
Design a newsletter for an organization of your choice. Create a four-page newsletter for a topic/organization that interests you.

In Design Newsletter

Design a newsletter for an organization of your choice. Create a four-page newsletter for a topic/organization that interests you. It could be for a school club, sports team, church, local business, or even a hobby you have such as hiking, cooking, or photography etc. The possibilities are endless. There is a list of items that may be included in your publication on page 220 of your textbook “anatomy of a publication.” Give careful consideration to the design of the piece and use of all the InDesign skills you have learned this semester. Include short articles, bulleted lists etc. Write all the articles for the newsletter. Do not use placeholder text — it looks ugly. Write the articles for your newsletter, you are welcome to do so.

You are required to use:

  • Nameplate
  • A standing head
  • A Grid
  • Master Page Items
  • Paragraph Styles
  • Character Styles
  • Drop Caps
  • Pull Quotes

Your newsletter must be saved and packaged.

Write a java Programming for Dynamic Programing Algorithm to Solve Traveling Salesman Problem.

Java Programming

Write a java Programming for Dynamic Programing Algorithm to Solve Traveling Salesman Problem.

  • Input: a list of cities and the distances between each pair of cities (represented as a directed weighted graph)
  • Output: an optimal tour, and the distance of the optimal tour.

(An optimal tour is the shortest possible route that visits each city exactly once and returns to the origin city.)

In this project, you will need to implement algorithm(s) to solve the selected problem and write a project report to document the following:
Problem definition
Describe the algorithm (input, output, steps)
Analyze the time complexity of your algorithm, say worstcase, or average case scenario
Testing cases and running results, which can be described using text or screen shots.
Complete source code

What did you do differently this round? How did that work for you? Was your performance improved? How did what you learned in class this semester impacted your performance on the simulation for the second round?

Business Question

Using a critical approach to reflection, reflect upon your experience running the Platform Wars simulation for the second round. Your reflection should be in an essay format and cover the following points

Reflect upon your experience:

  • What did you do differently this round?
  • How did that work for you? Was your performance improved?
  • How did what you learned in class this semester impacted your performance on the simulation for the second round?

First be sure you are writing a reflection paper…a reflection paper focuses on thinking about the situation and discussing what you learned. A reflection paper should discuss what worked…and why? …and what didn’t work…and why? …what you have learned from this experience and what you will do differently next time. Making connections to concepts in the course is also important.

Discuss the difference between Deductive and Inductive reasoning with example.

Week 7: Interactive activity

7.1 Learning Outcomes:

  • Overcome obstacles to critical thinking
  • Avoid deductive reasoning fallacies
  • Avoid inductive reasoning fallacies
  • Become a critical thinker

7.2 Action Required:

Watch the short video in the following link:

Introduction to Inductive and Deductive Reasoning:

7.3 Test your Knowledge (Question):

Discuss the difference between Deductive and Inductive reasoning with example.

7.4 Instructions

  • Answer the question in test your knowledge section.
  • Post your answer in the discussion board using the discussion link below (Week7 :Interactive learning Discussion)

According to Saussure, who patronized coffeehouses, and why? What could coffeehouse customers learn from the newspapers and magazines they read? How did coffeehouses represent a new type of social interaction?

Read and Answer

The expanding change in thought during the Enlightenment may not have been possible without coffeehouses and salons. A product of the thriving metropolitan scene, these places allowed for the sharing of ideas that, through debate, typified city life in the eighteenth century.

For this week’s Participation Activity, read “Documenting Everyday Life” on page 515 of your textbook and answer the following:

  • According to Saussure, who patronized coffeehouses, and why?
  • What could coffeehouse customers learn from the newspapers and magazines they read?
  • How did coffeehouses represent a new type of social interaction?
  • And lastly, can the advent of the Internet be viewed as a 21st-century Enlightenment coffeehouse? Why or why not?

The format and length of your submission is up to you. just make certain to: write in complete sentences, double space, and proof read before completion to eliminate grammatical errors

Discuss the parts of an argument. What are the questions you should ask to analyze arguments?

Week 6: Interactive activity

6.1 Learning Outcomes:

  • Overcome obstacles to critical thinking
  • Avoid deductive reasoning fallacies
  • Avoid inductive reasoning fallacies
  • Become a critical thinker

6.2 Action Required:

6.3 Test your Knowledge (Question):

  • Discuss the parts of an argument.
  • What are the questions you should ask to analyze arguments?

6.4 Instructions

  • Answer the question in test your knowledge section.
  • Post your answer in the discussion board using the discussion link below (Week6:Interactive learning Discussion)

Create a CBL( Community Based Learning experience) dealing with Inova Staffing helping Hispanic in Painesville who doesn’t have green card or authorization to work in the United States get a job to provide for their family.

Spanish Question

Watch “Mama Cruz”2022 Directed By Patricia Ortega then answer those nine questions separately

Create a CBL( Community Based Learning experience) dealing with Inova Staffing helping Hispanic in Painesville who doesn’t have green card or authorization to work in the United States get a job to provide for their family.

Juvenile female offending tends to take a “different shape” from the delinquency of their male counterparts. Discuss these differences. What are the crimes for which young women are arrested? Why do these differences exist? What are recent trends in terms of young women and juvenile delinquency

Juvenile delinquent


Juvenile female offending tends to take a “different shape” from the delinquency of their male counterparts. Discuss these differences. What are the crimes for which young women are arrested? Why do these differences exist? What are recent trends in terms of young women and juvenile delinquency? Given their different approach to delinquency, what different methods need to be utilized to prevent female juvenile delinquency? What different methods of sanction or consequence should be used to manage and deter future female delinquency? Be sure to address all questions presented in the main prompt. Your response to the main question should be no less than two double spaced pages, written using an introduction, body, conclusion, proper spelling, English, grammar, and you should reference and cite the text where you present factual information.

Critically compare different types of research. Evaluate a range of methods that can be used to collect data. Identify a range of tools that can be used to analyse data. Explain the importance of validity and reliability of data used within research.

Understand how the components of research are used

2.1 Critically compare different types of research.

2.1 The student should write an essay in which they critically compare different types of research.

2.2 Evaluate a range of methods that can be used to collect data.

2.3 Identify a range of tools that can be used to analyse data.

2.4 Explain the importance of validity and reliability of data used within research.

2.2 – 2.4 The student should write an essay in which they evaluate a range of methods that can be used to collect data and identify a range of tools that can be used to analyse data. They should also explain the importance of validity and reliability of data used within research.

Word count: 600 minimum

Conduct a research project within services for health and social care or children and young people. Identify sources of support whilst conducting a research project.

Research project for health and social care or children and young people

3. Be able to conduct a research project within services for health and social care or children and young people.

3.1 Identify sources of support whilst conducting a research project.

3.1 The student should write a brief essay in which they identify sources of support whilst conducting a research project.

3.2 Formulate a detailed plan for a research project.

3.3 Select research methods for the project.

3.4 Develop research questions to be used within project.

3.2 – 3.4 The student should formulate and submit a detailed plan for their research project, selecting research methods and developing research questions to be used within the project.

3.5 Conduct the research using identified research methods

3.6 Record and collate data