
Get the inflation report of Saudi Arabia for Q3 of 2021 and Q3 of 2022 from the SAMA website and compare the changes. Discuss the Insurance Licensing Guidelines and Minimum Criteria published by SAMA.

Banking laws

Assignment Questions

1.Explain the following banking laws in the context of Saudi Arabia.

  • 1.1.Banking Control Law [2 Marks]
  • 1.2.Anti-Money Laundering Law [2 Marks]

2.Explain the following Finance laws in the context of Saudi Arabia.

  • 2.1.Regulation of the Finance Companies [2 Marks]
  • 2.2.Regulation of the Real Estate Finance Law [2 Marks]

3.Get the inflation report of Saudi Arabia for Q3 of 2021 and Q3 of 2022 from the SAMA website and compare the changes. [2 Marks]

4.Choose a Bank of your choice and do the following

  • 4.1.Provide the list of its all lending programs. [1 Mark]
  • 4.2.Discuss any two lending programs in detail [2 Marks]

5.Discuss the Insurance Licensing Guidelines and Minimum Criteria published by SAMA. [2 Marks]

Evaluate the following inductive arguments with respect to Criterion 2. Is it a strong inductive argument? Why or why not?


I Argument Structure Exercises

Exercise: Put the following simple arguments into standard form.

  1. Tuition rates have not increased, but room and board has. College is therefore more expensive, since students have to cover both of these costs.
  2. I followed the recipe on the box, but the dessert tasted awful. Some of the ingredients must have been spoiled.
  3. Capital punishment is not a deterrent to crime. In those states which have abolished the death penalty, the rate of incidence for serious crimes is lower than in those which have retained it.

Exercise: Put the following complex arguments into standard form.

  1. The Tigers are likely to lose this final game since it is a road game and they’ve done poorly on the road all season. If they lose this one, the coach will almost certainly be fired. The coach’s job is therefore in jeopardy.
  2. We know that Miss Scarlett and Professor Plum were in the study at the time of the murder since they were seen there. And Reverend Green had the candlestick in the ballroom, and so we know that Green was not involved in the murder. Hence Colonel Mustard did it in the kitchen with the lead pipe. Recall, after all, that the gun had not been fired.
  3. He signed on to teach Phil 3, and therefore he should lecture all quarter. So if he cancels the last 4 weeks of class, he has not done his job.
  4. You’ll pass Phil 3 if you work hard. There has never been a hard-working student who failed, so there probably never will be one.

Exercise: Put the following arguments (all of which have implicit premises and/or an implicit conclusion) into standard form.

  1. Jacob eats meat, which just goes to show that you don’t have to be vegetarian to be a good person.
  2. If you were a good father, you wouldn’t have allowed me to watch so much television.
  3. The only people who had access to the midterm were the TAs and the professor. None of the TAs had posted the midterm online, but it had indeed been posted online.

II. Argument Evaluation Exercises

Exercise: Consider the following deductive argument. Are the premises true? Is it valid? Are the premises relevant to the conclusion? In each case briefly explain why.

Everyone who smokes gets lung cancer.

Everyone who gets lung cancer suffers a painful death. Everyone who smokes suffers a painful death.

Exercise: For each of the following deductive arguments: Is it valid? Why or why not? 1.

Some Americans like hamburgers.

Joe likes hamburgers.

  • Joe is American.2.
    Some Americans like hamburgers. Joe is American.
  • Joe likes hamburgers. 3.No Americans like hamburgers.Joe is not American.
  • Joe likes hamburgers.4.
    No Americans like hamburgers. Joe likes hamburgers.
  • Joe is not American. 5.Socrates is a man.All men are carrots.
  • Socrates is a carrot.6.
    Abe Lincoln was either born in Illinois or he was once president. Abe Lincoln was never president.
  • Abe Lincoln was born in Illinois. 7.If I pull the trigger, Abe Lincoln will die.I do not pull the trigger.
  • Abe Lincoln will not die.8.
    Abe Lincoln was either from France or from Luxembourg. Abe Lincoln was not from Luxembourg.
  • Abe Lincoln was from France. 9.If the world were to end today, then I would not need to get up tomorrow morning.I will need to get up tomorrow morning.
  • The world will not end today.

Exercise: Evaluate the following inductive arguments with respect to Criterion 2. Is it a strong inductive argument? Why or why not?

Most Americans like hamburgers. Joe is American.

  • Joe likes hamburgers. 2.Most Americans like hamburgers.Joe likes hamburgers.
  • Joe is American.3.
    Philosophy majors are rarely enrolled in Phil 3.
    Anthropology majors are often enrolled in Phil 3.
    Bob is a student in Phil 3.
    There are only two kinds of students in Phil 3, philosophy majors and anthropology majors.
  • Bob is an anthropology major.Exercise: Consider the statement A): Santa Barbara is in California.
  1. Give an argument for A that satisfies Criterion 1. Give an argument for A that fails tosatisfy Criterion 1. (Recall that an argument for A is one that has A as its conclusion.)
  2. Give an argument for A that satisfies Criterion 2 (i.e. either it is valid or it is inductivelystrong). Give an argument for A that fails to satisfy Criterion 2 (i.e. it is not valid nor is itinductively strong).
  3. Give an argument for A that satisfies Criterion 3. Give an argument for A that fails tosatisfy Criterion 3.
  4. Can you give an argument for A that satisfies all three criteria? If yes, then give one, ifno, then say why.

Exercise: Consider the statement B): Santa Barbara is not in California.

  1. Give an argument for B that satisfies Criterion 1. Give an argument for B that fails tosatisfy Criterion 1. (Recall that an argument for B is one that has B as its conclusion.)
  2. Give an argument for B that satisfies Criterion 2 (i.e. either it is valid or it is inductivelystrong). Give an argument for B that fails to satisfy Criterion 2 (i.e. it is not valid nor is itinductively strong).
  3. Give an argument for B that satisfies Criterion 3. Give an argument for B that fails tosatisfy Criterion 3.
  4. Can you give an argument for B that satisfies all three criteria? If yes, then give one, ifno, then say why.

Exercise: Can there be:

  1. A valid argument with one false premise and one true premise?
  2. A valid argument that only has false premises?
  3. A valid argument with only false premises and a false conclusion?
  1. A valid argument with a false conclusion?
  2. A valid argument with only true premises and a false conclusion?
  3. A sound argument with one false premise and one true premise?
  4. A sound argument that only has false premises?
  5. A sound argument with only false premises and a false conclusion?
  6. A sound argument with a false conclusion?
  7. A sound argument with only true premises and a false conclusion?

In each case: if so, give an example; if not, explain why not.

III. Argument Formalization Exercises

Exercise: Consider these sentence letters. P: Plato is a philosopher. Q: Plato lives in Athens. R: Aristotle is a philosopher. Express the form of each of the following English sentences in the language of propositional logic.

  1. If Plato is a philosopher, then he lives in Athens.
  2. Plato and Aristotle are both philosophers.
  3. If Plato is a philosopher and Aristotle is a philosopher, then Plato does not live in Athens.
  4. Either Plato is a philosopher or he lives in Athens.
  5. Aristotle is a philosopher if and only if Plato is a philosopher and lives in Athens.
  6. It is not the case that if Aristotle is a philosopher, Plato is a philosopher too.
  7. If Aristotle is not a philosopher, then Plato is a philosopher.

Exercise: Consider these sentence letters. M: Those creatures are men in suits. C: Those creatures are chimpanzees. G: Those creatures are gorillas. Express the form of each of the following English sentences in the language of propositional logic.

  1. Those creatures are not men in suits.
  2. Those creatures are men in suits, or they are not.
  3. Those creatures are either gorillas or chimpanzees.
  4. Those creatures are neither gorillas nor chimpanzees.
  5. If those creatures are chimpanzees, then they are neither gorillas nor men in suits.

Exercise: Consider these sentence letters. P: Pam is going. Q: Quincy is going. R: Richard is going. S: Sara is going. Translate each of the following arguments into the language of propositional logic. (In other words, put them into standard form and then translate their premises and conclusion into the language of propositional logic.)

  1. Pam is going. If Pam is going, then Quincy is going. Quincy is going if and only if Richard is not going. If Sara is going, then Richard is going. Therefore, Sara is not going.
  2. Either Quincy is going or Pam is going. Pam is going only if Sara is going. Sara is not going. Therefore, Quincy is going.

How accurate is location data/history? What databases store the location history? How are locations obtained? What applications use locations? Are there different levels of accuracy?

Cyber Security Question

In the following format: MS Word, 2.5 full typed pages (not including sources), 12pt Arial font, single spaced, NO screenshots or pictures, all original content, and any referenced material must be properly documented. For full credit, please answer all the questions with as much detail as possible.

In 2 pages please research the below material:

Research location history on cell phones. The research will be for both the Android OS and the iOS. How accurate is location data/history? What databases store the location history? How are locations obtained? What applications use locations? Are there different levels of accuracy?

Please include other information you found in your research; the above questions are just a guideline to get you started.

What is Martingale’s investment philosophy? What is their view on market efficiency? How does Martingale select stocks? What signals are incorporated? What are short extension funds? How does Martingale use them? Are they costly to implement?

Case 3: Martingale Asset

Suggested Questions to Case 3: Martingale Asset



1. What is Martingale’s investment philosophy? What is their view on market efficiency?
2. How does Martingale select stocks? What signals are incorporated?
3. What are short extension funds? How does Martingale use them? Are they costly to implement?
4. What is the risk anomaly in Equities? What are the implications for market efficiency?
5. Describe typical performance characteristics of minimum variance portfolios. How do they compare to the benchmark portfolios?
6. What is a back-test? How do asset managers use them? What is datamining?

Consider the two other examples in of social constructions in lecture: national boarders and time zones. These are things we would never discover in nature. Does that mean they cannot impact you? What would happen if you showed up to work late with the excuse that time zone’s are a social construction? Would you boss accept this excuse?

A short discussion

The concept of race is only about 300 years old. Is that shocking to you? When would you have guessed it was created?

Things to consider:

1. If race is a fairly new concept, developed in the same century as the pressure cooker and the discovery of bacteria, does that give you hope for the future? Why or why not?

2. If race does not exist as a biological reality, does that mean racism does not effect peoples lives? Explain.

3. Consider the two other examples in of social constructions in lecture: national boarders and time zones. These are things we would never discover in nature. Does that mean they cannot impact you? What would happen if you showed up to work late with the excuse that time zone’s are a social construction? Would you boss accept this excuse?

4. If race and ethnicity are different things, they certainly come together in complicated ways. One important way they come together is through Afro-Latino/a identity. As was demonstrated in the video in lecture 15.2, many slaves were taken to Latin America. There are many people who identify both as coming from Africa and being Latino/a. Does this complicate the idea that Race and Ethnicity can be separated? What do you think?

Consider the following video of people discussing their Afro-Latino/a identity:

Wallie’s Western Wear is a retailer of western style clothing that produces all of its own products. Wallie and Wanda, the owners, want to incorporate a system to solve quality problems and understand they need to start with their customers. What suggestions would be helpful for this process?

Business Question

1.Quite naturally, there are stark differences in service and manufacturing businesses. You’ve either chose one or the other for your plan. You may have components of both. In two to three paragraphs, describe your own characteristics that make you better fit for either a service or a manufacturing business. What characteristics do you have and what characteristics do you need to improve to be better at your choice?

2.Wallie’s Western Wear is a retailer of western style clothing that produces all of its own products. Wallie and Wanda, the owners, want to incorporate a system to solve quality problems and understand they need to start with their customers. What suggestions would be helpful for this process?

Will the offering need to be registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under the Securities Act of 1933? Explain. Does your answer differ if “Shares in Learning” are issued by Private College, a proprietary for-profit institution that does business in all 50 states? Why?

Securities Law

Private University, a private nonprofit educational institution located in Califor­nia, decides to issue “Shares in Learning” certificates in a one-time offering to the public. These shares will be sold for $500 each and entitle the bearer to redeem each certificate for two undergraduate or one graduate college credit in any of its schools at any time in the future. The shares may also be resold without restric­tion by the initial purchaser. The offering will be made via the Internet.

Will the offering need to be registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under the Securities Act of 1933? Explain. Does your answer differ if “Shares in Learning” are issued by Private College, a proprietary for-profit institution that does business in all 50 states? Why?

Develop as a group a set of heuristics for your practice of leadership, strategic thinking, and planning. Have at least twenty-five items, although you may certainly have more.

Question leadership

Heuristics are a set of guidelines that people use to direct their activities. We all have a variety of heuristics in our lives, either formal or informal. A formal business heuristic might be a reorder point (trigger point) for reordering supplies like lumber, paper clips, or cans of broccoli at work. An informal personal heuristic might be how much drive time you allow for when you travel to work.

Develop as a group a set of heuristics for your practice of leadership, strategic thinking, and planning. Have at least twenty-five items, although you may certainly have more. Your heuristics can include but are not limited to:

  • Things you would do.
  • Things you would not do.
  • An ethical framework for the practice of strategic leadership.
  • Observations about the effectiveness of styles of leadership as they apply to topics related to strategy, leadership, and planning.
  • Other insights about successful or unsuccessful strategic leadership.

At least some of your items should be devoted to particular topics or subtopics within or associated with leadership

Analyze the dataset and segment these customers into distinct groups.

Case ROI Calculation

Project Background

Amazon Prime
In 2005, Amazon announced the creation of Amazon Prime, a membership
offering free twoday shipping within the contiguous United States on all eligible purchases for a flat annual fee of $79 (equivalent to $96 in 2015), as well as discounted oneday shipping rates. Amazon launched the program in Germany, Japan, and the United Kingdom in 2007; in France (as “Amazon Premium”) in 2008, in Italy in 2011, and in Canada in 2013.
Amazon Prime membership in Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United
States also provides Amazon Video, the instant streaming of selected movies and TV shows at no additional cost. In November 2011, it was announced that Prime members have access to the Kindle Owners’ Lending Library, which allows users to borrow certain popular Kindle ebooks for free reading on Kindle hardware, up to one book a month, with no due date.
In March 2014, Amazon announced an increase in the annual membersh
ip fee for Amazon Prime, from $79 to $99. Shortly after this change, Amazon announced Prime Music, a service whose members can get unlimited, adfree streaming of over a million songs and access to curated playlists. In November 2014, Amazon added Prime Photos, which allows unlimited photo storage in the users’ Amazon cloud drive. In March 2015, Amazon was expanding that service as a paid offering to cover other kinds of content, and to users outside of its loyalty program. Unlimited Cloud Storage will let users get either unlimited photo storage or “unlimited everything” covering all kinds of media from videos and music through to PDF documents respectively for $11.99 or $59.99 per year. Amazon also began offering free sameday delivery to Prime members in 14 U.S. metropolitan areas in May 2015. In April 2015, Amazon started a trial partnership with Audi and DHL in order to get deliveries directly into the trunks of Audi cars. This project is only available on the Munich (Germany) area to some Audi connected car users.
On July 15, 2015, to commemorate its 20th birthday, Amazon celebrated
“Amazon Prime Day”, which Amazon announced would feature deals for prime members that rivaled those on Black Friday. Also that month Amazon Prime announced that it would be signing Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, and James May, formerly of BBC’s Top Gear, to begin working on The Grand Tour, due to be released in 2016.
In December 2015, Amazon stated that “tens of millions” of people are Amazon
Prime members. Amazon Prime added 3 million members during the third week of December 2015. It was also during December that Amazon announced the creation of the Streaming Partners Program, an overthetop subscription service that enables Amazon Prime subscribers to add additional streaming video services to their accounts. Among the programming providers involved in the program are Showtime, Starz (with additional content from sister network Encore), Lifetime Movie Club (containing recent original movie titles from Lifetime Television and Lifetime Movie Network), Smithsonian Earth, and Qello Concerts.
In January 2016, Amazon Prime reached 54 million members according to a report
from Consumer Intelligence Research Partners. In April 2016, Amazon announced sameday delivery would be expanded to include the areas of Charlotte, Cincinnati, Fresno, Louisville, Milwaukee, Nashville, Central New Jersey, Raleigh, Richmond, Sacramento, Stockton, and Tucson, bringing total coverage to 27 metro areas..

Source: Wikipedia

Team assignment
e been given a team project targeting current AP customers for a preholiday promotion encouraging shoppers to visit AmazonPrime for their holiday gift buying needs.
Your marketing manager requested
your team analyze purchase data from the previous holiday season with data provided by American Express Cardholder Services. The data contains demographic , product, and spend amount data for your team to analyze and determine how best to solicit shoppers. Your team’s analysis will then be used to select 100,000 names from the AmazonPrime database as the marketing budget is not large enough to solicit everyone.

The data file provided contains:

Highlevel demographic data (name, location, age, income, etc) for nearly 400 randomly selected customers.
Each record contains the product purchased and the amount spent to purchase that product

As a team,
analyze the dataset and segment these customers into distinct groups. Your segmentation scheme may combine any of the variables provided in the excel document.
Once complete, you
r team is required to present findings to the Chief Marketing Officer (me) for go/nogo approval. Your presentation must consist of the following:
A title page with team members listed
13 slides profiling holiday shopping customer. Your research can come from any credible source such as Forrester, Adage, Adweek, eMarketer, NY Times, etc.
13 slides on how you conducted your analysis; any techniques used such as crosstabulations, logic counter variables, etc., to summarize the data
13 slides on your segmentation scheme including high, medium, and low value cardholders
13 slides on your marketing plan on how you will solicit the target audience via direct mail and email channels
13 slides on the calltoaction(s); what actions are you asking the target audience to do; how will you get them to consider purchasing products at AmazonPrime.

7. 13 slides on how you will monitor and measure the performance of the marketing plan.
8. 1-3 slides on how you would calculate ROI for this promotion, based on assumptions in the below chart. Please also project your findings on a house file of 100,000 names. You may use the average spend by member for each of your segments to determine ROI.

sume the before-tax interest rate is 5% What will be your after-tax 20-year retirement consumption stream if you choose to save n a traditional IRA? Assume your tax rate is fixed at 30% (Round your answers to 2 decimal place.) .

Calculation Question

The difference between a Roth IRA and a traditional IRA is that in a Roth IRA taxes are paid on the Income that is contributed, but the withdrawals at retirement are tax-free. Ina traditional IRA, however, the contributions reduce your taxable income, bot the withdrawals at retirement are taxable_ Assume you plan to devote $5,000 to retirement savings in each year. You will retire in 30 years and expect to live for an additional 20 years after retirement

  • a. Assume the before-tax interest rate is 5% What will be your after-tax 20-year retirement consumption stream if you choose to save n a traditional IRA? Assume your tax rate is fixed at 30% (Round your answers to 2 decimal place.)
  • b. What will be your 20-year retirement consumption stream if you choose to save Ina Roth IRA? (Round your answers to 2 decimal place.)