
What is a learning organization? Discuss why is this approach to strategic management better than the more traditional top-down approach in which strategic planning is primarily done by top management.

Assignment MGT401

Critical Thinking:

Question 1. (8 marks)

What is a learning organization? Discuss why is this approach to strategic management better than the more traditional top-down approach in which strategic planning is primarily done by top management.    3 marks (max 350 words)

Give an example of a learning organization from the SAUDI market. Describe the mission statement and vision of this organization. In which way this organization is considered a learning organization? Is it successful? What are the main problems faced by this organization to implement this approach?   Justify.  5 marks (max 350 words)


Question 2. (7 marks)

Refer to Porter’s forces driving industry competition to answer the following questions: (max 500 words)

  1. In your opinion, what is/are the most important force(s) in Porter’s industry forces? Why? 1 mark
  2. What determines the level of competitive intensity in an industry? 1 mark
  3. How can a decision maker identify strategic factors in a corporation’s external international environment? 1 mark
  4. What are the main limits and drawbacks of Porter’s forces? 1 mark
  5. Choose an example of an organization from the Saudi market and draw the matrix of Porter’s forces. What is the main force in this case? Assess the competitive advantage of your chosen organization in relation to these forces. Suggest solutions to improve its position in the market 3 marks


Note. To improve your answers, you are requested to use at least 5 recent scientific references, following the APA style.

Write in an organized manner, have a good thesis statement, supporting paragraphs that flow into the next paragraph, and start to demonstrate critical thinking by analyzing the literature at this level of your education.

CMRJ100 Law Enforcement Jurisdiction

Students will be introduced to APA Style formatting as you progress in your studies; however, it is more important that you learn how to write in an organized manner, have a good thesis statement, supporting paragraphs that flow into the next paragraph, and start to demonstrate critical thinking by analyzing the literature at this level of your education.

  • Stay away from using Quotes. Paraphrase your analysis and stay away from using quotes in your paper. What is needed is your original analysis of the literature. If you use direct quotes, you will lose points. Once again, your analysis in your original voice is needed.
  • Think about the audience that you are trying to connect with in your paper. Are you writing to the discipline, profession, or policy-makers, etc.? Use scholarly language that demonstrates your command of the topic.
  • Stay away from using first person voice. Work on using third person. Make sure you are not using the passive voice in your work. Use good time management and edit your paper looking for errors so that you submit your best work.
  • A good tool to use for your academic writing is to set-up your Word document to check for basic spelling, English & grammar errors, passive voice, and first person. To do this you need to set-up the advance setting in your Word Spell Check. This tool is a great resource to help you establish good writing habits and edit your paper.
  • Your work should be your own original writing. Please view the university plagiarism policy to avoid problems. Make sure to give credit to all sources that inspired your thinking with in-text citations in the body of your work and listed in alphabetical order on your reference list.
  • Your work is to be submitted in a Word document and uploaded within the assignment section of the class. The Turnitin function will automatically check your work for originality once you have submitted work, and generate a report within 10-15 minutes of submitting the assignment. Both student and professor will be able to retrieve the Turnitin report.
  • Writing should be organized and flow smoothly. Make sure that you edit your work before submitting so that you turn in your best quality work. Make sure to view the CJ Formal Written Assignment Final Paper Rubrics.pdf as checklist so that you cover all graded areas in paper.

Visit one of the virtual museum tours posted on Blackboard, and choose one work in the virtual exhibition that interests you. Imagine that you are describing your selected artwork to a friend. Carefully observe the selected work and write a visual analysis on your selected artwork.

Visual analysis 2

Visit one of the virtual museum tours posted on Blackboard, and choose one work in the virtual exhibition that interests you. Imagine that you are describing your selected artwork to a friend. Carefully observe the selected work and write a visual analysis on your selected artwork.

Your visual analysis should be two pages long, double spaced. Attach your essay to this page.

The following should be included in your visual analysis:
Title of work, artist name, media, approximate size and date (if known).

A detailed description of the work’s form with regard to at least two art elements. Consider the work’s use of line, color, shape, texture, light, value, etc. Please refer to the introduction of your text book for a description of the elements of art.

A detailed description of the work’s composition with regard to at least two principles of design. Consider how the work achieves unity or variety, balance, rhythm, etc. A complete list of the principles of design can be found in the introduction of your text book.

A discussion of the work’s representation in regard to its degree of naturalism, stylization or abstraction.

A thoughtful examination of the work’s content. Consider: what is represented in the work? If the work contains figural or other representation, how is the figure represented? Does the figure represent cultural ideals of beauty discussed in class? What kind of political or social issues would you say the work reflects, if any? If the work is not representational, what does the image evoke?

This is a visual analysis, not a research paper. As such, it must include your own observations and ideas, written in your own words. Also remember that your observations must be organized in the form of an essay, with an introduction, body of text, and a conclusion. Do not write a ‘laundry list’ of your observations. You know you have done a good job describing the work if you think the reader will be able to visualize it from your description alone.

Demonstrate an understanding of the challenges in balancing execution and innovation within established organizations. Demonstrate knowledge about the specific approaches and mechanisms for deciding, directing and implementing the innovation process and its management.


UNIT CODE   UNIT TITLE Managing Innovation
SEMESTER Spring SESSION Spring 2023


C/W TITLE Consolidating Innovation Content
C/W TYPE Essay


Students will:

LO1: Recognize and classify the various types of innovation using the innovation typology tools.

LO2: Demonstrate an understanding of the context and the sources of innovation opportunities.

LO3: Demonstrate a good understanding of the core elements of the innovation process.

LO4: Recognize and evaluate the barriers and enablers for innovation in organizational settings.

LO5: Demonstrate an understanding of the challenges in balancing execution and innovation  within established organizations.

LO6: Demonstrate knowledge about the specific approaches and mechanisms for deciding, directing and implementing the innovation process and its management.


1. Ability to critically expand and draw on the subject pros and cons closely related to organizational growth  and/or sustainability within the context of Innovation. 40%
2. Ability to Self-reflect and assess the overall part of this Assessment (Parts C1a & b) 25%
3. Plausible Conclusions 20%
4. Consistent development in terms of format and overall CW requirements (Quality of the overall Report  Structure, Proper referencing of all source material) 15%
TOTAL 100%


What is your total project cost? Referencing the “Duration Unit Work Formula,” explain how changes in this formula can change your total project cost during the execution of the project plan.

Microsoft Project

Use Microsoft Project to review the plan provided to you. The project plan is the initial draft based on the case. You will need to analyze the plan and make proper adjustments to meet the timeline requirements, as well as to ensure that resources are properly allocated. Additionally, you will add resource per hour costs so that you can include the estimate of cost for the project.

Perform the following tasks and prepare a document that includes the answers to questions in the task list below:

1. Using Microsoft Project, open the plan (Module Two Homework Project File, in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course).

2. Review the different project views. You can do this by using the drop-down arrow on the Gantt Chart icon in the top left of the project menu. Review the following project view:
a) Gantt ChartUsage Table
i. From the Gantt Chart view, select the View tab from the top toolbar.
ii. On the View tab, select the Tables drop-down and select Usage.
b) Network Diagram
c) Resource Sheet
d) Resource UsageSummary Table
1. Select the Resource Usage view from the Gantt Chart drop-down.
2. While you are in the Resource Usage view, select the View tab from the top toolbar.
3. On the View tab, select the Tables drop-down and select Summary.
e) Task Sheet
f) Timeline

Reviewing these different views provides further insight into the project schedule. Note that the options under drop-down menus in Project will contain different content depending on which tab you have selected on the top toolbar. For example, if you have the Task tab selected, the Gantt Chart drop- down will have different options than when the View tab is selected. Similarly, the Tables drop-down will change the view based on the specific chart being displayed.

3. Return to the Gantt Chart view. Notice the total duration is 56 days, which is more than two months.
a) Ensure that Auto Schedule is selected for the project.
i. The status bar at the bottom of the screen should read, “New Tasks: Auto Scheduled. If it does not, click on the New Tasks: . . . text in the status bar and select Auto Scheduled.
1. You can also change this setting by selecting the Task tab from the top toolbar and clicking the Auto Schedule icon

b) Change the following 14d tasks to 10d tasks:

i. Fact Find
ii. Review Existing System
iii. Create Web Page Prototype
iv. Create iOS Prototype
You realized that you meant two weeks, but that is 10 days in a project and not 14 days. Notice that the total duration is now 48 days and work is 768 hours, which is very close to two months in length.
4. From the Gantt Chart drop-down, select the Resource Sheet.
a) Notice that two resources are red. These resources are assigned to more work than they have hours available to work. This means they are over- allocated.
b) From the Gantt Chart drop-down, select Resource Usage.
i. While you are in the Resource Usage view, select the View tab from the top toolbar.
ii. On the View tab, select the Tables drop-down and select Summary. In this view, you can see (in the grid on the right) the number of hours allocated per day for each resource. Numbers in red indicate that there is an over-allocation.

c) Note that the following tasks are over-allocated:
i. System Analyst
1. Fact Find
2. Review Existing System
3. Review Solution Architecture
4. Validate Prototype
ii. Project Manager
1. Create Business Case Document
2. Create Schedule
3. Fact Find
4. Review Existing System
5. Determine Recommendation
6. Create Executive Presentation. For each of the over-allocated tasks, note the number of work hours for each day in the grid on the right. (You will need to scroll horizontally to see all days of the project.)
7. Double-click the over-allocated tasks to get the Assignment Information panel.
8. On the General tab, change the Units from 100% to 50% and select OK.
9. Note the change in the number of hours on the task after each change.
a. Repeat this process for each of the over-allocated tasks.
From the Gantt Chart drop-down, return to the Resource Sheet view and note that the resources are no longer in red. All over-allocations have been resolved by reducing the units from 100% to 50%.

5. Return to the Gantt Chart. Select the View tab and, from the Tables drop-down, select Usage.
a) Notice the following:
i. Duration changed from 48 to 69 days.
ii. Work remained the same at 768 hours.
b) Navigate to Help in Microsoft Project. (Press F1 or click the question mark icon in the top right of the window.)
i. Search for “Duration Unit Work Formula.
ii. Review the article titled “Change the task type for more accurate scheduling.
c) In 2 to 3 sentences, respond to the prompt below in a Word document. Use the heading Resource Assignments.”
i. Why did the duration change and work remain the same when the resource units were changed from 100% to 50%?

6. Change to the Resource Sheet. For each resource, enter the following hourly cost for the standard rate:
a) Web Developer, $35/h
b) Mobile Developer, $35/h
c) Project Manager, $50/h
d) System Analyst, $50/h

7. Change to the Gantt Chart view. Select the View tab and, from the Tables drop-down, select Cost.

  • a) In 2 to 3 sentences, respond to the prompt below in your Word document. Use the heading Project Cost.
                 i. What is your total project cost? Referencing the “Duration Unit Work Formula,” explain how changes in this formula can change your total project cost during the execution of the project plan.

8. Change to the Project tab and select Project Information. Click on the Statistics… button. Take a screenshot of the Project Statistics dialog box and include this as the last item in your Word document.This study source was downloaded by 100000792957883 from on 04

In light of this statement, discuss the challenges faced by local governments in the age of globalization. What benefits do you think globalisation has created for local governments?

Public Management (MGT 324)

I Assignment 1        

Place of Submission: Students Grade Centre via blackboard.

Weight: 15 Marks

We expect you to answer each question as per instructions in the assignment. You will find it useful to keep the following points in mind. The assignment with be evaluated in terms of your planning, organization and the way you present your assignment. All the three section will carry equal weightage

Kindly read the instruction carefully and prepare your assignment accordingly.

1) Planning: Read the assignments carefully, go through the Units on which they are based. Make some points regarding each question and then rearrange them in a logical order.

2) Organisation: Be a little selective and analytical before drawing up a rough outline of your answer. Give adequate attention to the question’s introduction and conclusion.

Make sure that:

  1. a) The answer is logical and coherent
  2. b) It has clear connections between sentences and paragraphs
  3. c) The presentation is correct in your own expression and style.

3) Presentation: Once you are satisfied with your answer, you can write down the final version for submission. If you so desire, you may underline the points you wish to emphasize.

  “Globalization has changed the functioning of local governments”.

  1. In light of this statement, discuss the challenges faced by local governments in the age of globalization. (5 Marks)
  2. What benefits do you think globalisation has created for local governments? (5 Marks)
  3. With the help of examples, explain how local governments can raise their funds, meet future challenges and be able to convert their challenges into opportunities. (5 Marks)

According to the author what is Problem Solver Profiles (PSPs). How the five different decision-making archetypes help you in improving decision-making and problem-solving skills? Explain in relation with the text you learnt in the course. Use additional reference to support your argument.

Management Question

Assignment Question(s):(Marks 15)


Read the article titled as “What Are Your Decision-Making Strengths and Blind Spots?” by Cheryl Strauss Einhorn published in Harvard Business Review, and answer the following Questions:

  1. Summarize the article and explain the main issues discussed in the article. (In 500-600 words) (Marks 5)
  2. According to the author what is Problem Solver Profiles (PSPs). How the five different decision-making archetypes help you in improving decision-making and problem-solving skills? Explain in relation with the text you learnt in the course. Use additional reference to support your argument. (In 400-500 words) (Marks 5)


Part-II- Critical Thinking Question

  1. “Problem-solving is a daily task in any business. But what to do when significant problems keep coming back? Think about the last major problem you encountered. Did you take the time to discover the actual underlying cause or did you implement a quick fix that dealt with the symptoms? Discuss in detail the about the root cause analysis. (Words 400-500) (Marks 5)

How much interest you will have paid at the end of 5 years for each loan? What the balance will be in 5 years for each loan? How much interest you will have paid at the end of 5 years for each loan?

Mortgage Practice Problems

must show all your work to receive full points. Show your work on Word doc

Question 1

You are in the process of purchasing a new home. You intend to live there for 5-10 years. You have an accepted offer of $364,000, which is just under the asking price of $364,900. The appraisal your lender obtains values the home at $358,000.


Your lender has quoted you loans with the following terms:


Loan 1 Loan 2 Loan 3
6.75% interest rate

30-year amortization

Monthly compounding

75% loan-to-value (LTV) ratio


6.20% interest rate

15-year amortization

Monthly compounding

80% loan-to-value (LTV) ratio


7.85% interest rate

30-year amortization

Monthly compounding

92.5% loan-to-value (LTV) ratio



Determine the following:

1a. The principal for each loan (maximum amount you can borrow).

1b. The down payment for each loan.

1c. The monthly payment for each loan.

1d. What the balance will be in 5 years for each loan.

1e. How much interest you will have paid at the end of 5 years for each loan?

1f. What the balance will be in 5 years for each loan?

1g. How much interest you will have paid at the end of 5 years for each loan?


Your answer:

  Loan 1 Loan 2 Loan 3


Down Payment  


Monthly Payment  


Balance at end of 5 years      
Interest Paid at end of 5 years      
Balance at end of 10 years      
Interest Paid at end of 10 years      

Question 2

You are in the process of building a new home. The home will cost $547,000 to construct, and the appraisal your lender obtained indicates a prospective value upon completion of $565,000.

Your lender has presented you with the following three loan options:

Loan A Loan B Loan C
7.25% interest rate

25-year amortization

Monthly compounding

70% LTV ratio

1% loan origination fee


7.05% interest rate

15-year amortization

Monthly compounding

80% LTV ratio

2 points

7.00% interest rate

30-year amortization

Monthly compounding

75% LTV ratio

1.5% loan origination fee and 2 points

Determine the following:

2a. The principal amount for each loan.

2b. The monthly payment for each loan.

2c. The amount of the loan fees for each loan.

2d. The net disbursement for each loan.

2e. The effective borrowing cost for each loan. (Don’t forget to annualize the rate.)


  Loan A Loan B Loan C


Monthly Payment  


Points/Loan Fees  


Net Disbursement  


Effective Borrowing Cost      


Question 3

You have recently purchased a 64-unit apartment building with year 1 NOI of $11,250 per unit per year. You purchased the property based on a 9% cap rate. The appraisal your lender obtained indicated a value of $7,650,000.


Your lender has quoted you the following terms:

6.85% interest rate

30-year amortization

Monthly compounding

65% LTV ratio


Determine the following:

3a. The purchase price you are paying based on the year 1 NOI and cap rate given.

3b. The principal amount for the loan (max loan amount).

3c. The equity contribution/down payment for the purchase.

3d. The annual debt service for the loan

3e. The debt coverage ratio based on the year 1 NOI.

3f. The debt yield based on the year 1 NOI.

3g. The before-tax cash flow for year 1.

3h. The equity dividend rate for year 1.




Question 4

You own an 18,000 SF office building with current NOI of $31.20 per SF per year. You are refinancing the property, and the current market indicates a 10.25% cap rate. The appraisal your lender obtained indicated a value based on this NOI and cap rate.


Your lender has quoted you the following terms:

8.95% interest rate

20-year amortization

Monthly compounding

55% LTV ratio

1.55x debt coverage ratio

Prepayment penalty equal to 2% of loan balance at time of prepayment


Determine the following:

4a. The value indicated in the lender’s appraisal.

4b. The maximum amount for the loan based on the LTV ratio.

4c. The maximum amount for the loan based on maximum ADS indicated by the debt coverage ratio.

4d. The annual debt service for the lower of the loan amounts from 4b and 4c.

4e. The loan balance in year 4.

4f. The prepayment penalty if the loan is prepaid in year 4.

Bonus question

You purchased a 614,000 SF warehouse building 8 years ago for $35,110,000. You are considering refinancing.

Currently, rental rates average $5.75/SF. Market vacancies are 3.50%. The subject OER is stable around 12%. Market cap rates are now 7.5%.

Your lender has proposed refinancing based on a current valuation. Below are the original loan terms from 8 years ago and the new proposed loan terms.


8.50% interest rate

30-year amortization

Monthly compounding

70% LTV ratio

Minimum 1.35 DCR

2% prepayment penalty (2% of loan balance at time of prepayment)

6.50% interest rate

25-year amortization

Monthly compounding

75% LTV ratio

Minimum 1.25 DCR


Determine the following:

B1. The current NOI based on the current market terms.

B2. The current market value based on the current NOI and current market cap rate.

B3. The maximum amount you can borrow with the new loan.

B4. The new annual debt service (ADS) based on the new loan terms.

B5. The balance of the original loan at the end of year 10.

B6. The prepayment penalty for the original loan.

B7. The net disbursement for the new loan considering the prepayment penalty for the old loan.

B8. The effective borrowing cost for the new loan.

B9. The DCR for the new loan based on the current NOI.

B10. Does the property qualify for this new loan based on its current income? Why or why not?


Briefly explain the system factually with appropriate definitions and explanations. Explain the different transactions you can perform under this module.

Accounting- Poster1

The poster should include the following:

  • Introduce and explain SAP: Briefly explain the system factually with appropriate definitions and explanations.
  • Transactions: Explain the different transactions you can perform under this module. ( with examples )
  • Advantages: Explain the advantages the company will get as a result of using this SAP module.

Describe what happens to a deep-water wave as it approaches a beach and enters shallow water. How does it change as it begins to interact with the ocean floor, becoming a transitional wave then a shallow-water wave? What conditions would have to be met for the wave to break?

Earth and Space Exploration Question

Describe what happens to a deep-water wave as it approaches a beach and enters shallow water. How does it change as it begins to interact with the ocean floor, becoming a transitional wave then a shallow-water wave? What conditions would have to be met for the wave to break?

Explain what each variable in Newton’s Law of Gravitational Attraction means. Further, describe how this equation explains the differences between the sun and the moon’s contribution to tide-generating forces.