
A fresh graduate employed as an accountant of a manufacturing company and is working on over applied and under applied overheads. Explain how you would assist him/her in computing over applied and under applied overheads. Give numerical examples.

Managerial Accounting

Assignment Question(s):  (Marks 15)

Q1. Assume yourself to be a cost manager of ARAMCO and you are in the task of Cost Classifications. Explain how the following costs would help you as cost manager to make decision. (2 Marks)

  1. Product Vs Period Cost
  2. Prime Vs Conversion Cost
  3. Committed Vs Discretionary Cost


Q2: A fresh graduate employed as an accountant of a manufacturing company and is working on over applied and under applied overheads.

Explain how you would assist him/her in computing over applied and under applied overheads. Give numerical examples (2 Marks)


Q3.a. Latif Company has two products: A and B. The company uses activity-based costing. The estimated total cost and expected activity for each of the company’s three activity cost pools are as follows:


  1. Compute POHR per activity (Round off to two decimal places)
  2. Calculate the overhead cost per unit, if the company produces 1,000 units of product A and 500 units of product B. (5 MARKS)


Q4. Explain Equivalent Units of Production and its computation using weighted average method and FIFO method. (2 Marks)


Q5a. ‘Cost Structure and Profit Stability’ is one of the most import strategy of a corporations. Explain how managers, maintain cost structure for stability in profit during both good and bad years. (2 Marks)

Q5b.The following is Allison Corporation’s contribution format income statement for last month:

Account title Amount in SR
Sales 850,000
Variable Cost 250,000
Contribution Margin 600,000
Fixed Expenses 450,000
Net operating Income 150,000

The company has no beginning or ending inventories. The company produced and sold 15,000 units last month.

Required: (2 Marks)

  1. Compute Margin of Safety.
  2. What is the company’s degree of operating leverage?


In your opinion, what is/are the most important force(s)in Porter’s industry forces? Why? What determines the level of competitive intensity in an industry?

Describe , discuss, explain


A- What is a learning organization? Discuss why is this approach to strategic management better than the more traditional top-down approach in which strategic planning is primarily done by top management.3 marks (max 350 words)

B- Give an example of a learning organization from the SAUDI market. Describe the mission statement and vision of this organization. In which way this organization is considered a learning organization? Is it successful? What are the main problems faced by this organization to implement this approach? Justify.



A-Refer to Porters forces driving industry competition to answer the following questions:(max 500 words)

a. In your opinion, what is/are the most important force(s)in Porters industry forces? Why?

b. What determines the level of competitive intensity in an industry?

c. How can a decision maker identify strategic factors in a corporation’s external international environment?

d. What are the main limits and draw backs of Porters forces?

e. Choose an example of an organization from the Saudi market and draw the matrix of Porter’s forces. What is the main force in this case? Assess the competitive advantage of your chosen organization in relation to these forces. Suggest solutions to improve its position in the market?

Although there are some critics that do not align Hughes with Modernism, where do we see in him the same experimentation with language and form and emphasis on American individualism that we see in the poems of other pre-Modernists and Modernists, like Emily Dickinson? Compare and contrast one poem by Hughes with one poem by Dickinson.

Langston Hughes

Although there are some critics that do not align Hughes with Modernism, where do we see in him the same experimentation with language and form and emphasis on American individualism that we see in the poems of other pre-Modernists and Modernists, like Emily Dickinson? Compare and contrast one poem by Hughes with one poem by Dickinson.

“Dream Boogie”:…

Dickinson poem:…

Article on Modernism:…

Only use these resources and cite everything!

Think about yourself 5 years into the future and create a vision of what you will be like as a leader. If we could see your vision in action and watch you leading in the future, what would your leadership look like?

C-suite: Leadership

The final course paper (~5 pages) is an individual written and oral assignment in which students are asked to integrate their learnings from the course and create a comprehensive guide for themselves of the essentials for successful leadership. The paper and oral presentation should include, but not be limited to, (1) the most important lessons about leadership and organizations taken from course readings, activities, and the reasons these are personally meaningful; (2) what you have learned about your own leadership behaviors, values, perspectives, and development from any group projects and other activities throughout the semester; and (3) how this knowledge and awareness can/will strengthen your future leadership and organizational effectiveness.

Ideas must be well grounded in theory from the course, and other relevant literature; and the paper must be written like a graduate-level analytic paper with thoughtful analysis, strong use of references, and accurate use of readings. Because effective leadership involves strong oral communication skills, a number of students will present a ten minute presentation of their paper to the class. Assessment for the oral portion of the project will be based on content and method of presentation along with style and audience engagement. This is not a diary, a description of what you did or will do, or a reflective story. This is an analysis. When discussing yourself, think of yourself as a case and use theories and ideas from the course to expand and probe choices, behaviors, outcomes, and implications. Theory enables you to go beyond what you would do in regular self-reflection.

More specifically, the paper should be divided into two parts.

PART I (~3 pages) contains the basics of your leadership guide from an analysis of your course learning and of your individual leadership. The course has provided a theoretical framework for thinking broadly about leadership and its components that you can draw-upon to describe your leadership understandings, critical reminders, and philosophy and to explore how all that translates into a leadership approach and practice. The course has provided opportunities in the large group for you to see yourself in action as a leader. To supplement learning from that and to ground your self-perceptions in data on how others see your leadership, you are required to collect 360 degree feedback from 3-5 other people at different levels (i.e., a boss, subordinate, peer) who know you well. These might include colleagues, present or former managers, direct reports, family members, classmates, project team members, coaches, and so on. Attach to the paper the names of all whom you have interviewed; their relationship to you; the format for the interview (i.e., in person, by phone, by email, etc.); and the questions asked. When conducting these interviews, the topics should pertain to your leadership approach and behavior.

More specifically, collect examples and stories that illustrate your

  1. Overall leadership impact
  2. Leadership approach and values
  3. Leadership competencies, core strengths, and areas for development
  4. Leadership integrity and courage

IMPORTANT: This section of the paper is not a report of the feedback others have given you, although it would make sense for you to summarize what you have learned from others in a chart for a full portrait of what people have said about you. The feedback from others should stretch your knowledge of yourself, test your perceptions of your strengths and areas for development, and be integrated into your analysis throughout the paper.


PART II (~2 pages) builds on PART I. It is a statement of your leadership vision for the future and the leadership development you will need to advance that vision. Think about yourself 5 years into the future and create a vision of what you will be like as a leader. If we could see your vision in action and watch you leading in the future, what would your leadership look like? What, how, why and whom will you create, contribute, impact, and serve as a leader? What skills and strengths will you be best known for? Why would people seek out your specific leadership? What would be different from the strengths, approaches, and behaviors that people see today? Do not describe a specific job or organization. Rather visualize how you will extend and leverage your leadership strengths and approach in whatever you are doing 5 years from now.

Again, students are expected to draw widely on the leadership literature and to reference course readings as well as other relevant literature for this paper. References and a bibliography are required. Good communication skills; developing and presenting strong, grounded arguments, self-reflection, and learning from experience are vital leadership assets.

Plan and create an outline for Project 4. Describe your target audience: names, titles, relationship to you, communication preferences, etc. Be as specific as possible.

Project 4 Plan (outline)

This assignment asks you to plan and create an outline for Project 4. It’s OK to revise this before your final submission, so make your best guess based on what you know right now.

During our final class, you will have a chance to present your project informally to your classmates. This document (updated if necessary) may be useful for that presentation.

Full credit will be awarded for complete and thoughtful responses. If you are not 100% sure of your plans, list some possible ideas. Be sure to call my attention to anything that you’d like me to address in my comments.

Which option are you choosing?

·         Option A: Career communication piece

·         Option B: Workplace training

What is your topic or title?  
Describe your target audience: names, titles, relationship to you, communication preferences, etc. Be as specific as possible.  
In a few words, state the purpose of your presentation.  
What kind(s) of images do you plan to use? (e.g., photos, diagrams, screen captures)  
Are there any images you need to create? If so, what tools will you use?  
List at least one specific research source that you plan to use (examples: name of book/document, a specific URL, or name of person). DO NOT LEAVE THIS FIELD BLANK, AND DO NOT GUESS. It is not sufficient to say ‘Internet’ or ‘books’.  
Do you have any other research ideas for your project?  
List any challenges or obstacles that you foresee.  


On the next page, outline what you plan to say about your topic, using the basic headings provided. Ensure that you complete all sections. It should be approximately one page long.

Modify the code to display guessed letters under the “used letters” in the Hangman GUI window. Implement at least 15 possible JUnit test cases in the ModifyFile Program.

JAVA OOP that is run in IntelliJ IDEA:


(1) Modify the code to display guessed letters under the “used letters” in the Hangman GUI window. (

(2) Implement at least 15 possible JUnit test cases in the ModifyFile Program (a client-server-based program). (

Create a plan for a compilation CD that traces the development of hiphop and rap music. Identify ten tracks that you would include and write liner notes explaining your choices.

CD compilation plan

Create a plan for a compilation CD that traces the development of hiphop and rap music. Identify ten tracks that you would include and write liner notes explaining your choices. Be specific about your overall vision for the album as well as your rationale for each selection. Discuss in one paragraph for each track the following:

  1. musical, technological, and stylistic elements
  2. lyric form and content
  3. social, political, or historical significance
  4. artist biographies.

Entirely read all the attached documents and identify main ideas and key points. Then write ONE 300-400 word essay (not one for each reading) reflecting and commenting on the main ideas and key points of the readings, the essay should not simply be a summary.

History Question


Step 1: Entirely read all the attached documents and identify main ideas and key points. Then write ONE 300-400 word essay (not one for each reading) reflecting and commenting on the main ideas and key points of the readings, the essay should not simply be a summary. Have at least one citation from each reading WITH THE PAGE NUMBER to support your reflection and comments in the essay.

Step 2: Formulate 2 discussion questions from the readings (2 total, not 2 for each) that can be discussed in class. The answers to these questions should not be able to be easily pulled from the readings. The questions should require some intricate thinking to answer so we can have a discussion in class about them.


Choose one topic in entrepreneurship that you studied this semester. What did you find interesting about it, what questions do you have about it, and can you provide an example of it in an entrepreneurial firm?

Entrepreneur failures and fear of failure

Choose one topic in entrepreneurship that you studied this semester. What did you find interesting about it, what questions do you have about it, and can you provide an example of it in an entrepreneurial firm?

As an art and a science, how has your personal nursing philosophy unfolded? Have there been ideas that have challenged your personal values or assumptions?

Personal Nursing Philosophy, Part 2

As you finish this course, your philosophy of nursing has probably changed. As a final review, polish your philosophy of nursing based on your newly acquired knowledge.

Also, write a summary reflection answering the following questions based on the readings and discussions throughout the course:

  • As an art and a science, how has your personal nursing philosophy unfolded?
  • Have there been ideas that have challenged your personal values or assumptions?
  • Have there been ideas that have caused you personal conflict and may lead to deconstructing those dispositions in a critical manner?
  • What actions have you taken that illustrate your personal nursing philosophy?
  • Describe your own definition of the concepts involving the meta-paradigm of nursing.
  • Has your first written philosophy of nursing changed? In what ways?

Your paper that includes both your philosophy and reflection together should be 2–3 pages in length, in APA format, typed in Times New Roman with 12-point font, and double-spaced with 1″ margins. If outside sources are used, they must be cited appropriately.