
Evaluate your focus child as a language user. Discuss how your subject knowledge enables you to understand and analyze how the child uses language in the situations observed.

Need to go through all of learning material to do coursework, and look at previous coursework and it’s feedback.

Part 1: Language and literacy learning (around 1500 words)
Part 1 of the English Workbook is an assessed portfolio of evidence in which you demonstrate your learning and development, and the application of your subject knowledge in an educational context.

Complete Sections 1, 2 and 4 and selected elements of Section 3. Follow the instructions in the TMA 03 English Workbook to help you to decide the areas you will focus on.

The grading of Part 1 of your workbook will be a reflection of the research you carry out to improve and apply your English subject knowledge.

Part 1 of the English Workbook is worth 50% of your overall mark for TMA 03.

Part 2: A portrait of a child as a language user (1000 words)
Evaluate your focus child as a language user. Discuss how your subject knowledge enables you to understand and analyze how the child uses language in the situations observed.

This part of the assignment is based on your observations of a child as the child develops as a reader, writer, speaker and listener. Ideally you will be observing a child in an educational setting, but if this is not possible, use the Block 3 practice-setting audio/video materials. Drawing on the observations you made of your focus child and on your Block 3 learning, evaluate your focus child in ONE of the following areas:

the child’s oral language (speaking and listening)
the child as a reader
the child as a writer.
Although you are asked to focus on just one area of language use, you are free to comment on other areas (for example, if your focus is on writing you may wish to refer to a discussion the child has – with an adult or other child(ren) – which aids their planning or reflection). Further detailed guidance about writing Part 2 of TMA 03 is included in the English Workbook.

Part 2 is worth 50% of your overall mark for TMA 03.

Part 3: Academic language and learning checklist and Marking grid
Complete the Academic language and learning checklist in Part 3. Leave the unaltered Marking grid in your workbook. Your checklist and grid do not form part of the word count for TMA 03.

How has the problem been addressed to date? if it such an important challenge it probably has been addressed so you need to assess what progress has been made towards overcoming it.

1. Provide a brief review of the state of tourism in Bhutan. How many tourists, long term growth pattern, main markets, main types of tourism. The reader needs to have a good feel for the nature of tourism there.

2. A (very) brief review of the problems facing tourism.

3. What is the principal challenge facing tourism? this is the key section. Provide evidence for this statement. You will need to find criteria with which to evaluate this and assess all the challenges using these criteria in order to identify what you consider to be the most important one.

4.How has the problem been addressed to date? if it such an important challenge it probably has been addressed so you need to assess what progress has been made towards overcoming it. What sort of policies were adopted? We must assume that the problem is ongoing and that these policies have failed.

5.Are policy makers affected by ideologies? Is the cause of the failure to solve the problem the result of the political ideology of the policy makers? What do they think caused the problem?
Suppose the problem is the absence of good infrastructure which is keeping tourists away. The government may believe that it is not their job to develop infrastructure but that the private sector should do so. Policy makers may therefore try to make the country attractive to business so that they will invest in infrastructure. This belief is a product of neo-liberal political ideology and that has informed the policy makers. Is this analysis right? If you think it is, then why has the problem remained?

Neo-liberalism and social democracy are the two key political ideologies. Is the
persistence of your problem the result of sticking to this approach? You need to show why you think that these politicizes belong to the ideological approach that you have selected. What has the government done to make investing more attractive and do you think this approach is correct? Has it solved the problem?

6. What about the other ideological approach? Do you think that it policy makers were to use that, they would be able to develop a more effective set of policies? In this section you need to think about these two ideologies. Which one do you think is more suitable for solving your country’s problem? You might agree with the government’s analysis but then you need to ask why has the policy not been successful since this is still a problem? Maybe you want to argue that the ideology is right but that the policies were not focussed enough. On the other hand you may disagree with this approach. You may think, for instance, that neo-liberal thinking was wrong and that the other one may be better.
Suppose you argue that the government should step in with the infrastructure investment giving your reasons. This would be a social democratic approach. Is it more suitable to your problem?
Could your country’s government develop a more suitable tourist infrastructure and then invite the private sector to get involved.
7. Recommendations. Decide which ideology you think is the most suitable for resolving your problem. Give some recommendations within the framework of one of the ideologies to suggest what should be done and why. With this example, was the government
right to try and make their country attractive to investors, or should they now try to find the ways of raising the money and developing the infrastructure themselves?

How have religious officials/institutions justified their position using sacred texts or religious philosophies?

Thesis statement required:
scholarly books or journal articles (with link to access)

A couple possible sources included, however may use others.

Only suggestion: could use the Four Noble Truths as framework…
Also include:
How has Buddhism responded to the issue?
Has there been a varied response by different sectarian groups within that tradition? i.e. Tibetan/Vajrayana, Theravada, Mahayana, Zen, Chan….etc
How have religious officials/institutions justified their position using sacred texts or religious philosophies?
Did you find both conservative and liberal viewpoints on the chosen topic?

Explain how your student is doing, changes or adjustments you have had to make, etc. Your reflections should demonstrate your thoughtful analysis of what you are doing each day.

1.Baseline Data Collection: candidates collect baseline data for the social behavior indentified for a minimum of one week with a minimum of five data points.
1a. The data should clearly indicate that the behavior, if left without intervention, will continue.
1b. In addition to recording data candidates will also keep a reflective journal of their experiences daily for a minimum of 5 days.
1c. Explain what the student is doing, the intensity of the behavior, your thoughts on how the proposed intervention will change the behavior or whether the behavior intervention should be modified.
2. Provide a defensible stability statement. Write a statement of stability (state how baseline data was collected and if the behavior was consistent). This shows that the targeted behavior is continuous. Data collected should be 40 minutes a day, for five days and should consist of the percentage of completion for each assignment.
3. Intervention Implementation. You will collect Intervention Data for a minimum of five data points. Implement intervention (continuing to plot data daily, refer back to graphs on how to chart your data when beginning the data collection with intervention implemented). In addition to recording your data candidates will also keep a reflective journal of your experience daily for a minimum of 5 days. Explain how your student is doing, changes or adjustments you have had to make, etc. Your reflections should demonstrate your thoughtful analysis of what you are doing each day.
4. There should be a line graph demonstrating the data collected in both baseline and intervention for the five days each.

Describe and explain the corporate finance environment encompassing: the financial markets (market efficiency)

The aim of the assessment is to: Help you develop an understanding and a critical appreciation of capital markets theory and its impact on corporation, investors and all other stakeholders

The report will help you understand why market efficiency is important in order to provide market confidence.

Make reference to  Market efficiency and the Efficient Markets Hypothesis reading chapter CH 2 p38-54 and many more sources  .

Describe and explain the corporate finance environment encompassing: the financial markets (market efficiency)

Assignment Title: Market Efficiency CW2

Description of the assignment: You are required to write a report critically exploring the efficient market hypothesis.

The efficient market hypothesis is concerned with establishing the prices of capital market securities and states that the prices of securities fully and fairly reflect all relevant available information
(Fama 1970).

It has been widely argued that efficiency in the capital markets is important as it performs a significant role in providing confidence to investors that they are getting access to complete and accurate information and market prices displayed are true and fair (Malkiel (2003), Timmermann & Granger (2004), Watson & Head (2016).

You are required to write a report critically exploring the efficient market hypothesis. Your report should consider the different forms of market efficiency and use empirical evidence to provide a critique of the hypothesis.

Using 4 news briefings on any 2 listed companies of your choice (2 each), illustrate the efficiency or lack of efficiency in the capital markets. Using one of the companies you have identified above, prepare and present chart(s) of the total shareholder return (TSR) from the share price movement over the past five years. Calculate the average and standard deviation of monthly total shareholder return (TSR) over the five years. Stock market shareholder return graphs should be produced for comparison. Credit is given for correctly incorporating dividend payments into your company’s shareholder returns calculations. In the appendices include the actual tabulated data, correctly sourced and referenced and show your workings. Provide a brief commentary comparing the market returns to your chosen firm.

Report Guidance.

Your word-processed report should be no longer than 1,500 words (excluding references, appendices and tables) (+/-) 10 %.

All information must be appropriately sourced and referenced using the Harvard referencing system, both in‐text and in the references list. Inappropriate sources of information, such as Wikipedia, tutor2you, Investopedia, descriptive websites etc., will result in a loss of marks.

Recommended reading.

Malkiel, B,G.(2003). The Efficient Market Hypothesis and Its Critics .The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 03/2003, Volume 17, Issue 1.

Fama,E (1998) Market efficiency, long-term returns, and behavioural finance. Journal of Financial Economics 49 (1998) 283–306

Timmermann, A & Granger, C.(2004). Efficient market hypothesis and forecasting W.J International Journal of Forecasting, 2004, Volume 20, Issue 1.

Kauffman, Robert J; Spaulding, Trent J; Wood, Charles A.(2009) .Are online auction markets efficient? An empirical study of market liquidity and abnormal returns. Decision Support Systems, 2009, Volume 48, Issue 1.

Spyridon ,R (2016).Abnormal stock returns in Greece during the Cypriot banking crisis Journal of Money Laundering Control, 05/2016, Volume 19, Issue 2.

Frisch,T , Kolaric,S & Schiereck,D.(2014). Returns On Large Stock Price Declines And Increases In The South African Stock Market: A Note On Market.International Business & Economics Research Journal, 04/2014, Volume 13, Issue 3.

Watson,D & Head,A. (2016).Corporate Finance: Principles and Practice 7th Edition .Prentice Hall.

Introduction – 10 marks

  • Clearly outline the objectives of the report & provide a brief introduction on the significance of market efficiency.
  • Include theorists.

Efficient Market Hypothesis explored – 20 marks

  • Efficient Market Hypothesis definition, (explained and explored in financial markets)
  • Use theorists.
  • Explore the different forms of market efficiency (weak, semi strong and strong form) (use some of the required reading to provide a critic of the theory.

Testing efficient market efficiency (EMH) – 30 marks

  • You are required to select two companies and use 2 news /events on each of these companies to test market efficiency.
  • Selection of 2 companies for examining evidence for and Against the EMH. Reasons should be provided for selection of the company and events and how these help to demonstrate efficiency or lack of market efficiency (semi strong market).You select a news(event) and see what the market/share price was before and after the event. Observe to see if the movement indicates that the market reacted timely and accurately to the news (no under or over reaction).You can also use theory /( academic references including required reading) to explain how shares should react in a semi strong market.(then explain if the market was efficient or inefficient using that news/event.
  • List each theorist 4 minimum and explain and how the theory is linked to the business. Using the recommended and new theorists. Also include the charts and data e.g. Timmermans theory supports forecasting so give graph and explain.
  • Use figures from yahoo finance – e.g. search (Aston martin historical yahoo finance) on google – click on first link, then click on historical data, change time period to 5 years, then change the frequency to monthly, click on apply, then download the data. Then put the data in a chart.

Company shareholder returns – 20 marks

  • Using one of the companies above prepare 60 months returns (must be monthly). Draw a cumulative chart/graph and Briefly comment on the returns over the years possible in comparison to overall FTSE market returns over the same period.(use company beta to allow you to compare company returns with market returns)
  • Selection of one of listed firms above. Correct data sourced, referenced in the report and presented. The Chart should be correctly presented with clear titling and labelling .Correct calculations of monthly returns in the appendix
  • In appendix provide a table (calculation of monthly returns, averages and standard deviations)

Identify and describe federal regulations that influence diversity in the workplace.

Assume you are the EEO Compliance Officer for a company, a large federal contractor of defense systems. Your CEO is considering opening a branch in the city in which you currently reside. The CEO is insistent on drawing from the local diverse talent pool to staff the branch while also maintaining compliance to employment laws. You know from your previous interactions with the CEO that she prefers simple language rather than legalese when discussing complex topics.

In at least 3 full pages, prepare a report for the CEO addressing the following topics in order using the prescribed section headers in bold.

Section 1- Federal Regulations. In this section, identify and describe federal regulations that influence diversity in the workplace.
Section 2- State Regulations. In this section, identify and describe regulations that influence workplace diversity in the state in which you reside
Section 3- Local Regulations. In this section, identify and describe regulations that influence workplace diversity in the city in which you reside or the most populated city in your state.
Section 4- HR Programs Building a Diverse Workplace. In this section, (1) describe human resources programs, tactics, or strategies that build a diverse workplace and are compliant with the regulations you identified above, and (2) identify the metrics or measurements that you will use to determine to whether the programs, services, or strategies are effective.

Why banning the use of cell phones while driving should be mandatory nationwide;Create a complete preparation Speech Outline using the outline template below for a persuasive speech.

Create a complete preparation Speech Outline using the outline template below for a persuasive speech.
In your Introduction include a sentence that describes the general purpose and central idea of your speech. You should also include a thesis statement which identifies what your speech will be addressing.
Limit your Key Points to no more than 3. Limit your supporting statements with resources to no more than 2 per Key Point.
State your Key Points and supporting materials in complete sentences.
In your Conclusion, summarize your Key Points and include a call for action.
Cite your sources in APA format.

This written assignment is required and students must receive a 60% or higher to pass (12 out of 20)

Follow the template exactly:

I. Introduction: (Include in your introduction a sentence that describes the general
purpose and central idea of your speech. Also include a thesis statement.)

II. Topic Sentence 1:
A. Supporting statement, cite source
B. Supporting Statement, cite source

III. Topic Sentence 2:
A. Supporting Statement, cite source
B. Supporting Statement, cite source

IV. Topic Sentence 3:
A. Supporting Statement, cite source
B. Supporting Statement, cite source

V. Conclusion

What are some global or industry challenges or trends affecting workplace diversity?

What are some global or industry challenges or trends affecting workplace diversity?
What are some examples of effective diversity practices that can help HR leaders prepare for and/or manage the identified trends/challenges?
What legal considerations must you address to ensure those diversity practices are compliant under federal law?

Discuss three things that connect Lincoln and King through these writings.

Abraham Lincoln, Second Inaugural Address.
Martin Luther King Jr., Letter from Birmingham Jail.

Almost one hundred years separate Lincoln’s second inaugural address delivered on March 4, 1865 from Martin Luther King, Jr.’s open letter from Birmingham Jail written April, 16 1963. One hundred years is not a long time historically, but it is an eternity for a people oppressed and mistreated for several centuries, including most of the history of our young nation.
In a minimum of 750 words, analyze Lincoln’s address and King’s letter:
Discuss three things that connect Lincoln and King through these writings.
Discuss at least one thing that separates them.
What stands out most in your mind in Lincoln’s address and King’s letter?
Select one other reading and or a video clip for this week and explain how it adds to your perspective of Lincoln’s address and King’s letter.

The Academic Style of Writing.
All academic writing uses language that is formal, objective and cautious. Even when an assignment is written in a more subjective style (personal reflection) you should still provide supporting evidence, use language that is somewhat formal, and objective (without emotional bias) and somewhat cautious. AVOID, whenever possible, PERSONAL PRONOUNS. Limit the use of I, we, in my opinion, I believe, etc.

Analyze the role of the professional in terms of inter-professional working.

Compare and contrast the service provision for children and adults where mental ill health and well being is a factor.

Analyze the role of the professional in terms of inter-professional working. Include an evaluation of factors which may influence the quality of life for people using the respective services.

Critique the assignment and back up with evidence, include legislation, talk about mental health social services, person-centered practice and inter-agency working
include a variety of reference, such as journals, articles, books
(can include more or less then then the stated number of reference, its about the quality )
follow the attached document which gives instruction and guideline on how to the essay