
What is the management/leadership dilemma or opportunity that could be investigated? What is the purpose of my project? What assumptions would underline such a problem?

MGMT600 Topic Proposal

  • Sets out problem and purpose of the research
  • Includes Introduction, Problem Statement, Purpose of the Study, Research Questions, Scope/Limitations/Delimitations.
  • Begins with a problem (an unanswered question) related to a topic of interest.

As you think about your topic of interest, answer these questions:

  • What is the management/leadership dilemma or opportunity that could be investigated?
  • What is the purpose of my project? What assumptions would underline such a problem?
  • Are there any existing data directly relevant to the research problem?
  • If so, can you access the data necessary to address the research problem? If not, how can you collect the necessary data?
  • How will you interpret the meaning of the data as they relate to the problem statement?

Develop five guidelines for using TikTok for your organization. What segments of donors, volunteers, clients, retail customers and potential employees should content target on this platform?

Social Media and Fundraising for Non Profit organization

TikTok/Instagram Analysis

  • Develop five guidelines for using TikTok for your organization.
  • What segments of donors, volunteers, clients, retail customers and potential employees should content target on this platform?
  • What kind of content is best suited for communicating here with these potential allies and assets?
  • How long should content be, and can it be repurposed from other platforms?
  • How should video and photographic images be used? What kind of branding should be used on the content?
  • Provide one example post.

Discuss some of the ways in which the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) has affected the way in which employers provide health care benefits to employees.

CMRJ601 Questions

1 Summarize the four activities that can help minimize discriminatory performance appraisal practices.

2 Compensation represents both the intrinsic and extrinsic rewards employees receive for performing their jobs. Together, both intrinsic and extrinsic compensation describe a company’s total compensation system. Briefly describe both types of rewards and indicate the professionals who are responsible for managing them.

3 In which settings are person-focused pay programs likely to be found? What are the two most important reasons for adopting person-focused pay?4 List and discuss four possible limitations of merit pay programs. How can a company overcome these limitations?

5 Briefly discuss the components of legally required benefits. How can HR managers minimize the costs that are associated with legally required benefits

6 What are the strategic issues involved with contingent and flexible workers for a company pursuing a lowest cost strategy?

7 Discuss some of the ways in which the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) has affected the way in which employers provide health care benefits to employees.

8 When working with expat compensation: Explain headquarters-based method to calculate expatriates based pay. Which incentive might work better for this method? What is the balance sheet approach? When is its use most appropriate?

What is the expected number of guests from Germany who stayed at the hotel during the last month? 6. Calculate the variance and the standard deviation of this binomial distribution.

S M 9115 Data Analytics for Decision Making 2

Problem 1 (35 pts)
A hotel manager wants to analyze the nationality of the guests who stayed at the hotel during the last month. The data shows that approximately 20% of the guests were from Germany. Suppose that you choose randomly 50 guests:

1. Find the probability that exactly 10 guests are from Germany.
2. Find the probability that at least 15 guests are from Germany.

3. Find the probability that at most 5 guests are from Germany.

4. Find the probability that more than 30 guests are from Germany.

5. What is the expected number of guests from Germany who stayed at the hotel during the last month?

6. Calculate the variance and the standard deviation of this binomial distribution.

Problem 2 (35 pts)
The manager of a hotel chain is interested in knowing whether there is a relationship between the number of positive reviews a hotel receives online and its occupancy rate. The manager collected data from 10 hotels and recorded the number of positive reviews each hotel received on a popular travel website and the corresponding occupancy rate (in percentage) for the same period. The data is shown below:

Hotel Positive Reviews                       Occupancy Rate%

1. Determine the dependent and independent variables.
2. Calculate the correlation coefficient and comment.

3. Determine the regression equation 𝑌̂ = 𝑎 + 𝑏𝑋.

4. Give a brief interpretation for the values of “a” and “b”.

5. If the hotel had no positive reviews, what would the occupancy rate be?

Problem 3 (30 pts)
The revenue manager of a hotel chain wants to analyze the distribution of room rates for a particular hotel location. Based on historical data, she estimates the following probability distribution for the daily room rates:

    Probability         Room Rate
          30%                     $100

          40%                     $150

          20%                     $200

          5%                        $250

           5%                       $300

Based on this distribution, what is the coefficient of variation for the room rates at this hotel location?

What is the difference between audit, attestation, and assurance services? And how do the answers provide value to stakeholders?

Acct auditing

Assignment Question(s):                                                    (Marks 15)

IMPORTANT NOTES: Answer in your OWN words, DO NOT COPY from slides, fellow students, or internet sources without proper citation.

Q1. What is the difference between audit, attestation, and assurance services? And how do the answers provide value to stakeholders?

Your answer should have a minimum of 400 words. (5 Marks)


Q2. How can auditors effectively plan an audit in a dynamic and uncertain environment? Provide an example to describe your answer.

Your answer should have a minimum of 400 words. (5 Marks)


Q3. In your opinion, what are the benefits of assessing the effectiveness of internal controls over financial statements ICFR to the audit process, other than being a requirement of PCAOB?

Your answer should have a minimum of 300 words. (5 Marks)


Write a short project report for the engineers at ABC Chemicals documenting your findings.

Numerical simulation using Aspen plus

Write a short project report for the engineers at ABC Chemicals documenting your findings. It should include the following information:

  • Criteria for optimization
  • Proposed system design (reactor type, reactor + separator + ??, how connected? feed, product, recycle streams? Explain and justify your design compared to other alternatives – no calculations or simulations required, just describe qualitatively)
  • Recommended operating conditions (reactor T, P, feed flows, catalyst weight, and resulting outlet flows)
  • Discussion of the effects of operating variables (what happens when T increases/decreases and why, etc.)
  • Preliminary profitability estimate. You only need to consider the gross margin between feed and product streams. You do not need to include other operating costs, equipment costs, etc. (No, not realistic, but you’ll have opportunities to learn and practice that in Plant Design)
  • Supporting equations, calculations, figures, etc. used in your analysis (only those necessary to illustrate your findings)

First, from Chapter One, choose the most important skill and/or attribute which you think a small business owner must possess to become successful? Second, describe why you think this skill and/or attribute enhances an entrepreneur’s potential success?


Scarborough, N. M., & Cornwall, J. R. (2018). Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management (9th ed.). Pearson Education (US).



First, from Chapter One, choose the most important skill and/or attribute which you think a small business owner must possess to become successful?

Second, describe why you think this skill and/or attribute enhances an entrepreneur’s potential success?

Third and lastly, explain how this skill and/or attribute aligns with an entrepreneur’s social responsibilities to the various stakeholders mentioned in Chapter Two?

Response to each question should be 2 to 3 paragraphs. 400-500 words. Do not use AI to answer the questions. The professor checked it as he checked the plagiarism through the AI checker.

Each question needs to Have in-text citations and references.

(3) Three in-text citations and (3) three references.

How might your child’s development have been different if she/he was raised by people with a different socioeconomic, ethnic, or cultural background?

Journal Entry 4: Early childhood social and emotional development

Raise your child to the age of 4 years, 10 months, then select one of the following questions to respond to in your journal. Make sure you reference different events in your child’s life, using your textbook and other reliable sources for support. Each journal entry should be a minimum of 2 pages, double-spaced (about 500 words). Times New Roman font size 12

  1. How is your child progressing on early childhood issues, such as learning household rules, learning to follow routines, listening to you, developing self control, and learning to get along with others? Does your child have any behavior or emotional problems at this point? Why do you think these problems are occurring and what are you doing about them?


  • How might your child’s development have been different if she/he was raised by people with a different socioeconomic, ethnic, or cultural background? Base your answer on specific evidence of SES/cultural differences from the textbook and class lectures.

Note, if your cultural background differs from the predominant culture in the United States, how might you have raised the child differently or made different decisions based on your own culture (e.g., being stricter or more lenient, emphasis on assertive/independent vs. cooperative behavior, emphasis on family relationships vs. relationships outside the family)?

How were nursing shortages a problem before the pandemic? How did the pandemic put immense pressure on the health care system and contribute to a high dropout rate among nurses?

Article Writing Question

“Although nursing shortages were a problem long before COVID-19, the pandemic put immense pressure on the healthcare system, contributing to a high dropout rate among nurses. The increased workload and stressors have taken a toll on nurses’ mental and physical health, leading to burnout and exhaustion. Therefore, nurses should be given mental health days, and pay should be increased to attract more people to the profession.” write a 10-page research essay on this.

  5.…… to an external site.]
  6.…9.… to an external site.

Focus questions :

  1. How were nursing shortages a problem before the pandemic?
  2. How did the pandemic put immense pressure on the health care system and contribute to a high dropout rate among nurses?
  3. How did the increased workload and stressors take a toll on nurses’ mental and physical health, leading to burnout and exhaustion?
  4. How/why should nurses be given mental health days?
  5. What is the current average pay for nurses, and how should it be increased?

What do you think the performance is asking you to feel or think, as a viewer? What was it ultimately about? What moments stuck out for you, and helped contribute to and shape your overall understanding of the play?

English Question


In some ways, this is a free-wheeling response paper to your experience reading and watching Young Jean Lee’s play We’re Gonna Die. What do you think the performance is asking you to feel or think, as a viewer? What was it ultimately about? What moments stuck out for you, and helped contribute to and shape your overall understanding of the play? You should feel free to cite specific moments, scenes, or songs to help make your point. You’ll need to include at least two of the secondary sources from GoogleClassroom that help you make your point about what this play, ultimately, was about. You should feel free to use “I” in this paper, to narrate your experience watching and reading the play, and your reactions to it. This should not, however, be a review; we all read/watched it, we don’t need persuading as to why we must see it — but you can argue that we should see it in a particular way. The link for the drama

Need to have two resources that connect the idea of this drama these are the secondary resources