
Discuss some of the ways in which the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) has affected the way in which employers provide health care benefits to employees.

CMRJ601 Questions

1 Summarize the four activities that can help minimize discriminatory performance appraisal practices.

2 Compensation represents both the intrinsic and extrinsic rewards employees receive for performing their jobs. Together, both intrinsic and extrinsic compensation describe a company’s total compensation system. Briefly describe both types of rewards and indicate the professionals who are responsible for managing them.

3 In which settings are person-focused pay programs likely to be found? What are the two most important reasons for adopting person-focused pay?4 List and discuss four possible limitations of merit pay programs. How can a company overcome these limitations?

5 Briefly discuss the components of legally required benefits. How can HR managers minimize the costs that are associated with legally required benefits

6 What are the strategic issues involved with contingent and flexible workers for a company pursuing a lowest cost strategy?

7 Discuss some of the ways in which the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) has affected the way in which employers provide health care benefits to employees.

8 When working with expat compensation: Explain headquarters-based method to calculate expatriates based pay. Which incentive might work better for this method? What is the balance sheet approach? When is its use most appropriate?

Create a GUI window that will always open up on top of any other windows you have open. The window panel should have a title indicating a guessing game.

CIS 221 PA5 GUI Guessing Game

This is an individual assignment. Your program code must be your own work.

Create a GUI user interface

Call functions based on user events

Read through all of the instructions before beginning your work.
Using the methods we learned in class, write a program that creates a GUI interface for the Guessing Game that we’ve used in previous modules.

You may design your layout any way you want to. You will use the TKinter and random libraries. For this assignment, you may not:

  • use any other libraries or templates
  • turn in Objectoriented code
  • use messageboxes or simpledialog boxes

1. Create a GUI window that will always open up on top of any other windows you have open. The window panel should have a title indicating a guessing game.
2. The program must generate a random integer between 1 and 10, and prompt the user to input their guess.

3. Based on the user’s guess, the program must display appropriate feedback to the user, indicating whether the guess is too high or too low.

4. The program must allow the user to make multiple guesses until they correctly guess the random number or run out of guesses. You will set a max of 3 guesses.

5. The program must include “Submit” and “Quit” buttons, with the “Submit” button submitting the user’s guess and updating the feedback labels, and the “Quit” button closing the application.

6. The program must allow the user to make multiple guesses and provide appropriate feedback.
7. The code must be wellorganized with appropriate use of whitespace, comments, and naming conventions.

8. The GUI layout must be clean and wellorganized, with appropriate use of widgets to present the necessary information and gather user input.

Develop five guidelines for using TikTok for your organization. What segments of donors, volunteers, clients, retail customers and potential employees should content target on this platform?

Social Media and Fundraising for Non Profit organization

TikTok/Instagram Analysis

  • Develop five guidelines for using TikTok for your organization.
  • What segments of donors, volunteers, clients, retail customers and potential employees should content target on this platform?
  • What kind of content is best suited for communicating here with these potential allies and assets?
  • How long should content be, and can it be repurposed from other platforms?
  • How should video and photographic images be used? What kind of branding should be used on the content?
  • Provide one example post.

What segments of donors, volunteers, clients, retail customers and potential employees should content target on this platform? What kind of content is best suited for communicating here with these potential allies and assets?

YouTube/Linked In Analysis

  • Develop five guidelines for using YouTube for your organization.
  • What segments of donors, volunteers, clients, retail customers and potential employees should content target on this platform?
  • What kind of content is best suited for communicating here with these potential allies and assets?
  • How long should content be, and can it be repurposed from other platforms?
  • How should video and photographic images be used? What kind of branding should be used on the content?
  • Provide one example post.

NOTE: This can be a description of a video; you do not need the entire script. You can still use the idea from Face book.


What is the management/leadership dilemma or opportunity that could be investigated? What is the purpose of my project? What assumptions would underline such a problem? Are there any existing data directly relevant to the research problem?

MGMT600 Topic Proposal

  • Sets out problem and purpose of the research
  • Includes Introduction, Problem Statement, Purpose of the Study, Research Questions, Scope/Limitations/Delimitations.
  • Begins with a problem (an unanswered question) related to a topic of interest.

As you think about your topic of interest, answer these questions:

  • What is the management/leadership dilemma or opportunity that could be investigated?
  • What is the purpose of my project? What assumptions would underline such a problem?
  • Are there any existing data directly relevant to the research problem?
  • If so, can you access the data necessary to address the research problem? If not, how can you collect the necessary data?
  • How will you interpret the meaning of the data as they relate to the problem statement?

Based on your search, identify and summarize three findings from these articles that you view relevant to your topic of interest in general and/or your PICOT question in particular.

Evidence-based practice evaluation

Students will take the topic they have selected for their Couple, Family or Systems/Relational Issues Application paper and develop an evidence-based practice evaluation. This paper will respond to the following content areas that align with the first 3 of the 5 A’s of Evidence-Based Practice:

  1. Provide 3 background questions that would be relevant and inform your area of interest
    • Reviewing your PICOT question, identify the category of PICOT question it would be considered (i.e. Gibbs framework: Effectiveness, Prevention, Assessment, Description and Risk).
  3. Using your background and PICOT questions, provide a comprehensive list of words or phrases that you would use during a literature search.
  4. Identify at least three search platforms that you used to search key terms for your background and/or foreground (PICOT) questions.
    • Provide the rationale for the use of these particular platforms for your search
  5. Provide at least 6 references for your background questions and at least 3 references relevant to your PICOT question using your search terms, submit the list of references with the assignment.
  6. Using the EBP pyramid or Hierarchy of evidence, how would you classify or rate the strength of the articles identified from your search?
  7. Based on your search, identify and summarize three findings from these articles that you view relevant to your topic of interest in general and/or your PICOT question in particular.

Explain the cross-cultural influences on psychosocial development in infants and toddlers.

Cross-cultural influences in the psychosocial development in infants and toddlers

Explain the cross-cultural influences on psychosocial development in infants and toddlers.

How does this company’s ratio compare to those of its competitors? Why is comparing this ratio to the industry average important? Explain how a well-managed supply chain can come into play here.

Most current days of working capital (DWC)

Select a company of your choice, and calculate the most current days of working capital (DWC) that are available. Review page 656 in the textbook, and watch the short video segment “Working Capital,” which is one of the required unit resources in this unit. In addition to your calculations, include the information below in your essay.
 How does this company’s ratio compare to those of its competitors?
 Why is comparing this ratio to the industry average important?
 Explain how a well-managed supply chain can come into play here.

You may use the company’s webpage, or keep in mind that the CSU Online Library has several databases to choose from that are good starting points for your research:
 Mergent Online,
 Business Insights: Global,
 Business Source Ultimate, and
 ABI/INFORM Collection.

Your essay should be at least two pages in length. Use APA format to cite and reference all quoted and paraphrased material, including your textbook. Use a minimum of two sources, one of which may be the textbook. Include a title page, introduction, body, conclusion, and references page. An abstract is not required.

Write up a brief conclusion on your scenario analysis result in the sheet of Scenario Analysis, below the summary report. Which scenario will bring the company the optimum outcome of 2017 sales?

MIS 303 Spring 2023

Excel Assignment – Instructions

In this assignment, you are to follow the instructions to complete and submit the assignment as individuals. Please make sure you follow the instructions closely and complete all tasks on multiple worksheets.

  1. Download the file Excel Assignment.xlsx from to your computer.
  2. Rename the file as YourFirstNameYourLastName.xlsx. You should fill your own first and last names to replace the parts of YourFirstName and YourLastName in the file name. E.g., John-Smith.xlsx
  3. Open the file using Excel 2016. Rename the worksheets as suggested below. In the following instructions, each worksheet will be referred with the new name only.
Sheet1    à 2016 Orders
Sheet2    à Income Statements
Sheet3    à Pivot Tables
Sheet4    à Business Charts
Sheet5    à Goal Seek
Sheet6    à Solver Analysis
  1. On the sheet of 2016 Orders, complete the following tasks.
    1. Make of list on the entire dataset.
    2. Sort the dataset by Product first and then by Region. (Other idea: By Salesperson first and then by Month)
    3. Add a column at the right of Product. Name it Price. Use vLookup function to pull product prices from the sheet Income Statements (D4:D7) and show prices for all orders.
    4. Add a column at the right of Unit. Name it Total. The order totals = Price * Unit.
    5. At the right of Total, add a column called Discount. Use a nested If function to decide the discounts. The company gives 10% discount to all orders from the West region, and the other regions only enjoy 10% discount in December.
    6. At the right of Discount, add a column called Totalw/Dis. It is the order totals – discounts.
    7. In cell L2, use the AVERAGE function to calculate the average number of units sold from the column Unit. Next, use conditional formatting tool and highlight the orders with unit sold greater than average unit sold. Select the green fill and dark green text color option if the cells meet this rule.
  2. On the sheet of Income Statements, complete all the green-colored cells using Excel functions or formulae.
  • Revenueis Units Sold * Unit Price and COGS is Units Sold * Unit Cost.
  • Total Revenueis the sum of the revenues for all products.
  • Total COGSis the sum of the COGS for all products.
  • Gross ProfitTotal Revenue – Total COGS
  • Salariesis 12% of Total Revenue
  • Advertisingis 4% of Total Revenue
  • Miscellaneous expenses are 1% of Total Revenue
  • Total Operating ExpenseSalaries + Advertising + Miscellaneous
  • Earning Before TaxesGross Profit – Total Operating Expense
  • Calculate Taxesbased on tax rate of 25% of Earning Before Taxes
  • Net ProfitEarnings Before Taxes – Taxes
  1. On the sheet of Pivot Tables, create a pivot table. You should start with the sheet of 2016 Orders as it contains all your raw data. But when you choose the location to place your pivot table, make sure you choose an existing sheet – the sheet of Pivot Tables, and click on the cell A1 to place the pivot table separately. Here are some suggested ideas for pivot tables.
  • Product sales by Salespersons
  • Seasonal sales by Regions


– Add meaningful title for your pivot table

– Use proper grouping fields and summary fields.

– Use proper structure of the pivot table to ensure readability

– Use proper type and format for summarized values

– Add a short paragraph below or on the side of the pivot table and describe 3 major findings from this table.

  1. On the sheet of Business Charts, create two charts using the summary data provided. Suggested ideas are:

– Salesperson performance

– Monthly sales

– Regional sales, etc.


– Use proper chart type based on your data and purposes.

– Add meaningful chart title

– Use proper labels and/or legend to ensure readability

– Add a short paragraph below the charts and describe your major findings from each chart.


  1. On the sheet of Goal Seek, find the way to achieve your 2017 profit goals.
    1. Go back to Income Statement It must be completed by now. Copy the gray area (A3:G23). Go to the sheet of Goal Seek, and paste it at the cell A3.
    2. At the blank Rows 1 & 2, merge some cells and add a title 2017 Sales Estimates.
    3. The cell J3 should show a label Price Increasing Rate:, and J4 should show 5%. If they are not there because of your copying and pasting, please add them to your sheet at proper locations.
    4. Edit your data sheet and include 5% increase on Unit Price of all products. Make sure you use formula with reference to J4, where it shows the increasing rate of prices.
    5. Use the Goal Seek tool and see if we want to achieve a $125,000 net profit, what is the increasing rate of price we should apply in 2017?
  2. Scenario Analysis: Go back to the sheet of Income Statement. Use the scenario manager to create three scenarios stated below and create a scenario summary, which will be a separate worksheet.
    1. You will create 3 different scenarios by changing the product pricing mix in order to determine their impacts to Net Profit.
  • The First Scenario is to raise the price of Product B by $5.00. However, this would cause sales of Product B to fall by 800 units and sales of Product C to increase by 700 units. Title the scenario name as Product B Price Change
  • The Second Scenario is to raise the price of Product C by $4.00. However, this would cause sales of Product C to fall by 550 units and sales of Product B to increase by 400 units. Title the scenario name as Product C Price Change
  • The Third Scenario is to raise the price of both Product B and Product C by $6.00. This would cause sales for Products B and C to both decrease by 350 units each. Title the scenario name as Product B and C Price Changes
    1. Create a Scenario summary report, which will become a new and separate worksheet. Make sure the Results Cells include Earnings Before Taxes and Net Profit. Rename this worksheet as Scenario Analysis, and move the sheet to the right of the sheet of Goal Seek.
    2. Write up a brief conclusion on your scenario analysis result in the sheet of Scenario Analysis, below the summary report. Which scenario will bring the company the optimum outcome of 2017 sales?


  1. Solver:
    1. Go back to Income Statement It must be completed by now. Copy the gray area (A3:G23). Go to the sheet of Solver Analysis, and paste it at the cell A3.
    2. At the blank Rows 1 & 2, merge some cells and add a title 2017 Income Statement Projections
    3. Change the label Unit Sold (at the cell C3) to Units to Sell.
    4. Within the Solver Analysis worksheet, input the following Solver Parameters:
  • Objective cell: Net Profit (C22) to the value of $80,000.
  • Constraint 1: Product A must sell at least 6000 units
  • Constraint 2: Total Operating Expenses is less than or equal $215,000.
  • Constraint 3: All unit sold quantities (C4:C7) are integers.
    1. Write up a brief conclusion on the major findings from the solver analysis.

Choose one nation-state anywhere in the world, even one that we didn’t go over in class. Any country will do, but you can’t use the U.S. Create a brochure to inform people about the country you choose.

PowerPoint presentation on Yemen

Choose one nation-state anywhere in the world, even one that we didn’t go over in class.  Any country will do, but you can’t use the U.S.  Create a brochure to inform people about the country you choose. This should be 10-12 slides of a PowerPoint.