
Describe three actual areas of concern for the future, and explain how we can potentially overcome these hurdles using technologies or management choices that are compatible with long-term sustainability.

Selecting 2 prompts and write about them

Choose 2 of the 4 prompts below, and provide a complete response. Be sure that you address the full prompt, and demonstrate your completion of course content by using examples from class. You may use drawings, other creative work, and outside references to help demonstrate your understanding. Appropriately CITE your references.

  • Recommended length is 3-5 single-spaced pages (please no more) – include drawings or work after your writing.
  • Submit to the midterm dropbox folder in either a Word or pdf document format.
  • Use APA citation style to note references that you rely on – you may use materials from class, or additional sources.
  • Check for the originality and integrity of your work.
  • Use your best grammar and organization.

1. Each agricultural resource – such as soil, plants, animals, microorganisms, insects, chemicals, and water – exist within a larger ecosystem. For this question select ONE of these resources and describe its roles and functions in the ecosystem. For example, if you were to choose soil, you can discuss how it is a product of, and provides multiple benefits to plants; serves as a home for many organisms(which you could describe in more detail), can both hold water in times of drought or can be eroded by water causing pollution… etc.

  • How do other resources impact or influence your chosen resource? How does your resource affect the other natural resources? (e.g. – how do plants, animals, and water contribute to soils, and how do soils contribute to plants, animals, and water?)
  • Describe at least three of these relationships in some detail – I suggest drawing a systems diagram to help you think through these aspects. Drawings are welcome additions to your answer(s)!
  • Finally, consider how different agricultural management choices (in this case, tilling or cover crops, etc.) can have positive or negative outcomes on your selected resource and relate to the other aspects in the system.

2. Genetic and biotechnological breeding has been a controversial topic since its introduction to commercial agricultural seed markets in the 1990’s. For this question,

  • Name at least three ways scientist have utilized this technology in agriculture
  • Describe the two most prevalent traits that are actually used widely in agriculture in US field crops. What are some of the actual environmental, economic, agronomic (yield) and social outcomes of the two major GM trait technologies?
  • Explain at least two different perspectives on GM crops that were addressed in course materials. For example, what does herbicide resistance offer farmers that makes them willing to fight for Dicamba use? Why do advocates of food sovereignty and indigenous foodways often have objections to the use of this technology on indigenous plants? What might constrain a farmer in the developing world from adopting these technologies.
  • Finally, share your own assessment on the appropriate use of GM technology in crop use. What are your concerns, and what are the opportunities?

3. Diversity is a core ecological concept that contributes to the sustainability and resilience of both biological and social systems. Select three examples of the intentional cultivation/promotion of biodiversity on farms, and describe what this increased diversity contributes towards a holistic/regenerative approach to sustainable food production. For example, fostering soil biodiversity, planting wildflower strips, and maintaining perennial pasture plantings are three practices that contribute to different aspects of farm health. For each of your three examples,

  • Identify which less beneficial management practices it can help to replace or remedy;
  • Describe the beneficial contributions that this management choice can make for a farm – there are often multiple benefits, so aim to include at least 3 each;
  • Explain why a farmer might not utilize this practice – such as the opportunity costs (what they might give up, or could have grown/done instead) of the practice, or environmental limitations.

4. Making sure we can produce enough food for the future is central to the ideas of sustainability; after all, it is the human population that we are aiming to sustain with agriculture. There are areas of concern in feeding an increasing human population, and also common misunderstandings that influence our choices in meeting the goal of feeding the future. In this essay,

  • Select and describe three “myths” that exist around feeding the future human population, and explain how these myths could negatively influence our attempts at feeding the future, and who/what would benefit if we “believe” and take action guided by the myth;
  • Describe three actual areas of concern for the future, and explain how we can potentially overcome these hurdles using technologies or management choices that are compatible with long-term sustainability.

Write a paragraph summary of the training. Write how you will apply this to your studies.

Suspension Activity

For this assignment, watch a recording of any workshop. You can attend live if there are any or watch the recording. Select any from the Additional Trainings Module in this course.

  1. Write a paragraph summary of the training.
  2. Write how you will apply this to your studies.

Part 2:

For this assignment, watch a recording of any workshop in the Additional Training Module.

  1. Write a paragraph summary of the training.
  2. Write how you will apply this to your studies.

Describe an illusion you have experienced–one that you have either seen, heard, smelled, felt, or tasted. Elaborate on what this illusion illustrates about the relationship between sensation and perception.

Jade Chung Feb 21, 2023 at 8:43 PM

Recall that sensation and perception are distinct processes. Sensation involves absorbing information from physical stimuli in the environment through the senses, which then translate the information into neural signals that can be used by the brain. Perception occurs when the brain selects, organizes, and interprets this information according to specific rules in order to construct a meaningful experience of the environment.

Let’s consider vision as an example. Revisit the distinction between sensory and perceptual processes by looking at one of the well-known optical illusions we encountered in class (e.g., Ponzo, Mueller-Lyer). How does this illusion demonstrate the rules and principles our brain uses to organize and interpret the information presented in a stimulus? For vision, these rules might include depth cues, Gestalt principles, expectations, prior experiences, and various types of top-down or bottom-up processing.

In a multi-paragraph essay, describe an illusion you have experienced–one that you have either seen, heard, smelled, felt, or tasted. Then elaborate on what this illusion illustrates about the relationship between sensation and perception. Include details from class materials, readings, and research to support your discussion.

Choose three of the journalists in the book and use them as examples in the review itself. This implies a brief discussion about each of the three journalists selected, their writings, the significance of the issue addressed, and what happened as a result of his/her reporting.

The Carl Jensen work, Stories That Changed America: Muckrakers of the 20th Century.

In the process of doing steps one and two above, choose three of the journalists in the book and use them as examples in the review itself. This implies a brief discussion about each of the three journalists selected, their writings, the significance of the issue addressed, and what happened as a result of his/her reporting. Choose an author from the first third, middle third, and last third of the 20th century (spreading out your choices from across the book).

Write down anything you learn or would like to revisit to enable you to study for quizzes and write your lab logs.

U BIOS Laboratory Log Guidelines

Students should maintain a notebook in order to record their observations, thoughts, and conclusions. In your notebook, write down anything you learn or would like to revisit to enable you to
study for quizzes and write your lab logs. This notebook will never be graded or collected and is different from your laboratory log.

Your laboratory log is something that you should type up and submit to your instructor through and is due at the start time of your lab section the following week. The experiment we are conducting this semester is an “iterative” or “time course’ experiment, meaning we will revisit the collection of similar data multiple times during the course of our study. Lab logs will be assigned at the conclusion of each cycle of three experimental manipulations.

For each day of lab, you should record the following details in a numbered format so that they are easily translated into your lab log, which will be in the same format as listed here. Everything in bold below should be copied exactly in your notebook. Failure to follow this format will result in unnecessary difficulty in writing your log. These are not meant to be difficult or particularly longthey are meant to help you to reflect and analyze, and to show your instructor that you have understood the importance and relevance of each step of our experiment.

1. Date: note the date of the lab exercise (5 pts.)

2. Question: In the form of a question, express what we are trying to answer today. This should be specific and answerable. What is your experimental subject, and what biological phenomenon are you trying to uncover? (10 pts.)

3. Approach: In no more than five sentences describe the manipulations you performed to answer the question. This is NOT a methods section or an introduction. It should not be numbered or written as instructions. Instead, fill this section in as if a scientifically literate person in your field is riding with you in an elevator and asked you what you are working on. Think of it like this for each assay/technique:

  • “What did you do, how did you do, and why did you do it?” (10 pts.)

4. Results: The results must contain a minimum of one graphical representation of your results.
The results must also contain no more than three sentences summarizing the TRENDS in the results (not a sentence that mentions every single result recorded, nor any mention of interpretationthat is what the discussion is for). Crucially, be sure to include the data from each manipulation you conducted. (25 pts.)

5. Discussion: In five or fewer sentences explain what the results mean and how you came to your conclusion about what the results mean. If there are several possibilities, explain which you think is most likely and why. Propose biological hypotheses to explain your observations. This is where you get to really understand the biology at play. Critically, this section contains the answer to the question section or an acknowledgement that you failed to answer the question. (30 pts.)

6. Improvements: what could have been done differently if this experiment were repeated to improve it? (10 pts.)

7. Future directions: Having now answered the question you set out to answer propose another question. (10 pts.)

Make a plan for small waste water treatment plant in a house or apartment with brief summary about plan and utilization of treated water.

Civil Engineering Question

1] Make a plan for bio gas generation in the house or apartment with theoretical explanation.

2] Make a plan for solar energy generation in the house or apartment with brief summary and distribution of energy for various utilities.

3] Make a plan for small waste water treatment plant in a house or apartment with brief summary about plan and utilization of treated water.

Both service and manufacturing organizations are required to evaluate capacity. Explain at least three of the major capacity considerations for a hospital. Provide an evaluation on how hospital capacity considerations differ from a factory.

Service And Manufacturing

Both service and manufacturing organizations are required to evaluate capacity. Explain at least three of the major capacity considerations for a hospital. Provide an evaluation on how hospital capacity considerations differ from a factory.

Design a network for a luxury residence hall that will serve honor students at the University of Houston.

Designing a Network

MAIN DETAILS: Design a network for a luxury residence hall that will serve honor students at the University of Houston. The residence will be eight floors, with a total of 162 two-bedroom, one-bathroom apartments on floors 3–8. The first floor has an open lobby with a seating area and separate office area, whereas the second floor has meeting rooms. Floors 1 and 2 are smaller than the upper floors (100 feet by 70 feet)because a parking garage is built around the outside of these floors. The measurement of the third to eight floors is 240 by 150 feet. The offices and server room on the first floor is for the university’s residence hall administration, which manages all the university’s residences. One design goal is to keep this network as separate as possible from the network in the rest of the building to provide greater security.


1. Design the LANs for the first floor and second floor only, the distribution layer backbone that will connect the different floors in the building, and the part of the network that will connect to the campus core backbone. So what is needed in this first part of the project are maps of the first three floors in Visio or a similar program following the below instructions and documentation for the subnets to explain the maps.

Specify where the network equipment would be placed (use the floor plans provided). The required maps for your design are listed inside the CIS3347 file. The design must contain the type of cables, name of the devices, Wi-Fi channels, IPs, subnets, connections, and other related information for the physical topologies.

Document the subnets for the first floor, per LAN, and per access – secured or guest. Plan carefully when listing the CIDR ranges for each subnet. The recommendation is to use the provided reference tables when deciding the ranges for your subnets.

What would be your part in contributing to a positive work environment with your coworkers? If you do not have work experience, discuss positive emotions you experienced that you might have had participating on a sports team or in a volunteer capacity such as a fundraising event.

Discussion 13


Communicating for success is vital for success in the workplace. This discussion is about emotional intelligence and the positive effects at work.
As you studied the chapter on emotions, it is important to manage emotions according to role expectations and social norms (page 235 in textbook).

The goal is to create positive emotions (see page 254 in textbook) that create positive feelings when interacting with coworkers and customers alike. Additionally, include aspects of expressing emotions effectively as discussed on pages 238-242 of textbook.

Only use textbook and personal examples for this assignment.

  • For this discussion, the “student must post before seeing replies” has been activated, which means that you must contribute your idea before you can see what other have posted.
  • Make sure to post full entry for first posting to get potentially full credit.

Contribute your initial post to our discussion by Thursday, 11:59 p.m. In your post please include the following:

  1. What would be your part in contributing to a positive work environment with your coworkers? If you do not have work experience, discuss positive emotions you experienced that you might have had participating on a sports team or in a volunteer capacity such as a fundraising event.
  2. What nonverbal messages (body movements, tone of voice, eye contact, smiling) can you send that would create an enriching emotional environment. Ultimately, what strategies would you use to create your “dream job?”
    Remember, arguably we all might have had in some way or another unsatisfactory experiences in the workplace but the focus in this discussion is on creating and maintaining a positive and polite work environment.
  3. Your primary post needs to be 220-250 words and contributes specific ideas to the conversation.

What agencies are responsible for those resources?Who are the clients in Community Health nursing? What government resources might they be eligible for? What agencies are responsible for those resources?

Community Health Nursing

  • Who are the clients in Community Health nursing?
  • What government resources might they be eligible for?
  • What agencies are responsible for those resources?Who are the clients in Community Health nursing? What government resources might they be eligible for? What agencies are responsible for those resources?