
How committed are employees to the MOCA strategy at Co-operators Group Limited?  What is employees level of understanding of Co-operators’ MOCA strategy? 

Here’s the Instructions from Georgina Whyatt for the End of Term Paper:  Managing the implementation of a ‘Marketing our Co-operative Advantage’ (MOCA) Strategy at Co-operators Group Limited

The marketplace interest in societal contribution and social responsibility continues to expand; therefore, the reasons for investing in the implementation of a ‘Marketing our Co-operative Advantage’ (MOCA) strategy are strengthening.   This essay asks you to consider the activities that ensure the implementation of a ‘Marketing our Co-operative Advantage’ (MOCA) strategy is successful in Co-operators Group Limited.

Co-operators Group Limited is a large Canadian co-operative offering insurance and financial services to Canada.  Co-operators Group Limited it is owned by 46 Canadian co-operatives, who are true to the co-operative character by upholding the co-operative values and principles as defined by the International Co-operative Alliance.

The international co-operative identity, values and principles:

Co-operators Group Limited operates its financial services through 15 subsidiary companies and is the 6th largest insurer in Canada with over 5500 employees.

This requires you: (i) to explain what Co-operators Group Limited does in this area, (ii) to critically evaluate their practice, and (iii) to make recommendations to Co-operators Group Limited.  Use the literature to justify your comments and claims.

In the Bhattacharya (2016) article, Figure 4 is titled ‘4Cs for Making CSR Activities Successful’.  According to Bhattachrya (2016), these 4Cs are:

  1. Co-creation
  2. Commitment
  3. Calibration
  4. Communication

Please use the 4Cs Model as a framework for your report and consider the actions of Co-operators Group Limited under each of the 4Cs headings.

Co-create:  How does Co-operators Group Limited co-create social, environmental value with / for its member or customers, which builds feelings of loyalty?  How well does Co-operators Group Limited integrate their sustainability efforts into marketing and business strategy, to co-create value for members and customers?  How can this be improved in your co-operative?   See “Co-creation and Calibration at Co-operators Group”.  “Co-operators 2018 Integrated Report, in particular pages 40-55 and pages 74-75”.  See “Co-operators Strategic Plan 2019-2022.  See “Co-operators Marketing Personas”

Commitment:  How committed are employees to the MOCA strategy at Co-operators Group Limited?  What is employees level of understanding of Co-operators’ MOCA strategy?  What needs to be done to improve this? See “Commitment at Co-operators Group”.  See Pages 58-65 in “Co-operators 2018 Integrated Report”

Calibration: How is MOCA, and other marketing successes measured? What objectives and KPIs are used?  How do these measures create benchmarks that drive the right behaviours for MOCA? How can these measures or benchmarks be improved to ensure a ‘Marketing our Co-operative Advantage’ (MOCA) strategy is delivered?  See the “Co-operators 2018 Integrated Report”.

Communication: How does Co-operators Group Limited communicate its co-operative values, character and ethos to customers?  To members? To employees?  What media are used?  How can this be improved? See “Co-operators Marketing Personas”.   See “Commitment at Co-operators Group”.    See    See

It is important that you discuss:

  • what your co-op currently does (in terms of Bhattacharya’s (2016) 4Cs),
  • where this works well, and
  • where you see shortfalls, and
  • explain how you believe this can be improved (i.e. make recommendations and justify them).

Share your views on using this model as a potential guide for Marketing our Co-operative Advantage (MOCA) implementation with The Co-operators Group Limited.

Make recommendations and justify these by drawing on: the literature in this course (5240), your observations, and data sets available to you. These data sets could, for example, be internal and available from your co-op, generally available externally, or drawn from the on-line discussion in your study groups.

Even though it was not developed specifically for co-operatives, do you think the Bhattacharya (2016) 4Cs model is suitable for co-operatives and the implementation of a ‘Marketing our Co-operative Advantage’ (MOCA) strategy?  What would you suggest as changes to the 4Cs model for to enable co-operatives to use as a guide for MOCA implementation?

Select and use appropriate structured project analysis and research approaches to identify, justify, analyze and diagnose a research problem and develop a research question.

MSc Project Management PRISM2 Assignment 2019-2020 Weight 80%

This assignment has one artifact A justified research methodology proposal of 2,500 words

Learning Outcomes

1. Select and use appropriate structured project analysis and research approaches to identify, justify, analyze and diagnose a research problem and develop a research question.

2. Evaluate existing literature to appreciate existing results and methods to identify suitable research methods and their effectiveness for investigating a chosen research topic.

3. Situate a research problem within a wider strategic project management context to demonstrate the significance of the research question.

4. Synthesize project methods and research methods together as a detailed research proposal that justifies the choice and significance of a research topic and the methods available for contributing towards a solution

This assignment weight is 80% of the overall unit mark.

Submit a 2,500 word detailed research proposal fully justified.

In this coursework, you need to choose a research topic and then develop a research proposal

Choosing a research topic for your coursework. Clearly, you are approaching the stage of needing to think about your dissertation. You are therefore strongly advised to base this coursework on your forthcoming dissertation topic that must in the project management context. Design a succinct research proposal for your chosen topic using appropriate methodology and justification of your choices. Going down through each layer of Saunders et al.’s (2016 or earlier) ‘Research Onion’, write a justification and critical evaluation of your research proposal (drawing on a wide range of research methodology literature).
Having chosen a research topic, you should complete the following parts:
1. Introduction a. Provide a title and background • Background: a brief overview of the topic or problem, including your motivation for selection of this research topic, a brief literature review, drawing on some key pieces of topic-related literature, explain why researching the topic or problem is important using knowledge and understanding of key theories/models from Project Management or related domains. OPTIONAL (For grades 70 and above): In addition to this you can provide a table in the Appendix summarizing at least 7-10 sources that your research will draw on to justify your research context and design decisions. The table should have columns for aims/objectives of paper, topics discussed and any areas identified for future research. Based on this table, you can present the possible area that your research will face based on a gap or suggestion in existing literature. An example is in enclosed in the folder

b. Overall research question(s), aim(s) and objective(s): these should be clear, succinct and specific. They should also be related to Project Management. A diagram of the conceptual or theoretical framework which shows the relationship between concepts.
2. Methodology a. Philosophical position b. Methodology (survey, case study …) and the reason why this methodology is suitable for this research c. A clear and suitable sampling method. d. A clear and suitable data collection method (including administration, including instrument design and a list of interview questions or an example of a questionnaire). e. A clear and suitable explanation of how the data will be analysed.

3. Critical evaluation Going down through each layer of Saunders et al.’s (2019 or earlier) ‘Research Onion’, write a critical evaluation of your research proposal developed (drawing on a wide range of research methodology literature). As a result you should state based on your critique, why your approach is the most suitable approach for your chosen research topic and why other approach(es) are NOT suitable. This may be the quantitative or qualitative approach, you must decide and defend your choice. Remember you need to justify all the steps, eg. why have you chosen this specific methodology and data collection tool? Why they are appropriate for addressing your research question and research problem? PRISM1 asked for a general indication of your method, so this is the opportunity to give a detailed justification and demonstrate your application of deeper levels of critical ability applied to research design.
N.B. For parts 3 & 4 you should use between 5 – 7 research method sources.
Important note: you must NOT actually collect or analyze any data for this coursework.
– this is just the proposal stage where you set out how you plan to collect and analyze the data.

The general guidelines for marking this piece are given below – this will give you an indication of the weighting applied to each part (which will also guide you in terms of the word count for each part).

Additional information
1. The maximum word count is 2,500 words. This is a maximum, not a target.

2. Structure your report. Include a title page with the unit title, report title, your student ID number. Use clear, numbered section headings. Include your student ID number and page number on each page. Include a title for every table or figure, along with a source (if you have not originally developed it). Ensure any figures or tables are clearly legible.

3. References must be given using the APA 6 style every time you mention a theory, or another person’s idea(s) – refer to and follow the School’s referencing guide. Be selective and only include material that is relevant to your case. Avoid (over) reliance on websites for your sources as they are rarely peer-reviewed and often contain errors. The reference list (ie. not a bibliography) should be sorted alphabetically by first author surname, do not separate out different types of sources (books, journals, etc) into different lists.

4. One of the key abilities developed through your Master’s course is in developing arguments for why other people should agree with your decisions to the point where they can consider it further for adoption. The PRISM assignments are not assessed on what your topic is (since everyone will have a different topic), but they are assessed on criteria such as how your use of evidence, your analysis of literature, and your reflection on your work build convincing and logical reasons to agree with you.

The following table indicates the likely weighting of marks for each section of the coursework.

Content Marks
PART 1: Introduction Provide a clear title, suitable background, relevant but brief coverage of topic-specific literature, identification of a clear research gap, overall research question(s), aim(s) and objective(s) (approximately 400 words) This section needs to be supported by project management sources.

PART 2: Your research proposal methodology
Research methodology/methods:  Philosophy approach – explain the philosophy approach you intend to adopt.

 Explain what overall research methodology you have chosen. If you have selected quantitative approach, this may require formulating hypothesis (or hypotheses), clearly stated, unambiguous, realistic, symmetrical.

 Explain the sampling method and type.

 Explain the data collection method(s) and provide a list of appropriate questions (as an Appendix e.g. Interview guide) that you have personally developed. Or Design a questionnaire that you have personally developed (include it as an Appendix). This design should include the measurement scales that you intend to use and where you have sourced them from. You will need to explain how you would administer the questionnaire.

 Explain how data will be analyzed and presented in order to address the research question(s)/objectives. For qualitative data, you will need to explain your coding and theme development approach. For quantitative data, you will need to present the statistical techniques that you intend to use to analyze the responses that you will receive.

Fully referenced to a range of suitable research method literature.
(approximately 1500 words) This section needs to be supported by research method sources.

PART 3: Critical evaluation
Critical evaluation of your proposal: clear understanding of the benefits and limitations of your chosen approach, using all layers of the ‘research onion’ (Saunders et al., 2016), development of a reasoned argument for and against. Fully referenced to a range of suitable literature.

Justification of the chosen approach for the research. (approximately 600 words). This section needs to be supported by research method sources.
References: suitable range, provide full references using the APA 6 format.

Presentation and language: Correct spelling, grammar, professional presentation (as detailed in the coursework handout).

Make sure you carefully read Postgraduate Grade Descriptor for PRISM 2 that is attached in this folder. The finished essay should be uploaded to Moodle drop box by the above specified date.
Plagiarism: Note well: the Business School has a strict policy regarding academic malpractice, including plagiarism. Beware that this is checked for each assignment. Further details on this topic and how to avoid are in the Module handbook on Moodle. The university has always been very strict about Plagiarism and this year is focusing even more carefully on plagiarism. Assignment support:

Essay structure issues should be addressed to Study Support.

• Word Limit: Please refer to the Module handbook for further details
Word count for the mini proposal is 2,500 words. No additional wording is permitted. For this essay, cover page, table of contents, tables, figures, references list and appendix or attachment are not counted towards your word limit. Tables and figures should not be used to circumvent the word limit but should be developed purposefully, explained, cited and should add value to your text. You should always include the word count at the bottom of the cover page. You will receive mark and feedback via Moodle twenty working days after submission.
You must clearly state the source of the citations in the text of your assignment and provide links to all the resources you have used in your bibliography. The source of your citations must be available (i.e. on a public website) or available through The Portsmouth University library account. The source language MUST be English. Essays Format • Cover page: Should include module code and name, title of the assignment, and your student ID at the bottom of this page and the word count. • Table of Contents: provide the list of the titles and subtitles used in your text with their page numbers on the first page after the cover page. • Referencing: Please refer to the handbook for further details You should use is APA6 (here is the library link for assistance in formatting references:
For general guidance on referencing, see the library handout:
• Citing lecture slides: Lecture slides cannot be referenced unless absolutely necessary. All the slides which you might need to refer to have citation(s) or the related references are given at the end of lecture hand-outs. It is expected that you study and refer to the original references rather than the lecture slides.

Analyze the relationship between those transactions and the success of your current or future business.

ACC 201 Final Project II Guidelines and Rubric

Overview One of the measures of success for any business is profitability. Managers and business owners must be able to assess the profitability of a company using information about its financial transactions: This is done through accounting. By working through the accounting cycle, you will understand how to organize transactions in a way that communicates the financial position of a company. This information is critical for external stakeholders who may be interested in working for or investing in the business. This process also helps you understand the level of attention to detail that is required in a successful business venture.

The final project for this course consists of two major parts: an accounting workbook (Final Project I) and a professional relevance essay (Final Project II). In the second part of the final project, you will create a well-crafted essay in which you draw connections between your accounting exercises and their practical applications for furthering your own professional practice.

The final product will be submitted in Module Eight.

In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:

 Record financial data and adjusting entries in the preparation of a business’s financial statements Prompt In a professional relevance essay, draw connections between the accounting principles that you demonstrated in Final Project I and their specific, practical applications within your own professional practice. Specifically, you must address the critical elements listed below. Most of the critical elements align with a particular course outcome (shown in brackets).

I. Introduction: Briefly describe your current or aspiring professional identity, including the field in which you work or hope to work. To what extent does (or will) financial accounting play a role in your day-to-day professional life? [ACC-201-01]

II. Draw Connections A. In the first part of your final project, you recorded various transactions in the life of a business. Now, consider your current or future professional life:

What sort of transactions would you encounter in your field?

Describe at least three using specific details. [ACC-201-01]

B. Analyze the relationship between those transactions and the success of your current or future business. For example, how would each transaction impact the income statement and balance sheet of your company? Illustrate your claims using specific examples. [ACC-201-01]

III. Apply to a Scenario: Imagine that you are the new department manager of a corporation within your chosen field: You discover that your predecessor had been using the cash basis of accounting, which has resulted in many errors and misinformation. What measures would you take to remediate the issue? Propose a high-level plan to implement a proper accounting system for your department using specific principles discussed in the course. For example, which financial statements would you investigate first? What sort of internal controls would you implement? [ACC-201-01]

Final Project II Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Your professional relevance essay must be 2–4 pages in length (plus a cover page and references) and written in APA format: Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. It is recommended that you use the provided template to ensure correct formatting. Include at least two references cited in APA format.

Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value Introduction [ACC-201-01] Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates nuanced appreciation for the role of financial accounting in business Describes current or aspiring professional identity, including the role of financial accounting in day-to-day life Describes current or aspiring professional identity, but fails to include the role of financial accounting in day-to-day life Does not describe current or aspiring professional identity 20 Draw Connections: Transactions [ACC-201-01] Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates nuanced appreciation for the significance of financial accounting in chosen field Identifies and describes at least three transactions relevant to profession using specific details Identifies transactions relevant to profession, but fails to fully describe at least three using specific details Does not identify transactions relevance to profession 20 Draw Connections: Success of Your Business [ACC-201-01] Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates keen insight into the relevance of financial accounting for business success Analyzes the relationship between accounting transactions and the success of current or future business using specific illustrating examples of impacts on financial statements Discusses the relationship between accounting transactions and the success of current or future business, but fails to fully or logically analyze using specific illustrating examples Does not discuss the relationship between accounting transactions and the success of current or future business 25

Apply to a Scenario [ACC-201-01]
Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates keen insight into the relevance of financial accounting for business success
Proposes a sound high-level plan to implement a proper accounting system by citing specific course principles that would appropriately address issues in the scenario
Proposes a high-level plan to implement a proper accounting system, but not all proposals are sound, or fails to cite specific course principles that would appropriately address issues in the scenario
Does not propose a high-level plan to implement a proper accounting system
Articulation of Response
Submission is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization and is presented in a professional and easy-to-read format
Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization
Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas
Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas.

Which principle of Universal Design for Learning do high school biology teachers engage in the most with their minority student population?

Problem Statement
The problem is … Principles of Universal Design for Learning are traditionally utilized to create access to learning for students with disabilities, but not as a method of culturally responsive teaching.

Purpose Statement
The purpose of this ethnography study is to describe the extent to which Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principals are utilized to encourage culturally responsive learning environments in high school biology classrooms.

Research Question(s)
To what extent are high school biology teachers implementing principles of Universal Design for Learning to promote culturally responsive learning environments?
Which principle of Universal Design for Learning do high school biology teachers engage in the most with their minority student population?
Which principle of Universal Design for Learning do high school biology teachers engage in the most with their non-minority student population?

Reflect critically on those aspects of your educational issue specified in your question, showing a high level of critical awareness in the discussion.

Building Education Issues, Impact and immersion.



Write a formal essay in response to the following question:

Inclusion is a key priority within the education. Discuss critically the concept of the ‘inclusive school’ and its implications for the education system in general, and for you as an individual teacher in particular.

Your answer should be 3000 words in length and address the following criteria:

  1. Reflect critically on those aspects of your educational issue specified in your question, showing a high level of critical awareness in the discussion.
  1. Support and explores thinking, where appropriate, by use of references to; placement experience; issues covered in course classes; academic reading, in particular, relevant academic journals. 
  1. Write in an accurate, clear, structured and coherent manner, within the appropriate standards of academic presentation, including referencing conventions.

The assignment is marked out of 100. You have to score at least 50/100 to pass at this Level.


In order to address assessment criterion1:

You should discuss and critique some theory and demonstrate an understanding and critical overview of Inclusion.

The key discussion must relate to theory and research using academic reading. If you reference you school placement you should ensure that it is relevant, and is being used to exemplify or help explain what the research/ theory says.

In order to address assessment criteria 2 and 3:

These are identical for all assignments. You should know by now how to meet them. However, it seems necessary to stress again that:

  • You must use the APA referencing convention accurately
  • You MUST read again the guidance in the Rubric
  • What you write must be your own work

General Criteria:

  • Addresses task in a clear, structured, coherent manner
  • Demonstrates critical understanding of the concept of inclusion within education, including detailed knowledge of theoretical and political considerations and perspectives
  • Analyses the practical and professional implications of inclusion policies for the school system and for teachers, reflecting a high level of critical awareness in the discussion
  • Makes effective use of academic reading and other appropriate sources, including a wide range of research literature, to inform discussion and argument

Assessment Criteria:

For Assessment Criterion 1:

  1. You should make sure that you write about what theoreticians and researchers have to say about inclusion. You should make reference to an extensive range of reading
  2. You should show, by the way you analyze what you learned from your reading about assessment theory and research, that you know and understand the thinking behind the various theoretical perspectives that are out there
  3. You are able to make clear your critical understanding of that thinking by the way you state ideas, acknowledge where they came from, explain what you think they mean and challenge, using evidence from your reading, how valid they seem to be, especially where there is disagreement in the literature

For Assessment Criterion 2:

You’ll know your writing “supports and explores thinking, where appropriate, by use of references to; experience in your own school; issues covered in course classes; relevant material from core texts; course documentation and wider academic reading” if:

  1. You avoid making dogmatic, unsupported statements or assertions
  2. It is clear from what you write that you have used research literature, particularly academic journal articles
  3. You have acknowledged those sources that have influenced your thinking or, rarely, quoted directly from them. (Extensive quotation is not required and uses up valuable words)
  4. You have used APA conventions in your referencing


For Assessment Criterion 3:

You’ll know your assignment “is written in an accurate, clear, structured and coherent manner, within the appropriate standards of academic presentation, including referencing conventions” if:

  1. You organize your thinking in a logical way, perhaps using the bullet pointed assessment criteria above to provide a structure, but only if you wish to and only if it helps
  2. Your language conveys meaning clearly.
  3. Your ideas are well-linked, consistently using appropriate linkage devices
  4. You use mainly the third person.

Check basic literacy criteria such as:

  • Meaning must be clear at first reading.
  • The essay should be organized logically.
  • There should be few spelling errors.
  • There should be few errors in grammar.
  • Sentences should be punctuated accurately.
  • There should be few errors in the use of other punctuation devices, such as paragraphing, capitalization and apostrophe.


General notes on submission:

  1. Assignments should be word processed in 12-point font, with at least 1.5 line spacing.
  2. Please note that the word limit of 3000 words (+/- 10%) includes citation and quotations, but excludes your Reference List. State the actual word length at the end of the assignment. IF YOU DO NOT ADHERE TO THE WORD LIMIT REGULATIONS YOUR ASSIGNMENT WILL AUTOMATICALLY FAIL. You will not be entitled to feedback.

Provide a diagram and describe a typical organizational structure for implementing DG. Describe the functions, responsibilities, and relationships among each of the participating parties in your diagram.

HIIT 140 Health Law and Information Governance.

After completing the reading for Module 9, write a well-organized, detailed essay for each topic listed below.  You may key your essays directly below each of the topics presented.  Proofread your work carefully as points will be lost for errors in spelling and grammar.  Save the document as Last Name Mod9Assn.  Submit this assignment using the assignment submission link.

Your answers are not confined to the space provided beneath each topic and may wrap to a second page if needed.

  1. Provide a diagram and describe a typical organizational structure for implementing DG. Describe the functions, responsibilities, and relationships among each of the participating parties in your diagram.


  1. Provide a list of key factors for DG program success and explain why each is critical for achieving a viable DG program.

Research the six major value types identified by Psychologist Gordon Allport. Identify and discuss into what value orientation your core ethical framework values/beliefs are based.

Construct Personal Ethical Framework


Reflect on and construct your core ethical framework and code of ethics in terms of those values/beliefs that are patently self-evident and will not change with time, context, circumstance, or external/internal demands. Include the following:

  • From your viewpoint, explain why violating any of these ideals would be considered unethical.
  • Research the six major value types identified by Psychologist Gordon Allport. Identify and discuss into what value orientation your core ethical framework values/beliefs are based.
  • Given your core ethical framework, explain how you can expand your adaptive capacity. Support your response with additional research.

Support your framework and code with at least five scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.

Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

Professional organizations expect employees to embrace ethical values such as integrity, honesty, fidelity, responsibility, and self-discipline. The best leaders exhibit these ethical values to provide inspiration to their team and build trust in the workplace, for it is through leaders modeling desired behaviors that expectations are further affirmed.

A code of ethics is broader than simply a list of acceptable and unacceptable behaviors. The code of ethics should reflect your philosophy about life and draw a connection between your values and how these inform your actions and decisions. The code should also speak to one’s philosophy. As you review and reflect on this week’s materials, you should be able to develop a code of ethics that will likely guide you in dealing with both personal and professional ethical situations.

Assess the outcomes of training, distinguishing between the outcomes of statistically significant effects from practically efficient effects.

Implementation and Measurement of Outcomes with Beefsteak Case Study.

For this assignment, you will assess methods of training and development such as presentation, hands-on, group building, or technology-based training program for the managers of Beefsteak. You will need to determine how Beefsteak, with its quick growth, will train managers as the company continues to expand. Include the essential elements for measuring training outcomes. Identify the key principles of instructional design to encourage learner participation. Distinguish between the outcomes of statistically significant effects from practically efficient effects and provide your rationale supported by the course materials and additional research.

In your paper,

  • Evaluate various methods of training and development outcomes.
  • Assess the methods of training and development.
  • Discuss the essential elements for measuring training outcomes.
  • Identify the key principles of instructional design to encourage learner participation.
  • Assess the outcomes of training, distinguishing between the outcomes of statistically significant effects from practically efficient effects.

Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.

Which of these types seems most promising to you, as a model for history writing now? Which do you think are unworkable? Why?

Discuss Nietzsche’s “On the Use and Abuse of History for Life,” Berlin’s essay “The Hedgehog and the Fox,” and the posted excerpts from Tacitus’ Annals and Histories. Nietzsche give the reader three sorts of historians, Berlins provides two types, and Tacitus provides one ideal type.

Based on these texts, what are Nietzsche’s three types of historians? Berlin’s two types? On what grounds does Tacitus argue that the first duty of the historian is to pass moral judgment? Once you have addressed the substance what these three writers say, address the following question:

Which of these types seems most promising to you, as a model for history writing now? Which do you think are unworkable? Why?

What constitutes privilege? How was Anthony privileged? Not privileged? And what are his perceptions of that? How might his perception of his own privilege impact his learning opportunities and relationships in the field placement/ experience?

Answer the following questions based on Reading the case in the attachment

  1. What constitutes privilege? How was Anthony privileged? Not privileged? And what are his perceptions of that? How might his perception of his own privilege impact his learning opportunities and relationships in the field placement/ experience?
  2. How has Anthony’s performance changed during the field placement? How does Phillip’s recognition of his increasing work effort indicate problems on the part of the student? And how might the increasing work effort on the part of the field instructor reinforce poor performance in Anthony?
  3. Richard served as Anthony’s task supervisor and Phillip served as his off-site field instructor. What were the pros and cons of off-site field instruction in this situation? Explain how supervision is in/appropriate and/or in/adequate to supporting this field placement and the student (student FI, FI to FL)? How does field instructor/ liaison identification with their field student help or hinder the relationship?

Guidelines for Discussion Board1 (Read Down Below)

Good discussion posts: Are timely. The best messages in the world won’t do any good if they’re posted after the bulk of the discussion is over! Are well written. Take time to revise your post. If your post is too long or poorly constructed, it will most likely not be read or will cause your peers frustration while trying to read it. Are “on message.” Think through your messages in advance. Carefully read and consider the assignment, the discussion prompt, and your peers’ postings before you post a response. Are generous and respectful. Suggest resources or ideas that may help others in their learning. When disagreements arise, allow others the benefit of the doubt—value deeper insight and communication over trying to prove you are right. Stimulate thinking. Pose provocative questions, raise alternative viewpoints or explanations, and provide creative, breakthrough ideas. Are grounded in evidence. Make explicit connections between course concepts and readings, your firsthand experience, and the experiences of others in your cohort. Encourage others to provide evidence. Good follow-up messages ask peers to explain “why,” helping them clarify their thoughts, uncover inconsistencies or misconceptions, and take their understanding to a new level. Move the understanding of the class forward. Raise questions and encourage your peers to raise questions. Help your colleagues address questions. Good messages also create connections between course concepts and the thoughts and ideas of others.