
Create a poster that explains the history, major events of the case, and the outcome, or how the court decided on the case. Include visuals for each case. Explain whether you agree with the case, and how it has impacted life in the United States.

Supreme Court Case Poster

You are to research these Supreme Court Decisions based on your last name (A-I, J-R or S-Z):
1. Plyler v. Doe (A-I)
2. Terry v. Ohio (J-R)
3. Graham v. Connor (S-Z)

For each case, you will create a poster that explains the history, major events of the case, and the outcome, or how the court decided on the case. You will also include visuals for each case.
You will also explain whether you agree with the case, and how it has impacted life in the United States.
25 points

Comment on the widespread use of wave and tidal power as a source of renewable energy. Does it seem reasonable? Can it be a significant part of our future energy budget?

Extra Credit Assignment

This extra credit assignment is worth up to 10% of your final grade and can only be used to help your final game.

Consider and address any one (1) of the three (3) issues below. You may only choose one. You must argue in favor of a specific position. For example, if the issue were to consider the possibility of solar panels to generate a sufficiently large amount of electricity to reduce significantly our reliance on fossil fuels within two decades, then you could argue any of several positions. You could argue that it is not feasible to do so, you could argue that it is, or you could argue some intermediate position. You must con-struct a written argument that fills fewer than three (3) written pages in 12pt font. Your position must be stated clearly and unambiguously. Your argument must be based primarily upon evidence and theory and as little as possible upon anecdotes or opinions. Your argument must cite at least two reputable sources. In general, the vast majority of blog posts, you tube videos, and even a large number of newspapers are not reputable sources. You may ask me to suggest reputable sources if you are having trouble.

The Issues:
(1) Comment on the amount of energy used in two scenarios. In the first scenario, most Americans obtain most of their consumer goods and groceries from brick-and-mortar shops. In the second scenario, most Americans obtain their consumer goods and groceries from large on-line retailers such as Amazon.
(2) Comment on the widespread use of wave and tidal power as a source of renewable energy. Does it seem reasonable? Can it be a significant part of our future energy budget?
(3) Comment on expanding nuclear power as a source of energy that produces little greenhouse gas emissions. Is it reasonable? What are the risks and rewards?

Create a fact sheet for the general public of the United States about a biomass-based product.

English Question

You have learned a lot in this course about biorenewable resources and the products that we make from them. Hopefully, you have an understanding of how products derived from biomass typically have less of an environmental impact than those derived from mineral resources. In this assignment, your job will be to introduce a bioproduct to the public, and explain why they should care. You will need to carefully consider everything you have learned and how you would explain it to someone without a science/environmental background.

Assignment Overview
Your task is to create a fact sheet for the general public of the United States about a biomass-based product. A quick Google search on bioproducts or plant-based products should give you some ideas on what to do your fact sheet on. The diagram at the beginning of L18 may also help inspire ideas.

Explain how statistical anomaly detection and rule-based intrusion detection are used to detect different types of intruders.

Network and Internet Security

Explain how statistical anomaly detection and rule-based intrusion detection are used to detect different types of intruders.

An example of a host-based intrusion detection tool is the tripwire program. This is a file integrity checking tool that scans files and directories on the system on a regular basis and notifies the administrator of any changes. It uses a protected database of cryptographic checksums for each file checked and compares this value with that recomputed on each file as it is scanned. It must be configured with a list of files and directories to check, and what changes, if any, are permissible to each. It can allow, for example, log files to have new entries appended, but not for existing entries to be changed. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using such a tool? Consider the problem of determining which files should only change rarely, which files may change more often and how, and which change frequently and hence cannot be checked. Hence consider the amount of work in both the configuration of the program and on the system, administrator monitoring the responses generated.

Review two Workshop presentations for a job-specific position and create a cover letter and resume for the position.


Review two Workshop presentations for a job-specific position and create a cover letter and resume for the position. Watch two workshops and apply these steps to my resume and cover letter.

Find an open position on a job search site (,, etc.) Choose a different job than the position that you wrote a cover letter for last week, and update your cover letter to apply for it. Update your resume from week 4 for the position also. Pay attention to the key words and skills that the company is looking for. Save your job-specific cover letter and resume as one document, and submit them in the drop box. Paste the URL of the job advertisement in the text box. Due Sunday by 11:59pm.

What is the maximum premium a U.S. acquirer would be expected to pay if the value of CPRI PLC (without epsilon) is $380 million?

Finance problem

Part A

Problem 1 (Answer all parts of this problem)
A U.S. based acquiring firm is considering making an offer for CPRI PLC, a Thailand-based company. Below you can find the up-to 5-years free cash flow (FCF) forecasts (which include epsilon) for CPRI PLC. Values are given in millions of Thai Bahts (THB). Some additional inputs/assumptions are provided below.


Five-Year Forecast:
FCFs (THB, in millions                    Yr1   Yr2   Yr3   Yr4   Yr5

                                                             456   568   678   890   765

Additional Inputs/Assumptions:

Inflation rate,                                                                            2.40% 

US Exchange rate at time t = 0 (US$1:THB33.63)           33.63

Exchange rate depreciation                                                   -1.17%

Real discount rate                                                                     3.56%

a. Compute the Present Value of CPRI PLC in TBH. [10% of total mark]

b. Translate the cash flows into U.S. dollars. [10% of total mark]

c. Estimate the discounted cash flow value of the investment under the two forecasts (THB and U.S. dollars). Did you come up with the same present value? What rate did you use to discount the U.S. dollar flows? What assumptions are necessary to obtain equivalency between approaches A (converting local flows into dollars and discounting at a dollar rate) and B (forecasting in local currency and discounting at a local rate)? [20% of total mark]

d. What is the maximum premium a U.S. acquirer would be expected to pay if the value of CPRI PLC (without epsilon) is $380 million? [10% of total mark]

How does the statement on page 169 “I think the idea is that every person has to live for his or her own life and then make the choice to share it with other people” relate to Charlie’s life?

Perks of Being a Wallflower Questions 6

Module 6 pages 167-182

1.How does the statement on page 169 “I think the idea is that every person has to live for his or her own life and then make the choice to share it with other people” relate to Charlie’s life?

2.How has Charlie matured over the course of this book? Refer to his cognitive, social-emotional, moral, and personal development.

3.Why did Bill invite Charlie to his townhouse and tell him how smart he was? Was Charlie’s reaction characteristic of his personality?

Predict what Charlie’s next few years of high school will be like without his friends. Why did Charlie get along better with kids three years older than him? Why did Charlie write letters to a stranger?

Perks of Being a Wallflower Questions 7

Module 7  pages 183-213

1.Predict what Charlie’s next few years of high school will be like without his friends. Why did Charlie get along better with kids three years older than him?

2.Why did Charlie write letters to a stranger?

3.What did Charlie realize about Aunt Helen and his childhood? How did this experience affect him as a person and who he is?

4.What impact did Charlie’s mom, dad, brother, and sister have on his life? What about Sam, Patrick, and Bill?

5.How might Charlie’s life been different if he hadn’t met Sam and Patrick?

How and why does Harriet Beecher Stowe use sentimentality in the excerpt of Uncle Tom’s Cabin to show the brutal effects of slavery?

Literature Question


This assignment is designed to help you focus on a topic from the literature we have read in Units 4 and 5 and develop an argument about that topic based upon one of the questions provided for you below. You only have to choose one of the questions for this assignment, but you will want to read through all of them to determine which question fits your understanding and knowledge the best, as well as your personal interest in the material. These questions are designed to help you identify in writing the major objectives of Units 4 and 5 and the Content Knowledge associated with the Course Objectives.


This assignment will help you master several important skills necessary to performing writing tasks in college and engaging with ideas and values that are foundational to a well-rounded university education.

• Identify literary genres, major writers, and important schools of thought in American literature from the pre-colonial era to the mid-19th century.

  • Summarize, interpret, and analyze literary texts in relation to a specific argumentative thesis.
  • Utilize and extend the reading, writing, and critical thinking skills developed in ENGL 1101 and ENGL 1102.
  • Identify the cultural factors that shaped American literature and define the common concerns and values of humanity as expressed through literature.


  • Choose one of the questions below to answer for this assignment. Please remember to copy/paste the question with your response and analysis. You should choose a question that you find interesting and believe you can answer in an engaging manner. You will want to support your response not only with good logic and explanations on your part but also with pertinent passages (short quotations are best) from the texts that pertain to the question you have chosen. Keep your response focused on answering the question; avoid plot summary.
  • Your response should be in the form of a typical essay (probably four to six paragraphs), with a short introduction, thesis statement, and supporting paragraphs with a conclusion.
  • Your essay should total at least 500 words. Use current MLA format guidelines.
  • This assignment will count 12% of your total grade for the course.


  1. How and why does Harriet Beecher Stowe use sentimentality in the excerpt of Uncle Tom’s Cabin to show the brutal effects of slavery?

Describe how the educational level achieved by a nurse or the entry point into professional nursing practice affects the quality and competence of a nurse’s participation in policy-making. Why it is important for registered nurses to influence the regulatory process? Does the nurse’s education have an influence on their ability to make an impact?

Policy Discussion Post

1-2 paragraphs for each part. Include references

PART1– Describe how the educational level achieved by a nurse or the entry point into professional nursing practice affects the quality and competence of a nurse’s participation in policy-making. Why it is important for registered nurses to influence the regulatory process? Does the nurse’s education have an influence on their ability to make an impact?

Resources Part 1-

PART2- Reflect on what you have learned in this course. What were your major takeaways? Surprises? How will you apply what you have learned to your career?

Resource to answer part 2 – Below (Description of the material spoken in class)

Week Topic Objectives Activities & Assignments
1 An introduction to health care in America. Understanding the business side of Health Care. Action, Policy and Politics Describe the size and scope of the health care industry in the United States

Summarize the major components of the health care industry and the role that government plays in this industry

Describe health care policy, and the policy process

Review the history of policy, politics, and nursing


  • Chapter 1 (Austin)
  • Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 (Mason, Gardner, Outlaw, and O’Grady)


  • Public Policy Meeting Topic Approval- Post in the Discussion Board
  • Respond and participate in the weekly discussion boards.
2 The payment process: who is covered, interacting with third-party party payers. Understand basic insurance terms. Policy, Politics and Advocacy in Health Care The role of nurses, demographics, career ladder, certification vs. license, and the job outlook. Describe the role and characteristics of the different types of health care providers.

Compare and contrast the major issues facing the different types of health care providers.

Discuss the roles and functions of hospital administrators and the laws affecting hospital administration.

Describe legal issues facing primary care providers.

Review political analysis and strategies nurses can use to influence health policy issues.

Examine the United States health care system from a variety of aspects.

Review several ethical approaches for resolving health care issues.


  • Chapters 5, 6 (Austin)
  • Chapters 9, 14, 15 (Mason, Gardner, Outlaw, and O’Grady)


  • View/Attend Public Policy Meeting
  • Position Paper
  • Respond and participate in the weekly discussion boards.
3 The U.S. Health Care System, financing health care and a national health system Describe how health care services are paid for in the United States.

Identify legal forms of business ownership and key business functions.

Identify who is and who is not insured and how much is spent for coverage.

Review financing of health care in the United States and investigate if a national health system could work in the United States.

Discuss the problem of the uninsured and underinsured in the United States and approaches to address health disparities.

Compare and contrast the other federal health insurance programs, such as SCHIP and those for government and military personnel.


  • Chapter 2 (Austin)
  • Chapters 16, 18, 19, 20, 23 (Mason, Gardner, Outlaw, and O’Grady)


  • Public Policy Meeting Summary Paper
  • Respond and participate in the weekly discussion boards.
  • This week, your instructor will assign your Ethical Issue Debate topic and viewpoint stance.
4 The Government’s role in health care. The uninsured and underinsured in the U.S. Describe the interaction between the patient, the third-party payer, the employer, and the health care provider, and how third-party payers are regulated.

Identify the major components and reimbursement processes of the Medicare and Medicaid programs.

Explore the rural health care environment.

Explain the various ways LTC is provided and financed.

Review some of the ethical and political issues in LTC.

Explain Social Security policy formulation and Social Security policy enactment.


  • Chapters 3, 4 (Austin)
  • Chapters 18, 25, 38, 61 (Mason, Gardner, Outlaw, and O’Grady)


  • Respond and participate in the weekly discussion boards.
5 The Government’s role in health care. Health care research and technology. Health care research and prevention. Identify the major goals of health care research.

Explain the issues involved in the use of technology to enhance the quality of health care.

Examine the policy issues of quality and safety in health care.


  • Chapters 11, 12 (Austin)
  • Chapters 26, 58, 71 (Mason, Gardner, Outlaw, and O’Grady)


  • Ethical Issues Debate -Post your video in the discussion board.
  • Respond and participate in the weekly discussion boards.
6 Nurse managed health centers. Community health centers. Social Security in the United States. Quality and safety in health care. The nursing workforce. Nursing Education Policy. Advanced practice nurses. Summarize the different forms for the delivery of primary care.

Discuss secondary care and compare the different types of hospitals.

Review community health centers, what services they provide, their history, and their future.

Discuss nurse-managed health centers and the National Nursing centers Consortium.


  • Chapters 7, 8, 9 (Austin)
  • Chapters 33, 34 (Mason, Gardner, Outlaw, and O’Grady)


  • Ethical Issues Debate Rebuttals
  • Respond and participate in the weekly discussion boards.
7 Nurse managed health centers. Community health centers. Social Security in the United States. Quality and safety in health care. The nursing workforce. Define the concept of public health.

Explain the role of government in public health and key public health functions.

Explain the role of the government in disease prevention.

Review the goals of Healthy People 2020.

Discuss the supply of nurses in the United States, the different categories of nurses, and the forecasted demand for nurses in the future.

Explain the issues of educational entry level into nursing practice. Review the issues and debates surrounding advanced practice nurses.


  • Chapters 10 (Austin)
  • Chapters 60, 66, 70 (Mason, Gardner, Outlaw, and O’Grady)


  • Ethical Issues Debate with peer response rebuttals
  • Respond and participate in the weekly discussion boards.
  • Review of a Bill Paper
8 Nursing and government. Discuss how nurses can support improvements in policies affecting health.

Analyze the nurse’s role in influencing health care policy issues.


  • Chapters 40, 41, 42, 43, 48 (Mason, Gardner, Outlaw, and O’Grady)
  • Supplemental readings


  • Respond and participate in the weekly discussion boards.