories, concepts and principles of Equity and Trusts

• Critically understand the limitations of current law and proposals for reform.

• Consolidate skills of independent research, enquiry, analysis, synthesis and convey complex information from a wide range of sources.

• Reflect on and evaluate equitable concepts, doctrines, interests and remedies.

• Critically analyse the importance of formality requirements and distinguish between legal and equitable interests.

• Identify and categorise trusts, and critically evaluate the requirements for a valid trust.

• Critically analyse the rules applying to the creation and operation of trusts.

Determine an appropriate illiquidity discount rate, based on the Company’s size, debt/equity ratio, leverage ratio, industry, etc. We understand this will be subjective.

ACCT 4337/FIN 4337 Business Valuation

Semester Project and Course Content

This represents a description of the semester project and a description of the content of this course.  We will discuss this content in class, become familiar with it through homework and in-class practice test, use it in the case, the project and it will be the subject of examinations.

The semester project is to form working groups of four or five students (I will assign those who do not have a group) to determine the equity value of a company to be assigned, (the “Company”).  You are to value the equity of Micropac Industries, Inc. (OTCMKTS: MPAD) as if it were privately held.  The Company’s stock is traded publically and it was chosen because its information is readily available.  Your conclusion will be that the value is _____________________ or between ________________ and _________________, not that its market value is understated or overstated.  Your conclusion must be independent of the quoted market value.

View this company as if you are evaluating it as an acquisition of 100% of the common stock outstanding, not as the price of one share of stock.  You are to consider this company as if you were making a long-term investment by buying the whole company, not a block of its stock.

Each group or team will be given an overall grade and each team member will be given an individual grade based on their fellow team member’s evaluations of their contribution and teamwork for the project and the case.

Planning period – length and rate of growth.  You are to determine whether this company will grow at a different rate of growth than its perpetual rate of growth.  If so, select a rate of growth for “planning periods” or a period of time during which this company would be expected to grow at a rate higher than the perpetual growth rate or the overall rate of growth rate of the economy.  For example, a target company may be expected to grow at 7% for 5 years and at the rate of growth of the overall economy or its industry thereafter.   This rate of growth should be based on your research into the overall economy and political climate, this industry, stock research analyst’s projections and investments the company is making in capital goods and working capital for the future.


How many 3 to years 5

Perpetual growth phase.  You are to select a rate of growth in perpetuity, which could be equal to, more than or less than the growth rate of the economy or even zero or negative.  This rate should be based on your research of the U.S. economy and the particular industry sector of ATRI.

Financial statement forecast.  Forecast a balance sheet and a statement of income for the planning periods described above, based on a study of the historical financial statements of the Company, your research described above and the forecasting techniques we will learn this semester.

Free cash flow forecast.  Forecast the cash flow as “Free Cash Flow to the Firm”, meaning the cash flow to all components of the capital structure.  Use this formula:

EBIT (Earnings before interest and taxes)

– Tax (EBIT X marginal tax rate)

= NOPAT (net operating income after tax)

+ Depreciation

  • CAPEX (Capital expenditures)
  • +NWC (Increase in net working capital)(*)

= FCFF (Free cash flow to the firm)


(*) Net working capital will exclude both non-operating cash and interest bearing debt.

Select a discount rate using WACC.  Weights and costs of elements of the capital structure.   Determine capital structure weights using values of components of the capital structure.

  • Interest bearing debt classified as a current liability. Unless circumstances would indicate otherwise, use book value and stated interest rate less tax effect. Rate (1-T).
  • Long-term debt. If the company has long-term debt, create a synthetic market yield-to-maturity by calculating and interest coverage ratio (EBIT/Interest expense) and referring to the Damodaran Ratings, Interest Coverage Ratio and Default Spreads table to obtain a default spread to add to the comparable Treasury Rate.  Give effect to taxes.  Rate (1-T). Use the synthetic market yield-to-maturity to determine market value for market structure weights.
  • Preferred stock.
  • If publically traded, use market value and determine cost using D/Po.
  • If not publically traded, and not significant to capital structure, use book value and dividend rate. If significant, then attempt to create a synthetic market value and cost by comparing to similar issues that trade more frequently.
  • Common stock. Use current market capitalization as an estimate.  Determine cost using the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) [R(F) + b(MRP)].  Use the current 10 Year Treasury rate for R(F), obtain MRP from the Damodaran web site,  create a synthetic b by (1) selecting betas of comparable industry peers, deleverage those betas using the formula (see formula posted on elearning), average the deleveraged betas, re leverage the average beta based on the Company’s debt/equity ratio and marginal tax rate.  Remember we are assuming the Company is private.

Compute WACC [(wt of debt x cost) + (wt of preferred x cost) + (wt of common x cost)]

Discount the planning period FCF’s to PV using WACC.  Each FCF/(1+WACC)t.

Determine terminal value using DCF.  Take the FCF from the last planning period, convert it to “next year’s FCF” by FCF (1 + perpetual growth rate) then dividing by (Discount rate – perpetual growth rate).  FCF (1 + Gp)/(WACC – Gp).

Calculate Enterprise Value using DCF – Sum the PV’s (Discounted Planning Period PV’s and the TV PV).

Calculate Equity Value – (Enterprise Value + Cash – Interest Bearing Debt).

In the event that your FCFF is negative because of extensive investments in CAPEX or NWC, and those investments are financed by issuing debt or equity, then you may want to consider using FCFE and discounting those cash flows with cost of equity rather than WACC.  Please discuss this with me before proceeding.

Determine the Enterprise Value using relative valuation (Use CapIQ for comparables). 

  • Selection a valuation ratio (Value relative to EBIT, EBITDA, FCF, PE, PEG, BV, Sales) and justify the selection. You may decide to use more than one ratio.
  • Determine a group of comparable industry peers (preferably of similar size, debt/equity ratios, and operating leverage).
  • Average the groups ratios to market value (i.e. MV/EBIT or MV/EBITDA, etc.) to obtain multiples (i.e. MV is 5 X EBIT, 2 X BV, 1.25 X Sales, etc.).
  • Apply the average multiple to EBITDA to the Company’s EBITDA or multiple to EBIT to the Company’s EBIT or multiple to the valuation ratio you have chosen.
  • Determine an appropriate illiquidity discount rate, based on the Company’s size, debt/equity ratio, leverage ratio, industry, etc. We understand this will be subjective.
  • Apply the illiquidity discount ratio to the terminal value of a comparable public company to determine the private company value.

Realize that some of the valuation ratios are for Enterprise Value (EBITDA, for instance) and some are for Equity Value (PE for instance).  You want to end up with the value of 100% of the common stock, or Equity Value.  If you use an Equity Value valuation ratio, then your result will be Equity Value.  If you use an Enterprise Value valuation ratio, then you will need to adjust Enterprise Value by added cash and deducting interest bearing debt.

I will need to be able to extract several items from your report for the purposes of comparison among the various reports, for example:


Bottom Up Beta

Number of planning periods

Growth rate for planning periods

Perpetual growth rate


Illiquidity discount

Valuation ratio used (EBITDA, etc.)

Equity Value – Using DCF

Equity Value – Using relative valuation

The report should be word processed and the exhibits should be in Excel.

Here is a sample table of contents:

  1. Overview of the assignment, team members
  2. Overview of the Company( Micropac Industries) including analysis of historical income and cash flow. Make sure to include that We are forecastings the financial statements ballace sheet, Income statement and statement of cashflow alswo we are calculating WACC all these items are forecasted for 3 to 5 year at growth rate of 4.5% at 6% means

You will have to talk about the numbers of planning period and growth rate for planning period.

Also here is the list of 10k of the cpmany where you can find what s the company about or other stuff

  1. Discussion of the Company’s industry with focus on outlook and competitors( Emcore corporation, Intest corporation and Applied Optoelectronics, Inc.
  2. Valuation of the Company. This is the guts of the report.  In discounted cash flow valuation, discuss your reasons for major assumptions for growth, WACC, etc.  You need to refer to the company, its competitors and the industry as necessary to justify your assumptions.  Be concise, use bullet point lists rather that long essays and refer to excel schedules in appendix as needed.  Same for market comparable and control transactions.  Discuss how comps were selected.
  3. Explain your conclusion of value.

Six to eight pages, not including exhibits should be plenty but use more if needed.  No clip art needed just well formatted text and exhibits.  Style as well as substance count, just as in the real world.  Each team will make a brief presentation of their conclusions to the class (and instructor) on the due date of November 27 and 29, 2018.

I am happy to help.  Each team will be given an overall grade and a grade based on evaluations by team members of each member’s participation and input.

How does the National Society of Professional Engineers Code of Ethics promote safety, health and welfare to the public/society?

Background Information:
This is a course on engineering ethics. This week the subject is risk and liability. This paper should have a smooth flow, but still remain factual and formal. It should not feel like it just spews out facts. Each paragraph should flow into the next with introductions and conclusions.Although I put two sources are required you really only need one. If you feel that an additional source could be useful in supporting something feel free to use another source. Please start with a brief introduction and end with a conclusion as well.
If you have any questions on how to complete the assignment or would like to gain a little more understanding of what the course is subject is about please reach out to me. I have a very good understanding of this course and what has been going on. I have attached the rubric for the assignment.

The assignment:
How does the National Society of Professional Engineers Code of Ethics promote safety, health and welfare to the public/society? (Write at least 3 paragraphs)