
Write first part of the paper clearly identifying, introducing and signifying the SSI. Include the current status of our energy use and why we need changing our current approaches.

SSI Deliberative Exercise


1. Read and understand the rubric. This is an individually written paper from your SSI Deliberative Exercise. Paper must be typewritten with 3-4 pages of text (12 font, 1.5 line spacing). Use sub headings as appropriate.

2. Write a title for your paper – title is an overview of the specific content you present.

3.Write first part of the paper clearly identifying, introducing and signifying the SSI. Include the current status of our energy use and why we need changing our current approaches.

4.Write first part of the paper clearly identifying, introducing and signifying the SSI. Include the current status of our energy use and why we need changing our current approaches.

5. Last portion should include the following.

  • A) What approach you recommend as your energy choice(s) for the future (based on above mentioned reasoning)
  • B) Specific goals of this approach and steps/tasks to achieve the goals of this approach.
  • C) Reasons as to why the steps you suggest are workable and acceptable to the stakeholders.

Consolidated financial statements present the financial position and results of operations for controlling entity and one or more controlled entities. ‘Consolidated Financial Statement has some advantages but at the same time it is not free from limitations.’ Elaborate this statement.

Accounting Question

  • Assume Large Corporation Invested $ 600,000 for Small Corporation and the estimated Fair Market Values of Assets, Liabilities and Equity Accounts are as follows:
              Assets Amount $ Liabilities Amount $
Account Receivable


LT Marketable Securities

PP & E







Account Payables

Retained Earnings

Commons Stock







Required:    (2+3 Marks)

  1. Determine the Amount of Goodwill or Bargain Purchase.
  2. What is the Journal Entry in the book of Large Corporation?



  • From the following Table pass Basic Elimination Entry under Equity Method in the book of Parent Company:        (5 Marks)

Book Value

= Common


+ Additional

Paid in Capital

+ Retained


Beginning Book Value

+ Net Income

–         Dividend





150 550 (100)





Book Value

750 150 550 50


  • Consolidated financial statements present the financial position and results of operations for controlling entity and one or more controlled entities. ‘Consolidated Financial Statement has some advantages but at the same time it is not free from limitations.’ Elaborate this statement. (5 Marks)

The controversy over the Robert Mapplethorpe exhibition of 1982 is discussed. If you were allowed to vote for whether or not the NEA should fund this exhibition or part of it, what would your decision have been? Explain your decision.


1) Discuss the role of the NEA(National Endowment for the Arts) in public art. While the government does not fund many public artworks, the government agency of the NEA does select and provide funds for some artists, museums, artist groups, as well as programs in music and art for children in economically challenged communities who apply for funding. The NEA has limited funds, so getting funding is very competitive. In your opinion, is the role of the NEA important in our government and to our culture? Why or why not?

3) The controversy over the Robert Mapplethorpe exhibition of 1982 is discussed. If you were allowed to vote for whether or not the NEA should fund this exhibition or part of it, what would your decision have been? Explain your decision.


Maya Lin’s Vietnam War Memorial is discussed. Although this memorial was not funded by the NEA, the government had to get involved because the memorial was being placed on Federal land. Describe the controversy over her design and the resolution to this controversy. Did you agree with the selection of her design? Did you agree with the resolution to the controversy? Include in your discussion reasons why you agreed or disagreed.

4) History is all around us. Let’s use technology and our enlightened awareness of our world to document and live this history. Let’s use our phones and cameras to document the world we live in. As you go about your daily lives, see if your readings and lecture material sink into your world.

Challenge yourself to think, live, and breathe the history you are learning. If there is something in your daily life that reminds you or makes you think about your history content, document it. (Example: you read about Concept “A” in your text. You’re at work, and you witness something that makes you think about Concept “A.” Take a photo or video of it. Remember that it has to be a real picture or video taken by you in real life, and it has to be taken in THE PRESENT MOMENT-meaning within the past day or two). Give a brief description of the photo (what is happening, where, why, etc.) Most importantly: Explain what this has to do with what you are learning. Photos/Videos must be taken physically by you within the past day or two. Be in the moment, don’t script this, and don’t just sit there planning out a “History Matters.” It should be organic and spontaneous.

Why would some people think that this work is harmful to learn about? Why do some people have such a vocal and passionate objection to this document?

English 102

  1. If you had to distill the episode into a thesis statement, what is the thesis of this episode?
  1. Which sound effects were effective, in your estimation? Pick one of the examples and explain its impact.
  1. Does this episode change your perceptions of any historical figures? Why or why not?
  1. This is all very interesting information, but how does the author move from the information to the “so what?” of the argument? How does she make us understand the implications of our history and the need to care?
  1. Why would some people think that this work is harmful to learn about? Why do some people have such a vocal and passionate objection to this document?
  1. Understanding that this has now been made into a filmic documentary, what strengths does this podcast have in relation to other genres?

Remember that it should still be, at least, 150 words, so pick a question that will allow you to make an informed answer

listen to the first episode of the 1619 podcast (it can be accessed through any podcast service, or you can just Google it and there is a free version available)

Draw the example circuit. Explain the duty of each component. Draw, simulate and analyze the circuit by using PSpice.

EE 309 Analog Electronics and Design Homework

Spring 2022-2023 Duration: 25/04/2023 15:00 – 28/04/2023 15:00

25 25 25 25 100
  1. As depicted in the figure, input voltage is 120 Volts (RMS) and diode drops are 0.7 Volts. Design this circuit with given two outputs and calculate turns ratio of transformer.
  • 10 V
  1. 100 V


  1. Consider a circuit using Si diodes and 10 k ohms resistors. Design this clipper circuit with output ranges below;
  2. -0.7 V and above
  3. +2.1 V and above
  • ±1.4 V
  1. As given in the figure a clamper circuit with the input signal Vi is proposed to design. Determine the output voltage with the exact solution step by step. Sketch transfer characteristic VO versus V



  1. A rectifier circuit with the excitation of is given. Assume the diodes are made of Silicon.Design this circuit and determine the turns ratio, PIV rating for the peak output voltage of;
  2. 25 V
  3. 100 V
  • Check the design and provide the results with Spice


  1. A regulator curcuit needs to be designed with an input power supply which has a nominal value of and can vary by ± %25 and nominal output voltage of 10 volts. For this purpose a zener diode is employed with specifications given; power rating of 1 W, 10 V drop at , output load current is to vary between -20 mA and zener resistance of
  2. If the minimum Zener current is to be , determine the required
  3. Determine the maximum variation in output voltage
  • Determine the regulation percent
    1. For the given network, input voltage having a maximum amplitude of  is applied to the circuit. (Note: All the diodes are Si).
      1. Sketch the output and calculate the dc (average) value of the output for the network.
      2. Draw, simulate and analyze the circuit by using PSpice


  1. A diode circuit is given with the input signal beside. (Use the resulting output voltage level of part a as Vp in this question)
  1. Determine the output voltage with the exact solution step by step.
  2. Sketch transfer characteristic VO versus Vi
  • Draw, simulate and analyze the circuit by using PSpice





    1. A GaAs diode with  is given as the configuration on figure
    2. Obtain analytical solution for each steps
    3. Draw output voltage waveform.
    4. Choose a resistance value for R(Select a value which provides practical rule)and plot wave form of current over resistance
    5. For which specific applications this design can be applied write your comments
    6. Draw, simulate and analyze the circuit by using PSpice


  1. [Research Question] Design a DC battery charger for an electrical vehicle which has a 96 V (nominal) BLDC hub motor which is plugged directly from grid to EV.
    1. Which type(s) of diode circuit(s) is(are) used for this device.
    2. Sketch the input and output waveforms
  • List the needed components for this design.
  1. Draw the example circuit.
  2. Explain the duty of each component.
  3. Draw, simulate and analyze the circuit by using PSpice.

On January 1, Omar signs a contract with a client to provide catering services for their wedding on July 1. The total contract amount is SAR 25,000. When should Omar recognize the revenue for this transaction under the accrual basis?

Principles of Accounting

Assignment Question(s):   (Marks 15)

Question 1:    (5 Marks)

Sarah owns a boutique that sells women’s clothing and accessories. She keeps track of her business transactions using a journal.

  1. On March 1, Sarah invested SAR 10,000 cash in her business to start operations. Prepare the journal entry.
  2. On March 5, Sarah purchased inventory for SAR 5,000 on credit from a supplier. Prepare the journal entry.
  3. On March 10, Sarah sold SAR 3,000 worth of inventory for cash. Prepare the journal entry.
  4. On March 15, Sarah paid SAR 1,000 cash for rent for the month. Prepare the journal entry.
  5. On March 20, Sarah purchased office supplies for SAR 200 cash. Prepare the journal entry.
  6. On March 25, Sarah received a bill for SAR 800 for advertising expenses incurred during the month. Prepare the journal entry.
  7. On March 31, Sarah paid SAR 4,000 cash to the supplier for the inventory purchased on credit earlier in the month. Prepare the journal entry.

Instructions: Prepare the journal entry in SAR currency for each of the above transactions.


Question 2:   (5 Marks)

Omar owns a catering service company that provides food and beverage services for events such as weddings and corporate events. He uses the accrual basis of accounting to record his company’s financial transactions. Here are some of the transactions that occurred during the year:

  1. On January 1, Omar signs a contract with a client to provide catering services for their wedding on July 1. The total contract amount is SAR 25,000. When should Omar recognize the revenue for this transaction under the accrual basis?
  2. On July 1, Omar provides catering services to the client from the January 1 contract. The client pays the full amount of SAR 25,000 on the day of the event. When should Omar recognize the revenue for this transaction under the accrual basis?
  3. On October 1, Omar provides catering services to a corporate client and invoices them for SAR 12,000. The payment is not received until November 15. When should Omar recognize the revenue for this transaction under the accrual basis?


Question 3:   (5 Marks)

ABC Consulting is a company that provides consulting services to clients in various industries. The company also rents out a portion of its office space to other businesses. As the accountant for ABC Consulting, you are tasked with preparing the company’s income statement for the year 2022 based on the following information taken from the trial balance:

  • Consulting revenue: SAR70,000
  • Rental revenue: SAR30,000
  • Supplies expense: SAR5,000
  • Rent expense: SAR20,000
  • Wages expense: SAR30,000

Your task is to prepare the income statement for ABC Consulting in 2022 based on the information provided above.

What debt-to-capital structure would you recommend as optimal for Hill Country Snack Foods? What are the advantages of adding debt to the capital structure? How would issuing debt impact the company’s taxes and expected costs of financial distress? How would the financial markets react if the company increased its financial leverage?

AF 495 CASE 6 AND 7



Instructions: Answer all questions below. Make sure to show your work. Your answers must be typed. (TOTAL = 100 POINTS)

Hill Country Snack Foods

1. How much business risk does Hill Country face? How much financial risk would the company face at each of the three alternative debt-to-capital ratios presented in Case Exhibit 4? How much value could Hill Country create for its shareholders at each of each of the three alternative debt levels?

2. What debt-to-capital structure would you recommend as optimal for Hill Country Snack Foods? What are the advantages of adding debt to the capital structure? How would issuing debt impact the company’s taxes and expected costs of financial distress? How would the financial markets react if the company increased its financial leverage?

3. How could Hill Country implement a more aggressive capital structure? What methods could be used to increase debt and decrease equity?

4. Considering Hill Country’s corporate culture, what arguments could you use to persuade CEO Keener or his successor to adopt and implement your recommendation?




Instructions: Answer all questions below. Make sure to show your work. Your answers must be typed. (TOTAL = 100 POINTS)

Jones Electrical Distribution

1. How well is “Jones Electrical Distribution” performing? What must Jones do well to succeed?

2. Why does a business that has profit of $30,000 per year need a bank loan?

3. What drove an increase in Jones’s accounts receivable and inventory balances in 2005 and 2006?

4. Is Nelson Jones’s estimate that a $350,000 line of credit is sufficient for 2007 accurate?

5. When will Jones be able to repay the line of credit?

6. What could Jones do to reduce the size of the line of credit he needs?

7. What are the implications for Jones’ s lifestyle of accepting the new, larger line of credit?

What things function as a religion in your life? Explain 3-4 ways you think about “religion” differently now that you’ve taken this course.

RELS 102B (Spring 2023) — Instructions for Final Paper

Due Monday, May 1, no later than 10pm (uploaded to Canvas)


Part 1: Simplified Version of Religion Profile #3

  • Choose an implicit religion from our list (on Canvas), except you may not choose the gym (or anything similar) or Greek life. Instead of doing the full analysis, you’ll look for articles that provide evidence of what makes that thing a religion.
  • Find at least 6 articles from credible websites — but you may need more than 6! You need to find enough articles that provide clear evidence/examples for each of the items below.
  • You may use an article as your support for no more than 2 of the items below.
  • If you know someone who is/was a participant in the implicit religion, you may use their stories for no more than 2 of the items below.

From your articles, find an example/illustration for each of the following items:

1) The community’s leadership structure / authoritative people (2 example of leadership structure or authoritative people)

2A) A major authorized activity/ritual of the community (2 example for both)

2B) A different major authorized activity/ritual of the community (1 example)

3) A major authorized idea in the community (1 example)

4A) Something that participants commonly do to communicate to people outside the community that they are an insider in this community.

4B) Another thing that participants commonly do to communicate to people outside the community is that they are an insider in this community.

5) An example of how this community guides participants about

  • how to act towards people in situations that are un-related to this community or about
  • how to change society according to the community’s values (example outside the community)

6) Choice: An example of a common emotionally intense experience in the community OR

  • a text (or set of texts) that has authority OR
  • a place that has special importance or authority for the community OR
  • 3-4 terms of the community’s special vocabulary/way of talking.

For each of the items above, complete the following:

  • Provide the link to one of the articles that contains a good illustration/example.
  • *new from Tuesday’s class* Write a sentence explaining how you know that the website is a credible source for information.
  • Paste (within quotation marks) 2-3 sentences from the article that describe the illustration/ example you are using to support this item.
  • Write 1 sentence explaining what the sentences you pasted in are telling us or why they are a good illustration/ example of this item. (In other words, you can start with “What this article shows us that …” or “This is a good example for this item because…”

So by the end, you’ll have a list of 6 articles, and then you’ll have 8 items — and for each item, you’ll have (1) a link, (2) an explanation about the source, (3) a quotation, and (4) a 1-sentence analysis.




Part 2: Reflection on Your Learning

Q2.1: What things function as a religion in your life? They can be official or implicit religions. For this question, assume that there are at least 2 things that function as a religion in your life — even if you personally don’t think of them as a religion. What would a scholar trained in our class who was studying your life think were your 2 religions? Write at least 200 words on each one, explaining what the religion is and what signs/evidence the scholar would use to define it as one of your religions. (Note: This question is not asking you to affirm anything as a religion for you. It is only asking you to identify what someone who is trained in this class could argue functions as a religion in your life.)


Q2.2: Explain 3-4 ways you think about “religion” differently now that you’ve taken this course. (It could be religion as it applies to your own life or other people’s lives or both.) State what each of these 4 ways of thinking differently is, and then for each one, discuss a concrete example of something that you view differently compared to before you took the class. Finally, for each one, identify something from the course that encouraged your thinking to shift: a reading, an activity, a prep assignment, a class discussion — really anything from the course. Write at least 100 words on each of the 4 ways you think differently.


Q2.3: Imagine you have funding to do an in-depth study of 2 religions on our list (you’ll study them separately). Which 2 religions would you study and why? Also discuss 2-3 activities you would want to observe in each of these religions and/or tools you would want to analyze further (see below). For each of the two religions, write at least 100 words about why and what you would study about that religion.


Reminder — some of the main tools we’ve analyzed:

  • Authoritative people
  • Authoritative ideas
  • Authorized activities (which have various purposes)
  • Ways of distinguishing outsiders and insiders
  • Rules for becoming an insider
  • Rules for how to act when participants are outside the community
  • Organizational structure of the community, for example, how the community is organized, councils or associations or recognized sub-groups within the community, levels of leadership (again, this can only be things you didn’t already discuss in part 1)
  • The community’s mission, purpose, or goals
  • Emotionally intense experiences within the community
  • Special vocabulary/ways of talking
  • Superhuman beings or supernatural forces that are considered authoritative by the community
  • Texts or stories that have authority for the community
  • Places that have special importance or authority for the community
  • Objects that have special importance or use within the community
  • Art or music that expresses participants’ devotion

How does this company’s ratio compare to those of its competitors? Why is comparing this ratio to the industry average important? Explain how a well-managed supply chain can come into play here.

Most current days of working capital (DWC)

Select a company of your choice, and calculate the most current days of working capital (DWC) that are available. Review page 656 in the textbook, and watch the short video segment “Working Capital,” which is one of the required unit resources in this unit. In addition to your calculations, include the information below in your essay.
 How does this company’s ratio compare to those of its competitors?
 Why is comparing this ratio to the industry average important?
 Explain how a well-managed supply chain can come into play here.

You may use the company’s webpage, or keep in mind that the CSU Online Library has several databases to choose from that are good starting points for your research:
 Mergent Online,
 Business Insights: Global,
 Business Source Ultimate, and
 ABI/INFORM Collection.

Your essay should be at least two pages in length. Use APA format to cite and reference all quoted and paraphrased material, including your textbook. Use a minimum of two sources, one of which may be the textbook. Include a title page, introduction, body, conclusion, and references page. An abstract is not required.

Evaluate how better business decisions can benefit not just the producer but the consumer and society as a whole. In your evaluation, contrast the deontology and consequentialism approaches to ethics.


Unit I introduced the benefits of markets to improving outcomes for producers and consumers. Unit II examined the role of costs and prices in decision-making. For this assignment, you will answer a series of questions in the form of an essay. Support your answers with research from at least three peer-reviewed journal articles using the CSU Online Library (or other sources).

  1. Research elasticity information for two particular goods: one with an elastic demand and one with an inelastic demand. Using elasticity information you gather, predict changes in demand. The United States Department of Agriculture website has a good resource to help with this.
  2. Describe how marginal analysis, by avoiding sunk costs, leads to better pricing decisions.
  3. Explain the importance of opportunity costs to decision-making and how opportunity costs lead to trade.
  4. Evaluate how better business decisions can benefit not just the producer but the consumer and society as a whole. In your evaluation, contrast the deontology and consequentialism approaches to ethics.

Your essay must be at least three pages in length (not counting the title and references pages) and include at least three peer-reviewed resources. Adhere to APA Style when writing your essay, including citations and references for sources used. Be sure to include an introduction. Please note that no abstract is needed.

If you need help identifying peer-reviewed publications, review the CSU Online Library resources Peer-Reviewed Resources and video How to Find Peer-Reviewed Resources (Transcript for Peer-Reviewed Resources video).

Refer to the Sample Paper with Proper APA Formatting first introduced in the Unit I Lesson for formatting purposes.