Who are the organizations competitors? What companies occupy the organizations strategic group? Where does the organization fit within its competitive group? What is the organizations market niche (what differentiates it from the others in its competitive group)?
FSM 4160 Food service & Beverage Strategies & Logistics Strategic Case Study Assignment: (20 points)
(the actual case title to be provided by your faculty member)
The purpose for this assignment is to allow you the opportunity to apply key concepts from the course.
These include application of Porter’s five forces model and completion of a SWOT analysis. The assignment is based on a foodservice case study identified by your faculty member. Once you have read the case study, read the article titled: Guidelines for applying Porter’s five forces framework: A set of industry analysis templates. This article will provide insights on how to apply Porter’s five forces to the case. Review your notes about SWOT analysis from readings in your text. Carefully review the guidelines listed below and then begin the writing process.
When your case is completed, you must submit your final draft via the Turnitin.com link in the week 15 folder. Please be advised that submissions will not be accepted via email or any other method.
The assignment includes four sections – an introduction, a background analysis, application of decision support tools (SWOT and Five Forces), final recommendations and problem solving.
Introduction (1 page or less)
• What is your paper about? Explain the paper (not the case).
Background Analysis & Interpretation (1 – 1 ½ pages)
• Does the organization have a vision and mission? If yes, please describe each?
• (when answering this question use data provided directly from the organization website not a secondary source)
• Who is the organization’s target market?
• What is the organizational structure? Who is in charge?
• What is the organization’s foodservice market segment?
• Who are the organizations competitors? What companies occupy the organizations strategic group? Where does the organization fit within its competitive group?
• What is the organizations market niche (what differentiates it from the others in its competitive group)?
Application of Decision Support Tools (1 or 2 pages)
• What are the organizations Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats? (Please complete and submit a SWOT analysis with narrative explaining your findings – include a SWOT table populated with data from your analysis)
• Apply Porter’s Five Forces to the case. (Please complete and submit a Five Forces analysis with narrative explaining your findings, rate each force – include a five forces table populated with data from your analysis)
Recommendations & Problem Solving (1 or 2 pages)
1. List at least three specific recommendations for strengthening the company. Be sure to support your recommendations with evidence from your analysis. In other words – use the findings from your SWOT and Five Forces to inform the recommendations you make.