
How does/did it accomplish its goal(s)? What methods, arguments, actions, etc. does it use? Was it successful – why or why not?

Week 11 Weekly Check-Ins:
WCI 1: Assignment – Topic Selection, Brainstorming & Thesis Statement
Students need to choose a specific conspiracy theory OR cult, and answer the questions in the directions (this is brainstorming). Students also need to have a working thesis statement.

WCI 2: Assignment – Works Cited Page
Students need to submit all their potential sources. Students must submit 4 of the correct type of sources; students who are having trouble deciding are more than welcome to submit more than four for feedback on which sources are the strongest.
Critical Analysis: Brainstorming Questions
When approaching this essay, students should think about the following questions:
What is the conspiracy theory or cult?
What is trying to accomplish – and why?
How does/did it accomplish its goal(s)? What methods, arguments, actions, etc. does it use? Was it successful – why or why not?
How does/did it seek credibility? Was it successful – why or why not?
What are the reasons that this is considered a conspiracy theory or cult? Why is this not an accepted idea/way of life?
Answering these questions in-depth will provide strong information to begin researching and completing an outline.

Demonstrate a clear understanding of health advice, health promotion and health care practice within an integrated health care provision.

A Critical report on 2 holistic approaches to healthcare.This assessment is 3,000 words critical report that details the benefits of 2 chosen holistic approaches and supports their integration into appropriate specified orthodox healthcare settings.The report should be comprised of 2 specific areas. Both parts have equal waiting in terms of the marking. Compose 2 articles of 1500 words each, suitable for a symposium on integrated healthcare. Each article should:-
Clearly define the chosen therapy and include a brief discussion of the therapy/treatment
Discuss the area of health care that you are promoting the service for.
Demonstrate an understanding of the benefits of holism as an approach to health and illness.
Include any evidence of risk or contra indicationLegal and ethical considerations should be considered.
Include a brief working protocol.
Demonstrate a clear understanding of health advice, health promotion and health care practice within an integrated health care provision.
Critically discuss the links between the individual experience of health and health issues, within the context of integrated healthcare.

Summarize all of this for us in a paragraph or so – what you saw, what you learned, anything you changed, and anything you’d recommend to us for now.

We’ve become quite interested recently in being able to use our data to make predictions. As a bit of context, the test we administer to potential incoming employees has become increasingly expensive to administer and score (including the cost of the test itself, as well as the rooms required to administer it, the staff we pay to ensure there isn’t any cheating going on, and so on).

Early in our application process, we get a measure of their trait anxiety as part of their application package (it’s administered quickly and inexpensively online). We think this test is likely to be predictive of two things that are costing us money:

  1. The candidate’s test performance itself (our hunch is that the more anxious candidates will not perform as well).
  2. The time each candidate spends revising their test answers (which costs us money in testing staff and room rental fees).

We’d like your help in determining statistically if a candidate’s trait anxiety is predictive of these two outcomes.

More specifically, can you please do the following for us?

  1. Run the statistical analyses that make sense and share whatever the relevant test statistics are that help you evaluate how useful they are (our boss with the I/O background likes to see them).
  2. Graph the data so that we can see how anxiety scores relate to these outcomes.
  3. Provide the actual prediction equations for us with an example or two each to help us comprehend what the model is suggesting. I know this sounds kind of odd, but we’d like to have our HR IT team use any specifically useful prediction equations as part of our plans to revise our candidate testing practices and policies.
  4. Summarize all of this for us in a paragraph or so – what you saw, what you learned, anything you changed, and anything you’d recommend to us for now.

If you can get this back to us in time to review for our standing team meeting next week, that would be awesome.

What do you see as the reason for the unique role of integrity within the academic community? 


  1. Discuss 3 Taking Tests success strategies that you will incorporate after you have read this week’s chapter and watched this week’s videos.
    How do you plan on implementing this information in school and in life situations?

    2. What are some of the many ways that your values, actions, behaviors, and beliefs have been tested and evaluated in life?

    3. Define what integrity means for you.

    4. What do you see as the reason for the unique role of integrity within the academic community?

How is a pandemic defined? Who has the power to define COVID 19 as one? How do other use competing definitions in an attempt to change or alter that definition?

4/7/2020 ELT 5 – How do sociologists understand and study pandemics 1/3
ELT 5 – How do sociologists understand and study pandemics
Points 5 Submitting a file upload
Submit Assignment
ELT 5 – How do sociologists understand and study pandemics?
Our semester was abruptly disrupted on March 12 when the BC provincial government banned all public gatherings over 250 people and UBC immediately cancelled all large lecture over 250. Since that Thursday life in Canada has dramatically changed. The Canadian government has closed the borders to foreign nationals, schools have closed, non-essential stores have shut their doors, Canadians abroad have been asked to return home and quarantine for 14 days (while some people can return others are trapped in countries like Peru and Italy.) Last week the liberals announced an Economic response plan where they plan to provide up to $27 billion dollars to support business and worker. The news is covering COVID 19 on a 24-hour loop. These drastic government responses fueled by a constant flow of information on the COVID 19 outbreak has created mass panic. Public health keeps asking the public to engage in social distancing and stay home. The public reacted in many ways. Some people were shopping and stocking up on toilette paper, masks, hand sanitizer and soap. Other people are denying the seriousness of the virus. Needless to say, the Coronavirus has changed the way we are working, socializing, and relating to other people.
For this ELT, I want you to think like a sociologist and provide an analysis of Canada’s (and the World’s) response to the COVID 19 outbreak. Here are some topics with questions to consider. Students will choose ONE bullet point below and write a thoughtful response that draws on course material to explain this COVID 19 pandemic in 3 – 5 paragraphs (500 words or 1 – 2 pages). Student should draw on course concepts or theories to explain their response.
How is a pandemic defined? Who has the power to define COVID 19 as one? How do other use competing definitions in an attempt to change or alter that definition? That is, how has COVID 19 been defined? What is the role of the media in pandemics? How is the media treating the COVID 19 outbreak? How has government responded to the outbreak? How have citizens responded to the virus? What do these responses say about our societies? What are the consequences of the government’s decisions to declare public emergencies, close the borders to foreign nationals, limit services provided? Will everyone in Canada receive the same medical attention if they fall ill from the virus?
4/7/2020 ELT 5 – How do sociologists understand and study pandemics 2/3
How does the coronavirus compare to other disease outbreaks around the world (for example tuberculosis in India, the Zika virus, HIV, swine flu)?
Using APA cite all sources used in response. Resources to think about:
COVID 19 In Charts and maps ( (has comparative numbers to other coronavirus outbreaks) The Coronavirus is a disaster for Feminism ( Coronavirus is the Perfect Disaster for ‘Disaster Capitalism’ ( We Need Social Solidarity, Not Just Social Distancing (
All pages should be numbered and have one-inch margins on all sides. All text should be double-spaced in Times New Roman 12-point font.

Well done. Student answered one of the topic questions in a paragraph form. Student comprehends and applies sociological concepts and theories. Clearly written with no spelling or grammatical errors. Uses proper APA citations.
4/7/2020 ELT 5 – How do sociologists understand and study pandemics 3/3
Good work. Student answered most the question in a paragraph form. Student demonstrated a strong understanding of sociological theories and concepts. Student applied concepts and theories well but missed a key point. There were a few spelling and grammatical errors. Includes some APA citations.

Student answered half of the question in a paragraph form. Student appears to understand theories and concept but needs to explain them more clearly. Started to apply concepts and theories but was missing key points. There were many spelling and grammatical errors that took away from the student’s ideas. Includes some citations and there are some errors in formatting.
Student did not answer the questions in paragraph form. Student did not comprehend or apply sociological theories appropriately. It was difficult to understand what they were discussing and there were many citation and grammatic problems.
Did not follow the instructions and complete the task as proposed.

How is the media treating the COVID 19 outbreak? How has government responded to the outbreak? How have citizens responded to the virus? What do these responses say about our societies?

4/7/2020 ELT 5 – How do sociologists understand and study pandemics 1/3
ELT 5 – How do sociologists understand and study pandemics
Points 5 Submitting a file upload
Submit Assignment
ELT 5 – How do sociologists understand and study pandemics?
Our semester was abruptly disrupted on March 12 when the BC provincial government banned all public gatherings over 250 people and UBC immediately cancelled all large lecture over 250. Since that Thursday life in Canada has dramatically changed. The Canadian government has closed the borders to foreign nationals, schools have closed, non-essential stores have shut their doors, Canadians abroad have been asked to return home and quarantine for 14 days (while some people can return others are trapped in countries like Peru and Italy.) Last week the liberals announced an Economic response plan where they plan to provide up to $27 billion dollars to support business and worker. The news is covering COVID 19 on a 24-hour loop. These drastic government responses fueled by a constant flow of information on the COVID 19 outbreak has created mass panic. Public health keeps asking the public to engage in social distancing and stay home. The public reacted in many ways. Some people were shopping and stocking up on toilette paper, masks, hand sanitizer and soap. Other people are denying the seriousness of the virus. Needless to say, the Coronavirus has changed the way we are working, socializing, and relating to other people.
For this ELT, I want you to think like a sociologist and provide an analysis of Canada’s (and the World’s) response to the COVID 19 outbreak. Here are some topics with questions to consider. Students will choose ONE bullet point below and write a thoughtful response that draws on course material to explain this COVID 19 pandemic in 3 – 5 paragraphs (500 words or 1 – 2 pages). Student should draw on course concepts or theories to explain their response.
How is a pandemic defined? Who has the power to define COVID 19 as one? How do other use competing definitions in an attempt to change or alter that definition? That is, how has COVID 19 been defined? What is the role of the media in pandemics? How is the media treating the COVID 19 outbreak? How has government responded to the outbreak? How have citizens responded to the virus? What do these responses say about our societies? What are the consequences of the government’s decisions to declare public emergencies, close the borders to foreign nationals, limit services provided? Will everyone in Canada receive the same medical attention if they fall ill from the virus?
4/7/2020 ELT 5 – How do sociologists understand and study pandemics 2/3
How does the coronavirus compare to other disease outbreaks around the world (for example tuberculosis in India, the Zika virus, HIV, swine flu)?
Using APA cite all sources used in response. Resources to think about:
COVID 19 In Charts and maps ( (has comparative numbers to other coronavirus outbreaks) The Coronavirus is a disaster for Feminism ( Coronavirus is the Perfect Disaster for ‘Disaster Capitalism’ ( We Need Social Solidarity, Not Just Social Distancing (
All pages should be numbered and have one-inch margins on all sides. All text should be double-spaced in Times New Roman 12-point font.

Well done. Student answered one of the topic questions in a paragraph form. Student comprehends and applies sociological concepts and theories. Clearly written with no spelling or grammatical errors. Uses proper APA citations.
4/7/2020 ELT 5 – How do sociologists understand and study pandemics 3/3
Good work. Student answered most the question in a paragraph form. Student demonstrated a strong understanding of sociological theories and concepts. Student applied concepts and theories well but missed a key point. There were a few spelling and grammatical errors. Includes some APA citations.

Student answered half of the question in a paragraph form. Student appears to understand theories and concept but needs to explain them more clearly. Started to apply concepts and theories but was missing key points. There were many spelling and grammatical errors that took away from the student’s ideas. Includes some citations and there are some errors in formatting.
Student did not answer the questions in paragraph form. Student did not comprehend or apply sociological theories appropriately. It was difficult to understand what they were discussing and there were many citation and grammatic problems.
Did not follow the instructions and complete the task as proposed.

Explain the roles and responsibilities of the key regulators within the financial services industry and their promotion of ethical, fair and compliance driven behaviour between firms, advisers and customers.

Prepare 1500-words essay requiring critical assessment of the activities and subsequent collapse of Wonga.

(, also known as Wonga, is a British payday loan provider of “short-term, high-cost credit” that was founded in 2006 and has operations in the United Kingdom, Spain, Poland and South Africa.)

Course work Assessment

This should include:

  1. Analysis of the role of appropriate Regulators within the scandal such as FCA, Pensions Regulator and Bank of England: should the situation have been prevented from happening?
  2. Apply the CII Ethical Dilemma Resolution model to assess the ethics of the scenario and review the Social and Ethical implications of the specific case reviewed
  3. 3. Suggest recommendations as to what could be done in the future to ensure that Corporate Managers uphold the highest standards of integrity and ethics in all business matters.
Assessment criteria State what Unit Learning Outcomes are being covered by the assessment


Explain the roles and responsibilities of the key regulators within the financial services industry and their promotion of ethical, fair and compliance driven behaviour between firms, advisers and customers


Analyse how the rules and principles set out in regulation, are Outcome applied in practice in order to meet the financial needs of the consumer




Demonstrate an ability to apply the range of skills and competences required when advising clients in order to demonstrate the application of professional standards and behaviour


FSRE Coursework Marking Criteria

70%+ = 1st Class

  •  Student demonstrates a substantial range of knowledge and understanding of the UK Financial System and the Ethical and Regulatory implications of the case being examined.
  •  CII Ethical Dilemma model has been applied in great detail to the scenario, drawing out specific observations around the Ethics of the case reviewed
  •  Student has accessed a broad range of research and in great depth, pulling from a huge variety of sources including academic literature, regulatory presentations and up to date press sources
  •  Student presents a strong critical analysis of the case, with a wide-ranging discussion of the issues involved, presented in a well-structured and reasoned manner
  •  A comprehensive review of possible future recommendations has been undertaken, including comment on ethical and regulatory changes required
  •  Essay is well presented, with accurate referencing and appropriate bibliography.

60-69% = 2:1

  •  Student demonstrates a good knowledge and understanding of the UK Financial System and the Ethical and Regulatory implications of the case being examined
  •  CII Ethical Dilemma model has been applied in good detail to the scenario, drawing out general observations around the Ethics of the case reviewed
  •  Student has accessed a good range of research and in some depth, pulling from a variety of sources including academic literature, regulatory presentations and press releases
  •  Student presents a good critical analysis of the case, with a varied discussion of the issues involved, presented in a logical manner
  •  A sound review of the possible future recommendations has been undertaken, including comment on ethical and regulatory changes required
  •  Essay is structured clearly, with good referencing and appropriate bibliography.

50-59% = 2:2

  •  Student demonstrates some knowledge and understanding of the UK Financial System and the Ethical and Regulatory implications of the case being examined
  •  CII Ethical Dilemma model has been applied with some detail to the scenario, drawing out some accurate observations around the Ethics of the case reviewed
  •  Student has shown some evidence of a range and depth of research, using a variety of sources including academic literature and press releases
  •  Student presents some evidence of critical analysis but with a limited discussion of the issues involved
  •  Some evidence demonstrated of possible future recommendations, but with limited commentary on the ethical and regulatory changes required
  •  Essay is adequately structured, with appropriate referencing and bibliography.

40-49% = 3rd

  •  Student demonstrates a limited knowledge of the UK Financial System and the Ethical and Regulatory implications of the case being examined
  •  CII Ethical Dilemma model has been attempted but applied with limited detail to the scenario, drawing out minimal observations around the ethics of the case being reviewed
  •  Little evidence of any breadth or depth of research, with very limited sources being used
  •  Limited evidence of critical analysis, leads to a very minimal discussion of the issues involved
  •  Narrow range of knowledge evidenced with regard to future recommendations and minimal commentary on the ethical or regulatory changes required
  •  Poor structure, contributing to lack of coherent argument. Limited referencing.

<40% = Fail

  •  No real demonstration of knowledge of the UK Financial System or the Ethical and Regulatory implications of the case being examined
  •  CII Ethical Dilemma model is clearly not understood with minimal application to the scenario, leading to limited or no observations re the ethics of the case being reviewed.
  •  Limited evidence of any breadth or depth of research from relevant sources
  •  Minimal or no evidence of critical analysis of the case, leading to a limited or no real discussion around the issues involved.
  •  Narrow or zero commentary around future recommendations or the ethical,

regulatory changes required.

  •  Weak presentation and structure leading to inappropriate argument.

Minimal/inappropriate referencing.

Suggested Reading and Links: Wonga

These links are intended to help you as you research Wonga:
BBC (2014) ‘Wonga chased debt with fake lawyers.’ BBC News. Business. [Online] 25th June.

[Accessed on 19th August 2019]

Collinson, P. and Jones, R. (2018) ‘Wonga collapses into administration.’ The Guardian. [Online] 30th August. [Accessed on 19th August 2019]

Dunkley, E. (2016) ‘Payday lenders still active after UK watchdog’s crackdown.’ Financial Times. [Online] 4th December. [Accessed on 6th January 2020]

FCA (2019) High-cost credit and consumer credit. Financial Conduct Authority. [Online] [Accessed on 6th January 2020] credit

Financial Times (2018) ‘Wonga: decline and fall.’ Financial Times. [Online] 28th August. [Accessed on 19th August 2019] e5de165fa619

Hale, T. (2018) ‘How do you solve a problem like Wonga loans?’ Financial Times. [Online] 21st September. [Accessed on 19th August 2019] Wonga-loans-/

House of Commons Business, Innovation and Skills (2013) Payday Loans: Seventh Report of Session 2013–14. [Online] [Accessed on 6th January 2020]

Analyse how the rules and principles set out in regulation, are Outcome applied in practice in order to meet the financial needs of the consumer.

Prepare 1500-words essay requiring critical assessment of the activities and subsequent collapse of Wonga.

(, also known as Wonga, is a British payday loan provider of “short-term, high-cost credit” that was founded in 2006 and has operations in the United Kingdom, Spain, Poland and South Africa.)

Course work Assessment

This should include:

  1. Analysis of the role of appropriate Regulators within the scandal such as FCA, Pensions Regulator and Bank of England: should the situation have been prevented from happening?
  2. Apply the CII Ethical Dilemma Resolution model to assess the ethics of the scenario and review the Social and Ethical implications of the specific case reviewed
  3. 3. Suggest recommendations as to what could be done in the future to ensure that Corporate Managers uphold the highest standards of integrity and ethics in all business matters.
Assessment criteria State what Unit Learning Outcomes are being covered by the assessment


Explain the roles and responsibilities of the key regulators within the financial services industry and their promotion of ethical, fair and compliance driven behaviour between firms, advisers and customers


Analyse how the rules and principles set out in regulation, are Outcome applied in practice in order to meet the financial needs of the consumer




Demonstrate an ability to apply the range of skills and competences required when advising clients in order to demonstrate the application of professional standards and behaviour


FSRE Coursework Marking Criteria

70%+ = 1st Class

  •  Student demonstrates a substantial range of knowledge and understanding of the UK Financial System and the Ethical and Regulatory implications of the case being examined.
  •  CII Ethical Dilemma model has been applied in great detail to the scenario, drawing out specific observations around the Ethics of the case reviewed
  •  Student has accessed a broad range of research and in great depth, pulling from a huge variety of sources including academic literature, regulatory presentations and up to date press sources
  •  Student presents a strong critical analysis of the case, with a wide-ranging discussion of the issues involved, presented in a well-structured and reasoned manner
  •  A comprehensive review of possible future recommendations has been undertaken, including comment on ethical and regulatory changes required
  •  Essay is well presented, with accurate referencing and appropriate bibliography.

60-69% = 2:1

  •  Student demonstrates a good knowledge and understanding of the UK Financial System and the Ethical and Regulatory implications of the case being examined
  •  CII Ethical Dilemma model has been applied in good detail to the scenario, drawing out general observations around the Ethics of the case reviewed
  •  Student has accessed a good range of research and in some depth, pulling from a variety of sources including academic literature, regulatory presentations and press releases
  •  Student presents a good critical analysis of the case, with a varied discussion of the issues involved, presented in a logical manner
  •  A sound review of the possible future recommendations has been undertaken, including comment on ethical and regulatory changes required
  •  Essay is structured clearly, with good referencing and appropriate bibliography.

50-59% = 2:2

  •  Student demonstrates some knowledge and understanding of the UK Financial System and the Ethical and Regulatory implications of the case being examined
  •  CII Ethical Dilemma model has been applied with some detail to the scenario, drawing out some accurate observations around the Ethics of the case reviewed
  •  Student has shown some evidence of a range and depth of research, using a variety of sources including academic literature and press releases
  •  Student presents some evidence of critical analysis but with a limited discussion of the issues involved
  •  Some evidence demonstrated of possible future recommendations, but with limited commentary on the ethical and regulatory changes required
  •  Essay is adequately structured, with appropriate referencing and bibliography.

40-49% = 3rd

  •  Student demonstrates a limited knowledge of the UK Financial System and the Ethical and Regulatory implications of the case being examined
  •  CII Ethical Dilemma model has been attempted but applied with limited detail to the scenario, drawing out minimal observations around the ethics of the case being reviewed
  •  Little evidence of any breadth or depth of research, with very limited sources being used
  •  Limited evidence of critical analysis, leads to a very minimal discussion of the issues involved
  •  Narrow range of knowledge evidenced with regard to future recommendations and minimal commentary on the ethical or regulatory changes required
  •  Poor structure, contributing to lack of coherent argument. Limited referencing.

<40% = Fail

  •  No real demonstration of knowledge of the UK Financial System or the Ethical and Regulatory implications of the case being examined
  •  CII Ethical Dilemma model is clearly not understood with minimal application to the scenario, leading to limited or no observations re the ethics of the case being reviewed.
  •  Limited evidence of any breadth or depth of research from relevant sources
  •  Minimal or no evidence of critical analysis of the case, leading to a limited or no real discussion around the issues involved.
  •  Narrow or zero commentary around future recommendations or the ethical,

regulatory changes required.

  •  Weak presentation and structure leading to inappropriate argument.

Minimal/inappropriate referencing.

Suggested Reading and Links: Wonga

These links are intended to help you as you research Wonga:
BBC (2014) ‘Wonga chased debt with fake lawyers.’ BBC News. Business. [Online] 25th June.

[Accessed on 19th August 2019]

Collinson, P. and Jones, R. (2018) ‘Wonga collapses into administration.’ The Guardian. [Online] 30th August. [Accessed on 19th August 2019]

Dunkley, E. (2016) ‘Payday lenders still active after UK watchdog’s crackdown.’ Financial Times. [Online] 4th December. [Accessed on 6th January 2020]

FCA (2019) High-cost credit and consumer credit. Financial Conduct Authority. [Online] [Accessed on 6th January 2020] credit

Financial Times (2018) ‘Wonga: decline and fall.’ Financial Times. [Online] 28th August. [Accessed on 19th August 2019] e5de165fa619

Hale, T. (2018) ‘How do you solve a problem like Wonga loans?’ Financial Times. [Online] 21st September. [Accessed on 19th August 2019] Wonga-loans-/

House of Commons Business, Innovation and Skills (2013) Payday Loans: Seventh Report of Session 2013–14. [Online] [Accessed on 6th January 2020]

What characteristics of the products are mirrored in their geographical names?

Trade Law Assignment Two

Question One

A Debate Regarding Trade-related Intellectual Property rights

The World Trade Organization

Here are some citations to guide you with this assignment:

Compulsory licensing:

WTO Head DG Azevêdo, plus many videos on this topic:

Trips Article 27.2 and Genetically Modified Seeds:

Question One

Compare and contrast the different viewpoints on intellectual property under the TRIPS agreement. Specifically, how has differing levels of economic development and different perspectives about how intellectual property is used caused tension between different countries over intellectual property rights.

Questions Two

Here are some citations to guide you with this assignment:

Geographical Indicators:

Question Two

First, what are geographical indicators as defined under the TRIPS rules? What are the benefits and disadvantages of this type of intellectual property?

Second, do some research and give me 3 examples of products which benefit from geographical indicators. What characteristics of the products are mirrored in their geographical names? Of the 3 products you choose how do the protected names enhance the marketability of the products?


Please include relevant citations in your answer.

A sample answer for this part is:

Champagne is a sparkling wine produced in the Champagne region of France. Commonly, champagne is a generic term for sparkling wine. For example, beside Champagne, Prosecco is another sparkling wine coming from Northern Italy and is recognized and protected as a geographical indicator by the EU.

An example of the value of this geographical indicator is shown in the Australia/EU free trade negotiations. The EU asked Australia to recognize Prosecco for geographic indication from Northern Italy. Such an agreement would prohibit the naming of Australia’s locally produced wine commonly called Prosecco. This would impact the Australian wine industry. As such the two sides have failed to reach an agreement base on the dispute on this issue.

Where the champagne geographical indicator is recognized – such as in the EU and other countries – it is illegal to label any product Champagne unless it comes from the Champagne region of France. One benefit of this GI is these products receive quality standards. All products labeled as Champagne must meet standards such as the different types of grapes grown, how they are produced and the required labeling. These standards benefit the Champagne name and marketability.

Reference: In Vino Veritas? The Dubious Legality of the EU’s Claims to Exclusive Use of the Term ‘Prosecco’ (2019) 29 Australian Intellectual Property Journal 110-126


Compare and contrast the different viewpoints on intellectual property under the TRIPS agreement.

Trade Law Assignment Two

Question One

A Debate Regarding Trade-related Intellectual Property rights

The World Trade Organization

Here are some citations to guide you with this assignment:

Compulsory licensing:

WTO Head DG Azevêdo, plus many videos on this topic:

Trips Article 27.2 and Genetically Modified Seeds:

Question One

Compare and contrast the different viewpoints on intellectual property under the TRIPS agreement. Specifically, how has differing levels of economic development and different perspectives about how intellectual property is used caused tension between different countries over intellectual property rights.

Questions Two

Here are some citations to guide you with this assignment:

Geographical Indicators:

Question Two

First, what are geographical indicators as defined under the TRIPS rules? What are the benefits and disadvantages of this type of intellectual property?

Second, do some research and give me 3 examples of products which benefit from geographical indicators. What characteristics of the products are mirrored in their geographical names? Of the 3 products you choose how do the protected names enhance the marketability of the products?


Please include relevant citations in your answer.

A sample answer for this part is:

Champagne is a sparkling wine produced in the Champagne region of France. Commonly, champagne is a generic term for sparkling wine. For example, beside Champagne, Prosecco is another sparkling wine coming from Northern Italy and is recognized and protected as a geographical indicator by the EU.

An example of the value of this geographical indicator is shown in the Australia/EU free trade negotiations. The EU asked Australia to recognize Prosecco for geographic indication from Northern Italy. Such an agreement would prohibit the naming of Australia’s locally produced wine commonly called Prosecco. This would impact the Australian wine industry. As such the two sides have failed to reach an agreement base on the dispute on this issue.

Where the champagne geographical indicator is recognized – such as in the EU and other countries – it is illegal to label any product Champagne unless it comes from the Champagne region of France. One benefit of this GI is these products receive quality standards. All products labeled as Champagne must meet standards such as the different types of grapes grown, how they are produced and the required labeling. These standards benefit the Champagne name and marketability.

Reference: In Vino Veritas? The Dubious Legality of the EU’s Claims to Exclusive Use of the Term ‘Prosecco’ (2019) 29 Australian Intellectual Property Journal 110-126
