
Calculate the total operating expenses for Amazon, Walmart, and Target for 2022 and 2021.

Total operating expenses

Use Excel. Calculate the total operating expenses for Amazon, Walmart, and Target for 2022 and 2021.

Is the album unique to its time? How different is the music on the album in comparison to what is heard on the radio at the time. Did the album change the direction of Hip Hop?

Nas Illmatic album review

Write a 1-2 page review (min 400 words) in MLA format on the Nas album entitled “Illmatic “. Please use the criteria listed below to rate and critique the album.

Rating scale out of a total of 80. rate each one out of 10

1. Innovation– Is the album unique to its time? How different is the music on the album in comparison to what is heard on the radio at the time. Did the album change the direction of Hip Hop?

2. Popularity- Was the album received by artist’s audience ?

3. Authenticity – Is the Artist is being authentic with their message? Do you believe the artist ?

4. Lyrics- Do the lyrics of the songs on the album resonate with you ? How intricate are the lyrics and well are they used ?

5. Storytelling- How well are the elements of storytelling implemented throughout the album ?

6. Sequence- Does the album flow seamlessly. Are their songs congruent with the artist overall message ?

7. Concept- What is the artist overall message ? How well is the the message conveyed throughout the album.

8.Delivery & Flow- How well does the artist delivery their message ( rhyme scheme, vocal cadence etc) ? Do they have a unique rap style ? Is their presents heard on the album?

Explain the driven reasons for changing the quality documentation system in the Nestle Waters. Outline the change objectives for both Retail Manufacturing and Home and Office Manufacturing units.


You are required to read thoughtfully the “ Nestlé Waters Unifying real-time visibility across 26 factories” case study , and answer the related questions

  • Instructions to read the case study:

“ Nestlé Waters Unifying real-time visibility across 26 factories” case study

Access the below link to download the case study PDF:

“ Nestlé Waters Unifying real-time visibility across 26 factories”

case study

This case study demonstrates the application of change management inside Nestle Waters Company. In addition, it discusses the company need for quality improvement which encouraged its engineers to search for alternative system to collect and analyze their data. Read the case, by using your critical thinking skills answer the following questions:

  • Explain the driven reasons for changing the quality documentation system in the Nestle Waters. (200 Words.)
  • Outline the change objectives for both Retail Manufacturing and Home and Office Manufacturing units. (200 Words.)
  • How the InfinityQS® ProFicient™ system can control the operation processes? (200 Words.)
  • Describe the management role in the change process? (200 Words.)

In how far does the Babyn Yar massacre prove the validity of this point? How and why did the shooting at Babyn Yar unfold in the manner it did in late September 1941? How did so many Jews of Kyiv fall into Nazi captivity? Why did they not escape? And which Kyivan Jews did escape the killings? Why did the non-Jewish civilian population of Kyiv stand by and let the massacre occur?

Final exam

Answer BOTH questions in the form of an essay, using full, grammatically correct, sentences.

Address all the points raised in each set of questions.

Use no more than approximately 500 words per essay.

  1. Historians have begun to distinguish a difference in the unfolding of the Holocaust in eastern and western Europe. In how far does the Babyn Yar massacre prove the validity of this point? How and why did the shooting at Babyn Yar unfold in the manner it did in late September 1941? How did so many Jews of Kyiv fall into Nazi captivity? Why did they not escape? And which Kyivan Jews did escape the killings? Why did the non-Jewish civilian population of Kyiv stand by and let the massacre occur?

Illustrate your discussion by referring to some of the document drawn up by Berkhoff and his fellow authors (indicate page numbers to which your refer, for example, or provide a short quotation, or paraphrase something–and refer to the page[s] that you paraphrase).

15 points

  1. The textbook by Boterbloem (History of Russian and its Empire) ends in 2018. Since that year many significant developments have occurred in the post-Soviet region, not least in Ukraine and Russia. What would you change (especially, but not exclusively, in the last chapter) to bring the textbook up to date and continue the story until the spring of 2023? What would you add? In which respects do you differ with Boterbloem’s assessment of Vladimir Putin and the prospects for Ukraine and Russia of five years ago? What would you alter or delete?

15 points

Perform an analytical procedure, identify the key financial ratios and the key accounts that the audit team should pay greater attention to, and explain why.

Business Question

Case Information:  You are the audit senior of High-Quality Equipment Pty Limited (HQE), a consumer electronics and home appliances manufacturing company. Mobile Technology Pty Ltd (MT), a publicly listed company in the United States, is a mobile phone manufacturer. HQE is the wholly owned subsidiary of MT (i.e., MT is holding 100% shares of HQE). HQE was found in Australia in 2017. During the last five years, HQE has been profitable and the growth in revenue has been substantial. However, liquidity has been a major problem. To resolve this liquidity issue, HQE has chosen not to repay the debt owed to MT, and MT approved this request because it believes that HQE can become a “cash cow” in the future. Due to the rapid growth of HQE, the company’s staff and accounting systems were under pressure. For example, HQE employed many temporary staff in the accounting department to make sure they can process daily transactions on time. Meanwhile, projects aimed at keeping the accounting systems up to date with business growth are undertaken by full-time employees. The accounting department has experienced a significant staff turnover in the past two years, which can be attributed to the demands of a rapidly expanding business, including high pressure and long working hours. HQE has 12 full-time employees in the accounting department. However, apart from the financial controller and management accountant, no other employee has been with the company for more than two years. You are planning the 30 June 2023 year end audit of HQE and have recently had a planning meeting with the financial controller. At this meeting you were informed of the following:


  • It is expected that the sales will be $20 million in 2023. The primary reason for the increase from the previous year is a significant order received from the Victoria State Government.”
  • Gross margin is expected to be 31%. The decline in margin can be attributed to challenges experienced during the year, resulting in a significant quantity of products being air-freighted on short notice from the parent company.
  • From discussions with the credit manager, you realized that the accounts receivable is running at 93 days, which exceeds the industry norm of 70 days, while third-party creditors are typically paid within 45 days.
  • Inventory at the 2023 year-end is expected to be $6.2 million. Despite a decrease in the order book over the past few months, management made the decision to maintain production at its maximum capacity. In anticipation of a temporary decrease in orders (i.e., just a short-term but not a long-term trend), management chose not to terminate manufacturing staff. Also, it is expected that HQE will receive another big order from the Victoria State Government after the year end. Management aims to surpass delivery time expectations and achieve a competitive advantage over other companies.
  • The parent entity (MT) has verbally informed the HQE management team that they will not need to pay its parent in U.S. within the next 12 months and that MT will continue to support the Australian operations.
  • Some new software systems (e.g., software over inventory and trade receivables) were implemented across the year. However, the general ledger system has not yet been integrated with them. Reconciliations are carried out between the subsidiary ledgers and the general ledger control accounts on a monthly basis. During the process of reconciling the inventory account, the accounting manager identified some unknown mistakes, and he doubted that these mistakes were caused by the differences in exchange rates used when 4 converting overseas purchases between the subsidiary and general ledgers. Last month’s unreconciled difference was $234,000.
  • There will be no full physical inventory count at the end of this year. This is because a cyclical stocktaking method was implemented earlier in the year, and auditors did not find any issues with recording physical inventory. You were not aware of this until the planning meeting.
  • Some suppliers complained to the HQE sales team that they don’t want to receive more confirmation requests (i.e., in 2022 audit). The sales manager has therefore requested that the auditors shall not contact some suppliers at the forthcoming year end (i.e., in 2023 audit).
  • The manager recently dismissed an employee because he was found to create false records of his working hours, resulting in overpayment to him. The overpayment was $14,000 (over a period of 7 months). You, as the audit senior, examined the payroll system during last year’s audit, and did not look at this specific aspect of the system. The manager was angry that the auditor did not identify the weakness in the payroll system.

The audited income statement and balance sheet for the last two years together with management’s estimates for this year are as follows.


  1. Based on the provided information in this case, please identify two major inherent risks and explain why you believe they are inherent risks.
  1. Perform an analytical procedure, identify the key financial ratios and the key accounts that the audit team should pay greater attention to, and explain why.
  1. Identify two major control risks and explain why you believe they are control risks.
  1. Based on your assessment of the three components of the audit risk, what audit strategy would you adopt? Explain why.
  1. Perform an assessment of the ability of the company to continue as a going concern in the future. Justify your answer.
  1. How would you answer the client’s concern that you did not identify the problems in the payroll system or even advise them of the internal control weakness?

Describe your current situation or your home life when you were younger or your military experience. Analyze how those experiences made you into the person you are today and how they motivated you to go to college.

Individual Project

Assignment Details


In last week’s online discussion, the class shared their backgrounds, motivations, attitudes, and goals (using this document). In that discussion, you created a rough draft of the body paragraphs of your first Individual Project (IP)—a five-paragraph narrative essay. In this assignment, you are completing the main components and refining your essay for submission.

Take a few minutes to read the responses to your Main Post, and then use prewriting strategies, such as brainstorming or clustering, to gather your thoughts for creating the opening and closing paragraphs and for refining the body of your essay.

Apply the concepts and skills presented in the intellipath lessons to help you write this essay. The following lessons will be helpful:

  • Introduction to Basic Essay Formatting
  • Unity and Paragraph Development
  • Correct Sentence Structure


Follow these steps to complete your five-paragraph essay on the topic My Background, Motivations, and Attitudes. Download this template to your computer or laptop, click Enable Editing if prompted, and begin typing where indicated. Use this template. It is properly formatted.

Paragraph 1. Write an introduction paragraph that provides the reader with a sense of who you are as a person and ends with your thesis statement.

  • Include information that is relevant to points you make later in the essay (your family, education, experiences, and so on).
  • The introduction paragraph is simply that—a way to introduce your reader to your topic. It should not be more than six or seven sentences.
  • The final sentence of the introduction should be a clear thesis statement so that the reader understands the focus of your entire essay. The intellipath lesson, What is a Thesis Statement? provides helpful information for writing a strong thesis statement.

Paragraph 2. The second paragraph is the first body paragraph of the essay. Copy in the first paragraph from your Unit 1 DB post, and refine your work. Explain which of the four backgrounds and motivations is the most closely related to your experience.

  • Describe your current situation or your home life when you were younger or your military experience.
  • Analyze how those experiences made you into the person you are today and how they motivated you to go to college.

Paragraph 3. Copy in the second paragraph from your Unit 1 DB post, and refine your work. In the next body paragraph, discuss which of the six primary attitudes most closely fits your personality.

  • Be sure to provide details and examples to explain why you think that attitude is “you.”
  • Show how that attitude helped you come this far in your college career.

Paragraph 4. Copy in the third paragraph from your Unit 1 DB post, and refine your work. For the third body paragraph, look forward in time to when you’ve finished your program at AIU.

  • What do you hope you’ve gained by completing your program at AIU?
  • What is your overall goal?

Paragraph 5. The fifth and final paragraph is your conclusion. The conclusion paragraph “wraps” up your thoughts and provides the reader with a sense of closure. Again, make sure that your reader leaves with a good sense of who you are and where you are going based on the information that you share in your essay.


  1. Make sure that each of the three body paragraphs have a topic sentence followed by examples and details to develop each one. Make sure that each shows unity, which means each is focused on one main idea.
  2. Type your essay and double-space the lines.
  3. Review your completed essay to ensure that you have developed your ideas fully.
  4. Edit your work to ensure that your sentences are complete with correct punctuation, spelling, and grammar.
  5. Submit your essay using the video instructions provided above.

In under 100 words or less, explain the steps that each company needed to take preceding the announcement to the public of the merger between TD Bank and First Horizon.


Read this article, TD to Expand in the Southeastern U.S. with Acquisition of First Horizon,… and respond to this discussion question.
In under 100 words or less, explain the steps that each company needed to take preceding the announcement to the public of the merger between TD Bank and First Horizon.

What is an Information Technology Project? What is research? Why do we need to do research? What is a research methodology? What is a research design?

Information technology project question

Answer the following questions: Make sure to follow the instruction given and observe the required word count:

1. What is an Information Technology Project? (Max 50 words) ”Cite the source – Use APA.”

2. What is research? (Max 50 words) “Cite the source – Use APA.”

3. Why do we need to do research? (Max 50 Words) “Cite the source – Use APA.”

  • 3.1. – Explain what we mean by Qualitative research
  • 3.2. – Explain what we mean by Quantitative Research
  • 3.3. – What is a survey?
  • 3.4. – List the major parts of a research paper
  • 3.5. – What is a Peer Review-Journal?

4. As students / Scientists, what topic/s do we need to research? (Max 50 Words) “Cite the source – Use APA.”

  • 4.1. – Why do we need to use keywords during our Lit Review?

5. What is a research methodology? (Max 100 Words) “Cite the source – Use APA.”

6. What is a research design? (Max 100 Words) “Cite the source – Use APA.”

7. What do we mean by project deliverable? (Max 50 Words) “Cite the source – Use APA.”

8. Is deadline an important aspect of a project? (Max 50 Words) “Cite the source – Use APA.”

9. What are project limitations? (Max 50 Words) “Cite the source – Use APA.”

10. What do we mean when we say resources? (Max 100 Words) “Cite the source – Use APA.”

11. Why do we need to apply APA Basic Citation Stiles in a research proposal? (Max 100 Words). “Cite the source – Use APA.”

12. From our Syllabus, please explain what we mean by Academics Integrity. (Max 250 Words) “Cite the source – Use APA.”

13. What is Plagiarism? (Max 100 Words) ”Reference the Academic Integrity from the Syllabus”

14. What is Self-Plagiarism? (Max 50 Words) ”Reference the Academic Integrity from the Syllabus”

15. What are bar charts? (Max 15 words)

16. What is a central question? (Max 15 words)

17. What do we mean when we say: Cleaning the Data? (Max 25 words)

18. What is a sample size formula? (Max 25 words)

19. Define the term “Statistics” (Max 20 words)

Choose an artistic medium not covered in the class. Choose 1 object from that medium. Write a 1300-1500 word paper analyzing that object.

Philosophy Question


In this paper, you must analyze an object from an artistic medium not covered in the class. Specifcally, you must:

  • Choose an artistic medium not covered in the class (for example: architecture, video games, garden design, etc).
  • Choose 1 object from that medium (for example: the Eiffel Tower, Mario Kart, Dumbarton Oaks, etc).
  • Write a 1300-1500 word paper analyzing that object.

Create the same project as this video in mips assembly language using mars make sure you run code before sending the answer.

Create a project

Create the same project as this video in mips assembly language using mars make sure you run code before sending the answer.