Explain any revisions you would make to the interviewing questions to make them clearer and more effective. If no revisions are necessary, explain why.
Instruct-(AC-8)-APP-Interviewing-Part 3 Reflection
Write in APA format, 12 font size, Times Roman
- Pretend you are interviewing a candidate for a job at your company.
Here are sample questions that you would ask. You do not need to answer them for this paper.
- Explain what makes you, you? Tell me about yourself.
- Explain why did you want to interview with our company?
- What skill sets do you have that would make you the strongest candidate for the job?
- Describe a difficult situation, and how you handled it?
- Everyone learns in a different way. Tell me what type of learning is best for you?
- Explain why you made the decision to leave your current job?
- Explain some techniques that you use to handle stress?
- What was the last mistake you made and what steps do you take as not to make the same mistake again?
- Explain whether the questions were interpreted by the interviewee as you intended them to be interpreted, based on the interviewee’s responses.
- Explain any revisions you would make to the interviewing questions to make them clearer and more effective. If no revisions are necessary, explain why.
- Reflect on your interview and how you could improve. Consider the following regarding emotional intelligence (EI):
- What did you do well?
- What could be improved?
- How could you improve your Emotional Intelligence?