
Aytaç and Çabuk (2020) discuss 17 COSO components in Assessment of the Effectiveness of Internal Control System and a Case Study. For a company of your choice, choose four components and establish processes to apply them.

Week 4 Assignment – Case Study: COSO Components Principles

COSO principles are important factors in assuring a company has a reasonable structure in decision-making areas. In addition, COSO provides a framework for companies to work upon. It does not provide a functioning process—processes are established based on the company’s needs, culture, and environment.

Aytaç and Çabuk (2020) discuss 17 COSO components in Assessment of the Effectiveness of Internal Control System and a Case Study. For a company of your choice, choose four components and establish processes to apply them.

  • The submission should be 1–2 pages long.
  • Use two sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source slide at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides.


This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Are there any cultural expressions to be found in your book or film that are typical for the English-speaking setting of the story?

Essay book and film

– Book: ‘She Said’ by Megan Twohey and Jodi Kantor (2019) (pdf online)
– Film: ‘She Said’ – Maria Schrader 2022 (Netflix)

With the information in the essay I should be able to make a powerpoint presentation.

Make sure to include the following topics:
– information about the book and the film -> summarize the storyline, main themes, basic facts
– compare the content of the book and the film
– cultural expressions (of the USA, England, …) in your book and/or film (at least 3)

 Cultural expressions represent the cultural and social characteristics of a nation or society, which makes them cultural heritage. Although in some cases the term is used to define traditions belonging to indigenous cultures or ancient civilizations. Cultural expressions vary according to each country.

 Are there any cultural expressions to be found in your book or film that are typical for the English-speaking setting of the story?

 Think about: (national) holidays, traditions or habits, monuments, natural landscapes, food, history, art, language (expressions, words), famous people/celebrities, events, sports, rituals, songs, books, music, architecture, …

 Look up more information on the internet about these typical cultural expressions.

 Make sure you have three examples that you can discuss in depth.
– opinion: An overall evaluation of the book and the film with arguments for what you liked best

 You can express a clear, well-founded opinion/appreciation about the book you’ve read and the film you’ve watched.

Write an essay on the impact of patient feedback on improvement of quality of care.

Impact of patient feedback on improvement of quality of care

Write an essay on the impact of patient feedback on improvement of quality of care.

What ethical issues or implications might exist around your selected scenario? What consequences could result from unethical practices or the perception of unethical practices in the given situation?

Discussion Board

For this week’s Discussion, review the scenarios and ethical dilemmas below*. Select an issue of interest to you and conduct a search for additional information in the Walden Library or on the Internet related to the issue you selected that could guide your response. Then, consider the following:

  • What ethical issues or implications might exist around your selected scenario?
  • What consequences could result from unethical practices or the perception of unethical practices in the given situation?
  • What can you do to avoid any unethical practices?
  • What ethical guidelines or professional standards apply to the situation and can guide you in your decision-making?

Choose one scenario

  • Scenario 1:You are on the Curriculum Committee at your university. The committee must recommend an instructional solution system, which will be utilized by the university, to the Chief Academic Officer (CAO).. The committee narrows its choices down to three solution systems and decides to conduct a research study in order to compare findings related to the effectiveness of the three possible solution systems. The university is facing budget cuts, and the Curriculum Committee is hard pressed to find the staff and resources to conduct a proper study. A vendor that produces one of the instructional systems hears about this study and the possible budget cuts and offers to fund the study, and even supply the school with consultants to do much of the leg work. The committee is unsure if this is the best approach.
  • Scenario 2: You are the director of training for a community medical group. There is a new and controversial medical procedure that some of the doctors and nurses may be asked to perform by their patients. You are asked to conduct a literature review and compile a summary of the research that can be presented to the medical staff so that they can make a better informed decision regarding whether or not they want to perform or participate in the procedure. You already have multiple projects on your plate competing for your time, and don’t understand what all the fuss is about anyway. People are just too sensitive and should be able to perform necessary procedures requested of them by patients. You remember reading a few articles related to the procedure and the controversy in a couple of the journals that you subscribe to. You consider summarizing and presenting those and calling it a day.
  • Scenario 3: You are an instructional designer with a small consulting and training firm. As part of your job, you contract with subject matter experts (SME) to write training courses on various topics based on the needs of your clients. While reviewing the curriculum and content of a course just delivered by a new SME, you realize that some of the content sounds familiar to you. You conduct a quick Internet search on some of the key phrases, and realize that the SME has plagiarized some of the content and hasn’t cited the sources. The course has taken weeks to develop, and is due to your client in a few days. You consider the actions you should take in revising the course and in dealing with the SME
  • Scenario 4: Share your own scenario. Without revealing any identifying details, summarize and analyze a real-life ethical dilemma you have encountered related to the consumption, use, or conducting of research.

Write a reflection on the impacts of shifting cultural, linguistic, demographic and socioeconomic trends based on in-class presentations and discussions, what you have read in and outside of class and your professional experience as an educator.

Cultural Studies Question

Write a reflection on the impacts of shifting cultural, linguistic, demographic and socioeconomic trends based on in-class presentations and discussions, what you have read in and outside of class and your professional experience as an educator. Focus on specific challenges and opportunities for public schools at the local, state and national level. Remember that this is an essay. You need to have an introduction and a conclusion. When needed include references. Your reflective essay should be a mi mun of 5 paragraphs.

Identify and fully explain four main points presented within the article or report. As part of the explanation provided you may provide examples identified within the article or report.

The State of Antisemitism in America 2020

Read the following article The State of Antisemitism in America 2020_ Insights and Analysis _ AJC.pdf Download The State of Antisemitism in America 2020_ Insights and Analysis _ AJC.pdfor watch the following report:

Links to an external site.and identify four main points within the reading or report. To successfully complete this assignment, you will need to:

Identify and fully explain four main points presented within the article or report. As part of the explanation provided you may provide examples identified within the article or report.


Create a formal outline of the article read or report watched for this assignment. The outline must consist of at least four main ideas presented within the article or report as well as the supporting details for each main idea.

Discuss the results of your personality assessment. Identify those strengths in your personality that will make you an ideal candidate within the roles/job opportunities you intend to pursue in the workplace. Next, identify the weaknesses of your personality type and practical steps you can take to turn the weaknesses into strengths.

Accounting Question

INTRODUCTION: While the Inquiry Rational paper was the opportunity for students to begin to critically think about future career and higher education opportunities from a broad perspective, the Project Report is a more in-depth exploration and point of discovery toward a focused plan of action for each student’s future in career and business. The purpose of the Project Report is to address the findings from internet-based research that will help form the basis of your career and education major decisions toward seeking employment (this includes career advancement or a career change) and pursuing advanced business students at the university level. Within the report students will discuss the business knowledge gained from this course and discuss self-reflective discovery as it relates to learning styles and personality assessments. Most importantly, students will discuss results from their focused exploration of employment opportunities.

Within the Project Report students will address the following:

Career and Business Job Search

1. Prospective Employers

  • Use one of the following sources to conduct an online job search engine to locate three jobs from three different organizations which align with your preferred career/area of focus. Work to make clear connections to the careers/areas of focus you discussed in the Inquiry Rationale paper.

Also use the Browse Programs tool of Career Coach to research potential degrees that will best compliment your intended/future career pursuits. Keep notes of your findings as the information will need to be incorporated as part of the Career and Business Project Report. Watch this video recording to learn how to use the CPCC Career Coach tools.

  • Identify the three separate employers with current job vacancies that interest you. Discuss the following information for each employer:
    • Name of organization
    • Chief products or services offered by the organization
    • Ownership structure of the organization (i.e., sole proprietorship, partnership, 501(c)3 non-profit, S corporation, etc.). HINT: Review pages 112 – 124 of the course text to learn more about business ownership structures.
    • Three interesting pieces of business related information and data you discovered for each organization during your internet-based research.

2. Prospective Career Opportunities

  • Discuss the specific roles/employment opportunities you found of interest for each prospective employer. (NOTE: Do not list everything contained within the job descriptions, rather summarize the key components of each.) The information you discuss should include the following:
    • Position titles
    • Skills and knowledge requirements
    • Degree and certification requirements
    • Employment preferences
  • For each role/employment opportunity, discuss what makes you interested in fulfilling the position.
  • Discuss how your current skills, knowledge, and education, as well as the certificate or degree you are currently pursuing through Central Piedmont (CPCC), will prepare or equip you to succeed in each role/employment opportunity.

Learning and Higher Educational Pursuits

1. Learning

  • Using knowledge gained throughout the course, select two of the following key business functions which resonated with you throughout the semester.

Chapters Business Functions to Choose From (only select two functions)
2 Economics: The U.S. Economic System
3 Global Trade: Licensing, Exporting, and Franchising
4 Business Ethics: Corporate Social Responsibility
5 Business Ownership Structures
6 Entrepreneurship: Job Creation
6 Managing a Small Business
7 Strategic Planning: SWOT Analysis
11 Laws Affecting Human Resources Management
11 Training and Developing Employees for Optimal Performance
13 The Marketing Mix: Four Ps of Marketing (Product, Price, Promotion, and Placement)
13 Marketing Environments: Consumer Market and Business-to-Business Market
15 Market Intermediary Utility Types
15 Wholesale and Retail Intermediaries
19 Stock Exchanges and Stock Market Indicators
20 Control of the Money Supply
20 The U. S. Banking System
Bonus D Personal Financial Planning
Bonus D Planning for Retirement

  • Discuss internal and external factors about each of the two business functions you selected that prove important to the successful operation of an organization.

2. Higher Educational Pursuits

  • Discuss what you learned about the two business functions and how this newfound knowledge relates to your own possible higher educational pursuits and major. Do this regardless of whether you plan to immediately pursue higher education or whether you might pursue higher education at some later point in life. If you believe you will not pursue higher education beyond Central Piedmont (CPCC), then still discuss the former based on the assumption that you will pursue higher education at the Bachelors, Masters, or Doctorate level.
  • Use the Browse Programs tool of Career Coach to research potential degrees that will best compliment higher education opportunities for you in the future. Discuss potential and relevant degrees pursuits that may prove valuable for your intended/future career pursuits.

Personal Reflections

  • Reflect upon those strengths and weaknesses that may impact your performance within the workplace environment, but particularly within the prospective career opportunities you chose to spotlight earlier within this report. Your reflections should include the following.
    • Discuss the results of your learning styles assessment and how you see your learning style(s) benefitting you in the future course studies with Central Piedmont (CPCC) and beyond.
    • Discuss the results of your personality assessment. Identify those strengths in your personality that will make you an ideal candidate within the roles/job opportunities you intend to pursue in the workplace. Next, identify the weaknesses of your personality type and practical steps you can take to turn the weaknesses into strengths.
    • Identify three specific things you can do to improve your viability as a candidate for any employer who will be fortunate to hire you.

Discuss at least three similarities and/or differences between the Motown sound and Phil Spector’s records: Address production styles, important artists, the sound of the records, the studio musicians, musical influences, and marketing.

Music 115

Discuss at least three similarities and/or differences between the Motown sound and Phil Spector’s records: Address production styles, important artists, the sound of the records, the studio musicians, musical influences, and marketing.

Create a cover letter, resume, and portfolio that best represent your knowledge, skills, and abilities as a professional in the field of nursing. Create a Career Planner, which includes these elements, that you can use as you pursue your next professional role.


For this Assignment, you will create a cover letter, resume, and portfolio that best represent your knowledge, skills, and abilities as a professional in the field of nursing.

Create a Career Planner, which includes these elements, that you can use as you pursue your next professional role.


  • Review the Career Planner Guide. This document contains the requirements for the Assignment as well as resources to consult.
  • Seek out other resources on cover letters, resumes, and other professional resources, as needed. Career Planning and Development site has information on many topics of relevance

Choose TWO AUDIO examples (not video clips) from Unit 3 and write a 150-word journal that presents details of each song as well as comparisons.

Music 115

Choose TWO AUDIO examples (not video clips) from Unit 3 and write a 150-word journal that presents details of each song as well as comparisons. Utilize your textbook and the PowerPoint presentation for this assignment. Comment on the instrumentation, melody, rhythm, timbre, form and text of each song.