
Identify how the studies inform your scenario. Does it confirm, expand upon, or contradict your application of the theory?

Theory Writing

Details Theory Paper: Here are the parts of the paper:

1. Using your textbook and at least one other source, explain your theory completely (2-3 pages).

2. Give a personal anecdote that can relate to the theory

3. Use the theory to explain the anecdote

4. Research review: Go to the research literature and review TWO PEER REVIEWED RESEARCH studies that reference the theory you are writing about (4-6 pages). You may collaborate with your group members to find these articles.

  1. Explain the study: Research questions/hypotheses, number of participants, methods used, and findings.
  2. Identify how the studies inform your scenario. Does it confirm, expand upon, or contradict your application of the theory?

5. Conclusion: Offer a summary statement of what you have covered in the paper. How well does the theory work in real life? How would you change or improve upon the studies you have discussed?

6. References: A reference page of all sources you used (at least 4).

Engage in a leadership role of your choice as a means for practicing the skills learned in K2. You will have the opportunity to pursue an experience in an area that interests you. Present your experience in a creative and engaging way.

Leadership Experience

The purpose of this assignment is to have you engage in a leadership role of your choice as a means for practicing the skills learned in K2. You will have the opportunity to pursue an experience in an area that interests you. In addition, present your experience in a creative and engaging way.

This assignment will enhance the following competencies:

  • Planning                       Self Development
  • Communication          Coaching/Training
  • Professionalism           Strategic Decisions
  • Time and Priorities     Network
  • Spirit of Optimism

DESCRIPTION: Seek out an experience that lets you practice your people savvy/coaching skills over the semester. Present your experience in a creative and engaging way.

REQUIRED: Completion of an approved leadership experience (1 day-full semester) with documentation. The documentation must come from an official attached to your project. Please get my approval before proceeding. Creative method (i.e, video, slideshow, social media, portfolio, etc.) of bringing your experience to life. Use your imagination and creativity to highlight the experience.

Reflection through the creative method which includes:

  1. What happened during the experience (who, what, where, when, etc.) (Small percent of your grade)
  2. Linkage back to each step in the cycle (vision, setting expectation, etc.) (Critical)
  3. Lessons learned as a result of the experience (Very Critical)
  4. The impact of the experience on you and your leadership philosophy. (Very Critical)

Thoroughness is an important component in a reflection project, please consider that.

What were you expecting from the experience before you started? Why were you expecting this? Why did you choose this goal? Did you learn anything about a different group in society (i.e., different age, profession, ethnic, racial or socio-economic group)? What did you learn?

SMART Goals Evaluation

Submission Instructions:

Think back to the five SMART goals you created earlier in the term. Create a 5-7 minute reflection video with PowerPoint slides which evaluates each SMART goal that you created. Use Canvas Studio’s Screen Capture feature to record (voice-over) your presentation.

Use the following questions to guide your response:

  • What were you expecting from the experience before you started?
  • Why were you expecting this?
  • Why did you choose this goal?
  • Did you learn anything about a different group in society (i.e., different age, profession, ethnic, racial or socio-economic group)? What did you learn?
  • What is the most valuable experience you acquired?
  • What impact did the experience have on your everyday life?
  • What did you learn that was directly related to your course objectives?

Tagging of photos and geotagging is a great way to let your friends know [a] the subject and occasion for the photos, and [b] where the photo was taken. But, is there such a thing as too much information?


Tagging of photos and geotagging is a great way to let your friends know [a] the subject and occasion for the photos, and [b] where the photo was taken. But, is there such a thing as too much information?

What are some of the major issues with geotagging? What concerns you the most?

Case 1: Using the example of an online cell phone apps store, list relevant data flows, data stores, processes, and sources/sinks. Assume that, the customer would like to purchase an application for his smartphone. Question 1 Draw a CONTEXT DIAGRAM Hint (context diagram). Use and make sure you “ Turn on The Data Follow Diagram “ module.

Writa a 5-7 page paper essay, focusing on DIGESTIVE SYSTEM of RABBIT. You will use this system as the starting point, and then relate it to the other systems we have studied.

Anatomy and Physiology II final paper

Your final project will be a 5-7 page paper, focusing on DIGESTIVE SYSTEM of RABBIT. You will use this system as the starting point, and then relate it to the other systems we have studied. For example, if you choose the skeletal system, you would not only describe in your own words the major anatomy (structure) and physiology (function) of the system, but you would also talk about how the muscular system is attached and how nervous system enervation effects skeletal movement and health, how the endocrine system regulates growth and cellular turn over, by using the special sense of sight you can direct how the skeletal system moves in space, how the circulatory system and digestive system work to bring in nutrients and remove wastes, etc.

Your book does this process in several of the chapters. You can certainly use that as a jump-off point, but remember, in your own words! Additionally, you will need a lot more detail than the book provides.

The goal of this paper is to get you thinking about how no system is operating in isolation, rather everything works together to support the underlying principles we talked about in module one in detail and the core of this course:

  1. complementarity of structure and function,
  2. hierarchy of the structural organization, and
  3. maintaining homeostasis.

You should insert labeled images the discussion of your chosen system. You may also use drawings of your own making (they can be uploaded as photos) to help with your paper (they do not count in terms of pages, however!). They do not have to be professional – using colored pencils/pens and sketching is fine. This is not an art class, no judgments will be made on your artistic ability. Additionally, you may trace diagrams from your text and use those as a basis for your diagram as well.

This is a project where you really can demonstrate all that you have learned with your hard work this year!

Using your mock study topic as an example, explain the role of the researcher in qualitative research. Write your response on a new line below.

Qualitative Mock Study Worksheet

Part 1 – Research Alignment

This week you will begin to develop your qualitative mock study. For this assignment, you will state the problem and purpose of your study, write a research question(s) and sub-questions (if applicable), and review and analyze your alignment of these components.

Complete each section below.


State the Problem

State the problem, including the consequence(s) of the problem. Remember: Without a consequence, you don’t have a problem; you have a situation. Write your problem on a new line below.

Example: The problem is [state the problem], resulting in [state the consequence]. Note: Be sure to provide an APA formatted citation for this problem and reference(s) in the appropriate section at the end of this document.


Purpose of the Study

The purpose statement describes the goal of the study and includes the following elements: the purpose of the study, the subjects/population who will participate in the study, the geographic location of the study, and the research methodology used in the study. Write your purpose statement on a new line below.

Example: The purpose of this qualitative [research design] study is to [state the purpose of your study].


Research Questions Research Question 

The research questions are overarching questions that will guide your qualitative study. Sometimes researchers incorporate a single central research question, while other times, multiple research questions are used. If a single research question is used, at least two research sub-questions should also be included. See the CDS Dissertation Guide and Alignment Handbook in CDS Central for some additional information and examples. Write your research questions on a new line below.

Examples of how research questions could begin:

  • How…?
  • ..?
  • In what ways…?
  • ..?


Review and Analyze your Alignment

Now review your problem, purpose, and research question(s). Be sure that you have used proper qualitative word choices (as discussed in previous weeks). Briefly explain how your problem, purpose, and research question(s) align. Write your response on a new line below.

Part 2 – Ethical Considerations

This week, you will continue to develop your qualitative mock study through an exploration of key ethical considerations. For this assignment, you will describe issues related to role, access, and ethics in qualitative research studies and their relationship to research design.

Complete each section below.


Role of the Researcher

Using your mock study topic as an example, explain the role of the researcher in qualitative research. Write your response on a new line below.


Access to Participants

Think about what participants you might be interested in interviewing or observing for your qualitative mock study. Describe how you will gain access to these participants, including any relevant steps needed to gain permission to access these individuals. Write your response on a new line below.


Ethical Considerations 

Discuss any additional ethical considerations in your qualitative mock study. Think about aspects of confidentiality, credibility, etc. Write your response on a new line below.

Part 3 – The Interview Protocol

Use your qualitative mock study topic to complete the following interview protocol. Be sure to complete all sections unless they are marked with N/A. Insert your responses in each section below.


Interview Specifics

Time of Interview: N/A

Date: N/A

Place (in person, Zoom, etc.):

Interviewer (your name):

Participant(s)/Interviewee(s): N/A


Position of Participants/Interviewees

Describe the key interview inclusion criteria for your potential participant(s).


Project Description

Describe your project using basic language your participant(s) will understand.


Research Question Guiding your Mock Study

Write the research question that is guiding your mock study.


Interview Questions

Write 8-10 questions interview questions.


Closing Message to Participant

Write a closing message to the participant(s).

Which meaning seems to fit with each quotation?

Matching quotes


LIt Studies
The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas

After reading the story again, think about these quotations.
1. As they did without monarchy and slavery, so they also got on without the stock exchange, the advertisement, the secret police, and the bomb.
2. This is the treason of the artist: a refusal to admit the banality of evil and the terrible boredom of pain.
3. Religion yes, clergy no.
4. I dont think many of them need to take drooz.
5. They feel disgust, which they had thought themselves superior to.
6. Those are the terms. To exchange all the goodness and grace of every life in Omelas for that single, small improvement: to throw away the happiness of thousands for the chance of happiness of one: that would be to let guilt within the walls indeed.
7. It is too degraded and imbecile to know any real joy. It has been afraid too long ever to be free of fear. Its habits are too uncouth for it to respond to humane treatment. Indeed, after so long it would probably be wretched without walls about it to protect it, and darkness for its Eyes, and its own excrement to sit in.
8. The place they go towards is a place even less imaginable to most of us than the city of happiness. I cannot describe it at all.

Which meaning seems to fit with each quotation? Be careful the quotes DONT MATCH exactly! Some Quotes may be used more than once.

A. The people of Omelas have good lives and are psychologically healthy. They dont want to escape from reality.
B.  Only in religion can we be free of human suffering.
C.  The people of Omelas consider that some emotions are not very healthy or beautiful; they think that when people are psychologically welldeveloped, they dont have certain emotions.
D.  The past has its bad parts that violate human rights. The present also has some bad parts that violate human rights.
E.  When someone is psychologically limited and damaged, they can never recover. They will never enjoy life.
F.  You need some intelligence to truly enjoy your own life.
G.  Writers usually like to write about tragedies. Its a common thought that sad stories are more serious and important than happy stories.
H.  If you decide to leave your own culture and reject its rules of behavior and society, there is no way to tell if youve made the right decision or not; your new life might be better or worse.
I.  Humans have a deep need for spiritual expression and belief, but the structure of a church, temple or mosque is almost always corrupted.
J.  The development of society requires some human suffering. It cannot be escaped.

Write a 4-5 page essay about a local theater production play in Miami or a Florida International University play from 2022, the essay can be written in font size 12 and can be doubled spaced.

Film Question

Write a 4-5 page essay about a local theater production play in Miami or a Florida International University play from 2022, the essay can be written in font size 12 and can be doubled spaced. It’s important to have paragraph breaks. This essay should mention description of the pay and explain the importantsce of the custumes, the dramatic acting, different characters and what they contribute to the play. You can chose what ever play you like as long as its in the Miami or Florida area from either 2022-2023. Please link the video of the play or the name of the play.

State the conditions under which the Moving Average method can be recommended for trend analysis? How will you determine the period of the moving average? Calculate the 4-yearly moving average of the following data relating to sales in a departmental store.

MST 4104 – Time Series Analysis

Assignment 1 (Total Marks = 10)

Question 1 (a)

(b) Plot a time series graph for the above data.

(c) Plot the corresponding trend line using the method of moving average.

State the conditions under which the Moving Average method can be recommended for trend analysis? How will you determine the period of the moving average? Calculate the 4-yearly moving average of the following data relating to sales in a departmental store:

  • Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005  2006  2007
  • Sales 960   976   974     996   1024  1040  1688  1128
  • Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014  2015
  • Sales 1144 1120  1140  1168  1196  1212  1200 1180

Question 2

Explain what is meant by seasonal fluctuations of a time series. A company manufactures bicycles. Given the quarterly production figures of the company for the last 4 years, explain
the procedure to compute seasonal indices by the ‘link relatives’ method. Use link- relatives method to compute seasonal indices from the recorded production figures given below:

YEAR  Q1   Q2    Q3   Q4

2016  420  414  502  365

2017  491   456  516   337

2018  463  365   478  310

2019  502  487   536  404

Which of the following represents a sample? Fifty mouses were chosen from a shelter containing 500 animals to test a new What is the sample?

Data Analytics Question





Course name and No.: Data Analytics for Decision Making
Assessment title: Assessment One (30%) Type: Multiple Choice Questions
Faculty:   Deadline  

 Problem 1 (5%)

Indicate whether the following statements are true or false:

  1. A sample size should not exceed 100 observations, otherwise it will be called a
    1. True
    2. False
  2. The difference between the midpoints of two consecutive classes is equal to the number of classes.
    1. True
    2. False
  3. The line segments in a cumulative frequency polygon can be either increasing or decreasing depending on the given data.
    1. True
    2. False
  4. The variance is considered the most accurate measure of dispersion for distribution comparison because it is calculated using the squared values.
    1. True
    2. False
  5. In a group of 70 scores, if the largest score is increased by 20 points the mean of the scores will increase by 3.5 points.
    1. True
    2. False

Problem 2 (15%)

Choose the best answer:

  1. Which of the following represents a sample?
    1. Number of cups of coffee served at Starbucks Marbella
    2. Total registered voters in Spain
    3. All the Colombians working abroad
    4. None of the above
  1. Fifty mouses were chosen from a shelter containing 500 animals to test a new What is the sample?
    1. The 50 selected mouses
    2. The 500 animals in the shelter
    3. The 550 animals
    4. All the mouses in the shelter
  1. Which of the following is a discrete variable?
    1. Depth of the pool measured in meters
    2. Numbers of newborn kittens
    3. Number of hours spent on social media
    4. None of the above
  1. The amount of “dollars” stuck in non-US banks is a:
    1. Quantitative discrete variable
    2. Qualitative discrete variable
    3. Quantitative continuous variable
    4. Qualitative continuous variable
  1. Identify the scale of measurement for the following categorization of clothing: hat, shirt, shoes, pants.
    1. Nominal level of data
    2. Ordinal level of data
    3. Ratio level of data
    4. Interval level of data
  1. As part of a test preparation course, students are asked to take a practice version of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). This is a standardized test, and scores can range from 200 to 800. The appropriate scale of measurement is:
    1. Nominal
    2. Ordinal
    3. Interval
    4. Ratio
  1. Children in elementary school are evaluated and classified as non-readers (0), beginning readers (1), grade level readers (2), or advanced readers (3). The classification is done to place them in reading groups.
    1. Ratio
    2. Nominal
    3. Interval
    4. Ordinal


Problem 3 (25%)

A sample of 20 women were asked about the symptoms they felt after taking the COVID19 vaccine. Below are their responses:

Headaches Stroke Fever Nausea Tiredness Nausea
Headaches Tiredness Cough Fever Tiredness Cough
Skin Rash Tiredness Cough Fever Nausea Tiredness
Cough Headaches        


  1. The “Symptoms” is a variable, thus it should be organized into a        .
  1. Qualitative, frequency distribution
  2. Qualitative, frequency table
  3. Quantitative, frequency distribution
  4. Quantitative, frequency table


  1. Based on the above data, the relative frequency of “tiredness” is:
    1. 4
    2. 5
    3. 2
    4. 25
  1. If two more women were added to the survey and if they both had a stroke after taking the vaccine, the relative frequency of this symptom would be:
    1. 1
    2. 15
    3. 136
    4. 09
  1. Based on the above data, the angle that corresponds to the “Fever” category is:
    1. 15
    2. 54
    3. 8
    4. 58
  2. The best graphical presentation for this data is:
    1. Bar Graph
    2. Histogram
    3. Frequency polygon
    4. Cumulative histogram or cumulative frequency polygon


Problem 4 (25%)

The raw data below represents the rate per hour of a sample of doctors in Paris. This data needs to be represented in a frequency distribution.

113      189      186      174      103       125      41       81        47        156      37        89

90        141       126     28        58         172     75        61

  1. What interval for each class do you suggest?
    1. 5
    2. 30
    3. 33
    4. 32
  2. The relative frequency of doctors who earn between 160 USD and 193 USD per hour is:
    1. 2
    2. 20%
    3. 1
    4. 25
  1. The percentage of doctors who earn less than 127 USD per hour is:
    1. 10%
    2. 20%
    3. 70%
    4. 80%
  1. The percentage of workers who earn more than 160 USD per hour is:
    1. 80%
    2. 20%
    3. 10%
    4. 16
  1. The first point of a cumulative frequency polygon that represents this data is:
    1. X = 61 and Y = 5
    2. X = 28 and Y = 5
    3. X = 28 and Y = 0
    4. X = 5 and Y = 0


Problem 5 (30%)

 The numbers that follow represent the number of paint gallons (in thousands) produced each month by a sample of 10 companies.

7         20        10         4         18        12        7          14        6          22

  1. The mean number of paint gallons is:
    1. 7
    2. 12
    3. 120
    4. 33
  1. The mode of this distribution is:
    1. 15
    2. 2
    3. 7
    4. There is no
  1. The median of this distribution is:
    1. 10
    2. 11
    3. 12
    4. 15
  1. The distribution of data for the number of paint gallons produced is:
    1. Positively
    2. Negatively
    3. Symmetrical
    4. Cannot be
  1. The range is:
    1. 26
    2. 18
    3. 15
    4. 29
  1. The variance of this distribution is:
    1. 8
    2. 98
    3. 78
    4. 31
  1. The standard deviation of this distribution is:
    1. 8
    2. 98
    3. 78
    4. 31
  1. Which of the dispersion measures is considered the most accurate for distribution comparison?
    1. The range because it is the simplest
    2. The standard deviation because it includes all
    3. The variance because it is calculated using the squared
    4. All measures are equally