
Conduct a Oneway ANOVA to determine if the three groups differ significantly on the GRE-Q measure. Report and summarize the results in correct APA style. What conclusions can you draw from these results? And do the three groups differ significantly in quantitative reasoning skills – if so, how? Is it justified to use GRE-Q as a covariate, Why?


Dr. Antonia Natalie, Professor of Psychology at Thoreau University, wants to determine if her optional weekly Zoom lectures are having an impact on students’ grades in a graduate-level Behavioral Statistics course.

During the semester the professor records attendance for each of her ten Zoom lectures. Based on student attendance the professor creates 3 equal student groups. Group 1 (n = 50) consists of students that did not attend any Zoom Lectures. Group 2 (n = 50) consists of students that attended one to five lectures. And Group 3 (n = 50) consists of students that attended six to ten Zoom lectures.

Concerned that students that attend more Zoom lectures may also have higher Quantitative Reasoning Skills, the professor also records GRE Quantitative scores (GRE-Q) for each student.

Your job is to conduct an ANCOVA to determine if the Zoom attendance groups have significantly different final grade averages (on a 100-point scale ) in the Behavioral Statistics course, after controlling for their GRE-Q scores.

Conduct a Oneway ANOVA to determine if the three groups differ significantly on the GRE-Q measure. Report and summarize the results in correct APA style. What conclusions can you draw from these results? And do the three groups differ significantly in quantitative reasoning skills – if so, how? Is it justified to use GRE-Q as a covariate, Why?

Using the attached SPSS Data file, conduct the appropriate preliminary EDA to determine if a) the data meets the assumptions for ANCOVA (i.e., test for skewness/kurtosis), b) test for homogeneity of regression, and c) test for homogeneity of variances.

Conduct an ANCOVA in which Statistics grades (StatGrade) is the DV, Zoom group (ZGroup) is the IV, and GRE_Q is the covariate (CV). If the main effect for ZGroup is significant, conduct Bonferroni’s post hoc mean comparison tests.

In your summary:

1: State the goals of the present study

2: Write the correct Null (H0) and Alternative (H1) hypotheses

3: Report the results for the Oneway ANOVA in which Zgroup is the IV and GRE-Q is the DV.

4: Report and summarize the results for the tests for normality, homogeneity of regression slopes, and homogeneity of variances.

5: Report and summarize the results for the ANCOVA and post hoc mean comparison tests.

6: Be sure to include in your summary the conclusions and recommendation that can be drawn from the study.

7: Be sure to include the appropriate tables and figures. See my sample summary.

8: Model your summary after my sample summary.

Responses to classmates’ posts comprising at least 150 words supporting, challenging, clarifying, or adding to the existing information.

Managerial Economics Reflection Response

Responses to classmates’ posts comprising at least 150 words supporting, challenging, clarifying, or adding to the existing information.


My Managerial Economics class was eye-opening. I have a deep understanding of economics and how it applies to nursing. I learned about economic analysis, market types, and pricing elasticity. I also appreciate the game theory and its applicability to nursing. Understanding player behavior in different game scenarios has helped me make informed decisions as a nurse that benefit my patients and my company (Alam et al., 2021). I now understand how incentives and disincentives affect my decisions. I also studied how external factors affect a firm’s profitability and competitiveness. This knowledge has helped me improve my decisions and maximize advantages for my patients, organization, and myself.

This course helped me make decisions as a nurse. I use demand and elasticity to price my services. This lets me price my services competitively while making a profit. Game theory has helped me maximize patient outcomes by understanding my relationships with other healthcare practitioners. I interact with other healthcare practitioners to offer the greatest care for my patients, so this has been extremely beneficial. This training also helped me grasp healthcare economics and how they affect my daily practice. This helps me consider market forces and how they may affect my company’s performance. The education helped me as a nurse. I make decisions with limited resources in my job. This training taught me how to make market-based, economic-based decisions (Molina-Mula & Gallo-Estrada, 2020). I now understand how to evaluate costs and benefits and pricing schemes. This has enabled me to maximize benefits for my patients, the organization, and myself.

This course taught me about oligopoly and nursing. I learned that an oligopoly is a market structure where a few enterprises control prices. I now understand that my organization must perceive and comprehend the competitive climate to make the best decisions to stay competitive. This involves studying competitor strategies and how they affect the market (Alam et al., 2021). I also comprehend strategic thinking’s role in competitive advantage. This means predicting and responding to competing strategies and using the market structure and flexibility to my advantage when making judgments. The course also made me realize how important external factors are when making decisions. Understanding how external factors affect a firm’s profitability and competitiveness is now clear to me. This involves knowing how economic forces like inflation and recession affect politics and law. I also grasp how market structure and flexibility can help me make decisions. This involves understanding how different pricing methods might maximize revenues and the effects of charging different customers varying costs. This understanding has improved my nursing judgments.

Finally, understanding the economy is crucial to making the best selections. I now understand how economic factors might influence my decisions. Understanding inflation, recession, and political and legal changes are part of this. I also appreciate the need to understand the incentives and disincentives of our actions to make the best ones. This involves understanding how different pricing methods might maximize revenues and the effects of charging different customers varying costs (Ganin et al., 2020). I now understand that my organization must perceive and comprehend the competitive climate to make the best decisions to stay competitive. This involves studying competitor strategies and how they affect the market. This understanding has improved my nursing judgments.


Managerial economics is a critical aspect of any profession. As we learned in Chapter One, decision-making under scarce resources is the fundamental aspect of managerial economics. As a nurse leader, it is important to consider the various aspects that lead to making effective decisions. For instance, it is imperative to set goals and identify the constraints that could hamper the achievement of those goals. additionally, when making investment decisions, other critical elements such as the time value of money should be accounted for (Baye & Prince, 2017). Time value of money is a critical concept in economics and management, and it is one of the elements that I will ensure to focus much on as a nurse leader, especially when considering different investments to address the high cost of care.

Cost is one of the aspects that is currently focused on in healthcare. The cost of access to care and care delivery are both high (Bartsch et al., 2020). As a result, the healthcare system is seeping a lot of taxpayer money without significant changes in the quality of healthcare delivered. Drawing from the concepts of cost minimization rule and the roles managers play in the production process, I will use my knowledge and skill from this course to advance cost-effective measures in healthcare to address the issue of the high cost of care. High cost of care leads to overall low quality of life, and subsequent complications such as high mortality rates (Bartsch et al., 2020). With my knowledge of cost minimization, I am confident that I will be a positive force in the efforts to develop mitigation measures for access to high-quality and cost-effective care.

Week 6 was also fundamental in advancing my understanding of the different market structures and how firms in each structure can maximize their profits. There are three primary market structures discussed this week: the competitive, monopolistic, and monopolistically competitive markets. Compared to the other two, firms in a competitive market generate zero returns in the long term. This market structure is more hypothetical than real, considering that very limited real-life markets have all the conditions to facilitate the sustainability of a perfectly competitive market (Baye & Prince, 2017). The model of monopolistic competition suits the behavior of the United States healthcare sector. That is because, in terms of profit maximization and cost of care, firms can explore product differentiation for the services and products that customers do not bear the full costs of care.

Explain how children in a classroom are able to experience being members of a community. Discuss one community event that you could participate in with the children and families in your classroom.

Discussion Board 9: Civics and Economics edu-251


In Chapter 5-6 of Social Studies and Young Children. Below are a few questions that you will discuss as a group. Answer the questions in your own post, then reply to two peers whose answers differ from yours. Provide feedback to their answers (did you agree or not agree, and explain why – offer ideas, suggestions, etc.). Both questions must be answered and discussed in length to receive full credit.


  1. Explain how children in a classroom are able to experience being members of a community. Discuss one community event that you could participate in with the children and families in your classroom. (Chapter 5)
  2. Use economic concepts such as supply and demand, and price, to help explain events in the community and nation. In addition, determine 1 field trip site that would help you teach this concept and explain how it would benefit the children. (Chapter 6)


There is no word count for your initial post, but replies (x2) should still be 100-150 words EACH. *Please refer to your Discussion Board Instructions found under the “Resources” tab*

Write and discuss Why LUX decided to expand and build in Maldives to include the BEFORE Maldives story, Inside BEFORE discussions, you will speak about the role of CSR driving the decision making process. With the company reason for building in Maldives and that analysis and evaluation.

Natural machine translation with vanilla RNNs,LSTMs and Attention

Write and discuss Why LUX decided to expand and build in Maldives to include the BEFORE Maldives story, Inside BEFORE discussions, you will speak about the role of CSR driving the decision making process. With the company reason for building in Maldives and that analysis and evaluation. Why is market entry strategy so critical to the successful global expansion of hospitality development? It could be the maritime belt since they have other resorts in China and Marituius.

Describe meetings before the event. List three examples of instructions or advice that you received from the director or other crew member before/during/after that you would share with others.

Sports Management Question

1. Describe meetings before the event. List three examples of instructions or advice that you received from the director or other crew member before/during/after that you would share with others.

2. What about the experience was surprising/unexpected?

4. What did you like about the experience? What did you not like?

5. Was there anything harder than expected or easier than expected?

6. What did you notice differently by working the broadcast than just being a normal fan at the game?

7. After your experience, have you watched sports any differently?

8. Anything else you’d like to add

Record a short video showing your schematics in Digital and your waveforms in GTKWave. Be sure to show yourself in the video and show your screen. Explain how your circuit works – you need to convince the grader you did the lab and understand it

The Complete Microprocessor

Name:______________________________________   Instructor/Time:___________________________


Task 4-1: Build and Test the Memory-Address-Generation Circuit

Include a picture of your Digital circuit here:

Comment on the single biggest issue you were facing when designing the circuit.

Did the circuit behave as expected? If no, what was wrong?

Comment on the single biggest issue you were facing when simulating the circuit.

Task 4-2: Build and Test the Controller Circuit

Include a picture of your two_bit_mux circuit here:

Comment on the single biggest issue you were facing when designing the circuit.

Did the circuit behave as expected? If no, what was wrong?

Comment on the single biggest issue you were facing when simulating the circuit.

Include a picture of your two_bit_reg circuit here:

Comment on the single biggest issue you were facing when designing the circuit.

Did the circuit behave as expected? If no, what was wrong?

Comment on the single biggest issue you were facing when simulating the circuit.

Include a picture of your controller circuit here:

Comment on the single biggest issue you were facing when designing the circuit.

Did the circuit behave as expected? If no, what was wrong?

Comment on the single biggest issue you were facing when simulating the circuit.


Task 4-3: Build the Complete Microprocessor Circuit

Include a picture of your Digital circuit here (make sure to show final values as shown in figure 17):

Please comment on the single biggest issue you were facing when designing the circuit.

Did the circuit behave as expected? If no, what was wrong?

Comment on the single biggest issue you were facing when simulating the circuit.


Task 4-4: Simulate the Design in Verilog

Include a picture of your waveforms here:

Comment on the single biggest issue you were facing when simulating the processor.

Did the circuit behave as expected? If no, what was wrong?

Comment on the single biggest issue you were facing when simulating the circuit.


Task 4-5: Add the AND, ZERO, SUB, and STORE ACC Instructions

Use Table 1 and Table 2 to enter your values into the microinstruction definition table for each of the four instructions asked for in the laboratory manual.  Be sure to label the name of each and every instruction.


Table 1
  Instruction  AND ZERO
  Opcode 3 4
  step 00 01 02 03 00 01 02 03
Description Bit #                
next_step[1:0] 13:12                
unused 11:10                
use_pc 9                
load_mar 8                
arith 7                
invert 6                
pass 5                
load_acc 4                
acc_to_db 3                
read 2                
write 1                
load_ir 0                



Table 2
  Instruction  SUB STORE ACC
  Opcode 5 6
  step 00 01 02 03 00 01 02 03
Description Bit #                
next_step[1:0] 13:12
unused 11:10                
use_pc 9                
load_mar 8                
arith 7                
invert 6                
pass 5                
load_acc 4                
acc_to_db 3                
read 2                
write 1                
load_ir 0                


Test your instructions by writing and executing programs.  Record at least four programs and the output of each program in tables like that of Table 3.

Table 3
Program #0 ( Example: ADD = 3+5)
Address Value Operation (In English)
0 0 The ‘Load ACC’ Opcode
1 3 The number ‘3’ to be loaded into the Accumulator
2 1 The ‘Add to ACC’ Opcode
3 5 The number ‘5’ to be added to the Accumulator
4 2 The ‘Stop’ Opcode
What was the final output of your program? ___8__
Was the program successful? YES_
If not what error(s) did you find in your circuit?


Program #   (      )
Address Value Operation (In English)
What was the final output of your program? _____
Was the program successful? Yes or No_
If not what error(s) did you find in your circuit?


Include a picture of your AND waveforms here:

Include a picture of your ZERO waveforms here:

Include a picture of your SUB waveforms here:

Include a picture of your STORE ACC waveforms here:

Did the circuit behave as expected? If no, what was wrong?

Comment on the single biggest issue you were facing when simulating the circuit.

Include a picture of your rom_vals.hex if your made choice 1 or 2 or a picture of the ROM for choice 3 here:

Include your program from ram_vals.txt:




Task 4-6: Invent Your Own Instruction (Extra Credit)

Table 4
  Opcode 7
  step 00 01 02 03
Description Bit #        
next_step[1:0] 13:12        
unused 11:10        
use_pc 9        
load_mar 8        
arith 7        
invert 6        
pass 5        
load_acc 4        
acc_to_db 3        
read 2        
write 1        
load_ir 0        


Include your Verilog program here:

Include a picture of your waveforms here:

Include a picture of your ROM contents here:

Task 4-7: Create a video and submit your report

Record a short video showing your schematics in Digital and your waveforms in GTKWave. Be sure to show yourself in the video and show your screen. Explain how your circuit works – you need to convince the grader you did the lab and understand it! Copy and paste the link to your video below. Make sure the link is working and pointing to the correct video. Remember to include the password if required. Do NOT upload your video to Canvas or YouTube. If your circuit is not working as expected, explain in the video how it is not working and why you think it is not working.

The required unit resources included information on pricing. You are introduced to the shutdown price, using elasticity to determine the effects of price changes, and cost-based pricing. Discuss the importance of considering elasticity in pricing decisions and the danger of relying solely on costs.

ECO 6301 Unit 1 and 2 Journal

Part 1


  • There is growing concern about poverty and income inequality. These two concepts, however, are not the same. Income inequality deals with the percentage of income earned by the different income groups, while poverty is concerned with how difficult it is for the poor to meet basic needs. In Section 1.4, you read about deontological and consequential approaches to ethics. Using those approaches, evaluate how well free market systems versus government intervention in markets address poverty and income inequality. Include in your discussion an explanation of how people in a free market economy, acting in their own self-interest, can better those around them. Bring examples from your own experiences where your actions, though entirely self-motivated, resulted in a benefit to somebody else.Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

Part 2


The required unit resources included information on pricing. You are introduced to the shutdown price, using elasticity to determine the effects of price changes, and cost-based pricing. Discuss the importance of considering elasticity in pricing decisions and the danger of relying solely on costs.

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

Identify the attributes, their data types and lengths for each field in your tables. Write a script to create the table structures for each of your tables.

MySQL Question

  • Create a MySQL Schema
  • Create and drop a database tables using appropriate data types and indexing
  • Describe and create table constraints
  • Code primary key constraints
  • Create and drop indexes
  • Create a backup file of your database

This database will be used by a college to build a class schedule from courses that are available in the curriculum. The database tables need to be built with appropriate fields and relationships defined.

Database tables must be created for the following entities:

  • Courses (course numbers, course names and description).
  • Students (Name, email, phone, major).
  • Faculty (Name, email, phone, office number, department).
  • Class scheduled (class name, number, description, start and end dates and times, and room number).
  • Read Murach textbook: Chapter 11 and 19.
  • Review the linked lecture article(s).
Create new MySQL database tables.
  • Identify the attributes, their data types and lengths for each field in your tables.
  • Write a script to create the table structures for each of your tables.
  • Be sure to include all primary key constraints.
  • Add sample data to each of your tables.
  • Create a single file table definition using mysqldump or the WorkBench.
  • Add the SHOW TABLE STATUS for all tables at the end of the script.

How does double consciousness affect affect the black people according to W.E.B Dubois?

Double Consciousness

How does double consciousness affect affect the black people according to W.E.B Dubois?

Having examined the sources of our biases and learned how to identify biases in others’ writing, put those skills together to create a useful Wikipedia article.

English Question


Throughout the semester, we have examined the sources of our biases and learned how to identify biases in others’ writing. We have considered the purposes for different types of writing and begun to learn how to use sources in an ethical and effective manner. This assignment asks writers to put those skills together to create a useful Wikipedia article. Although you don’t have to publish your article to Wikipedia to complete this project, you are welcome to do so!

How Wikipedia is different from a college essay (from Wiki Education Foundation)

A Wikipedia page is not an argumentative essay. The final draft of your page should be

    • Fact-based, not persuasive writing. Rather than making an argument, you will be writing a description of the information about a topic, cited to reliable sources.
    • Written with a formal tone and easy-to-understand language. Wikipedia isn’t the place for you to show off your extensive vocabulary. The audience of Wikipedia is global, and people who have never heard of the topic before will be reading what you are writing. You will need to clearly convey the basics of the topic in your writing.
    • Mostly paraphrased from sources, with no large block quotes. Wikipedia’s policies state that you should try to paraphrase whenever possible. Brief quotes from sources is fine, but you should try to provide the context in your own words and only quote the truly key phrase or two from the original.

Source Requirements

    • The purpose of your Wikipedia article is to share in-depth information with readers. You do not want to provide information that others can easily find on their own – say, from a different Wikipedia page. Instead, you will present information from expensive and hard-to-access sources usually blocked by paywalls. As a Northern Virginia Community College student, you can get to those sources through the NOVA library system.
    • Because the purpose of your article is to present in-depth, reliable information with your readers, your article must cite at least five reliable sources as defined on the Wikipedia page
  • Links to an external site.. Unless stated otherwise by your instructor, all sources should be obtained through the NOVA library system.
  • Note that Wikipedia uses a complicated system of hyperlinks and footnotes (a number in the sentence, along with information about the source corresponding to that number at the “foot” or bottom of the document to show readers where information has come from. Rather than learning a new method of citation for this single assignment, writers are asked to continue using MLA guidelines for citing sources. See the MLA module in the class for further information.