
Discuss the three phases in the historical development of the Civil Rights Movement. Identify and compare the strategy and main tactics used during each phase.

Chapter XIV Civil Rights and the Struggle for Democracy

1. Discuss the three phases in the historical development of the Civil Rights Movement. Identify and compare the strategy and main tactics used during each phase.

2. Discuss the origins and initial programs of the five major organizations to emerge during the modern Civil Rights Movement. What are their main similarities and differences relative to the strategy and tactics of the overall movement?

3. Compare and contrast the social composition, organizational development, political orientation, and program of action of the NAACP and SNCC.

4. Does the Civil Rights Movement lead to reform or revolution? Explain.

How does muscle fatigue happens from physiological stand point? How we can measure fatigue using EMG signals? in what domain (time/frequency) do you take measurement; and why?

Research Paper Essay

Answer this questions from the files provide:

1.  How does muscle fatigue happens from physiological stand point?

2. How we can measure fatigue using EMG signals? in what domain (time/frequency) do you take measurement; and why?

3. What are the major criteria used in the literature to measure fatigue? Which one(s) are more reliable? which one(s) are more common?

Discuss different types of strategies for competitive advantages (2), and then select and discuss the most appropriate strategies to improve the performance of the organization (2).

Assignment of MIS201- Management Information System

Project Report Structure: Part 1       

Marks: 17 Marks

  1. Cover Page (1 Mark).

This must contain topic title (0.25), student names and Students ID (0.5), section number and course name (0.25).

(You can find the cover page in the blackboard)

  1. Table of Contents (0.5 Mark).

Make sure the table of contents contains and corresponds to the headings in the text, figures, and tables.

  1. Executive Summary (2.5 Marks).

What does the assignment about (1), The name and field of the chosen company (0.5), and briefly explain the distinct features (1).

  1. Organizational Profile (3 Marks).                               

Brief background of the business including organization details (1), purpose (1), and organizational structure (1).

  1. Strategies (4 Marks).

Discuss different types of strategies for competitive advantages (2), and then select and discuss the most appropriate strategies to improve the performance of the organization (2).

(You can discuss any points that you learned in this course and its related to your selected organization)

  1. Technology Involved (3 Marks).                         

How is the organization set up in terms of its IT infrastructure? Discuss the hardware (0.5), software (0.5), telecommunication (0.5), information security (0.5), networks (0.5), and other elements (0,5).

(You can discuss any points that you learned in this course, and it’s related to your selected organization)

  1. Data Management (2 Marks).

Discuss the methods the organization uses to manage and process data (1), and then give one advantage and one disadvantage of these methods (1).

(You can discuss any points that you learned in this course (chapter 3) and link it to your selected organization)

  1. Identify the Stakeholders (1 Mark)

Who are the main individuals, groups, or departments affected by the information system?

(You can choose any stakeholder who has a major influence on the IS or vice versa. You can choose 1 stakeholder to discuss)

What is the primary theme of “The Oppositional Gaze?” What does hooks describe as the primary problems black women must address as spectators of film (and by proxy, other forms of media such as photography) relational to the white male gaze?

The Oppositional Gaze, Black Female Spectators

For our response to hooks’ essay, “The Oppositional Gaze, Black Female Spectators,”break the essay down and reflect it back through the following prompts. Reread the essay with the questions in mind, taking notes, and then answer them. In your response, please head each answer with the number of each question.

  1. What is the primary theme of “The Oppositional Gaze?”
  2. What does hooks describe as the primary problems black women must address as spectators of film (and by proxy, other forms of media such as photography) relational to the white male gaze?
  3. How are these problems extended and/or amplified in the feminist dialogue (of that time) for black female spectators?
  4. What is the “oppositional gaze?” How is it acquired and how can it be utilized?
  5. What is the most important thing you take from the essay? That is, how is the essay addressing/affecting you and what do you take away from it for yourself/ves? (Groups should include answers from each individual member for this particular question).

Your response should be at least 250 words in length per question. Upload as a double spaced pdf here.

Write a summary (between 1,500-2,500 words that describes the technology and how it can be used, its implications, and issues related to either information. Create a presentation slides on the above topic.

Module 12 – Mini Presentation – Communicating Research


  1. The objective of this assignment is to challenge you to effectively communicate the state of scholarly literature and research for a specific cybersecurity topic orally and in The topic in question is:

Blockchain technology in the context of information security

  1. Write a summary (between 1,500-2,500 words that describes the technology and how it can be used, its implications, and issues related to either information.
  2. Create a presentation slides on the above topic.

Write SQL statements to create and use a database called Homework. Write SQL statement needed to create the books table.

Sql statements for introductory programming

Write sql statements to perform the following tasks. When complete turn in your SQL file into blackboard assignment

1. Write SQL statements to create and use a database called Homework (3)

2. Write SQL statement needed to create the books table. (10 pts)
Choose appropriate data types:
The ISBN will always be 17 characters longs
The price of the most expensive book will never be more than $999.99
The discount will always be something less than 100%. (Between 0.001.0)
The ISBN is the Primary Key.
The Title is a required field.
The discount will have a default value of 0.00

3. Insert the following information into the Books table created in problem 1. Use quotes around text datatypes but not numeric data types (7 pts)

ISBN Title Description PubDate Price Discount
9780596526849 SQL Book on SQL 9/1/2007 44.99 .15
9781305575936 Excel 2013 Excel textbook 7/25/2013 125.25 .20
After you have inserted the data type SELECT * from books and display your data.

4. Write SQL statements needed to create the following 2 tables. Use appropriate datatypes. NOTE: (For SS# in student table you can’t use # sign, you will have to type SSN) (10)
a. Make First Name and Last name required fields in STUDENT table
b. Make the GPA column in the STUDENT table DEFAULT to 0.00
c. Put a UNIQUE constraint on the Phone column of the INTERNSHIP and STUDENT table
d. Make each primary key (PK )an auto increment
e. Make the Category column in the INTERNSHIP table an ENUM data type with Paid, Credit, NonProfit as the choices.
f. Research what datatype would be good for YEAR

5. Use a SHOW command to display all of the tables in the Homework database (not all databases) (2)

6. Alter the Student table and add a UNIQUE constraint to the email column. (3)

7. Alter the Student table to remove the Class column from the table. (3)

8. Alter the Student table to put the SSN column after Zip (3)

9. Write a SQL statement to add yourself to the Student table (using made up information). (3)

10. Write a SQL statement to add 3 more students with one INSERT INTO statement. Only add their first and last names and email address. (3)

11. Write an ALTER TABLE statement to change the ‘Phone’ column to ‘Mobile’ in the Student table (3)

Why does L5 incur higher manufacturing and logistics costs than L6? What are some of the costs that are incurred in L5 and not in L6? Are there any costs that apply to only L6 but not L5?

Improving the Flexibility of the Desktop PC Supply Chain Case Study

Instructions Read the Dell Inc.: Improving the Flexibility of the Desktop PC Supply Chain Case Study (pg 65)

Submit a response to each of the end-of-case discussion questions. Each question must be answered thoroughly, and responses must be supported by the concepts introduced in the Learn materials. Each question/answer must be delineated under a heading in current APA format. Include a title page and reference page also in current APA format. Incorporate a minimum of 5 peer-reviewed sources with at least 1 source per question.

To access the case study please us the following link:…

Answer the following questions:

1. Why does L5 incur higher manufacturing and logistics costs than L6? What are some of the costs that are incurred in L5 and not in L6? Are there any costs that apply to only L6 but not L5?
2. Which of the six proposed manufacturing solutions should Dell implement, based on the survey result (Table 6-1)? Why? What are the pros and cons of this recommendation?
3. How easily sustainable is your recommendation for the previous question if the chipset supply shortage further deteriorates?
4. How good is the methodology employed by the PBI team to determine the optimal manufacturing option?
5. How can Dell effectively address the root causes contributing to the increase of L5 manufacturing?

As you reflect on the various readings and concepts associated with critical thinking and decision making from the course, what themes, patterns, and inter-relationships emerge in your perspective? How does the construct of emotional intelligence that is presented in the article by Daniel Goleman add to your perspective?

Week 8 Discussion Questions

As you reflect on the various readings and concepts associated with critical thinking and decision making from the course, what themes, patterns, and inter-relationships emerge in your perspective? How does the construct of emotional intelligence that is presented in the article by Daniel Goleman add to your perspective? 300 words work. Remember to cite/ reference page.

Select 2 concepts from Chs. 3-5 that you believe are present in the blog entries. Describe the chapter concept in your own words. Explain how the concept is present in the blog entry.

Healthcare Professional Blog Analysis

Step 1: Review Chs. 3-5 and select a blog authored by someone who is a professional working in the healthcare realm. This may include physicians, therapists, administrators, midwives, epidemiologists, etc.

Option #1: Find a blog on your own. For professional blogs, typing in a specialty or profession in your search engine works best (ex. Social worker blog, midwife blog, physical therapist blog). Avoid blogs that focus on clinical how-tos (treatments, symptoms, advice). Remember that you are analyzing the words and experiences of a person or small group of people, not an entire organization (like the Mayo Clinic).

Option #2: OR, you may pick one from the list I’ve compiled below (I skimmed and they appear useful). Just google the phrase below and you’ll reach the blog:

  • Not running a hospital (ended in 2016)
  • Theresa Brown, RN
  • Reflections of a Grady Doctor
  • Feminist Midwife
  • Shrink Rap (ended in 2018)


Step 2: Review the profile/background of the blogger. Then, select no more than 5 substantive blog entries from the past year that interest you and look for connections between those entries and Chs. 3-5. You may have to search more than 5 to find ones that you can write about.


Step 3: Write a brief analysis paper (APA format) using these content and format guidelines.

  • Biography [heading] Brief bio of the blogger for your introduction—personal background, credentials (if any), their vision or perspective on the blog’s purposes, is there an intended audience, etc.— 1 paragraph
  • Conceptual Links [heading] Select 2 concepts from Chs. 3-5 that you believe are present in the blog entries. First, describe the chapter concept in your own words. Then, explain how the concept is present in the blog entry. Give examples. Brief quotes are okay. Repeat the process for the second concept you pick.
  • Critique [heading] Evaluate the blog’s content. Some topics to consider (don’t have to answer all): quality of information, compelling communication of ideas (keeps your interest), attractiveness of layout, helpful additional features (photos, links to websites, digital images, etc.), what you liked/disliked. Explain your opinions. End your critique with whether or not you would recommend this blog to someone interested in learning about health or health communication and why.
  • APA format–typed, double spaced, 12 point, Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins.
  • Use the name of blog as your title (no cover page needed).
  • 4 – 5 pages in length.
  • Use mechanics of good writing: proper punctuation, spelling, grammar. Proofread your work for typos, etc.
  • No reference page or in-text citation needed.

Using Microsoft Word, provide a summary of what is going on in your article (do not rewrite the article, just provide highlights of the main idea in the article.

GOVT2305 ques


Current Events Project: Research any social, governmental, or political event that has occurred within 2023. You may find an event that has happened within any of these governments- federal, local or state within the

You may not write about news outside of the U.S. You may not complete a current event on the following topics:

  • Abortion
  • Anything related to COVID-19
  • Monkey Pox
  • NRA or anything related to guns
  • Marijuana
  • LGBTQ+
  • BlackLives Matter/Back The Blue
  • DACA, Immigration or anything related to immigration

While these are all great subjects to discuss, you should think beyond these subjects and uncover a new topic.

Instructions on how to complete the Current Event:

  1. Using Microsoft Word, provide a summary of what is going on in your article (do not rewrite the article, just provide highlights of the main idea in the article. Do not use Google Drive, Box, Microsoft Edge to complete this assignment. I will only accept Word documents.
    1. Use reputable news sources such as mainstream news platforms like CNN, ABC, MSNBC, Texas Tribune etc.
    2. Do not use Wikipedia or any social media platforms.
  2. Connect something we have learned in class, lecture or that you have read in your text with the article.
  3. Detail your thoughts feelings and concerns with the source.
  4. You do not need annotate or have a word count. Simply, answer all the questions asked with full and complete sentences.
  5. Copy and paste your article link at the end of your article. Failure to copy and paste the article link is an automatic zero on the assignment.