
” Is it fair to look at the Muslim world between the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries as a monolith? Discuss whether or not one could speak of the Muslim world during that period as a uniform world. “

History Question

Following is the topic for paper 1:

” Is it fair to look at the Muslim world between the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries as a monolith? Discuss whether or not one could speak of the Muslim world during that period as a uniform world. “

Clearly state the analyses you intend to do Using R Studio. Report the test results (include all required values.

Stats Research Report

What need to include in research report:

1. Description of the study / The research question. If you know how the variables were measured, include a short description of that. (3 pts)

2. Clearly state the analyses you intend to do Using R Studio. (3 pts)

3. Report the test results (include all required values. (3 pts)

4. An appropriate plot (Make sure it’s clearly labeled!. (3 pts)

5. Some kind of conclusion: say what the test results mean for the (hypothetical) study. Also mention if you notice anything strange or have any concerns about the results (e.g., a limitation of they study or maybe something you’d lack at in a follow-up. (3 pts)

Briefly describe the problems of using the 6-Sigma framework to improve quality in Healthcare? Briefly describe the problems of using Lean to improve quality in Healthcare? Briefly describe how combining Lean and 6-Sigma is effective to improve quality in Healthcare.

HMP-511 Midterm – Due 5/8

Section 1 – Short Answer  (30 points – 5 points per question)

  1. Describe how Bayesian statistics differs from more traditional methods that use the frequency of outcomes from large studies.
  2. Briefly describe the problems of using the 6-Sigma framework to improve quality in Healthcare? Briefly describe the problems of using Lean to improve quality in Healthcare? Briefly describe how combining Lean and 6-Sigma is effective to improve quality in Healthcare.
  3. The below figure shows a process to treat a patient in an ER. It consists of three stages: Triage, Treatment, and Checkout. Assume that a patient comes every 30 mins. There is no randomness in the patient arrival rate or the service rate.



Triage                             Treatment                      Checkout

(10 mins)                          (60 mins)                        (5 mins)

  • What is the Throughput time (Do not include any waiting time)
  • What is the Cycle time of the entire Process (i.e. how fast do patients come out of this system)
  • If there is any waiting in this system between stages please identify where a que will form.


  1. Assume you have simple queuing system that models patients arriving and being treated in an ER. This is a simple system with a single que (M/M/1).  A patient arrives on average every 20 minutes.  A patient is served on average every 15 minutes.
  • What is the Capacity Utilization of this Que
  • What is the Average total number of patients in this system
  • Describe why a discrete event simulation of this simple queuing system is more useful to an operations manager?
  1. You are the manager of a Surgi-Center that performs minor surgical cases. The Center has 4 operating rooms and, on average, each case takes 30 minutes to perform. After each case clean-up requires 30 minutes.  If the Center schedules its first case for 8:00 a.m., no cases are performed between 12:00 and 1:00 p.m., and the last case must be completed by 5:00, what is the daily capacity of the Center in cases?  If the clean-up is reduced to 25 minutes does this increase the daily capacity?  (If yes, what is the new capacity?) If the clean-up is reduced to 10 minutes does this increase the daily capacity?  (If yes, what is the new capacity?).

Discuss John Snow’s study of cholera in 1854 in the context of how the display of information effects the interpretation.  Discuss both the cause and effect data as illustrated in the bar graphs as well as the geographic location as shown in the maps of the problem.  (Hint – think about Tufte’s work and the slides I showed from his book).


Section 2 – Probability Analysis  (20 points)

1 – In class we discussed the probability of having cancer if your mammogram is positive using Bayesian methods.  See the posted slides and reading.  In class we discussed how to think about Bayesian methods using numbers.  The tree we discussed in class is shown below.

The above tree is based on the following assumptions:  The test is 80% accurate, the false-positive rate is 10%, and 1% of the patients tested have cancer.

A salesman is trying to sell your hospital a new mammogram that is 100% effective in detection.  When you look at the specification you notice that while the test accuracy has been increased, the false positive rate has increased to 15%.  When you question the salesman about this he claims this is not a problem because the test reliability has increased by 20% (from 80% to 100%) while the false positive rate has only increased 5% (from 10% to 15%), thus the probability that if your test is positive you have cancer is greater.  To determine if the salesman is correct solve the below tree with the new assumptions (i.e. 100% test accuracy, 15% false rate).

  • Probability of cancer with positive test is = G


  • H (2 points) what does the probability of having a false positive need to be if you want the probability of having cancer if you have a positive mammogram (i.e. G) to be = 8/107, which is the same as the above example = H
Answer Table
A (3 points) B (2 points) C (2 points) D (2 points) E (2 points) F (2 points) G (5 points) H (2 points)


Section 3 – Process Analysis  (20 points) (You must use Tableau)

Using the data for Q3 (COVID data from WHO) do an analysis of which state is doing the best job of treating patients.  You must do at least the following:

  1. Draw a color map showing only the US (not including Alaska) of the total number of COVID cases. You should pick a color scheme that highlights the differences.
  2. Draw a symbol map showing only the US (not including Alaska) of the # of Deaths from COVID. This map should have an population overlay.
  3. Draw figures illustrating which states have the best and worst COVID care as defined the % of COVID patients that die. This should look at total #s.
    1. What are the 3 best and 3 worst states?
  4. Do the same analysis for the last 7 days?
    1. What are the 3 best and worst states for the last 7 days.


 Section 4 – Data Visualization (30 points)

Analyze the following data sets, 10 points for each data set.  You may use more than one display technique for each question.

  1. Data set one is the number of complaints a hospital received each week. You may assume the number of patients per week is the same.  Each patient may complain at most one time. For this data set assume management was not happy with the current # of complaints.  They found and fixed one problem, they had a rude service provider that was asked to leave.  Describe the data, where the change occurred, and how much has the problem improve
  2. Data set two are patient satisfaction scores for two hospitals. The possible range of scores is 0 – 10. You are the manager for Hospital 1.  Compare your patient satisfaction to that of Hospital 2.
  3. Data set three are the # of total falls from all patients in two Hospitals per week. Hospital # 1 has 50 patients; Hospital #2 has 25 patients. Each patient may fall 0 or more times. You are the manager for Hospital 1. Compare this quality metric to Hospital 2.

How do you think your hospital will benefit the members of your community? Contribute to positive health outcomes/improvement in quality of life? Will your program be affordable? Do you think your hospital will be sustainable? Why?

Part 3 of Term Paper


You must write a short narrative that answers the following questions below.

  1. As you begin to evaluate the success of your organization, you begin to realize that your organization culture is dysfunctional and highly ineffective. Discuss what you will need to do to get the organization back on track.  This requires you to consider how you would change your organizational culture (Chapter 9).


  1. You have decided that your organization structure is a functional structure, describe the various functions structure of your hospital. Complete an Organizational chart to visually show the functional structure of your hospital. Why have you chosen to organize your hospital in this way.


  1. Conclusion: How do you think your hospital will benefit the members of your community? Contribute to positive health outcomes/improvement in quality of life? Will your program be affordable? Do you think your hospital will be sustainable? Why? (1 page)

Given in each item is a reaction scheme showing the reactant/s, reagent/s, and major product. If the compound shown at the right side is not the major product, rewrite the scheme to show the correct product/s.

Chemistry Question

Given in each item is a reaction scheme showing the reactant/s, reagent/s, and major product. If the compound shown at the right side is not the major product, rewrite the scheme to show the correct product/s.
Propose a feasible mechanism for each reaction.
Observe the proper construction of reaction mechanisms (arrow positioning, types of arrow heads, lone pair electrons, charges, entry/exit of chemical species, etc.). You may also provide a brief explanation (NMT 5 sentences) for your answer.
Stereoselectivity and regioselectivity of reactions must be observed, whenever applicable. Show the stereochemistry of the compounds using solid and hashedwedged bonds. Incorrect isomers will not be considered.

Explain the topics in the worksheet by age. Identify one milestone and one expected norm for each category by age group.

Observation Data

Explain the topics in the worksheet by age. Identify one milestone and one expected norm for each category by age group.

After you fill out the milestones and expected norms for each category by age group, observe a child of any age for 30 minutes to an hour, and apply the knowledge that you learned to the child you are observing and record this information in the purple Observation Data column.

Identify core competencies necessary for executing the strategy and evaluate them using the VRIO framework. Explain the investment and the anticipated impact of your proposed strategy on the company’s revenue and operating expenses.

Team Project 2 – Strategy Formulation and Core Competencies

Objective: Building upon your team’s work from the first project, your team will now formulate an innovative and future-oriented strategy that can help your chosen company attain a competitive advantage over the next 5-10 years. You will also identify core competencies necessary for executing the strategy and evaluate them using the VRIO framework. Finally, you will explain the investment and the anticipated impact of your proposed strategy on the company’s revenue and operating expenses.


Strategy Formulation:

  • Based on your team’s analysis of the general and industry environments from Project 1, identify the key opportunities and threats that the company faces (It is expected you use the opportunities and threats identified in project 1, but if you need to change some, you may do so, but notify that in the paper).
  • As a senior manager of the company your team analyzed in team project 1, develop a forward-thinking and innovative strategy that tackles the identified opportunities and threats. In your description, make sure to include the following aspects of your strategy:
    • Type of strategy (e.g., cost leadership, differentiation, focus, backward integration, forward integration, product development, market development, etc.)
    • Target market segments
    • Key products or services
    • Geographic locations
    • Distribution channels
    • Any other relevant details
  • Clearly articulate the rationale for your proposed strategy, including why it is well-suited to address the identified opportunities and threats.
  • Discuss the potential benefits and risks associated with implementing your proposed strategy.


Core Competencies:

  • Identify the core competencies necessary for implementing your proposed strategy.
  • Evaluate each competency using the VRIO framework (Value, Rarity, Imitability, and Organization) and discuss how these core competencies contribute to your company’s competitive advantage.
  • Value: Assess whether the competency is valuable and helps the company exploit opportunities or neutralize threats in the environment.
  • Rarity: Analyze whether the competency is rare and not widely possessed by competing firms.
  • Imitability: Determine whether the competency is difficult to imitate or replicate, either due to cost or complexity.
  • Organization: Examine whether the company is organized to exploit the full potential of the competency, including having the right processes, systems, and management in place.
  • Identify strengths and weaknesses from the competencies evaluated. Address weaknesses to ensure successful implementation of the strategy.


Anticipated Financial Impact:

  • Investment Requirements: Identify the investment requirements for implementing the proposed strategy, considering aspects such as land, construction, equipment, legal fees, etc.
  • Useful Life Span: Estimate the useful life span of the strategy, determining how long it can provide competitive advantages for the company.
  • Changes in Revenue and Expenses: Explain the changes in revenue and/or expenses as a result of implementing the proposed strategy. Consider factors such as market share, customer acquisition, cost savings, or operational efficiency.


  • Prepare a clear and concise presentation that summarizes your team’s findings and recommendations.
  • Ensure that your presentation is well-organized and visually appealing, with appropriate use of graphs, charts, and other visuals.

Create frequency and relative frequency distribution of the admissions with respect to the diagnosis, only for the diagnoses with frequency at least 50 admissions. Which are the top two common diagnoses (most frequent) for the Hospital in Deborah campus?

BDA 201Introduction to Business Analytics Online

For this project, we partnered with Capital Health to provide an opportunity for Rider University students to work on reallife analytics problems using a reallife dataset. The data collected from Capital Health for their Hospital on the Deborah campus can be downloaded from Canvas Files. For each patient admitted during the period Mar 2021 Feb 2022, this dataset includes:

  • Account number,
  • Admission and discharge dates,
  • Gender (Female or Male),
  • Race,
  • Zip code, and
  • Diagnosis code (ICD10).

The Hospital would like to research some questions to manage the available resources to treat their patients and reach out to highrisk groups for preventative screening procedures. In particular, the manager would like to research which are the two most frequent diagnoses so they can arrange the appropriate resources. The manager also wants to investigate whether there is any connection of the two most common diagnosis with the gender, race, or residence (i.e., zip code) of the patients, so they can allocate more medical staff
and/or open new facilities to accommodate patients.

To respond to the manager, please answer the following questions using the appropriate plots or tables for this data set. In addition, justify your answer by analyzing the outcome of the plot or table that you have used for the analysis.

1. Create frequency and relative frequency distribution of the admissions with respect to gender.

2. Create frequency and relative frequency distribution of the admissions with respect to race. (See following page for race coding)

3. Create frequency and relative frequency distribution of the admissions with respect to the day of the week. Which day of the week is the day with most of the admissions?

4. Create frequency and relative frequency distribution of the admissions with respect to the diagnosis, only for the diagnoses with frequency at least 50 admissions. Which are the top two common diagnoses (most frequent) for the Hospital in Deborah campus?

5. Create frequency and relative frequency distribution of the admissions with respect to the residence ZIP code, only for the zip codes with frequency at least 50 admissions. What is the ZIP code that has the most admissions?

6. Is there any relationship between the top two popular diagnoses with zip code, race, or gender?

To answer this question, you need to Create contingency tables for the frequency and relative frequency, then plot the bar charts:

  • For top two popular diagnoses with the gender.
  • For top two popular diagnoses with the top zip codes (at least 50 admissions)
  • For top two popular diagnoses with the races.

7. Based on your findings in the above questions, please answer how the manager can improve the resources that can be available for the treatment of the patients.

Based on the both data sets (bicarbonate and Benedicts) what affect did Mg have on the rate of the reaction? Justify your answer with both data sets.

Biology Report

The data you will need to answer the following questions are listed in Table 1.

Table 1: Color, estimated pH and absorption every 10 min from the bicarbonate solution.

Time (min) W Syringe G Syringe
Color Estimated pH Absorption Å Color Estimated pH Absorption Å


Red/Purple 8.8 0.779 Red/Purple 8.8 0.761


Red/Purple 8.8 0.734 Red 8.6 0.624


Red/Purple 8.8 0.751 Red 8.6 0.603


Red/Purple 8.8 0.753 Dark 0range 8.4 0.583


Red/Purple 8.8 0.753 Dark orange 8.4 0.504


Red/Purple 8.8 0.751 Orange 8.2 0.433


Time (min) Mg Syringe
Color Estimated pH Absorption Å




Red/Purple 8.8 0.729


Red 8.6 0.607


Dark 0range 8.4 0.529


Orange 8.2 0.407


Orange/Yellow 8.2 0.334


Orange/Yellow 7.8 0.308


2) (2 pnts) Calculate the change in absorption using the formula ABS0 – ABST (Absorption at time 0 min – the Absorption at time T min) and place the values in Table 2.


Table 2: Change in absorption over time for the bicarbonate solutions.

Time (Min) W Syringe G Syringe Mg Syringe


0 0 0












3) (4pnts) Graph (use scatter plot) the change in absorption over time for all 3 treatments (W, G, Mg) and paste the graph below. Be sure to label the axes.


4) (3pnts) Which reaction produced CO2 the fastest? Use the rate of color change and the change in absorption to answer the question.





Data collected from conducting the Benedicts test are listed in Table 3.


Table 3: Results of Benedicts test

Treatment Time 0  Absorption Å Time 0 Color Time 50 Absorption Å Time 50 Color


0.021 Blue 0.022 Blue


0.593 Orange/Red 0.379 Yellow/Orange


0.589 Orange/Red 0.182 Green/yellow


6) (1pnts) Calculate the change in absorbance between Time 0 and Time 50 from the Benedicts test and place the results in Table 4.


Table 4: Change in absorbance in the Benedicts test

Treatment Time 0 – Time 50 Å









7) (4pnts) Which reaction showed the loss of most of the glucose? Justify your answer with the data you collected.


8) (4pnts) Based on the both data sets (bicarbonate and Benedicts) what affect did Mg have on the rate of the reaction? Justify your answer with both data sets. (Note: if you know there was an issue with some of your data you can explain what you expected to happen and why your results do not match the expectation).

Choose two (2) important areas for each chapter you feel would be relevant for other colleagues to know. Write one (1) paragraph for each area.

Read textbook and answer questions

Assignment 2ARead the following chapters

  • Part One Chapter One Public and Private Families (p3)
  • Chapter Two The History of the Family (p35)

Assignment 2B Choose two (2) important areas for each chapter you feel would be relevant for other colleagues to know. Write one (1) paragraph for each area.

Each of the four (4) paragraphs must have detail and depth. Proofread each paragraph before submitting your entry. What area is important for you?

(Please ask questions before starting if you are unsure of anything)

Discussion 2A Respond with three (3) colleagues. Provide first names and respond with complete paragraphs. Please validate your colleagues.