
research and write a comprehensive paper outlining one of several eating disorders.

KNLS/HLTH 134 Eating Disorders Assignment Paper


Your assignment is to research and write a comprehensive paper outlining one of several eating disorders.

This is to be written in the second person, meaning that you will be writing as if you are dealing with a friend that has the eating disorder and you are trying to get them help. You will be submitting this assignment in two areas. Submit it in the assignment area to receive credit for the paper. You will also post it as an attachment to a discussion post, where you will receive credit for a discussion post. You are not required to reply to another student.

Choose one from below and characterize the distinguishing features of each of the following DSM-5 diagnostic categories.

Week 5 Discussion

Learning about a disorder that you not familiar with can help you to understand the range of disorders that are present in modern day society. It can also give you an idea of the various ways in which psychological disorders affect others.

Note: If you are already familiar with these disorders, you can either choose one to research and learn more about OR you can choose a different disorder. Choose from one on this site: Symptoms & Treatments of Mental Disorders

Links to an external site.

To receive full credit, remember to also write three posts in the discussion: one original and two responses to other students. Provide scholarly, cited responses where applicable. Do not use Wikipedia. Use the library or reputable source to support your posts.

Most mental health professionals use the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). This manual is designed to help ensure accurate and consistent diagnoses based on observational symptoms. Classifying psychological disorders is useful in assisting therapists in developing treatment plans.

Choose one from below and characterize the distinguishing features of each of the following DSM-5 diagnostic categories:

  • Anxiety disorders
  • Somatoform disorders
  • Mood disorders
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorders
  • Dissociative disorders
  • Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders
  • Personality disorders

You can find the DSM-5 diagnostic categories in your webtext, p. 5.5, or by visiting

Links to an external site. and searching the term “DSM-5.”

Discussion Board Expectations

To receive full credit, write three posts in the discussion: one original and two responses to other students.

Provide scholarly, cited responses where applicable. Do not use Wikipedia. Use the library or reputable source to support your posts.

What are the factors to be noted while creating microservices? How microservices communicate with each other and how to handle fault tolerance?


Based on below papers we have to write systematic Research paper (sample paper attached )

Add these questions in paper

Q1 : What are the factors to be noted while creating microservices?

Q2 : How microservices communicate with each other and how to handle fault tolerance?

Q3 : Challenges in Authenticating and Authorizing microservices?

Papers as below:

Note: As per the document attached need Side headings and proper content : Introduction, Systemtic review with Questions as above, conclusion etc… Every content should be from above mentioned papers only

Create a developmentally appropriate 1-week instructional math unit for a concept area of your choice, focusing on one age/grade level from pre-K to Grade 3.

Wk 5 – Signature Assignment: Instructional Math Unit [due Mon]

Assignment Content

  1. Create a developmentally appropriate 1-week instructional math unit for a concept area of your choice, focusing on one age/grade level from pre-K to Grade 3. Use this templae to help you include all requirements.

ECH 416 Week 5 Signature Assignment.docx

Include the following components in your instructional unit: Part 1: Unit Plan Provide the following information for your unit plan:

  • Title
  • Focus (i.e., content area and grade level)
  • Objectives

Describe the development of the unit by answering the following:

  • How is the content of the unit appropriate for the age/grade level chosen?
  • How will specific learning needs be addressed throughout the unit?
  • Which current learning theories influenced instructional decisions in the unit?
  • Which strategies for children’s motivation and engagement will be utilized in the unit?
  • How will formative and summative assessment be used in the unit to plan, evaluate, and strengthen instruction and to promote continuous learning?
  • How could children’s families be involved in the unit?
  • Consider the “family connection” in each lesson.
  • Be sure to reflect families’ language differences and cultural and/or ethnic diversity.

Part 2: Resources Toolkit Create an annotated bibliography of 5 books and resources that support your unit. Follow the guidelines below:

  • Books and resources should:
  • Include 2 targeted for teacher use and 3 targeted for student and family use
  • Comprise of at least 3 multimedia materials, including web-based resources
  • Be aligned with and support unit objectives
  • Account for the diversity of your learners, including English learners, varying math proficiency levels, and students with exceptional needs
  • Each annotation should be block indented and begin with the reference. All annotations should be in alphabetical order.
  • Explicitly connect the selected book or resource to the unit in 3 to 4 sentences.

Part 3: Lesson Plans Create 3 developmentally appropriate lesson plans for your unit. Do the following in each lesson plan:

  • Create objectives that:
  • Reflect various levels of thinking, including Bloom’s taxonomy or depth of knowledge
  • Are specific, measurable, and observable
  • State what children should know and be able to do
  • Align to content standards
  • Are age/grade-level and content-area appropriate
  • List materials used in the lesson, including any necessary handouts, resources, and learning tools.
  • Identify materials that can be used to develop children’s critical-thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Detail an instructional sequence that is based on accurate math content and concepts that sets the stage for learning through lesson delivery and guided practice. In the sequence, ensure:
  • Activities are appropriate for the needs of young children who are culturally diverse and differentiated for those with exceptional learning needs (e.g., English learners, learning disabilities, gifted/talented).
  • Activities are meaningful for young children by connecting learning to prior knowledge, to the community, and to real-world experiences.
  • Activities foster young children’s appreciation and engagement in subject matter content and align to objectives and core concepts.
  • Activities incorporate both children’s and teacher’s use of technology.
  • A closure is provided
  • Teacher wrap-up
  • Final check for understanding
  • Time for independent practice (independently or small groups)
  • Include assessments:
  • One formative assessment (check for understanding) for each lesson that aligns to the lesson objective(s)
  • One summative assessment for the unit (assesses all unit objectives)
  • Analysis of assessment data and expected next steps for instruction and student support

Write a short research paper (about four pages) examining the consequences or impact of deviance on the African American community.

Social Science Question

Write a short research paper (about four pages) examining the consequences or impact of deviance on the African American community.

Are the terms and titles that refer to Jesus’s divine nature and relate him to God the Creator/Father in the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed (381 CE), in fact based on the New Testament, as the bishops claimed?

Week 5 Critical Analysis. Controversies, Councils, Creeds (Christology of the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed [381 CE])

When the bishops at both the Council of Nicaea (325 CE) and the Council of Constantinople (381 CE) composed and revised (respectively) a creed that articulates the essence of Christian belief, they claimed to have used biblical language exclusively. (There is one exception, “consubstantial”–it is explained in your reading assignments. Check the Notes in Unit 2 >R for more discussion.) Your task is to see whether this claim holds up, by examining the revised creed (the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed) for its terminology describing the Son of God and comparing those terms to what is said about or by Jesus in Luke, using the research format Question – Evidence – Conclusion. Write up and post your results in a formal essay of at least 3 paragraphs (your Initial Critical Analysis mini-essay), and follow up with two Critical Analysis Responses (also mini-essays, at least 3 paragraphs each) that analyze the findings and conclusions of two of your classmates. All postings must fully present your evidence with documentation.


  • Question: Are the terms and titles that refer to Jesus’s divine nature and relate him to God the Creator/Father in the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed (381 CE), in fact based on the New Testament, as the bishops claimed?  To test the question, use the Creed of 381 and evidence from the Lukan Gospel (you are only responsible for passages assigned in Unit 1).
  • Evidence: To test the claim, your task is twofold:
    • (1) Identify the titles and terms used to define Jesus’s divinity & relationship to God the Father/Creator in the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed (381 CE), ONLY from articles 2, 6 & 7 (those numbers in square brackets in the Pelikan & Hotchkiss translation). Take account of all titles (except the name “Jesus”) and descriptive terms, not just philosophical-sounding ones; there are about 10 of them.
    • (2) Then compare these terms & descriptions to those used in the Lukan Gospel and Acts of the Apostles (you need consult only passages assigned in Unit 1). Evidence-gathering is the most important part of your research.
  • Conclusion: What Conclusion (answer to the Question) does your Evidence point to? Present your Evidence as it speaks to your Conclusion(s).

Pick a particular organ or organ system. Describe how that organ or organ system contributes to maintaining homeostasis.

Discussion 6

Pick a particular organ or organ system. Describe how that organ or organ system contributes to maintaining homeostasis. Then, describe a condition/disease of that system that hinders that organ or organ system’s ability to do its job to maintain homeostasis. Be detailed.

What was the main point of the reading/podcast? How does the reading correspond to concepts we have read or discussed in class? Did you learn anything from the reading that you did not learn (or remember learning) in class or the readings?

Anthro Sapiens


Extra credit write-up for readings is worth a maximum of 10 points and will be accepted until the last day of class.

All reading/podcast write-ups should be typed and 1 page double spaced.

1) What was the main point of the reading/podcast?

2) How does the reading correspond to concepts we have read or discussed in class?

3) Did you learn anything from the reading that you did not learn (or remember learning) in class or the readings?

4) What topics did you feel were not adequately addressed in the reading/podcast that should have been addressed?

Here is the link to the reading:

Why would these SLU values along with honesty, justice, and consistency be important considerations for the legalization debate?

Legalization of marijuana

The debate over the legalization of marijuana in the United States has been raging for over a century, with both sides having clear points of view. Research and explain the pros and cons of this debate. After you have presented both sides of the debate, decide where you stand in this debate and why. As you as you determine your position, consider the qualities of the SLU core value, integrity, including honesty, justice, and consistency. Why would these SLU values along with honesty, justice, and consistency be important considerations for the legalization debate?

The paper must be a minimum of 3 pages in length, excluding the title and reference pages.

  • Use Times New Roman or Arial 11-point font, double-spaced with proper grammar.
  • Completely document references using APA format (text citations and reference page).

Describe the 7th Character and Placeholder X. Provide an example for each 7th character and X placeholder. What does Laterality mean? And why it is important in coding.

HCI 213: Medical Coding & Billing

Course name: Medical Coding & Billing
Course number: HCI 213
Assignment title or task:


1.      Volume 1, Tabular List, of the I-10 contains 21 chapters. Code Z is one of the special codes in I-10. Describe Z codes and their categorization. (5.0 Marks).


2.      Describe the 7th Character and Placeholder X. Provide an example for each 7th character and X placeholder. (2.5 Marks).


3.      What does Laterality mean? And why it is important in coding. (2.5 Marks).


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