
Explain the interrelationship between innovation and entrepreneurship. Compare the risks and benefits of a social-organization as it relates to change and innovation.

Innovation, Technology, and Risk

Write a 2–3 page paper in which the following are addressed:

  1. Explain the interrelationship between innovation and entrepreneurship.
  2. Compare the risks and benefits of a social-organization as it relates to change and innovation.
  3. Speculate how artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics will influence organizations in the next 10 years. Provide specific examples of how this new technology has encouraged new business creation or growth.
  4. Describe at least two risks that new technologies may present to existing industry models and economic systems.

Include at least two references from professional and reputable sources to support your assertions or arguments.

Explain the need for creating a policy and practice guidelines to address a shortfall in meeting a benchmark metric prescribed by local, state, or federal health care policies or laws. What is the current benchmark for the organization and the numeric score for the underperformance?

Nursing Question


Propose an organizational policy and practice guidelines that you believe will lead to an improvement in quality and performance associated with the benchmark underperformance you advocated for improving in Assessment 1. ( diabetic foot exams metric) precise, professional, and persuasive in demonstrating the merit of your proposed actions.


The policy proposal requirements outlined below correspond to the scoring guide criteria, so be sure to address each main point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed. In addition, be sure to note the requirements for document format and length and for supporting evidence.

  • Explain the need for creating a policy and practice guidelines to address a shortfall in meeting a benchmark metric prescribed by local, state, or federal health care policies or laws.
  • What is the current benchmark for the organization and the numeric score for the underperformance?
  • How is the benchmark underperformance potentially affecting the provision of quality care or the operations of the organization?
  • What are the potential repercussions of not making any changes?
  • What evidence supports your conclusions?
  • Summarize your proposed organizational policy and practice guidelines.
  • Identify applicable local, state, or federal health care policy or law that prescribes relevant performance benchmarks that your policy proposal addresses.
  • Keep your audience in mind when creating this summary.
  • Analyze the potential effects of environmental factors on your recommended practice guidelines.
  • What regulatory considerations could affect your recommended guidelines?
  • What resources could affect your recommended guidelines (staffing, financial, and logistical considerations, or support services)?
  • Explain ethical, evidence-based practice guidelines to improve targeted benchmark performance and the impact the proposed changes will have on the targeted group.
  • What does the evidence-based literature suggest are potential strategies to improve performance for your targeted benchmark?
  • How would these strategies ensure performance improvement or compliance with applicable local, state, or federal health care policy or law?
  • How can you ensure that these strategies are ethical and culturally inclusive in their application?
  • What is the direct impact of these changes on the stakeholders’ work setting and job requirements?
  • Explain why particular stakeholders and groups must be involved in further development and implementation of your proposed policy and practice guidelines.
  • Why is it important to engage these stakeholders and groups?
  • How can their participation produce a stronger policy and facilitate its implementation?
  • Present strategies for collaborating with the stakeholder group to implement your proposed policy and practice guidelines.
  • What role will the stakeholder group play in implementing your proposal?
  • Why is the stakeholder group and their collaboration important for successful implementation?

Organize content so ideas flow logically with smooth transitions.

Proofread your proposal, before you submit it, to minimize errors that could distract readers and make it more difficult for them to focus on the substance of your proposal.

Use paraphrasing and summarization to represent ideas from external sources.

Be sure to apply correct APA formatting to source citations and references.

Policy Proposal Format and Length

It may be helpful to use a template or format for your proposal that is used in your current organization. The risk management or quality department could be a good resource for finding an appropriate template or format. If you are not currently in practice, or your organization does not have these resources, many appropriate templates are freely available on the Internet.

Your policy should be succinct (about one paragraph). Overall, your proposal should be 4–6 pages in length.

Supporting Evidence

Cite 3–5 references to relevant research, case studies, or best practices to support your analysis and recommendations.

Portfolio Prompt: You may choose to save your policy proposal to your ePortfolio.

Why do you think it is important for managers to understand the legal environment of business? Explain with examples or other real world experiences.

Management Question

The paper should address the following:

  1. Provide a detailed explanation of the legal environment and how it impacts businesses.
  2. Why do you think it is important for managers to understand the legal environment of business? Explain with examples or other real world experiences.

Explain how you have demonstrated the dispositions or ethics in a professional setting, which could include a workplace, school setting, community setting, or volunteering.


The development of the School of Education (SOE) Professional Dispositions and Ethics for Next-Gen candidates strengthens the educational experience and conveys the SOE’s commitment to teaching, learning, and leading to the greater professional community. This professional dispositions and ethics work at WGU is supported by the “primary critical Healthy Learning focus areas that are key drivers of student academic, professional, and personal success” (Milliron, Walsh, Rhodes, 2021). As a Next-Gen candidate, you will need to collaborate with families, caregivers, and the larger community to establish partnerships that will promote learner growth.

In this task, you will first complete the SOE Professional Dispositions and Ethics self-assessment. Then you will create an action plan for ongoing professional development in the following professional dispositions and ethics:

  • All individuals Can Learn
  • Empathy
  • Growth Mindset
  • Intellectual Courage
  • Belonging
  • Integrity
  • Professionalism
  • Communication

You will explain how you have demonstrated the dispositions or ethics in a professional setting, which could include a workplace, school setting, community setting, or volunteering. Then you will identify ways you can grow in the professional dispositions and ethics, justify your action steps, and explain how you will collaborate with families, caregivers, and the larger community to apply the professional dispositions and ethics in the future.

Describe the beliefs and leadership of the Anabaptists, Mennonites, and Hutterites. How do they differ from each other and what was the church’s reaction to them? Explain whether or not the church’s reaction was a measured response to these Reformation movements.

HIS 380 Topic 6 DQ 2

Answer the following questions in 200 words. It has to pass plagiarism checks and AI detection. Needs at least 1 source in APA format

Describe the beliefs and leadership of the Anabaptists, Mennonites, and Hutterites. How do they differ from each other and what was the church’s reaction to them? Explain whether or not the church’s reaction was a measured response to these Reformation movements.

Compare and examine the consequences of an unethical behaviors in a nursing Master’s program and in the nursing practice by providing one example for each.

Nursing Question

  • Compare and examine the consequences of an unethical behaviors in a nursing Master’s program and in the nursing practice by providing one example for each.
  • Please include 350-400 words in your initial posting . Please include scholarly reference.

Explain the relationship between the spread of the Reformation movement throughout Europe and the military and political situation in the early to mid-1500s. Had the political and militaristic situation been less volatile, would the movement have spread so easily? Why?

HIS 380 Topic 6 DQ 1

Answer the following questions in 200 words. It has to pass plagiarism checks and AI detection. Needs at least 1 source in APA format

Explain the relationship between the spread of the Reformation movement throughout Europe and the military and political situation in the early to mid-1500s. Had the political and militaristic situation been less volatile, would the movement have spread so easily? Why?

Why and how do these concepts apply in American politics today and what can be done to check the dangers these pose to American democracy?

Populism and Political Identity

After completing readings in REVEL of Political Identity, watch the video Against Identity Politics by Francis Fukuyama. Conduct additional research and write a three-page paper excluding references that clearly discusses the dangers of Populism and Identity politics. Why and how do these concepts apply in American politics today and what can be done to check the dangers these pose to American democracy?

What demographic characteristics will the audience/customer comprise? What is your relationship to the audience/customer? What background knowledge and expertise does the audience/customer have?

Communications Question


The outline below asks you a series of questions that will help you write your communication proposal due in Week 8. Answering these questions thoroughly will give you an outline to use to write your proposal.

Step 1

Select a topic for your informative or persuasive strategic communications plan from the options below:

  • Internal Promotion
  • New Job Opportunity Interview
  • Pitching a Project Idea
  • Mini TED Talk
  • Topic of Your Choice Approved by Your Professor

Step 2

All options above must include the following in your plan, as detailed in the Outline Template [DOCX]

Download Outline Template [DOCX]:

  1. Challenge or Opportunity (Focus):
    • What is your challenge or opportunity?
    • Why does your business/idea need to exist? What problem does it solve for your job, customers, or audience?
    • Why is this professionally important or relevant to you?
  2. Goal (Focus):
    • What goals or outcomes do you want to achieve with this communication?
    • Explain why the goal is clear, concise, and actionable.
  3. Audience Analysis:
    • Who is your target audience?
      • What demographic characteristics will the audience/customer comprise?
      • What is your relationship to the audience/customer?
      • What background knowledge and expertise does the audience/customer have?
      • What does the audience/customer know, feel about, and expect concerning this communication?
      • What preconceptions or biases do you possess that might prevent you from building rapport with your audience/customer?
      • Who are your competitors and who will your audience/customer also consider?
    • What information is available about your audience/customer?
      • What research or sources will you use to obtain information about the audience/customer?
      • What conclusions have you been able to draw about the audience/customer?
    • What tone will you use to convey your message?
      • Is the setting casual or formal?
      • Is the communication personal or impersonal?
  4. Key Message:
    • What is the primary message you must convey to your audience?
      • Is the message compelling and memorable? Why?
      • Is the message clear and concise? Why?
      • Is the message aligned with your audience’s goals and needs? How?
  5. Style and Channel Selection:
    • What communication style will you employ tell (inform), sell (persuade), consult (gather information or learn from your audience), or join (collaborate with members of the audience) and why?
    • What channels will you use to deliver your message, and why will they be the most effective?
    • What purpose is served by each style and channel you have selected?
  6. Supporting Points and Sources:
    • What three or four points, reasons, or justifications support your message?
    • What stories, data, and visuals will you use to make your points?
      • What research or sources will you use to obtain facts and data about your message?
      • What five sources will you use to back up your ideas?
  7. Action Request:
    • What actions are taken as part of the solution?
    • What positive outcomes are the result of the action?
    • Is the action request you are making to your audience clear, concise, and easily actionable? Why?

How much revision do you use in your communication? Which ones do you use and why are they helpful to you? Why? How will you revise your outline to write your full plan?

Week 5 Discussion – Communication Skills and Editing

  • Now that we are half-way through the course, share what you have learned about your communication skills.
  • In addition, since you are going to be working on revising your outlines to write your final proposals, what do you think about revision? The novelist, John Irving said, “Half my life is an act of revision.”
  • How much revision do you use in your communication? Consider the “Ten Principles of Power Editing” found in Chapter 5.
  • Which ones do you use and why are they helpful to you? Why?
  • How will you revise your outline to write your full plan?
  • Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.