
Are all three proposals eligible for award? If not, why? Assuming all eligible offers were determined technically acceptable, which of the offerors is the apparent successful contractor?

Far Acquisition

Assume the Contracting Officer determined the FD examinations were outside the scope of SGM’s existing contract and recommended a new contract award. Solicitation W912QR- 21-R-3520 was issued, stating award would be made to the responsible offeror that submitted the lowest priced technically acceptable offer. Three proposals were received in response to the solicitation. Review the proposals (U7S3 Artifacts) and answer the following questions.

  1. Are all three proposals eligible for award? If not, why? (2 pts)
  2. Assuming all eligible offers were determined technically acceptable, which of the offerors is the apparent successful contractor? (2 pts)
  3. Which price analysis technique would be most appropriate to determine the price of the apparent awardee fair and reasonable?
    Why? [HINT: See FAR 15.404-1(b) (2)] (2 pts)

Factory overheads of a factory are Rs. 60,000. 30 workers worked for 25 days in a month for daily 8 hours. What shall be the direct labour hour rate?

Short and straightforward

1. Factory overheads of a factory are Rs. 60,000. 30 workers worked for 25 days in a month for daily 8 hours. What shall be the direct labour hour rate?

2. Cost of sales is Rs. 3,60,000. Amount of profit is Rs. 40,000. State the percentage of profit on sales?

Provide a clearly stated claim on an issue based question of your interest. Provide at least two distinct reasons to support your claim. Support each reason with adequate grounds.

Argument/Research Essay

Searching for a Better Way.

Information Based Question: A question in which there is an absolute answer, whether you know what it is or not.
Issue Based Question: A question in which reasonable people may disagree and is not based entirely on taste or personal preference.
Claim: A stance on an issue based question.
Reasons: Rationale for supporting a particular claim.
Grounds: Support for reasons in form of experiences (personal or third party), professional opinions, statistics, studies, etc.
Warrant: The unstated values/beliefs your reasons rely upon.
Refutation: Means of discrediting reasons by either drawing into question the validity of the grounds, the warrant, or both.

Provide a clearly stated claim on an issue based question of your interest.
Provide at least two distinct reasons to support your claim.
Support each reason with adequate grounds.
Mention at least one reason of opposition.
Address the reasons(s) of opposition by either refuting or conceding it/them.
Incorporate at least 5 sources responsibly, using MLA style of documentation
(Word count 1500- 2000 not counting quotes, in-text citations, and “works cited” page. In all practicality, the assignment should be closer to 2000-2500 words)

Claim: Virginia Beach public schools should adopt a mandatory uniform policy.
Reason 1: It will reduce the severity of cliques and gangs within the student population.
Backing 1: Personal experiences attending schools with uniforms and schools without.
Reason 2: It will reduce the financial strain on parents who cannot afford designer clothing.
Backing 2: Cost of popular designer clothing items worn by many Virginia Beach public school students.
Reason of Opposition: It will stifle students’ individuality and freedom of expression .
Refutation of Grounds: It will not stifle individuality, but will allow more focus on personality instead of superficial factors.
Refutation of Warrant: Too much individuality is precisely the problem with society today. We need more focus on establishing a sense of community and belonging.

Task: Edit the “tool used”slide and for the tools used, you can look in `package.json` for each repo and see what was used.

Edit the “tool used “slide for bucket list project

Task: Edit the “tool used”slide and for the tools used, you can look in `package.json` for each repo and see what was used.

Briefly explain the basic principles of Nozick’s entitlement theory. What are the five different historical forms of capitalism? Briefly describe each form.


Briefly explain the basic principles of Nozick’s entitlement theory.

What are the five different historical forms of capitalism? Briefly describe each form.

Provide a detailed rationale for your request, including how the materials will help achieve your goals for children with diverse language needs or dual language learners.

Module 03 Content

You work as an educator in a diverse preschool setting at ABC Early Learning program. You are requesting materials from your program leadership to enhance language and literacy development with the children in your care. To ensure that your request will be granted, you must provide a detailed rationale for your request, including how the materials will help achieve your goals for children with diverse language needs or dual language learners.


Choose six (6) materials that can be used during play, group time, and routines to support language and literacy development. These can consist of homemade or store purchased materials. Examples include children’s books, puppets, flannel board stories, props, photos, games, etc. At least four (4) materials must support children with diverse language needs or dual language learners. No more than two (2) children’s books can be included.

In your rationale, use a bulleted list format and provide the following for each material you are requesting:

The name and a detailed description of the material. If the material is homemade, be sure to include all the components needed to create it.

An explanation of how the material will foster language and create opportunities for expanded language use. Refer to at least one (1) resource from the course content resources.

An explanation of how the material will support diverse language needs or dual language learners. Refer to at least one (1) resource from the course content resources.

Clear photo(s) of the material you are requesting.

Write at least 100 words to describe and explain the effectiveness of each strategy. Write at least 100 words in response to question/prompts 3 and 4 above.



The module overviews of the first two modules expose you to the various educational philosophies from the ancients of Plato, Aristotle, and Aquinas, through the modern and post- modern philosophical eras, to what you will discover in Module 3: Week 3 when you study educational theories of transmission and transformation. Since philosophy has its own terminology that can be foreign to education majors, this assignment is designed to help you identify this terminology of philosophy and define it. This chart thus becomes an invaluable tool for the remainder of the course as well as a benefit for a future career in education.

Complete the Vocabulary Chart Template using your reading assignments (i.e., the Gutek textbook and internet database searching). Definitions are to be technically specific to philosophy of education. Instead of copying the definition verbatim, paraphrase it in words that would be meaningful to someone new to the field of philosophy. Avoid using the term itself in the definition. The definition need not be lengthy but must be long enough to convey the full meaning.


The study of learning examines how individuals acquire and modify their knowledge, behaviors, skills, and beliefs. By understanding how learning occurs, exploring what motivates students to learn, and studying various learning theories, leaders can craft effective learning environments and teaching approaches based on the diverse needs of their learners. This assignment is designed to allow you to examine student-centered and constructivist approaches to learning in the context of a biblical worldview.

1) Watch the Literacy Lesson First Grade video.
2) Describe 3 different strategies the teacher used to facilitate student learning. Explain why each strategy was effective or ineffective.
3) If you were teaching this lesson what would you do differently?
4) Identify a scripture that aligns with the teaching strategies used in this lesson or your suggestions for improving the lesson. Explain why this scripture is relevant to your review of the lesson.

Write at least 100 words to describe and explain the effectiveness of each strategy. Write at least 100 words in response to question/prompts 3 and 4 above. At least one in-text citation from a course textbook and/or a scholarly journal article should be used to support the description/explanation of each strategy (at least one citation per strategy/explanation). At least one citation should be used to support the response to question/prompt 3 above. Responses must follow current APA format and the assignment must include a title page and reference page.

Create a fact sheet on one specific area that includes researched information on what is best for young children.

Module 03 Content


Your state policy makers are looking to implement a universal Pre-K program serving 3- to 5-year-olds. Often policy makers do not have the time to review the research specific to early childhood. It is up to us to provide research in a short format to assist with appropriate decision-making.

Their preliminary plan does not include following developmentally appropriate guidelines or quality best practices. You will create a fact sheet on one specific area that includes researched information on what is best for young children. Some topics may include quality curriculum, quality classroom environments, and educator qualifications.


You will create two fact sheets on developmentally appropriate guidelines or quality best practices for your state policy makers following the guidelines below. Each fact sheet should be 1-2 pages long.

Select Topics: Choose two items from the following list that should be included in appropriate universal Pre-K programs serving 3- to 5-year-olds.

  • Curriculum Quality
  • Environmental Quality
  • Educator Qualifications
  • Family Engagement
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Practices


Research your two topics.

Create a list of 3-5 observable criteria the program would need to meet.

Connect your topics to at least two specific guidelines for NAEYC’s DAP.

Include at least three comments of researched information to support each criterion. Explain why the criterion are important and needed.

Include APA citations to all sources used for this assignment, including a title page and reference page in APA format.

All work should be formatted professionally and use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Write a 2-3 page essay reflecting on how food shapes people and their culture. what you have learned from studying the culture of food, about the underlying values of the host culture and changes that immigrants may bring. Have your values toward US food culture changed? If so, how?

Culture of food

Write a 2-3 page essay reflecting on how food shapes people and their culture. what you have learned from studying the culture of food, about the underlying values of the host culture and changes that immigrants may bring. Have your values toward US food culture changed? If so, how?

With enough and relevant information and evidence describe the impact of gun violence.

Impact of gun violence

With enough and relevant information and evidence describe the impact of gun violence.