Create an annotated bibliography that you can consult as you prepare for your upcoming News Feature Assignment Series interviews and the final news feature assignment.
Module 4 Assign NFAS
Assignment Description
Note that you may not start this assignment until your Module 3 Assign: NFAS Topic Proposal has been approved by your instructor.
Create an annotated bibliography that you can consult as you prepare for your upcoming News Feature Assignment Series interviews and the final news feature assignment. Annotated bibliographies provide a list of sources that relate to a common topic or theme. In addition to listing the full source citation, annotated bibliographies include a summary, evaluation, and reflection of each source.
Your annotated bibliography must include at least five different sources. Credible news articles, datasets, reference entries, and journal articles are all appropriate here. Sources must be relatively recent (no more than five years old). Below are the requirements for these sources:
- You must locate each source using the CSU library’s databases. You are welcome to use the databases of your choice. Common databases are listed in this module’s readings section.
- Each source must be clearly relevant to your News Feature Assignment Series project. The sources you locate could address a variety of different topics related to the News Feature Assignment Series project, including:
- The current event that serves as the “root” for your final news feature article.
- The broader history of your News Feature Assignment Series topic.
- Facts and statistics about people who hold the perspective you believe your interviewees hold on the News Feature Assignment Series topic.
- Statistics, examples, definitions, and facts that may support the perspectives you believe your interviewees hold.
- Note: It is possible that you may encounter sources that do not support the perspective you believe your interviewees hold. You should make note of this source and save it to use in your final news feature article, if appropriate. But, for the purposes of this assignment, you should not include sources that directly contradict your interviewees’ presumed perspectives.
Sources should be listed in either APA or MLA format. Following each source should be a 200-250-word paragraph(s) (i.e., annotation) that evaluates the source. Your annotation should include the following components:
- You should summarize the source. Identify the main arguments, methods, and/or findings.
- You should assess the source. Critique the source’s credibility and usefulness. Clearly identify the database you used to find it.
- You should reflect upon the source. Brainstorm how the source can be integrated into your News Feature Assignment Series project.